Joxan Jaffar
National University of Singapore
symposium on principles of programming languages | 1987
Joxan Jaffar; Jean-Louis Lassez
We address the problem of designing programming systems to reason with and about constraints. Taking a logic programming approach, we define a class of programming languages, the CLP languages, all of which share the same essential semantic properties. From a conceptual point of view, CLP programs are highly declarative and are soundly based within a unified framework of formal semantics. This framework not only subsumes that of logic programming, but satisfies the core properties of logic programs more naturally. From a users point of view, CLP programs have great expressive power due to the constraints which they naturally manipulate. Intuition in the reasoning about programs is enhanced as a result of working directly in the intended domain of discourse. This contrasts with working in the Herbrand Universe wherein every semantic object has to be explicitly coded into a Herbrand term; this enforces reasoning at a primitive level. Finally, from an implementors point of view, CLP systems can be efficient because of the exploitation of constraint solving techniques over specific domains.
Journal of Logic Programming | 1994
Joxan Jaffar; Michael J. Maher
Abstract Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) is a merger of two declarative paradigms: constraint solving and logic programming. Although a relatively new field, CLP has progressed in several quite different directions. In particular, the early fundamental concepts have been adapted to better serve in different areas of applications. In this survey of CLP, a primary goal is to give a systematic description of the major trends in terms of common fundamental concepts. The three main parts cover the theory, implementation issues, and programming for applications.
Journal of Logic Programming | 1998
Joxan Jaffar; Michael J. Maher; Kim Marriott; Peter J. Stuckey
Abstract The Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) Scheme was introduced by Jaffar and Lassez. The scheme gave a formal framework, based on constraints, for the basic operational, logical and algebraic semantics of an extended class of logic programs. This paper presents for the first time the semantic foundations of CLP in a self-contained and complete package. The main contributions are threefold. First, we extend the original conference paper by presenting definitions and basic semantic constructs from first principles, giving new and complete proofs for the main lemmas. Importantly, we clarify which theorems depend on conditions such as solution compactness, satisfaction completeness and independence of constraints. Second, we generalize the original results to allow for incompleteness of the constraint solver. This is important since almost all CLP systems use an incomplete solver. Third, we give conditions on the (possibly incomplete) solver which ensure that the operational semantics is confluent, that is, has independence of literal scheduling.
symposium on principles of programming languages | 1989
Nevin Heintze; Joxan Jaffar
The notion of Cartesian closure on a set of unifiers has been used to define approximations of the least models of logic programs. Such approximations, often called types, are not known to be recursive. In this paper, we use Cartesian closure to define a similar, but more accurate, approximation. The main result proves that our approximation is not only recursive, but that it can be finitely represented in the form of a cyclic term graph. This explicit representation can be used as a starting point for logic program analyzers.
Journal of the ACM | 1990
Joxan Jaffar
The fundamental satisfiability problem for word equations has been solved recently by Makanin. However, this algorithm is purely a decision algorithm. The main result of this paper solves the complementary problem of generating the set of all solutions. Specifically, the algorithm in this paper generates, given a word equation, a minimal and complete set of unifiers. It stops if this set is finite.
Journal of Logic Programming | 1984
Joxan Jaffar; Jean-Louis Lassez; Michael J. Maher
Abstract Incorporating equality into the unification process has added great power to automated theorem provers. We see a similar trend in logic programming where a number of languages are proposed with specialized or extended unification algorithms. There is a need to give a logical basis to these languages. We present here a general framework for logic programming with definite clauses, equality theories, and generalized unification. The classic results for definite clause logic programs are extended in a simple and natural manner. The extension of the soundness and completeness of the negation-as-failure rule for complete logic programs is conceptually more delicate and represents the main result of this paper.
principles and practice of constraint programming | 1994
Joxan Jaffar; Michael J. Maher; Peter J. Stuckey; Roland H. C. Yap
Unit TVPI constraints are sufficiently expressive for many problems: for example in scheduling and temporal reasoning. We give an algorithm for incremental satisfiability of unit TVPI constraints. Not only is this algorithm efficiently implementable, it also supports efficient implementation of entailment detection, including constraints entailed by disjunctive constraints, and projection. Finally, for use in a CLP system, constraints more general than unit TVPI must be handled, though not necessarily in a complete way. Our algorithm naturally extends to (non-unit) TVPI constraints, and it can be augmented with a bounds-propagation technique for constraints more general than TVPI. An implementation of the solver is underway as part of the continuing development of CLP(R) [9].
computer aided verification | 2012
Joxan Jaffar; Vijayaraghavan Murali; Jorge A. Navas; Andrew E. Santosa
We present tracer, a verifier for safety properties of sequential C programs. It is based on symbolic execution (se) and its unique features are in how it makes se finite in presence of unbounded loops and its use of interpolants from infeasible paths to tackle the path-explosion problem.
computer and communications security | 2014
Minh-Thai Trinh; Duc-Hiep Chu; Joxan Jaffar
Motivated by the vulnerability analysis of web programs which work on string inputs, we present S3, a new symbolic string solver. Our solver employs a new algorithm for a constraint language that is expressive enough for widespread applicability. Specifically, our language covers all the main string operations, such as those in JavaScript. The algorithm first makes use of a symbolic representation so that membership in a set defined by a regular expression can be encoded as string equations. Secondly, there is a constraint-based generation of instances from these symbolic expressions so that the total number of instances can be limited. We evaluate S3 on a well-known set of practical benchmarks, demonstrating both its robustness (more definitive answers) and its efficiency (about 20 times faster) against the state-of-the-art.
principles and practice of constraint programming | 1994
Nevin Heintze; Joxan Jaffar
The calculus of set constraints was presented, and its history of basic results and applications briefly described. The approach of set-based analysis was then presented in an informal style, with a focus on the breadth of applicability of the technique. The relationship between set constraints and set-based analysis is roughly that the approximation of a program by ignoring inter-variable dependencies can be captured by set constraints. It was then argued that set-based analysis can provide accurate and efficient program analysis.