Juan José Soler
Spanish National Research Council
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2003
Juan José Soler; Liesbeth De Neve; Tomás Pérez-Contreras; Manuel Soler; Gabriele Sorci
A trade–off between immunity and growth has repeatedly been suggested, mainly based on laboratory and poultry science, but also from experiments where parasitism intensity was manipulated in field bird populations. However, as resource allocation to different activities (or organs) during growth is difficult to manipulate, this trade–off has only been experimentally tested by studying the effects of non–pathogenic antigens. By providing some nestling magpies (Pica pica) with methionine, a sulphur amino acid that specifically enhances T–cell immune response in chickens, we investigated this trade–off by directly affecting allocation of limited resources during growth. Results were in accordance with the hypothetical trade–off because nestlings fed with methionine showed a lower growth rate during the four days of methionine administration, but a larger response when fledglings were challenged with phytohaemagglutinin (a measure of the intensity of T–lymphocyte–mediated immune responsiveness) than control nestlings. Surprisingly, we found that control and experimental nestlings fledged with similar body mass, size and condition, but experimental nestlings suffered less from blood parasites (Haemoproteus) and had fewer lymphocytes (a widely used measure of health status) than control nestlings, suggesting a negative effect of blood parasites or other pathogens on nestling growth.
Evolution | 1999
Juan José Soler; Manuel Soler; Anders Pape Møller; Terry Burke
The amount of gene flow is an important determinant of population structure and therefore of central importance for understanding coevolutionary processes. We used microsatellite markers to estimate population structure and gene flow rates of the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius) and its main host in Europe, the magpie (Pica pica), in a number of populations (seven and 15, respectively) across their distribution range in Europe. The genetic analysis shows that there exists a pattern of isolation by distance in both species, although the cuckoo data are only indicative due to a small sample size. Gene flow seems to be extensive between nearby populations, higher for magpies than cuckoos, and especially high for magpie populations within the area of distribution of the great spotted cuckoo. There is no correlation between genetic distances between magpie populations and genetic distances between cuckoo populations. We discuss the implications of extensive gene flow between magpie populations in sympatry with cuckoos for the population dynamics of hosts, in particular for the occurrence of egg rejection behavior in host populations and how the different rates of migration for both species can affect the dynamics of coevolutionary processes.
Evolution | 1995
M. Soler; Juan José Soler; Anders Pape Møller
Why should the hosts of brood parasites accept and raise parasitic offspring that differ dramatically in appearance from their own? There are two solutions to this evolutionary enigma. (1) Hosts may not yet have evolved the capability to discriminate against the parasite, or (2) parasite‐host systems have reached an evolutionary equilibrium. Avian brood parasites may either gain renesting opportunities or force their hosts to raise parasitic offspring by destroying or preying upon host eggs or nestlings following host ejection of parasite offspring. These hypotheses may explain why hosts do not remove parasite offspring because only then will hosts avoid clutch destruction by the cuckoo. Here we show experimentally that if the egg of the parasitic great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius is removed from nests of its magpie Pica pica host, nests suffer significantly higher predation rates than control nests in which parasite eggs have not been removed. Using plasticine model eggs resembling those of magpies and observations of parasites, we also confirm that great spotted cuckoos that have laid an ejected egg are indeed responsible for destruction of magpie nests with experimentally ejected parasite eggs. Cuckoos benefit from destroying host offspring because they thereby induce some magpies to renest and subsequently accept a cuckoo egg.
Evolution | 1999
Juan José Soler; Manuel Soler; Anders Pape Møller
Host responses toward brood parasitism have been shown to differ among populations depending on the duration of sympatry between host and parasite, although populations not currently parasitized show rejection behavior against parasitic eggs. The persistence of rejection behavior in unparasitized host populations and rapid increases of rejection rate in parasitized ones have sometimes been explained as the result of gene flow of rejecter genes from sympatry to allopatry (rejecter‐gene flow hypothesis). We present data on the rejection behavior of magpies (Pica pica) the main European host of the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius), in 15 populations (nine sympatric six allopatric) across their distribution range in Europe. Rejection rates of mimetic and nonmimetic model eggs were significantly higher in sympatric than in allopatric magpie populations, although differences in rejection rate of both mimetic and nonmimetic model eggs between magpie populations were significantly correlated even after controlling tor phylogenetic effects, with differences between sympatric and allopatric magpie populations being larger for mimetic than for nonmimetic model eggs. Differences in rejection of mimetic model eggs were related to both genetic and geographic distances between populations, but differences in rejection rate of nonmimetic model eggs were unrelated to these distances. However, when comparing only sympatric populations, differences in rejection rate of both mimetic and nonmimetic model eggs were related to geographic distances. A multiple autocorrelation analysis revealed that differences among populations in rejection rates of mimetic model eggs had a strong geographic component whereas the main component of rejection rate of nonmimetic model eggs was genetic rather than geographic. These results support the rejecter‐gene flow hypothesis. We discuss differences in rejection rates of mimetic and nonmimetic model eggs that suggest the egg‐recognition ability of the host is genetically based, but is affected by a learning process for fine tuning of recognition.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 1997
Gabriele Sorci; Juan José Soler; Anders Pape Møller
Laying date is one of the most important determinants of reproductive success and recruitment probability in birds. Late breeders usually fledge fewer chicks than individuals with earlier breeding dates, and fledglings produced late in the season have high mortality rates. Food availability and nestling mass have been evoked as the principal mechanistic links between laying date and offspring survival. Here we suggest that another factor may actually account for the difference in survival rate between early and late offspring: immunocompetence. We predicted that nestlings produced later in the season or in replacement clutches should have lower immune responses when challenged with an antigen, than early nestlings or nestlings produced in first clutches. This hypothesis was tested in a population of magpies (Pica pica), in which we experimentally induced breeding failure in a group of nests and compared the immune response of nestlings in replacement clutches with the immune response of first clutch nestlings. Cellular immune response, as measured by wing web swelling (a correlate of T–lymphocyte production after injection of phytohaemagglutinin–P), significantly decreased with hatching date and was significantly lower in nestlings of replacement clutches. Furthermore, coefficients of intraclutch variation in immune response were higher in nestlings of replacement clutches. This experiment demonstrates an inverse relationship between immune responsiveness and breeding date, and reduced recruitment probability of late nestlings may be a direct consequence of their inability to cope with parasites.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2010
Manuel Martín-Vivaldi; Aránzazu Peña; Juan Manuel Peralta-Sánchez; Lourdes Sánchez; Samir Ananou; Magdalena Ruiz-Rodríguez; Juan José Soler
Animals frequently use metabolites produced by symbiotic bacteria as agents against pathogens and parasites. Secretions from the preen gland of birds are used for this purpose, although its chemicals apparently are produced by the birds themselves. European hoopoes Upupa epops and green woodhoopoes Phoeniculus purpureus harbour symbiotic bacteria in the uropygial gland that might be partly responsible for the chemical composition of secretions. Here we investigate the antimicrobial activity of the volatile fraction of chemicals in hoopoe preen secretions, and, by means of experimental antibiotic injections, test whether symbiotic bacteria living within the uropygial gland are responsible for their production. Hoopoes produce two different kinds of secretions that differ drastically in their chemical composition. While the malodorous dark secretions produced by nestlings included a complex mix of volatiles, these chemicals did not appear in white secretions produced by non-nesting birds. All volatiles detected showed strong antibacterial activity, and a mixture of the chemicals at the concentrations measured in nestling glands inhibited the growth of all bacterial strains assayed. We found support for the hypothesized role of bacteria in the production of such antimicrobial chemicals because experimental clearance of bacteria from glands of nestlings with antibiotics resulted in secretions without most of the volatiles detected in control individuals. Thus, the presence of symbiotic bacteria in the uropygial gland provides hoopoes with potent antimicrobials for topical use.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2006
Antonio M. Martín-Platero; Eva Valdivia; Magdalena Ruiz-Rodríguez; Juan José Soler; Manuel Martín-Vivaldi; Mercedes Maqueda; Manuel Martínez-Bueno
ABSTRACT The uropygial gland (preen gland) is a holocrine secretory gland situated at the base of the tail in birds which produces a hydrophobic fatty secretion. In certain birds, such as the hoopoe, Upupa epops, the composition of this secretion is influenced by both seasonal and sexual factors, becoming darker and more malodorous in females and in their nestlings during the nesting phase. The secretion is spread throughout the plumage when the bird preens itself, leaving its feathers flexible and waterproof. It is also thought to play a role in defending the bird against predators and parasites. We have isolated from the uropygial secretion of a nestling a bacterium that grows in monospecific culture which we have identified unambiguously by phenotypic and genotypic means as Enterococcus faecalis. The strain in question produces antibacterial substances that are active against all gram-positive bacteria assayed and also against some gram-negative strains. Its peptide nature identifies it as a bacteriocin within the group known as enterocins. Two peptides were purified to homogeneity (MR10A and MR10B), and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (mass spectrometry) analysis showed masses of 5201.58 and 5207.7 Da, respectively. Amino acid sequencing of both peptides revealed high similarity with enterocin L50A and L50B (L. M. Cintas, P. Casaus, H. Holo, P. E. Hernández, I. F. Nes, and L. S. Håvarstein, J. Bacteriol. 180:1988-1994, 1998). PCR amplification of total DNA from strain MRR10-3 with primers for the L50A/B structural genes and sequencing of the amplified fragment revealed almost identical sequences, except for a single conservative change in residue 38 (Glu→Asp) in MR10A and two changes in residues 9 (Thr→Ala) and 15 (Leu→Phe) in MR10B. This is the first time that the production of bacteriocins by a bacterium isolated from the uropygial gland has been described. The production of these broad-spectrum antibacterial substances by an enterococcal strain living in the uropygial gland may be important to the hygiene of the nest and thus to the health of the eggs and chicks.
Oecologia | 1998
Manuel Soler; Juan José Soler; Tomás Pérez-Contreras; Anders Pape Møller
Abstract A long-term study of the interactions between a brood parasite, the great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius, and its primary host the magpie Pica pica, demonstrated local changes in the distribution of both magpies and cuckoos and a rapid increase of rejection of both mimetic and non-mimetic model eggs by the host. In rich areas, magpies improved three of their defensive mechanisms: nest density and breeding synchrony increased dramatically and rejection rate of cuckoo eggs increased more slowly. A stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that parasitism rate decreased as host density increased and cuckoo density decreased. A logistic regression analysis indicated that the probability of changes in magpie nest density in the study plots was significantly affected by the density of magpie nests during the previous year (positively) and the rejection rate of mimetic model eggs (negatively). These results are consistent with a hypothesis (the intermittent arms race hypothesis) of spatially structured cyclic changes in parasitism. During periods of parasitism, host defences continuously improve, and as a consequence, the fitness gains for parasites decrease. When host defences against parasites reach a high level, dispersing parasites have a selective advantage if they are able to emigrate to areas of low resistance. Once parasites have left an area hosts will lose their defensive adaptations due to their cost in the absence of parasitism. The scene is then set for re-colonization by great spotted cuckoos.
The American Naturalist | 2008
Juan José Soler; Carlos Navarro; Tomás Pérez Contreras; Jesús M. Avilés; José Javier Cuervo
It has been recently proposed that the blue‐green coloration in eggs of many avian species may constitute a sexually selected female signal. Blue‐green color intensity would reflect the physiological condition of females, and hence it might also affect the allocation of male parental care. In this study, we use three different experimental approaches to explore the importance of sexual selection on blue‐green egg coloration of spotless starling (Sturnus unicolor) eggs. First, experimental deterioration of female body condition (by means of wing feather removal) negatively affected the intensity of blue‐green egg coloration. Second, blue‐green color intensity of artificial model eggs had a significant positive influence on paternal feeding effort. Finally, we found a negative relationship between the effect of experimental food supply on nestling immunocompetence and the intensity of blue‐green coloration of eggs, suggesting that egg color predicts nutritional conditions that nestlings will experience during development. All these results taken together strongly support a role of sexual selection in the blue‐green coloration of spotless starling eggs.
The Journal of Experimental Biology | 2009
Magdalena Ruiz-Rodríguez; Eva Valdivia; Juan José Soler; Manuel Martín-Vivaldi; Antonio M. Martín-Platero; Manuel Martínez-Bueno
SUMMARY Among potential agents that might damage bird feathers are certain microorganisms which secrete enzymes that digest keratin, as is the case of the ubiquitous bacterium Bacillus licheniformis, present in both the feathers and skin of wild birds. It is therefore a good candidate for testing the effects of bird defences against feather-degrading microorganisms. One of these defences is the oil secreted by the uropygial gland, which birds use to protect their feathers against parasites. In previous studies we have shown how Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from nestling hoopoes exert antagonistic effects against B. licheniformis, mediated by the production of bacteriocins. Consequently we hypothesized that this enterococcus and the bacteriocins it engenders might act as a defence against feather-degrading microorganisms in hoopoes. We investigated this hypothesis in a series of laboratory experiments and evaluated the extent to which the keratinolytic effects caused by B. licheniformis were reduced by the E. faecalis MRR10-3 strain, isolated from hoopoes, and its bacteriocins. In different treatments, feathers or pure keratin was incubated with B. licheniformis, B. licheniformis together with E. faecalis MRR10-3, and B. licheniformis together with the bacteriocins produced by E. faecalis MRR10-3. Our results were in accordance with the predicted effects on hoopoe feathers. There was a significant decrease both in pure keratin loss and in feather degradation in the presence of the symbiotic bacterium or its bacteriocin. These results suggest that by preening their feathers hoopoes benefit from their symbiotic relationship with bacteriocin-producing enterococci, which constitute a chemical defence against feather degradation.