Juergen K Naggert
Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010
Malia M. Edwards; Elmina Mammadova-Bach; Fabien Alpy; Annick Klein; Wanda L. Hicks; Michel J. Roux; Patricia Simon-Assmann; Richard S. Smith; Gertraud Orend; Jiang Wu; Neal S. Peachey; Juergen K Naggert; Olivier Lefebvre; Patsy M. Nishina
The Neuromutagenesis Facility at the Jackson Laboratory generated a mouse model of retinal vasculopathy, nmf223, which is characterized clinically by vitreal fibroplasia and vessel tortuosity. nmf223 homozygotes also have reduced electroretinogram responses, which are coupled histologically with a thinning of the inner nuclear layer. The nmf223 locus was mapped to chromosome 17, and a missense mutation was identified in Lama1 that leads to the substitution of cysteine for a tyrosine at amino acid 265 of laminin α1, a basement membrane protein. Despite normal localization of laminin α1 and other components of the inner limiting membrane, a reduced integrity of this structure was suggested by ectopic cells and blood vessels within the vitreous. Immunohistochemical characterization of nmf223 homozygous retinas demonstrated the abnormal migration of retinal astrocytes into the vitreous along with the persistence of hyaloid vasculature. The Y265C mutation significantly reduced laminin N-terminal domain (LN) interactions in a bacterial two-hybrid system. Therefore, this mutation could affect interactions between laminin α1 and other laminin chains. To expand upon these findings, a Lama1 null mutant, Lama1tm1.1Olf, was generated that exhibits a similar but more severe retinal phenotype than that seen in nmf223 homozygotes. The increased severity of the Lama1 null mutant phenotype is probably due to the complete loss of the inner limiting membrane in these mice. This first report of viable Lama1 mouse mutants emphasizes the importance of this gene in retinal development. The data presented herein suggest that hypomorphic mutations in human LAMA1 could lead to retinal disease.
Human Mutation | 2015
Jan D. Marshall; Jean Muller; Gayle B. Collin; Gabriella Milan; Stephen F. Kingsmore; Darrell L. Dinwiddie; Emily Farrow; Neil Miller; Francesca Favaretto; Pietro Maffei; Hélène Dollfus; Roberto Vettor; Juergen K Naggert
Alström Syndrome (ALMS), a recessive, monogenic ciliopathy caused by mutations in ALMS1, is typically characterized by multisystem involvement including early cone‐rod retinal dystrophy and blindness, hearing loss, childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathy, fibrosis, and multiple organ failure. The precise function of ALMS1 remains elusive, but roles in endosomal and ciliary transport and cell cycle regulation have been shown. The aim of our study was to further define the spectrum of ALMS1 mutations in patients with clinical features of ALMS. Mutational analysis in a world‐wide cohort of 204 families identified 109 novel mutations, extending the number of known ALMS1 mutations to 239 and highlighting the allelic heterogeneity of this disorder. This study represents the most comprehensive mutation analysis in patients with ALMS, identifying the largest number of novel mutations in a single study worldwide. Here, we also provide an overview of all ALMS1 mutations identified to date.
Journal of Human Genetics | 2015
Ayşegül Ozantürk; Jan D. Marshall; Gayle B. Collin; Selma Düzenli; Robert P Marshall; Şükrü Candan; Tülay Tos; İhsan Esen; Mustafa Taskesen; Atilla Cayir; Şükrü Öztürk; İhsan Üstün; Esra Ataman; Emin Karaca; Taha Resid Ozdemir; İlknur Erol; Fehime Kara Eroğlu; Deniz Torun; Erhan Pariltay; Elif Yılmaz-Güleç; Ender Karaca; M Emre Atabek; Nursel Elcioglu; İlhan Satman; Claes Möller; Jean Muller; Juergen K Naggert; Rıza Köksal Özgül
Correction to: Journal of Human Genetics (2015) 60, 1–9; doi:10.1038/jhg.2014.85; published online 9 October 2014 Since the advance online publication of this article, the authors of the above paper have noticed errors in the list of authors and affiliations. Article with correct authors informationnow appears in this issue.
Human Molecular Genetics | 2015
Gayle B. Collin; Dirk Hubmacher; Jeremy R. Charette; Wanda L. Hicks; Lisa Stone; Minzhong Yu; Juergen K Naggert; Mark P. Krebs; Neal S. Peachey; Suneel S. Apte; Patsy M. Nishina
Human gene mutations have revealed that a significant number of ADAMTS (a disintegrin-like and metalloproteinase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motifs) proteins are necessary for normal ocular development and eye function. Mutations in human ADAMTSL4, encoding an ADAMTS-like protein which has been implicated in fibrillin microfibril biogenesis, cause ectopia lentis (EL) and EL et pupillae. Here, we report the first ADAMTSL4 mouse model, tvrm267, bearing a nonsense mutation in Adamtsl4. Homozygous Adamtsl4(tvrm267) mice recapitulate the EL phenotype observed in humans, and our analysis strongly suggests that ADAMTSL4 is required for stable anchorage of zonule fibers to the lens capsule. Unexpectedly, homozygous Adamtsl4(tvrm267) mice exhibit focal retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) defects primarily in the inferior eye. RPE dedifferentiation was indicated by reduced pigmentation, altered cellular morphology and a reduction in RPE-specific transcripts. Finally, as with a subset of patients with ADAMTSL4 mutations, increased axial length, relative to age-matched controls, was observed and was associated with the severity of the RPE phenotype. In summary, the Adamtsl4(tvrm267) model provides a valuable tool to further elucidate the molecular basis of zonule formation, the pathophysiology of EL and ADAMTSL4 function in the maintenance of the RPE.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Francesca Favaretto; Gabriella Milan; Gayle B. Collin; Jan D. Marshall; Fabio Stasi; Pietro Maffei; Roberto Vettor; Juergen K Naggert
Dysregulation of signaling pathways in adipose tissue leading to insulin resistance can contribute to the development of obesity-related metabolic disorders. Alström Syndrome, a recessive ciliopathy, caused by mutations in ALMS1, is characterized by progressive metabolic alterations such as childhood obesity, hyperinsulinemia, and type 2 diabetes. Here we investigated the role of Alms1 disruption in AT expansion and insulin responsiveness in a murine model for Alström Syndrome. A gene trap insertion in Alms1 on the insulin sensitive C57BL6/Ei genetic background leads to early hyperinsulinemia and a progressive increase in body weight. At 6 weeks of age, before the onset of the metabolic disease, the mutant mice had enlarged fat depots with hypertrophic adipocytes, but without signs of inflammation. Expression of lipogenic enzymes was increased. Pre-adipocytes isolated from mutant animals demonstrated normal adipogenic differentiation but gave rise to mature adipocytes with reduced insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Assessment of whole body glucose homeostasis revealed glucose intolerance. Insulin stimulation resulted in proper AKT phosphorylation in adipose tissue. However, the total amount of glucose transporter 4 (SLC4A2) and its translocation to the plasma membrane were reduced in mutant adipose depots compared to wildtype littermates. Alterations in insulin stimulated trafficking of glucose transporter 4 are an early sign of metabolic dysfunction in Alström mutant mice, providing a possible explanation for the reduced glucose uptake and the compensatory hyperinsulinemia. The metabolic signaling deficits either reside downstream or are independent of AKT activation and suggest a role for ALMS1 in GLUT4 trafficking. Alström mutant mice represent an interesting model for the development of metabolic disease in which adipose tissue with a reduced glucose uptake can expand by de novo lipogenesis to an obese state.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2015
Lihong Zhao; Stefka D. Spassieva; Kenneth Gable; Sita D. Gupta; Lanying Shi; Jieping Wang; Jacek Bielawski; Wanda L. Hicks; Mark P. Krebs; Juergen K Naggert; Yusuf A. Hannun; Teresa M. Dunn; Patsy M. Nishina
Significance Sphingolipids are essential in eukaryotes and are particularly important in neural tissues. Generally, sphingolipids have an 18-carbon (C18) long chain base (LCB) backbone. However, low-abundance sphingolipids containing LCBs of 16 or 20 carbons have also been discovered. Yet their specific functions and biological significance is not known. This work demonstrates that elevation of 20-carbon LCBs and/or sphingolipids containing C20 LCBs has detrimental neurodegenerative effects in the brain and the retina, leading to perturbation of protein homeostasis. This work describes, for the first time to our knowledge, the specific pathological roles of a class of low-abundance LCBs in vivo. Sphingolipids typically have an 18-carbon (C18) sphingoid long chain base (LCB) backbone. Although sphingolipids with LCBs of other chain lengths have been identified, the functional significance of these low-abundance sphingolipids is unknown. The LCB chain length is determined by serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) isoenzymes, which are trimeric proteins composed of two large subunits (SPTLC1 and SPTLC2 or SPTLC3) and a small subunit (SPTssa or SPTssb). Here we report the identification of an Sptssb mutation, Stellar (Stl), which increased the SPT affinity toward the C18 fatty acyl-CoA substrate by twofold and significantly elevated 20-carbon (C20) LCB production in the mutant mouse brain and eye, resulting in surprising neurodegenerative effects including aberrant membrane structures, accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins on membranes, and axon degeneration. Our work demonstrates that SPT small subunits play a major role in controlling SPT activity and substrate affinity, and in specifying sphingolipid LCB chain length in vivo. Moreover, our studies also suggest that excessive C20 LCBs or C20 LCB-containing sphingolipids impair protein homeostasis and neural functions.
Clinical Genetics | 2007
Rıza Köksal Özgül; I Satman; Gayle B. Collin; Eg Hinman; Jan D. Marshall; O Kocaman; Y Tütüncü; T Yılmaz; Juergen K Naggert
Alström syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a wide spectrum of clinical features including early‐onset retinal degeneration leading to blindness, sensorineural hearing loss, short stature, obesity, type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia and dilated cardiomyopathy. Renal, hepatic and pulmonary dysfunction may occur in the later phases of the disease. The three affected sisters, from a consanguineous Turkish family, with the characteristic features of Alström syndrome, were clinically diagnosed in 1987 and followed for 20 years. DNA sequence analysis of ALMS1, the causative gene in Alström syndrome, identified a novel homozygous disease‐causing mutation, c.8164C>T, resulting in a premature termination codon in exon 10 in each of the three affected sisters. Furthermore, we describe the longitudinal disease progression in this family and report new clinical findings likely associated with Alström syndrome, such as pes planus and hyperthyroidism.
Advances in Genomics and Genetics | 2015
Merlin G. Butler; Kun Wang; Jan D. Marshall; Juergen K Naggert; Jasmine A. Rethmeyer; Sumedha Gunewardena; Ann M. Manzardo
Obesity is accompanied by hyperphagia in several classical genetic obesity-related syndromes that are rare, including Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Alström syndrome (ALMS). We compared coding and noncoding gene expression in adult males with PWS, ALMS, and nonsyndromic obesity relative to nonobese males using readily available lymphoblastoid cells to identify disease-specific molecular patterns and disturbed mechanisms in obesity. We found 231 genes upregulated in ALMS compared with nonobese males, but no genes were found to be upregulated in obese or PWS males and 124 genes were downregulated in ALMS. The metallothionein gene (MT1X) was significantly downregulated in ALMS, in common with obese males. Only the complex SNRPN locus was disturbed (downregulated) in PWS along with several downregulated small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) in the 15q11-q13 region (SNORD116, SNORD109B, SNORD109A, SNORD107). Eleven upregulated and ten downregulated snoRNAs targeting multiple genes impacting rRNA processing, developmental pathways, and associated diseases were found in ALMS. Fifty-two miRNAs associated with multiple, overlapping gene expression disturbances were upregulated in ALMS, and four were shared with obese males but not PWS males. For example, seven passenger strand microRNAs (miRNAs) (miR-93*, miR-373*, miR-29b-2*, miR-30c-1*, miR27a*, miR27b*, and miR-149*) were disturbed in association with six separate downregulated target genes (CD68, FAM102A, MXI1, MYO1D, TP53INP1, and ZRANB1). Cell cycle (eg, PPP3CA), transcription (eg, POLE2), and development may be impacted by upregulated genes in ALMS, while downregulated genes were found to be involved with metabolic processes (eg, FABP3), immune responses (eg, IL32), and cell signaling (eg, IL1B). The high number of gene and noncoding RNA disturbances in ALMS contrast with observations in PWS and males with nonsyndromic obesity and may reflect the progressing multiorgan pathology of the ALMS disease process.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology | 2012
Jungyeon Won; Lan Ying Shi; Wanda L. Hicks; Jieping Wang; Juergen K Naggert; Patsy M. Nishina
ENU mutagenesis is an efficient method to identify new animal models of ocular disease. The new alleles described herein will be a useful resource to further examine the role of the affected molecules and the effects of their disruption within the retina.
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science | 2015
Dennis M. Maddox; Gayle B. Collin; Akihiro Ikeda; C. Herbert Pratt; Sakae Ikeda; Britt A. Johnson; R.E. Hurd; Lindsay S. Shopland; Juergen K Naggert; Bo Chang; Mark P. Krebs; Patsy M. Nishina
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to identify the molecular basis and characterize the pathological consequences of a spontaneous mutation named cone photoreceptor function loss 8 (cpfl8) in a mouse model with a significantly reduced cone electroretinography (ERG) response. METHODS The chromosomal position for the recessive cpfl8 mutation was determined by DNA pooling and by subsequent genotyping with simple sequence length polymorphic markers in an F2 intercross phenotyped by ERG. Genes within the candidate region of both mutants and controls were directly sequenced and compared. The effects of the mutation were examined in longitudinal studies by light microscopy, marker analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and ERG. RESULTS The cpfl8 mutation was mapped to Chromosome 12, and a premature stop codon was identified in the spectrin repeat containing nuclear envelope 2 (Syne2) gene. The reduced cone ERG response was due to a significant reduction in cone photoreceptors. Longitudinal studies of the early postnatal retina indicated that the cone photoreceptors fail to develop properly, rod photoreceptors mislocalize to the inner nuclear layer, and both rods and cones undergo apoptosis prematurely. Moreover, we observed migration defects of secondary neurons and ectopic Müller cell bodies in the outer nuclear layer in early postnatal development. CONCLUSIONS SYNE2 is important for normal retinal development. We have determined that not only is photoreceptor nuclear migration affected, but also the positions of Müller glia and secondary neurons are disturbed early in retinal development. The cpfl8 mouse model will serve as an important resource for further examining the role of nuclear scaffolding and migration in the developing retina.