
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2012

The Sydney‐AAO Multi‐object Integral field spectrograph

Scott M. Croom; Jon Lawrence; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; Julia J. Bryant; L. M. R. Fogarty; Samuel Richards; Michael Goodwin; Tony Farrell; Stan Miziarski; Ron Heald; D. Heath Jones; Steve Lee; Matthew Colless; Sarah Brough; Andrew M. Hopkins; Amanda E. Bauer; Michael N. Birchall; Simon C. Ellis; Anthony Horton; Sergio G. Leon-Saval; Geraint F. Lewis; A. R. Lopez-Sanchez; Seong-sik Min; Christopher Trinh; Holly E. Trowland

We demonstrate a novel technology that combines the power of the multi-object spectrograph with the spatial multiplex advantage of an integral field spectrograph (IFS). The SydneyAAO (Australian Astronomical Observatory) Multi-object IFS (SAMI) is a prototype widefield system at the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) that allows 13 imaging fibre bundles (‘hexabundles’) to be deployed over a 1-degree diameter field of view. Each hexabundle comprises 61 lightly fused multi-mode fibres with reduced cladding and yields a 75 per cent filling factor. Each fibre core diameter subtends 1.6 arcsec on the sky and each hexabundle has a field of view of 15 arcsec diameter. The fibres are fed to the flexible AAOmega double-beam spectrograph, which can be used at a range of spectral resolutions (R = λ/δλ ≈ 1700–13 000) over the optical spectrum (3700–9500 A). We present the first spectroscopic results obtained with SAMI for a sample of galaxies at z ≈ 0.05. We discuss the prospects of implementing hexabundles at a much higher multiplex over wider fields of view in order to carry out spatially resolved spectroscopic surveys of 10 4 –10 5 galaxies.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015

The SAMI Galaxy Survey: instrument specification and target selection

Julia J. Bryant; Matt S. Owers; Aaron S. G. Robotham; Scott M. Croom; Simon P. Driver; Michael J. Drinkwater; Nuria P. F. Lorente; Luca Cortese; Nicholas Scott; Matthew Colless; Adam L. Schaefer; Edward N. Taylor; I. S. Konstantopoulos; J. T. Allen; Ivan K. Baldry; Luke A. Barnes; Amanda E. Bauer; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; J. V. Bloom; Alyson M. Brooks; Sarah Brough; Gerald Cecil; Warrick J. Couch; Darren J. Croton; Roger L. Davies; Simon C. Ellis; L. M. R. Fogarty; Caroline Foster; Karl Glazebrook; Michael Goodwin

The SAMI Galaxy Survey will observe 3400 galaxies with the Sydney-AAO Multi- object Integral-field spectrograph (SAMI) on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) in a 3-year survey which began in 2013. We present the throughput of the SAMI system, the science basis and specifications for the target selection, the survey observation plan and the combined properties of the selected galaxies. The survey includes four volume-limited galaxy samples based on cuts in a proxy for stellar mass, along with low-stellar-mass dwarf galaxies all selected from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. The GAMA regions were selected because of the vast array of ancillary data available, including ultraviolet through to radio bands. These fields are on the celestial equator at 9, 12, and 14.5 hours, and cover a total of 144 square degrees (in GAMA-I). Higher density environments are also included with the addition of eight clusters. The clusters have spectroscopy from 2dFGRS and SDSS and photometry in regions covered by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and/or VLT Survey Telescope/ATLAS. The aim is to cover a broad range in stellar mass and environment, and therefore the primary survey targets cover redshifts 0.004 < z < 0.095, magnitudes rpet < 19.4, stellar masses 107– 1012M⊙, and environments from isolated field galaxies through groups to clusters of _ 1015M⊙.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014

The SAMI Galaxy Survey: shocks and outflows in a normal star-forming galaxy

I-Ting Ho; Lisa J. Kewley; Michael A. Dopita; Anne M. Medling; James T. Allen; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; J. V. Bloom; Julia J. Bryant; Scott M. Croom; L. M. R. Fogarty; Michael Goodwin; Andrew W. Green; I. S. Konstantopoulos; Jon Lawrence; A. R. Lopez-Sanchez; Matt S. Owers; Samuel Richards; Rob Sharp

We demonstrate the feasibility and potential of using large integral field spectroscopic surveys to investigate the prevalence of galactic-scale outflows in the local Universe. Using integral field data from SAMI and the Wide Field Spectrograph, we study the nature of an isolated disk galaxy, SDSS J090005.05+000446.7 (z = 0.05386). In the integral field datasets, the galaxy presents skewed line profiles changing with position in the galaxy. The skewed line profiles are caused by different kinematic components overlapping in the line-of-sight direction. We perform spectral decomposition to separate the line profiles in each spatial pixel as combinations of (1) a narrow kinematic component consistent with HII regions, (2) a broad kinematic component consistent with shock excitation, and (3) an intermediate component consistent with shock excitation and photoionisation mixing. The three kinematic components have distinctly different velocity fields, velocity dispersions, line ratios, and electron densities. We model the line ratios, velocity dispersions, and electron densities with our MAPPINGS IV shock and photoionisation models, and we reach remarkable agreement between the data and the models. The models demonstrate that the different emission line properties are caused by major galactic outflows that introduce shock excitation in addition to photoionisation by star-forming activities. Interstellar shocks embedded in the outflows shock-excite and compress the gas, causing the elevated line ratios, velocity dispersions, and electron densities observed in the broad kinematic component. We argue from energy considerations that, with the lack of a powerful active galactic nucleus, the outflows are likely to be driven by starburst activities. Our results set a benchmark of the type of analysis that can be achieved by the SAMI Galaxy Survey on large numbers of galaxies.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015

The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Early Data Release

J. T. Allen; Scott M. Croom; I. S. Konstantopoulos; Julia J. Bryant; Rob Sharp; G. N. Cecil; L. M. R. Fogarty; Caroline Foster; Andrew W. Green; I-Ting Ho; Matt S. Owers; Adam L. Schaefer; Nicholas Scott; Amanda E. Bauer; Ivan K. Baldry; L. A. Barnes; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; J. V. Bloom; Sarah Brough; Matthew Colless; Luca Cortese; Warrick J. Couch; Michael J. Drinkwater; Simon P. Driver; Michael Goodwin; M. L. P. Gunawardhana; Elise Hampton; Andrew M. Hopkins; Lisa J. Kewley; Jon Lawrence

We present the Early Data Release of the Sydney–AAO Multi-object Integral field spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey. The SAMI Galaxy Survey is an ongoing integral field spectroscopic survey of _3400 low-redshift (z < 0:12) galaxies, covering galaxies in the field and in groups within the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey regions, and a sample of galaxies in clusters. In the Early Data Release, we publicly release the fully calibrated datacubes for a representative selection of 107 galaxies drawn from the GAMA regions, along with information about these galaxies from the GAMA catalogues. All datacubes for the Early Data Release galaxies can be downloaded individually or as a set from the SAMI Galaxy Survey website. In this paper we also assess the quality of the pipeline used to reduce the SAMI data, giving metrics that quantify its performance at all stages in processing the raw data into calibrated datacubes. The pipeline gives excellent results throughout, with typical sky subtraction residuals in the continuum of 0.9–1.2 per cent, a relative flux calibration uncertainty of 4.1 per cent (systematic) plus 4.3 per cent (statistical), and atmospheric dispersion removed with an accuracy of 0:0009, less than a fifth of a spaxel.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014

Focal ratio degradation in lightly fused hexabundles

Julia J. Bryant; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; L. M. R. Fogarty; Jon Lawrence; Scott M. Croom

We are now moving into an era where multi-object wide-field surveys, which traditionally use single fibres to observe many targets simultaneously, can exploit compact integral field units in place of single fibres. Current multi-object integral field instruments such as SAMI (Croom et al. 2012; Bryant et al. 2012a) have driven the development of new imaging fibre bundles (hexabundles) for multi-object spectrographs. We have characterised the performance of hexabundles with different cladding thicknesses and compared them to that of the same type of bare fibre, across the range of fill-fractions and input f-ratios likely in an IFU instrument. Hexabundles with 7-cores and 61-cores were tested for focal ratio degradation (FRD), throughput and cross-talk when fed with inputs from F/3.4 to >F/8. The five 7-core bundles have cladding thickness ranging from 1 to 8 microns, and the 61-core bundles have 5micron cladding. As expected, the FRD improves as the input focal ratio decreases. We find that the FRD and throughput of the cores in the hexabundles match the performance of single fibres of the same material at low input f-ratios. The performance results presented can be used to set a limit on the f-ratio of a system based on the maximum loss allowable for a planned instrument. Our results confirm that hexabundles are a successful alternative for fibre imaging devices for multi-object spectroscopy on wide-field telescopes and have prompted further development of hexabundle designs with hexagonal packing and square cores.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2015

The SAMI Galaxy Survey: cubism and covariance, putting round pegs into square holes

Rob Sharp; J. T. Allen; L. M. R. Fogarty; Scott M. Croom; Luca Cortese; Andrew W. Green; J. Nielsen; Samuel Richards; Nicholas Scott; Edward N. Taylor; Luke A. Barnes; Amanda E. Bauer; Michael N. Birchall; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; J. V. Bloom; Sarah Brough; Julia J. Bryant; Gerald Cecil; Matthew Colless; Warrick J. Couch; Michael J. Drinkwater; S. Driver; Caroline Foster; Michael Goodwin; M. L. P. Gunawardhana; I-Ting Ho; Elise Hampton; Andrew M. Hopkins; Heath Jones; I. S. Konstantopoulos

We present a methodology for the regularization and combination of sparse sampled and irregularly gridded observations from fibre-optic multiobject integral field spectroscopy. The approach minimizes interpolation and retains image resolution on combining subpixel dithered data. We discuss the methodology in the context of the Sydney–AAO multiobject integral field spectrograph (SAMI) Galaxy Survey underway at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. The SAMI instrument uses 13 fibre bundles to perform high-multiplex integral field spectroscopy across a 1° diameter field of view. The SAMI Galaxy Survey is targeting ∼3000 galaxies drawn from the full range of galaxy environments. We demonstrate the subcritical sampling of the seeing and incomplete fill factor for the integral field bundles results in only a 10 per cent degradation in the final image resolution recovered. We also implement a new methodology for tracking covariance between elements of the resulting data cubes which retains 90 per cent of the covariance information while incurring only a modest increase in the survey data volume.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2014

The SAMI Pilot Survey : the kinematic morphology-density relation in Abell 85, Abell 168 and Abell 2399

L. M. R. Fogarty; Nicholas Scott; Matt S. Owers; Sarah Brough; Scott M. Croom; Michael Pracy; Ryan C. W. Houghton; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; Matthew Colless; Roger L. Davies; D. Heath Jones; J. T. Allen; Julia J. Bryant; Michael Goodwin; Andrew W. Green; I. S. Konstantopoulos; Jon Lawrence; Samuel Richards; Luca Cortese; Rob Sharp

We examine the kinematic morphology of early-type galaxies (ETGs) in three galaxy clusters Abell 85, 168 and 2399. Using data from the Sydney-AAO Multiobject Integral eld spectrograph (SAMI) we measured spatially-resolved kinematics for 79 ETGs in these clusters. We calculate R, a proxy for the projected specic stellar angular momentum, for each galaxy and classify the 79 ETGs in our samples as fast or slow rotators. We calculate the fraction of slow rotators in the ETG populations (fSR) of the clusters to be 0:21 0:08, 0:08 0:08 and 0:12 0:06 for Abell 85, 168 and 2399 respectively, with an overall fraction of 0:15 0:04. These numbers are broadly consistent with the values found in the literature, conrming recent work asserting that the fraction of slow rotators in the ETG population is constant across many orders of magnitude in global environment. We examine the distribution of kinematic classes in each cluster as a function of environment using the projected density of galaxies: the kinematic morphologydensity relation. We nd that in Abell 85 fSR increases in higher density regions but in Abell 168 and Abell 2399 this trend is not seen. We examine the dierences between the individual clusters to explain this. In addition, we nd slow rotators on the outskirts of two of the clusters studied, Abell 85 and 2399. These galaxies reside in intermediate to low density regions and have clearly not formed at the centre of a cluster environment. We hypothesise that they formed at the centres of groups and are falling into the clusters for the rst time.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2012

First Science with SAMI: A Serendipitously Discovered Galactic Wind in ESO 185-G031

L. M. R. Fogarty; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; Scott M. Croom; Andrew W. Green; Julia J. Bryant; Jon Lawrence; Samuel Richards; James T. Allen; Amanda E. Bauer; Michael N. Birchall; Sarah Brough; Matthew Colless; Simon C. Ellis; Tony Farrell; Michael Goodwin; Ron Heald; Andrew M. Hopkins; Anthony Horton; D. Heath Jones; Steve Lee; Geraint F. Lewis; A. R. Lopez-Sanchez; Stan Miziarski; Holly E. Trowland; Sergio G. Leon-Saval; Seong-sik Min; Christopher Trinh; Gerald Cecil; Sylvain Veilleux; Kory Kreimeyer

We present the first scientific results from the Sydney-AAO Multi-Object IFS (SAMI) at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This unique instrument deploys 13 fused fiber bundles (hexabundles) across a one-degree field of view allowing simultaneous spatially resolved spectroscopy of 13 galaxies. During the first SAMI commissioning run, targeting a single galaxy field, one object (ESO 185-G031) was found to have extended minor axis emission with ionization and kinematic properties consistent with a large-scale galactic wind. The importance of this result is twofold: (1) fiber bundle spectrographs are able to identify low surface brightness emission arising from extranuclear activity and (2) such activity may be more common than presently assumed because conventional multi-object spectrographs use single-aperture fibers and spectra from these are nearly always dominated by nuclear emission. These early results demonstrate the extraordinary potential of multi-object hexabundle spectroscopy in future galaxy surveys.

The Astronomical Journal | 2013

GNOSIS: the first instrument to use fiber Bragg gratings for OH suppression

Christopher Trinh; Simon C. Ellis; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; Jon Lawrence; Anthony Horton; Sergio G. Leon-Saval; Keith Shortridge; Julia J. Bryant; Scott W. Case; Matthew Colless; Warrick J. Couch; Kenneth C. Freeman; Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben; Luke Gers; Karl Glazebrook; Roger Haynes; Steve Lee; John W. O'Byrne; Stan Miziarski; Martin M. Roth; Brian Paul Schmidt; C. G. Tinney; Jessica Zheng

The near-infrared is an important part of the spectrum in astronomy, especially in cosmology because the light from objects in the early universe is redshifted to these wavelengths. However, deep near-infrared observations are extremely difficult to make from ground-based telescopes due to the bright background from the atmosphere. Nearly all of this background comes from the bright and narrow emission lines of atmospheric hydroxyl (OH) molecules. The atmospheric background cannot be easily removed from data because the brightness fluctuates unpredictably on short timescales. The sensitivity of ground-based optical astronomy far exceeds that of near-infrared astronomy because of this long-standing problem. GNOSIS is a prototype astrophotonic instrument that utilizes “OH suppression fibers” consisting of fiber Bragg gratings and photonic lanterns to suppress the 103 brightest atmospheric emission doublets between 1.47 and 1.7µm. GNOSIS was commissioned at the 3.9m Anglo-Australian Telescope with the IRIS2 spectrograph to demonstrate the potential of OH suppression fibers, but may be potentially used with any telescope and spectrograph combination. Unlike previous atmospheric suppression techniques GNOSIS suppresses the lines before dispersion and in a manner that depends purely on wavelength. We present the instrument design and report the results of laboratory and on-sky tests from commissioning. While these tests demonstrated high throughput (� 60%) and excellent suppression of the skylines by the OH suppression fibers, surprisingly GNOSIS produced no significant reduction in the interline background and the sensitivity of GNOSIS+IRIS2 is about the same as IRIS2. It is unclear whether the lack of reduction in the interline background is due to physical sources or systematic errors as the observations are detector noise dominated. OH suppression fibers could potentially impact ground-based astronomy at the level of adaptive optics or greater. However, until a clear reduction in the interline background and the corresponding increasing in sensitivity is demonstrated optimized OH suppression fibers paired with a fiber-fed spectrograph will at least provide a real benefit at low resolving powers. Subject headings: atmospheric effects – infrared: diffuse background – instrumentation: miscellaneous

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2016

The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the link between angular momentum and optical morphology

Luca Cortese; L. M. R. Fogarty; Kenji Bekki; J. van de Sande; Warrick J. Couch; Barbara Catinella; Matthew Colless; Danail Obreschkow; Dan S. Taranu; Edoardo Tescari; Dilyar Barat; Joss Bland-Hawthorn; J. V. Bloom; Julia J. Bryant; Michelle E. Cluver; Scott M. Croom; Michael J. Drinkwater; F. D'Eugenio; I. S. Konstantopoulos; A. R. Lopez-Sanchez; Smriti Mahajan; Nicholas Scott; Chiara Tonini; O. I. Wong; J. T. Allen; Sarah Brough; Michael Goodwin; Andrew W. Green; I-Ting Ho; Lee S. Kelvin

We investigate the relationship between stellar and gas specific angular momentum j, stellar mass M-* and optical morphology for a sample of 488 galaxies extracted from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral field Galaxy Survey. We find that j, measured within one effective radius, monotonically increases with M-* and that, for M-* > 10(9.5) M-aS (TM), the scatter in this relation strongly correlates with optical morphology (i.e. visual classification and S,rsic index). These findings confirm that massive galaxies of all types lie on a plane relating mass, angular momentum and stellar-light distribution, and suggest that the large-scale morphology of a galaxy is regulated by its mass and dynamical state. We show that the significant scatter in the M-*-j relation is accounted for by the fact that, at fixed stellar mass, the contribution of ordered motions to the dynamical support of galaxies varies by at least a factor of 3. Indeed, the stellar spin parameter (quantified via lambda(R)) correlates strongly with S,rsic and concentration indices. This correlation is particularly strong once slow rotators are removed from the sample, showing that late-type galaxies and early-type fast rotators form a continuous class of objects in terms of their kinematic properties.

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