
Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2004

Systematic Review Evaluating the Timing of Thoracic Radiation Therapy in Combined Modality Therapy for Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer

Daniel B. Fried; David E. Morris; Charles Poole; Julian G. Rosenman; Jan Halle; Frank C. Detterbeck; Thomas A. Hensing; Mark A. Socinski

PURPOSE We employed meta-analytic techniques to evaluate early (E) versus late (L) timing of thoracic radiation therapy (RT) in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer (LS-SCLC). In addition, we assessed the impact of radiation fractionation and chemotherapeutic regimen on timing. METHODS Randomized trials published after 1985 addressing timing of RT relative to chemotherapy in LS-SCLC were included. Trials were analyzed by risk ratio (RR), risk difference, and number-needed-to-treat methods. RESULTS Overall survival (OS) RRs for all studies were 1.17 at 2 years (95% CI, 1.02 to 1.35; P = .03) and 1.13 at 3 years (95% CI, 0.92 to 1.39; P = .2), indicating a significantly increased 2-year survival for ERT versus LRT patients and suggestive of a similar trend at 3 years. Subset analysis of studies using hyperfractionated RT revealed OS RR for ERT versus LRT of 1.44 (95% CI, 1.17 to 1.77; P = .001) and 1.39 (95% CI, 1.02 to 1.90; P = .04) at 2 and 3 years, respectively, indicating a survival benefit of ERT versus LRT. Studies using once-daily fractionation showed no difference in 2- and 3-year OS RRs for ERT compared with LRT. Studies using platinum-based chemotherapy had OS RRs of 1.30 (95% CI, 1.10 to 1.53; P = .002) and 1.35 (95% CI, 1.07 to 1.70; P = .01) at 2 and 3 years, respectively, favoring ERT. Studies using nonplatinum-based chemotherapy regimens had nonsignificant differences in OS. CONCLUSION A small but significant improvement in 2-year OS for ERT versus LRT in LS-SCLC was observed, similar to the benefit of adding RT to chemotherapy or prophylactic cranial irradiation. A greater difference was evident for hyperfractionated RT and platinum-based chemotherapy.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1999

Radiosensitization With Carboplatin for Patients With Unresectable Stage III Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Phase III Trial of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group

Gerald H. Clamon; James Herndon; Robert Michael Cooper; Alex Y. Chang; Julian G. Rosenman; Mark R. Green

PURPOSE To determine whether the administration of carboplatin concurrently with radiation treatment improves survival in patients with inoperable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS Two hundred eighty-three patients with inoperable stage III non-small-cell lung cancer were entered onto a randomized trial by the Cancer and Leukemia Group B and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. Randomization was performed before initiation of any therapy. All patients received an induction chemotherapy program with vinblastine and cisplatin for 5 weeks, followed by 6,000 cGy of radiation therapy over 6 weeks. One hundred thirty-seven patients were randomized to this therapy regimen alone; 146 patients were randomized to receive carboplatin at 100 mg/m2/wk concurrent with the radiation therapy. RESULTS The complete response was 18% with concurrent carboplatin versus 10% with radiotherapy alone (P = .101). There was no difference with respect to failure-free survival (10% with carboplatin and 9% with radiotherapy alone) or overall survival (13% with carboplatin and 10% with radiotherapy alone) at 4 years. In patients not receiving carboplatin, the relapse rate was 69% within the field of radiation and 53% in the boost volume. In patients receiving carboplatin, the relapse rate was 59% within the field of radiation and 43% in the boost volume. Patients with cancers more than 70 cm2 in size had significantly poorer survival (P = .01). CONCLUSION Carboplatin at the dose and schedule used did not significantly impact on disease control or survival. The relapse rate within the chest remained more than 50%. More effective regimens will be required to impact on local disease control and survival.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 2002

High-dose conformal radiotherapy for treatment of stage IIIA/IIIB non-small-cell lung cancer: Technical issues and results of a phase I/II trial

Julian G. Rosenman; Jan Halle; Mark A. Socinski; Katharin M. Deschesne; Dominic T. Moore; Harold Johnson; Robert W. Fraser; David E. Morris

PURPOSE We completed a Phase I/II clinical trial (Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center 9603), in which we treated 62 Stage IIIA/IIIB inoperable non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients with two cycles of induction carboplatin/paclitaxel chemotherapy, followed by concurrent weekly carboplatin/paclitaxel with radiation doses escalated from 60 to 74 Gy. The median survival of 24 months, 3-year survival rate of 38%, and the high dose of radiation used justified a critical analysis of the technical and clinical components of this trial. METHODS AND MATERIALS Between 1996 and 1999, 62 sequential patients with inoperable Stage IIIA/IIIB NSCLC were enrolled and treated with two cycles of induction carboplatin (area under the concentration curve = 6 using the Calvert equation) and paclitaxel (225 mg/m(2)), followed by an escalating radiation dose of 60-74 Gy with concurrent carboplatin weekly (area under the concentration curve = 2) and paclitaxel weekly (45 mg/m(2)). The goals of the trial were to determine whether 74 Gy of radiation could be safely delivered under these circumstances and whether patients could potentially benefit in terms of survival. The radiation treatment plans for all 62 patients were reviewed to determine the prechemotherapy and postchemotherapy tumor volume, as well as the dose-volume histograms of the normal lung and esophagus. RESULTS Of the 62 patients who entered the trial, 48 completed the entire course of treatment. At last follow-up, 20 patients were alive (crude survival rate 32%). With a median follow-up of 43 months, the median survival was 24 months. The survival rate was 50% at 2 years and 38% at 3 years. Cox regression analysis showed that survival was best predicted by whether the patient had received radiotherapy (finished the trial), performance status, disease stage, and log postchemotherapy tumor volume. The 3-year survival rate for the 48 patients finishing the trial was 45%. Eight patients (13%) suffered locoregional relapse as the only site of failure. Only 1 patient had Grade 2 radiation pneumonitis. Five patients (8%) had Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Grade 3 or 4 esophagitis; 40 (65%) had a Grade 1 or 2 esophagitis. Esophageal toxicity could be predicted by the length of esophagus receiving 40 or 60 Gy. CONCLUSION Radiation doses of 74 Gy, when given under the guidelines of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center 9603, appear to be safe and may possibly contribute to increased survival in patients with inoperable Stage IIIA/IIIB NSCLC.

Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2005

Large deformation three-dimensional image registration in image-guided radiation therapy

Mark Foskey; Brad Davis; Lav K. Goyal; Sha Chang; E.L. Chaney; Nathalie Strehl; Sandrine Tomei; Julian G. Rosenman; Sarang C. Joshi

In this paper, we present and validate a framework, based on deformable image registration, for automatic processing of serial three-dimensional CT images used in image-guided radiation therapy. A major assumption in deformable image registration has been that, if two images are being registered, every point of one image corresponds appropriately to some point in the other. For intra-treatment images of the prostate, however, this assumption is violated by the variable presence of bowel gas. The framework presented here explicitly extends previous deformable image registration algorithms to accommodate such regions in the image for which no correspondence exists. We show how to use our registration technique as a tool for organ segmentation, and present a statistical analysis of this segmentation method, validating it by comparison with multiple human raters. We also show how the deformable registration technique can be used to determine the dosimetric effect of a given plan in the presence of non-rigid tissue motion. In addition to dose accumulation, we describe a method for estimating the biological effects of tissue motion using a linear-quadratic model. This work is described in the context of a prostate treatment protocol, but it is of general applicability.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 1998

Phase I study to determine the maximum-tolerated dose of radiation in standard daily and hyperfractionated-accelerated twice-daily radiation schedules with concurrent chemotherapy for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer

Noah C. Choi; James E. Herndon; Julian G. Rosenman; Robert W. Carey; Chung T. Chung; Stephen Bernard; Louis A. Leone; Stephen Seagren; Mark R. Green

PURPOSE An improvement in radiation dose schedule is necessary to increase local tumor control and survival in limited-stage small-cell lung cancer. The goal of this study was to determine the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) of radiation (RT) in both standard daily and hyperfractionated-accelerated (HA) twice-daily RT schedules in concurrent chemoradiation. METHODS The study design consisted of a sequential dose escalation in both daily and HA twice-daily RT regimens. RT dose to the initial volume was kept at 40 to 40.5 Gy, while it was gradually increased to the boost volume by adding a 7% to 11 % increment of total dose to subsequent cohorts. The MTD was defined as the radiation dose level at one cohort below that which resulted in more than 33% of patients experiencing grade > or = 4 acute esophagitis and/or grade > or = 3 pulmonary toxicity. The study plan included nine cohorts, five on HA twice-daily and four on daily regimens for the dose escalation. Chemotherapy consisted of three cycles of cisplatin 33 mg/m2/d on days 1 to 3 over 30 minutes, cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 on day 1 intravenously (IV) over 1 hour, and etoposide 80 mg/m2/d on days 1 to 3 over 1 hour every 3 weeks (PCE) and two cycles of PE. RT was started at the initiation of the fourth cycle of chemotherapy. RESULTS Fifty patients were enrolled onto the study. The median age was 60 years (range, 38-79), sex ratio 2.3:1 for male to female, weight loss less than 5% in 73%, and performance score 0 to 1 in 94% and 2 in 6% of patients. In HA twice-daily RT, grade > or = 4 acute esophagitis was noted in two of five (40%), two of seven (29%), four of six (67%), and five of six patients (86%) at 50 (1.25 Gy twice daily), 45, 50, and 55.5 Gy in 1.5 Gy twice daily, 5 d/wk, respectively. Grade > or = 3 pulmonary toxicity was not seen in any of these 24 patients. Therefore, the MTD for HA twice-daily RT was judged to be 45 Gy in 30 fractions over 3 weeks. In daily RT, grade > or = 4 acute esophagitis was noted in zero of four, zero of four, one of five (20%), and two of six patients (33%) at 56, 60, 66, and 70 Gy on a schedule of 2 Gy per fraction per day, five fractions per week. Grade > or = 3 pneumonitis was not observed in any of the 19 patients. Thus, the MTD for daily RT was judged to be at least 70 Gy in 35 fractions over 7 weeks. Grade 4 granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia were observed in 53% and 6% of patients, respectively, during the first three cycles of PCE. During chemotherapy cycles 4 to 5, grade 4 granulocytopenia and thrombocytopenia were noted in 43% and 29% of patients at 45 Gy in 30 fractions over 3 weeks (MTD) by HA twice-daily RT and 50% and 17% at 70 Gy in 35 fractions over 7 weeks (MTD) by daily RT, respectively. The overall tumor response consisted of complete remission (CR) in 51% (24 of 47), partial remission (PR) in 38% (1 8 of 47), and stable disease in 2% (one of 47). The median survival time of all patients was 24.4 months and 2- and 3-year survival rates were 53% and 28%, respectively. With regard to the different radiation schedules, 2- and 3-year survival rates were 52% and 25% for the HA twice-daily and 54% and 35% for the daily RT cohorts. CONCLUSION The MTD of HA twice-daily RT was determined to be 45 Gy in 30 fractions over 3 weeks, while it was judged to be at least 70 Gy in 35 fractions over 7 weeks for daily RT. A phase III randomized trial to compare standard daily RT with HA twice-daily RT at their MTD for local tumor control and survival would be a sensible research in searching for a more effective RT dose-schedule than those that are being used currently.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2004

Induction and Concurrent Chemotherapy With High-Dose Thoracic Conformal Radiation Therapy in Unresectable Stage IIIA and IIIB Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Dose-Escalation Phase I Trial

Mark A. Socinski; David E. Morris; Jan Halle; Dominic T. Moore; Thomas A. Hensing; Steven A. Limentani; Robert Fraser; Maureen Tynan; Andrea Mears; M. Patricia Rivera; Frank C. Detterbeck; Julian G. Rosenman

PURPOSE Local control rates at conventional radiotherapy doses (60 to 66 Gy) are poor in stage III non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Dose escalation using three-dimensional thoracic conformal radiation therapy (TCRT) is one strategy to improve local control and perhaps survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS Stage III NSCLC patients with a good performance status (PS) were treated with induction chemotherapy (carboplatin area under the curve [AUC] 5, irinotecan 100 mg/m(2), and paclitaxel 175 mg/m(2) days 1 and 22) followed by concurrent chemotherapy (carboplatin AUC 2 and paclitaxel 45 mg/m(2) weekly for 7 to 8 weeks) beginning on day 43. Pre- and postchemotherapy computed tomography scans defined the initial clinical target volume (CTV(I)) and boost clinical target volume (CTV(B)), respectively. The CTV(I) received 40 to 50 Gy; the CTV(B) received escalating doses of TCRT from 78 Gy to 82, 86, and 90 Gy. The primary objective was to escalate the TCRT dose from 78 to 90 Gy or to the maximum-tolerated dose. RESULTS Twenty-nine patients were enrolled (25 assessable patients; median age, 59 years; 62% male; 45% stage IIIA; 38% PS 0; and 38% > or = 5% weight loss). Induction CIP was well tolerated (with filgrastim support) and active (partial response rate, 46.2%; stable disease, 53.8%; and early progression, 0%). The TCRT dose was escalated from 78 to 90 Gy without dose-limiting toxicity. The primary acute toxicity was esophagitis (16%, all grade 3). Late toxicity consisted of grade 2 esophageal stricture (n = 3), bronchial stenosis (n = 2), and fatal hemoptysis (n = 2). The overall response rate was 60%, with a median survival time and 1-year survival probability of 24 months and 0.73 (95% CI, 0.55 to 0.89), respectively. CONCLUSION Escalation of the TCRT dose from 78 to 90 Gy in the context of induction and concurrent chemotherapy was accomplished safely in stage III NSCLC patients.

Journal of Clinical Oncology | 2008

Randomized Phase II Trial of Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Concurrent Chemotherapy and Dose-Escalated Thoracic Conformal Radiotherapy (74 Gy) in Stage III Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer : CALGB 30105

Mark A. Socinski; A. William Blackstock; Jeffrey A. Bogart; Xiaofei Wang; Michael Munley; Julian G. Rosenman; Lin Gu; Gregory A. Masters; Peter Ungaro; Arthur Sleeper; Mark Green; Antonius A. Miller; Everett E. Vokes

PURPOSE To evaluate 74 Gy thoracic radiation therapy (TRT) with induction and concurrent chemotherapy in stage IIIA/B non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). PATIENTS AND METHODS Patients with stage IIIA/B NSCLC were randomly assigned to induction chemotherapy with either carboplatin (area under the curve [AUC], 6; days 1 and 22) with paclitaxel (225 mg/m(2); days 1 and 22; arm A) or carboplatin (AUC, 5; days 1 and 22) with gemcitabine (1,000 mg/m(2); days 1, 8, 22, and 29; arm B). On day 43, arm A received weekly carboplatin (AUC, 2) and paclitaxel (45 mg/m(2)) while arm B received biweekly gemcitabine (35 mg/m(2)) both delivered concurrently with 74 Gy of TRT utilizing three-dimensional treatment planning. The primary end point was survival at 18 months. RESULTS Forty-three and 26 patients were accrued to arms A and B, respectively. Arm B was closed prematurely due to a high rate of grade 4 to 5 pulmonary toxicity. The overall response rate was 66.6% (95% CI, 50.5% to 80.4%) and 69.2% (95% CI, 48.2% to 85.7%) on arm A and B, respectively. The median survival time (MST) and 1-year survival rate was 24.3 months (95% CI, 12.3 to 36.4) and 66.7% (95% CI, 50.3 to 78.7) and 12.5 months (95% CI, 9.4 to 27.6) and 50.0% (95% CI, 29.9 to 67.2) for arms A and B, respectively. The primary toxicities included esophagitis, pulmonary, and fatigue. CONCLUSION Arm A reached the primary end point with an estimated MST longer than 18 months and will be compared with a standard dose of TRT in a planned randomized phase III trial in the United States cooperative groups.

Annals of Surgery | 2002

Long-Term Outcome of Neoadjuvant Therapy for Locally Advanced Breast Carcinoma: Effective Clinical Downstaging Allows Breast Preservation and Predicts Outstanding Local Control and Survival

William G. Cance; Lisa A. Carey; Benjamin F. Calvo; Carolyn I. Sartor; Lynda Sawyer; Dominic T. Moore; Julian G. Rosenman; David W. Ollila; Mark L. Graham

ObjectiveTo review the long-term follow-up data from the authors’ institutional experience of 62 patients with locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) treated with a uniform multimodality regimen. The authors determined the rate of breast preservation, the disease-free and overall survival, and the factors associated with locoregional and distant recurrent disease. Summary Background DataIt remains a challenge to achieve local and distant control of LABC. Over the last decade, preoperative or neoadjuvant chemotherapy has emerged as the standard of care for these patients. Successful tumor downstaging has been associated with increased rates of breast-conserving therapy (BCT), but the overall effect on long-term survival remains to be seen. MethodsThis study examines a cohort of 62 patients with LABC treated at the authors’ institution from 1992 to 1998. The uniform treatment regimen consisted of neoadjuvant doxorubicin (Adriamycin), followed by operation (BCT if sufficient clinical downstaging), followed by non-cross-resistant cyclophosphamide/methotrexate/5-fluorouracil, followed by radiation therapy. Treatment was both dose-intensive and time-intensive, with a total treatment time of 32 to 35 weeks. ResultsIn this patient population, the median age was 44 years, with approximately two thirds white patients and one third African American. Eighty-two percent of patients were clinical stage III at presentation, 13 patients had T4d inflammatory cancers, and 3 patients were stage IV at diagnosis. Eighty-four percent of patients demonstrated a significant clinical response to doxorubicin. Twenty-eight patients had sufficient clinical downstaging to attempt BCT, and 22 (45%) of 49 noninflammatory patients underwent successful BCT. Pathologic complete response was seen in 15% of patients. Median follow-up for the cohort was 70 months. The local recurrence rate was 14%, including two ipsilateral breast tumor recurrences (10%) in the BCT patients. Seven (12%) patients developed a new primary cancer in the contralateral breast. Distant metastases occurred in 18 (31%) patients, and the 5-year overall survival rate for the cohort was 76%. Furthermore, in the patients who underwent an attempt at BCT, the survival rate was 96% at 5 years. ConclusionsDose-intensive and time-intensive multimodality neoadjuvant therapy was successfully administered to a mixed racial group over shortened times. Patients who had sufficient clinical downstaging to allow BCT have the best long-term outcome. Patients who required mastectomy are at a higher risk of relapse, as well as the development of new contralateral cancers, yet have 5-year survival rates of over 50%.

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics | 1998

Image Registration: An Essential Part of Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning

Julian G. Rosenman; Elizabeth P. Miller; Gregg Tracton; Tim J. Cullip

PURPOSE We believe that a three-dimensional (3D) registration of nonplanning (diagnostic) imaging data with the planning computed tomography (CT) offers a substantial improvement in tumor target identification for many radiation therapy patients. The purpose of this article is to review and discuss our experience to date. METHODS AND MATERIALS We reviewed the charts and treatment planning records of all patients that underwent 3D radiation treatment planning in our department from June 1994 to December 1995, to learn which patients had image registration performed and why it was thought they would benefit from this approach. We also measured how much error would have been introduced into the target definition if the nonplanning imaging data had not been available and only the planning CT had been used. RESULTS Between June 1994 and December 1995, 106 of 246 (43%) of patients undergoing 3D treatment planning had image registration. Four reasons for performing registration were identified. First, some tumor volumes have better definition on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) than on CT. Second, a properly contrasted diagnostic CT sometimes can show the tumor target better than can the planning CT. Third, the diagnostic CT or MR may have been preoperative, with the postoperative planning CT no longer showing the tumor. Fourth, the patient may have undergone cytoreductive chemotherapy so that the postchemotherapy planning CT no longer showed the original tumor volume. In patients in whom the planning CT did not show the tumor volume well an analysis was done to determine how the treatment plan was changed with the addition of a better tumor-defining nonplanning CT or MR. We have found that the use of this additional imaging modality changed the tumor location in the treatment plan at least 1.5 cm for half of the patients, and up to 3.0 cm for 1/4 of the patients. CONCLUSIONS Multimodality and/or sequential imaging can substantially aid in better tumor definition in many patients undergoing 3D treatment planning. In some patients the appropriate nonplanning imaging source can change the perceived tumor location by several centimeters and is thus essential for proper treatment planning.

Medical Physics | 2004

Feasibility of optimizing the dose distribution in lung tumors using fluorine‐18‐fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography guided dose prescriptions

S Das; Moyed Miften; S. Zhou; M. Bell; Michael T. Munley; Curtis S. Whiddon; Oana Craciunescu; Alan H. Baydush; Terence Z. Wong; Julian G. Rosenman; Mark W. Dewhirst; Lawrence B. Marks

The information provided by functional images may be used to guide radiotherapy planning by identifying regions that require higher radiation dose. In this work we investigate the dosimetric feasibility of delivering dose to lung tumors in proportion to the fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose activity distribution from positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). The rationale for delivering dose in proportion to the tumor FDG-PET activity distribution is based on studies showing that FDG uptake is correlated to tumor cell proliferation rate, which is shown to imply that this dose delivery strategy is theoretically capable of providing the same duration of local control at all voxels in tumor. Target dose delivery was constrained by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) maps of normal lung perfusion, which restricted irradiation of highly perfused lung and imposed dose-function constraints. Dose-volume constraints were imposed on all other critical structures. All dose-volume/function constraints were considered to be soft, i.e., critical structure doses corresponding to volume/function constraint levels were minimized while satisfying the target prescription, thus permitting critical structure doses to minimally exceed dose constraint levels. An intensity modulation optimization methodology was developed to deliver this radiation, and applied to two lung cancer patients. Dosimetric feasibility was assessed by comparing spatially normalized dose-volume histograms from the nonuniform dose prescription (FDG-PET proportional) to those from a uniform dose prescription with equivalent tumor integral dose. In both patients, the optimization was capable of delivering the nonuniform target prescription with the same ease as the uniform target prescription, despite SPECT restrictions that effectively diverted dose from high to low perfused normal lung. In one patient, both prescriptions incurred similar critical structure dosages, below dose-volume/function limits. However, in the other patient, critical structure dosage from the nonuniform dose prescription exceeded dose-volume/function limits, and greatly exceeded that from the uniform dose prescription. Strict compliance to dose-volume/ function limits would entail reducing dose proportionality to the FDG-PET activity distribution, thereby theoretically reducing the duration of local control. Thus, even though it appears feasible to tailor lung tumor dose to the FDG-PET activity distribution, despite SPECT restrictions, strict adherence to dose-volume/function limits could compromise the effectiveness of functional image guided radiotherapy.

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