Julie Sardos
Bioversity International
Featured researches published by Julie Sardos.
Aob Plants | 2015
Luís Silva; Elisabete F. Dias; Julie Sardos; Eduardo Brito de Azevedo; Hanno Schaefer; Mónica Moura
Research dedicated to rare endemic plants is usually focused on one given aspect. However, holistic studies, addressing several key issues, might be more useful, supporting management programs, while unravelling basic knowledge about ecological and population level processes. A more comprehensive approach to research is proposed, encompassing: phylogenetics/systematics, pollination biology and seed dispersal, propagation, population genetics, species distribution models, threats and monitoring. We applied this research approach to Veronica dabneyi, an endangered chamaephyte endemic to the Azores, showing how it could support more effective recovery plans.
Biodiversity and Conservation | 2017
Pavla Christelová; Edmond De Langhe; Eva Hřibová; Jana Čížková; Julie Sardos; Markéta Hušáková; Ines Van den houwe; Agus Sutanto; Angela Kay Kepler; Rony Swennen; Nicolas Roux; Jaroslav Doležel
Bananas (Musa spp.) are one of the main fruit crops grown worldwide. With the annual production reaching 144 million tons, their production represents an important contribution to the economies of many countries in Asia, Africa, Latin-America and Pacific Islands. Most importantly, bananas are a staple food for millions of people living in the tropics. Unfortunately, sustainable banana production is endangered by various diseases and pests, and the breeding for resistant cultivars relies on a far too small base of genetic variation. Greater diversity needs to be incorporated in breeding, especially of wild species. Such work requires a large and thoroughly characterized germplasm collection, which also is a safe depository of genetic diversity. The largest ex situ Musa germplasm collection is kept at the International Transit Centre (ITC) in Leuven (Belgium) and currently comprises over 1500 accessions. This report summarizes the results of systematic cytological and molecular characterization of the Musa ITC collection. By December 2015, 630 accessions have been genotyped. The SSR markers confirmed the previous morphological based classification for 84% of ITC accessions analyzed. The remaining 16% of the genotyped entries may need field verification by taxonomist to decide if the unexpected classification by SSR genotyping was correct. The ploidy level estimation complements the molecular data. The genotyping continues for the entire ITC collection, including newly introduced accessions, to assure that the genotype of each accession is known in the largest global Musa gene bank.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Julie Sardos; Mathieu Rouard; Y. Hueber; Alberto Cenci; Katie E. Hyma; Ines Van den houwe; E. Hribova; Brigitte Courtois; Nicolas Roux
Banana (Musa sp.) is a vegetatively propagated, low fertility, potentially hybrid and polyploid crop. These qualities make the breeding and targeted genetic improvement of this crop a difficult and long process. The Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) approach is becoming widely used in crop plants and has proven efficient to detecting candidate genes for traits of interest, especially in cereals. GWAS has not been applied yet to a vegetatively propagated crop. However, successful GWAS in banana would considerably help unravel the genomic basis of traits of interest and therefore speed up this crop improvement. We present here a dedicated panel of 105 accessions of banana, freely available upon request, and their corresponding GBS data. A set of 5,544 highly reliable markers revealed high levels of admixture in most accessions, except for a subset of 33 individuals from Papua. A GWAS on the seedless phenotype was then successfully applied to the panel. By applying the Mixed Linear Model corrected for both kinship and structure as implemented in TASSEL, we detected 13 candidate genomic regions in which we found a number of genes potentially linked with the seedless phenotype (i.e. parthenocarpy combined with female sterility). An additional GWAS performed on the unstructured Papuan subset composed of 33 accessions confirmed six of these regions as candidate. Out of both sets of analyses, one strong candidate gene for female sterility, a putative orthologous gene to Histidine Kinase CKI1, was identified. The results presented here confirmed the feasibility and potential of GWAS when applied to small sets of banana accessions, at least for traits underpinned by a few loci. As phenotyping in banana is extremely space and time-consuming, this latest finding is of particular importance in the context of banana improvement.
Plant Systematics and Evolution | 2016
L. Borges Silva; Julie Sardos; M. Menezes de Sequeira; Lurdes Borges Silva; Daniel J. Crawford; Mónica Moura
The recently evolved genus Tolpis Adans. has its major center of diversity located in Macaronesia. Although recent advances have been made to understand the relationships of Tolpis species within Macaronesia, little is still known about the genetic patterns and genetic diversity of the Azorean and Madeiran Tolpis populations. To achieve this, a set of 8 microsatellite loci (SSR) was applied to 478 individuals of Tolpis azorica and T. succulenta. Genetic structure analysis, in addition to a spatial analysis, confirmed the existence of geographically circumscribed genetic patterns allied to a barrier effect by the sea in the Azorean T. azorica and T. succulenta. A detailed analysis of T. azorica revealed three different genetic groups, each group being particular to a different Azorean sub-archipelago, while the analysis conducted with T. succulenta confirmed the occurrence of a differential grouping between individuals from Azores and Madeira populations. The impact of catastrophic volcanic events and intense humanization of the habitats is discussed, in view of the present genetic diversity and structure of the species. In general, T. azorica populations showed high Fis values and some populations of T. succulenta both in Azores and in Madeira also showed signs of putative inbreeding. Conservation actions such as the eradication of invasive plant and animal species are advised but translocations of plants or diaspores between islands or between populations of a same island should not be attempted.
Annals of Botany | 2016
Julie Sardos; X. Perrier; Jaroslav Doležel; Eva Hřibová; Pavla Christelová; I. Van den houwe; Andrzej Kilian; Nicolas Roux
Background and Aims Dessert and cooking bananas are vegetatively propagated crops of great importance for both the subsistence and the livelihood of people in developing countries. A wide diversity of diploid and triploid cultivars including AA, AB, AS, AT, AAA, AAB, ABB, AAS and AAT genomic constitutions exists. Within each of this genome groups, cultivars are classified into subgroups that are reported to correspond to varieties clonally derived from each other after a single sexual event. The number of those founding events at the basis of the diversity of bananas is a matter of debate. Methods We analysed a large panel of 575 accessions, 94 wild relatives and 481 cultivated accessions belonging to the section Musa with a set of 498 DArT markers previously developed. Key Results DArT appeared successful and accurate to describe Musa diversity and help in the resolution of cultivated banana genome constitution and taxonomy, and highlighted discrepancies in the acknowledged classification of some accessions. This study also argues for at least two centres of domestication corresponding to South-East Asia and New Guinea, respectively. Banana domestication in New Guinea probably followed different schemes that those previously reported where hybridization underpins the emergence of edible banana. In addition, our results suggest that not all wild ancestors of bananas are known, especially in M. acuminata subspecies. We also estimate the extent of the two consecutive bottlenecks in edible bananas by evaluating the number of sexual founding events underlying our sets of edible diploids and triploids, respectively. Conclusions The attribution of clone identity to each sample of the sets allowed the detection of subgroups represented by several sets of clones. Although morphological characterization of some of the accessions is needed to correct potentially erroneous classifications, some of the subgroups seem polyclonal.
Plant Systematics and Evolution | 2009
Julie Sardos; Marguerite Rodier-Goud; Dominique Dambier; Roger Malapa; Jean-Louis Noyer; Vincent Lebot
Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz (Euphorbiaceae), is a major tropical crop. It is a diploid and sexually fertile, but confined to vegetative propagation in agriculture. While polyploidization is a major evolutionary process in higher plants and is of importance in the creation of improved crop varieties, spontaneous polyploidization is poorly documented for M. esculenta. Molecular and cytological evidence is provided here for two cases of intraspecific triploidization events that occurred in smallholders’ fields in Vanuatu, South Pacific. We then discuss the implications of triploidy for the crop and highlight the importance of this discovery for the evolution of this species in traditional cropping systems.
Evolutionary Applications | 2017
Mauricio R. Bellon; Ehsan Dulloo; Julie Sardos; Imke Thormann; Jeremy J. Burdon
Ensuring the availability of the broadest possible germplasm base for agriculture in the face of increasingly uncertain and variable patterns of biotic and abiotic change is fundamental for the worlds future food supply. While ex situ conservation plays a major role in the conservation and availability of crop germplasm, it may be insufficient to ensure this. In situ conservation aims to maintain target species and the collective genotypes they represent under evolution. A major rationale for this view is based on the likelihood that continued exposure to changing selective forces will generate and favor new genetic variation and an increased likelihood that rare alleles that may be of value to future agriculture are maintained. However, the evidence that underpins this key rationale remains fragmented and has not been examined systematically, thereby decreasing the perceived value and support for in situ conservation for agriculture and food systems and limiting the conservation options available. This study reviews evidence regarding the likelihood and rate of evolutionary change in both biotic and abiotic traits for crops and their wild relatives, placing these processes in a realistic context in which smallholder farming operates and crop wild relatives continue to exist. It identifies areas of research that would contribute to a deeper understanding of these processes as the basis for making them more useful for future crop adaptation.
Database | 2017
M. Ruas; Valentin Guignon; G. Sempere; Julie Sardos; Y. Hueber; H. Duvergey; A. Andrieu; R. Chase; C. Jenny; T. Hazekamp; B. Irish; K. Jelali; J. Adeka; T. Ayala-Silva; C.P. Chao; J. Daniells; B. Dowiya; B. Effa effa; L. Gueco; L. Herradura; L. Ibobondji; E. Kempenaers; J. Kilangi; S. Muhangi; P. Ngo Xuan; J. Paofa; C. Pavis; D. Thiemele; C. Tossou; J. Sandoval
Abstract Unraveling the genetic diversity held in genebanks on a large scale is underway, due to advances in Next-generation sequence (NGS) based technologies that produce high-density genetic markers for a large number of samples at low cost. Genebank users should be in a position to identify and select germplasm from the global genepool based on a combination of passport, genotypic and phenotypic data. To facilitate this, a new generation of information systems is being designed to efficiently handle data and link it with other external resources such as genome or breeding databases. The Musa Germplasm Information System (MGIS), the database for global ex situ-held banana genetic resources, has been developed to address those needs in a user-friendly way. In developing MGIS, we selected a generic database schema (Chado), the robust content management system Drupal for the user interface, and Tripal, a set of Drupal modules which links the Chado schema to Drupal. MGIS allows germplasm collection examination, accession browsing, advanced search functions, and germplasm orders. Additionally, we developed unique graphical interfaces to compare accessions and to explore them based on their taxonomic information. Accession-based data has been enriched with publications, genotyping studies and associated genotyping datasets reporting on germplasm use. Finally, an interoperability layer has been implemented to facilitate the link with complementary databases like the Banana Genome Hub and the MusaBase breeding database. Database URL: https://www.crop-diversity.org/mgis/
Molecular Biology and Evolution | 2017
Guillaume Martin; Françoise Carreel; Olivier Coriton; Catherine Hervouet; Céline Cardi; Paco Derouault; Danièle Roques; Frédéric Salmon; Mathieu Rouard; Julie Sardos; Karine Labadie; Franc-Christophe Baurens; Angélique D’Hont
Abstract Most banana cultivars are triploid seedless parthenocarpic clones derived from hybridization between Musa acuminata subspecies and sometimes M. balbisiana. M. acuminata subspecies were suggested to differ by a few large chromosomal rearrangements based on chromosome pairing configurations in intersubspecies hybrids. We searched for large chromosomal rearrangements in a seedy M. acuminata ssp. malaccensis banana accession through mate-pair sequencing, BAC-FISH, targeted PCR and marker (DArTseq) segregation in its progeny. We identified a heterozygous reciprocal translocation involving two distal 3 and 10 Mb segments from chromosomes 01 and 04, respectively, and showed that it generated high segregation distortion, reduced recombination and linkage between chromosomes 01 and 04 in its progeny. The two chromosome structures were found to be mutually exclusive in gametes and the rearranged structure was preferentially transmitted to the progeny. The rearranged chromosome structure was frequently found in triploid cultivars but present only in wild malaccensis ssp. accessions, thus suggesting that this rearrangement occurred in M. acuminata ssp. malaccensis. We propose a mechanism for the spread of this rearrangement in Musa diversity and suggest that this rearrangement could have played a role in the emergence of triploid cultivars.
Genome Biology and Evolution | 2018
Mathieu Rouard; Gaëtan Droc; G. Martin; Julie Sardos; Y. Hueber; Valentin Guignon; Alberto Cenci; B. Geigle; M. S. Hibbins; Nabila Yahiaoui; F.-C. Baurens; V. Berry; Matthew W. Hahn; A. D 'Hont; N. Roux
Abstract Edible bananas result from interspecific hybridization between Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana, as well as among subspecies in M. acuminata. Four particular M. acuminata subspecies have been proposed as the main contributors of edible bananas, all of which radiated in a short period of time in southeastern Asia. Clarifying the evolution of these lineages at a whole-genome scale is therefore an important step toward understanding the domestication and diversification of this crop. This study reports the de novo genome assembly and gene annotation of a representative genotype from three different subspecies of M. acuminata. These data are combined with the previously published genome of the fourth subspecies to investigate phylogenetic relationships. Analyses of shared and unique gene families reveal that the four subspecies are quite homogenous, with a core genome representing at least 50% of all genes and very few M. acuminata species-specific gene families. Multiple alignments indicate high sequence identity between homologous single copy-genes, supporting the close relationships of these lineages. Interestingly, phylogenomic analyses demonstrate high levels of gene tree discordance, due to both incomplete lineage sorting and introgression. This pattern suggests rapid radiation within Musa acuminata subspecies that occurred after the divergence with M. balbisiana. Introgression between M. a. ssp. malaccensis and M. a. ssp. burmannica was detected across the genome, though multiple approaches to resolve the subspecies tree converged on the same topology. To support evolutionary and functional analyses, we introduce the PanMusa database, which enables researchers to exploration of individual gene families and trees.