Julien Olive
Université de Montréal
Equine Veterinary Journal | 2009
Julien Olive; Marc-André d'Anjou; Christiane Girard; Sheila Laverty; Christine L. Theoret
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY Marginal osteophytes represent a well known component of osteoarthritis in man and animals. Conversely, central subchondral osteophytes (COs), which are commonly present in human knees with osteoarthritis, have not been reported in horses. OBJECTIVES To describe and compare computed radiography (CR), single-slice computed tomography (CT), 1.5 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and histological features of COs in equine metacarpophalangeal joints with macroscopic evidence of naturally-occurring osteoarthritis. METHODS MRI sequences (sagittal spoiled gradient recalled echo [SPGR] with fat saturation, sagittal T2-weighted fast spin echo with fat saturation [T2-FS], dorsal and transverse T1-weighted gradient-recalled echo [GRE], and sagittal T2*-weighted gradient echo with fast imaging employing steady state acquisition [FIESTA]), as well as transverse and reformatted sagittal CTI and 4 computed radiographic (CR) views of 20 paired metacarpophalangeal joints were acquired ex vivo. Following macroscopic evaluation, samples were harvested in predetermined sites of the metacarpal condyle for subsequent histology. The prevalence and detection level of COs was determined for each imaging modality. RESULTS Abnormalities consistent with COs were clearly depicted on MRI, using the SPGR sequence, in 7/20 (35%) joints. They were identified as a focal hypointense protuberance from the subchondral plate into the cartilage, at the palmarodistal aspect (n=7) and/or at the very dorsal aspect (n=2) of the metacarpal condyle. COs were visible but less obvious in 5 of the 7 joints using FIESTA and reformatted sagittal CT, and were not identifiable on T2-FS, T1-GRE or CR. Microscopically, they consisted of dense bone protruding into the calcified cartilage and disrupting the tidemarks, and they were consistently associated with overlying cartilage defects. CONCLUSIONS Subchondral osteophytes are a feature of osteoarthritis of equine metacarpophalangeal joints and they may be diagnosed using 1.5 Tesla MRI and CT. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE Central subchondral osteophytes on MRI represent indirect evidence of cartilage damage in horses.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound | 2012
Kate Alexander; Hugo Joly; Laurent Blond; Marc-André d'Anjou; Marie-Eve Nadeau; Julien Olive; Guy Beauchamp
Computed tomography (CT) has become more widely available and computed radiography (CR) has replaced film-screen radiography for canine thoracic imaging in many veterinary practices. There are limited data comparing these modalities in a veterinary clinical setting to detect pulmonary nodules. We compared CT, CR, and film-screen radiography for detecting the presence, number, and characteristics of pulmonary nodules in dogs. Observer performance for a variety of experience levels was also evaluated. Twenty-one client-owned dogs with a primary neoplastic process underwent CT and CR; nine also received film-screen radiographs. Positive/negative classification by consensus agreed between the three modalities in 8/9 dogs and between CR and CT in the remaining 12. CT detected the greatest (P = 0.002) total number of nodules and no difference was seen between CR and films. The greatest number of nodules was seen in the right middle and both caudal regions, but only using CT (P < 0.0001). Significantly smaller nodules were detected with CT (P = 0.0007) and no difference in minimum size was detected between CR and films. Observer accuracy was high for all modalities; particularly for CT (90.5-100%) and for the senior radiologist (90.5-100%). CT was also characterized by the least interobserver variability. Although CT, CR, and film-screen performed similarly in determining the presence or absence of pulmonary nodules, a greater number of smaller nodules was detected with CT, and CT was associated with greater diagnostic confidence and observer accuracy and agreement.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound | 2012
Maïa Vanel; Julien Olive; Sarah J. Gold; Richard D. Mitchell; Lea Walker
Deep digital flexor (DDF) tendinopathy is one of the most frequent causes of foot lameness and the prognosis is guarded. The progress of lesion healing may be followed by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to formulate a prognosis and to adapt the rehabilitation program. We assessed the correlation of outcome with total tendon damage and temporal resolution of MR abnormalities. Images from 34 horses with DDF tendinopathy that had undergone at least two low-field standing MR examinations of the foot (mean 2.5 ± 1.3 times) were reviewed. No horse having a T1-GRE hyperintense lesion over 30 mm in length or over 10% tendon cross-sectional area returned to its previous activity level. Horses with concomitant lesions had worse outcome than horses with DDF tendinopathy only (P = 0.005). In all horses including those with excellent outcome, the lesion persisted, even mildly, in T1-GRE and PD images. Horses with tendon lesion resolution on STIR-FSE and T2-FSE images on recheck examination had a better outcome (P = 0.0004 and P = 0.002, respectively), and all horses that returned to their previous level of performance had complete resolution of signal hyperintensity on the STIR-FSE sequence. Although rehabilitation remains multifactorial, characteristics of DDF tendinopathy and concomitant lesions on first and recheck MR examinations allow refining the prognosis.
American Journal of Veterinary Research | 2010
Julien Olive; Marc-André d'Anjou; Kate Alexander; Guy Beauchamp; Christine L. Theoret
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the ability of signal attenuation-based quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (QMRI) to estimate subchondral bone mineral density (BMD) as assessed via quantitative computed tomography (QCT) in osteoarthritic joints of horses. SAMPLE POPULATION 20 metacarpophalangeal joints from 10 horse cadavers. PROCEDURES Magnetic resonance (MR) images (dorsal and transverse T1-weighted gradient recalled echo [GRE] and dorsal T2*-weighted GRE fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition [T2*-FIESTA]) and transverse single-slice computed tomographic (CT) images of the joints were acquired. Magnetic resonance signal intensity (SI) and CT attenuation were quantified in 6 regions of interest (ROIs) in the subchondral bone of third metacarpal condyles. Separate ROIs were established in the air close to the joint and used to generate corrected ratios and SIs. Computed tomographic attenuation was corrected by use of a calibration phantom to obtain a K(2)HPO(4)-equivalent density of bone. Correlations between QMRI performed with different MR imaging sequences and QCT measurements were evaluated. The intraobserver repeatability of ROI measurements was tested for each modality. RESULTS Measurement repeatability was excellent for QCT (R(2) = 98.3%) and QMRI (R(2) = 98.8%). Transverse (R(2) = 77%) or dorsal (R(2) = 77%) T1-weighted GRE and QCT BMD measurements were negatively correlated, as were dorsal T2*-FIESTA and QCT (R(2) = 80%) measurements. Decreased bone SI during MR imaging linearly reflected increased BMD. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results of this ex vivo study suggested that signal attenuation-based QMRI was a reliable, clinically applicable method for indirect estimation of subchondral BMD in osteoarthritic metacarpophalangeal joints of horses.
Javma-journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association | 2015
Julien Olive; Romain Javard; Swan Specchi; Marie-Claude Bélanger; Catherine Bélanger; Guy Beauchamp; Kate Alexander
OBJECTIVE To assess the variability in vertebral heart score (VHS) measurement induced by cardiac and respiratory cycles in dogs. DESIGN Prospective observational study. ANIMALS 14 healthy Beagles. PROCEDURES Dogs underwent fluoroscopic examination by 4 observers, and VHS was measured at end-tidal inspiration and end-tidal expiration during end systole and end diastole in left and right lateral recumbency. Mean VHS was compared within and among cardiac and respiratory phases and recumbency type, and correlation between VHS and heart rate was investigated. Interobserver variability was assessed. RESULTS Mean VHS for each combination of respiratory and cardiac cycle was larger on images obtained in right lateral versus left lateral recumbency. The greatest differences were observed between VHS measured in the diastolic inspiratory phase (mean ± SD, 10.59 ± 0.49 vertebral units [VU] and 10.35 ± 0.50 VU for right and left lateral recumbency, respectively) and the systolic expiratory phase (10.11 ± 0.37 VU and 9.92 ± 0.50 VU for right and left lateral recumbency, respectively). The combination of respiratory and cardiac cycles induced a maximal difference in VHS of up to 0.97 VU and 1.11 VU in the inspiratory and expiratory phases, respectively. Heart rate was not correlated with the difference between VHS in systolic and diastolic phases. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Clinicians should be aware of the potential influence of these factors when assessing VHS in dogs; in addition to allowing optimal pulmonary assessment, consistently taking radiographs at end-inspiratory tidal volume may help to limit VHS variability attributable to the respiratory cycle. Further research is needed to assess the effects of cardiac and respiratory phases on VHS in dogs with cardiac or respiratory disease.
American Journal of Veterinary Research | 2014
Julien Olive; Nathalie Lambert; K Bubeck; Guy Beauchamp; Sheila Laverty
OBJECTIVE To ultrasonographically quantify experimentally induced effusion of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint of horses and compare results with those obtained with palpation. SAMPLE 8 forelimbs from equine cadavers and forelimbs of 5 mares. PROCEDURES Preliminary ex vivo experiments were performed to validate the methods. Then, the DIP joints of the forelimbs of standing horses were serially distended with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (1, 4, and 10 mL) by injection through an intra-articular catheter. Two ultrasonographers measured distension of the dorsal recess of the DIP joint, and 2 surgeons, who were not aware of the volume injected, graded joint effusion by palpation. RESULTS Intraobserver and interobserver repeatability was excellent for ultrasonographic measurements. Interobserver agreement for use of palpation to detect joint distension was moderate (κ = 0.45). There was an overall increase in the palpation distension grade with an increase in injected volume. Sensitivity for detection with palpation of larger volumes (4 and 10 mL) was high (92% and 100%, respectively). However, sensitivity was lower (57%) for detection with palpation of minimal distension (1 mL). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Although palpation provided a reliable clinical assessment of DIP joint effusion for volumes of 4 to 10 mL, ultrasonographic measurements were easy to obtain, more accurate, and able to detect smaller amounts of distension. This may be clinically relevant for the assessment of effusion of the DIP joint that can arise in horses with early osteoarthritis or infectious arthritis with concomitant soft tissue swelling that precludes accurate assessment with palpation.
Equine Veterinary Journal | 2018
Gabrielle Martel; D. Crowley; Julien Olive; J. Halley; Sheila Laverty
BACKGROUND Extensive osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) lesions of the lateral ridge of the trochlea of the femur (LRTF), the most common OCD-affected site in the stifle, have a poor outcome with surgical debridement and can be career ending. The early detection of osteochondrosis lesions and their conservative management holds the promise to enhance outcome. We hypothesise that ultrasonography is a valuable field screening tool to detect and monitor early subclinical LRTF osteochondrosis. OBJECTIVES The goals were to 1) describe the normal ultrasonographic features of the LRTF in foals of different ages and 2) screen a foal cohort at the farm for early subclinical osteochondrosis lesions. STUDY DESIGN Prospective cohort study. METHODS The LRTF of both hindlimbs of Thoroughbred foals (n = 46, 27-166 days old) were imaged once with ultrasonography and radiography (lateromedial and caudolateral-craniomedial oblique views). Cartilage thickness, ossification front indentation of the chondro-osseous junction and epiphyseal vascularisation were assessed on ultrasonography. Follow-up radiographs were taken as yearlings. RESULTS The cartilage thickness, ossification front indentation and epiphyseal vascularisation significantly decreased with advancing maturity. Subclinical osteochondrosis lesions, characterised by semicircular indentations in the ossification front (indirect evidence of focal failure of ossification and retained cartilage) were detected in six foals (28-145 days old), both with radiography and ultrasonography. Ultrasonography provided a better overall subjective assessment of the osteochondrosis lesion topography (length, depth and the width) compared with radiography. MAIN LIMITATIONS Post-mortem validation of lesions was not possible. CONCLUSION Ultrasonography of the LRTF is a practical, inexpensive and reliable technique to discriminate physiological from pathological events at the LRTF in young foals. It revealed the complex topography of the chondro-osseous junction permitting a rapid, comprehensive assessment of the subclinical osteochondrosis lesions in very young foals.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound | 2016
Julie De Lasalle; Kate Alexander; Julien Olive; Sheila Laverty
A better understanding of imaging characteristics of equine stifle osteoarthritis (OA) may allow earlier detection and improve prognosis. Objectives of this ex vivo, prospective, methods comparison study were to (1) describe the location and severity of naturally acquired OA lesions in the equine stifle using ultrasound (US), radiography (XR), computed tomography (CT), and macroscopic evaluation (ME); (2) compare the diagnostic performance of each imaging modality with ME; and (3) describe subchondral bone mineral density (BMD) in equine stifle joints with OA using CT. Radiographic, CT, and US evaluations were performed on 23 equine cadaver stifles and compared with ME. Significant associations were found between osteophyte global scores for all imaging modalities (CT, P ˂ 0.0001; XR, P = 0.005; US, P = 0.04) vs. ME osteophyte global scores. Osteophytes were detected most frequently in the medial femorotibial (MFT) joint. A specific pattern of osteophytes was observed, with a long ridge of new bone at the insertion of the MFT joint capsule cranially on the medial femoral condyle. A novel caudo-10°proximo-5°lateral-cranio-disto-medial oblique radiographic projection was helpful for detection of intercondylar osteophytes. Multiplanar CT reformatted images were helpful for characterizing all osteophytes. Osteophyte grades at most sites did not differ among modalities. Low sensitivity/specificity for subchondral bone sclerosis and flattening of femoral condyles suggested that these signs may not be reliable radiographic and CT indicators of equine stifle OA. Equine stifle OA was associated with a decrease in BMD and specific sites of focal subchondral bone resorption/cyst formation were found in some specimens.
American Journal of Veterinary Research | 2013
Julien Olive; Thibault Vila; Nicolas Serraud
OBJECTIVE To compare navicular bone marrow lesion (BML) conspicuity in the feet of horses as determined via 2 fat-suppressed MRI techniques, including standard short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and inversion recovery gradient echo (IRGE). SAMPLE Feet (n = 150) of horses with lameness referable to the distal portion of the digit. PROCEDURES STIR and IRGE sequences were obtained prospectively in all feet with a standing low-field equine MRI system. Presence of a BML was ascertained by identification of a characteristic combination of marrow alterations in T1-weighted, T2*-weighted, T2-weighted, and STIR images. Signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios were calculated on STIR and IRGE sequences in 56 feet with a navicular BML. RESULTS Signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios of both sequences correlated linearly (r = 0.87 and r = 0.92, respectively) but were significantly higher for STIR images (mean ± SD, 22.6 ± 12.7 and 12.4 ± 11.4, respectively), compared with IRGE images (13.7 ± 8.0 and 5.9 ± 7.2, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that the IRGE sequence revealed BMLs significantly less conspicuously, compared with the standard STIR sequence. The 2 techniques cannot be used interchangeably, and IRGE is therefore not recommended as the sole fat-suppressed sequence for routine equine standing MRI protocols.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound | 2012
Swan Specchi; Julien Olive; Edoardo Auriemma; Laurent Blond
We evaluated 50 feline head and neck computed tomography examinations to determine the prevalence of vascular variation in the internal and external jugular veins. We identified three distinct anatomic conformations of the internal jugular vein. No variation of external jugular vein morphology was detected. Feline patients can have different internal jugular vein morphology that should be recognized for surgical planning.