Julio Alberto Hurrell
National University of La Plata
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 2012
María Lelia Pochettino; Jeremías P. Puentes; Fernando Buet Costantino; Patricia Marta Arenas; Emilio A. Ulibarri; Julio Alberto Hurrell
This paper presents the results of a research in urban ethnobotany, conducted in a market of Bolivian immigrants in the neighborhood of Liniers, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Functional foods and nutraceuticals belonging to 50 species of 18 families, its products, and uses were recorded. Some products are exclusive from the Bolivian community; others are frequent within the community, but they are also available in the general commercial circuit; they are introduced into it, generally, through shops called dietéticas (“health-food stores”), where products associated with the maintenance of health are sold. On this basis, the traditional and nontraditional components of the urban botanical knowledge were evaluated as well as its dynamics in relation to the diffusion of the products. Both the framework and methodological design are innovative for the studies of the urban botanical knowledge and the traditional markets in metropolitan areas.
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | 2011
Julio Alberto Hurrell; Pablo Alejandro Cabanillas; Gustavo Delucchi
Wisteria sinensis (Leguminosae) adventitious in Argentina. First record and expansion mechanisms. This paper includes the first record of Wisteria sinensis (Leguminosae) adventitious in Argentina, observations on its mechanisms of expansion and its status in the context of the naturalization process.
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | 2012
Julio Alberto Hurrell; Pablo Alejandro Cabanillas; Fernando Buet Costantino; Gustavo Delucchi
Bignoniaceae adventitious in Argentina. First reference to Podranea ricasoliana, and new records of Campsis radicans. This paper includes the first reference to Podranea ricasoliana and new records of Campsis radicans (Bignoniaceae) for the adventitious Argentinean Flora. Also includes observations on the expansion mechanisms and the status into the naturalization process for P. ricasoliana, besides a key to differentiate the adventitious Bignoniaceae in Argentina.
Archive | 2012
María Lelia Pochettino; Julio Alberto Hurrell; Verónica S. Lema
Homegardens are defined as those cultivated spaces, generally of reduced extension, located in the surroundings of the house. Garden produce is mainly consumed at home, or given away to related families, but exceptionally devoted to commercialization as a supplementary resource of domestic economy (Buet et al., 2010; Pochettino, 2010, Wagner, 2002). Homegardens study constitutes a subject of increasing interest in Ethnobotany, as this approach contributes to both agrobiodiversity conservation (in particular to the infraspecific level) and to the preservation of cultural diversity: management strategies as well as species and varieties selection are not market-oriented, but they are regulated by preferences and culinary uses, linked with family traditions. So, these homegardens could be considered as real adaptative responses of local human groups arising from their own experience in the environment. This subject has been approached by diverse authors all over the world (Albuquerque et al., 2005; Blanckaert et al., 2004; Das & Das, 2005; Lamont et al., 1999; Nazarea, 1998; Vogl et al., 2002; Vogl et al., 2004; Vogl-Lukasser et al., 2002; Wagner, 2002; Watson & Eyzaguirre, 2002) even in Argentina, many of them developed by the research team of Laboratorio de Etnobotanica y Botanica Aplicada (LEBA), Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina (Buet et al., 2010; Del Rio et al., 2007; Lema, 2006; Maidana et al., 2005; Martinez et al., 2003; Perez et al., 2008; Pochettino et al., 2006; Pochettino, 2010; Turco et al., 2006).
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | 2012
Julio Alberto Hurrell; Gustavo Delucchi; Pablo Alejandro Cabanillas
First reference of Parthenocissus tricuspidata and new record of P. quinquefolia (Vitaceae) adventitious in Argentina. This paper includes two adventitious species of the genus Parthenocissus Planch. in Argentina: P. tricuspidata (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. and P. quinquefolia (L.) Planch., both introduced as ornamentals. Descriptions, synonymy, iconography, distribution, common names, uses, keys and reference material are given. Also contains observations about its climb strategies, its expansion mechanisms, and its actual status in the context of naturalization process.
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | 2009
Julio Alberto Hurrell; Gustavo Delucchi; Fernando Buet Costantino
New records of adventitious monocots for Argentina. This paper includes five new records of adventitious monocots for Argentina: Aloe ciliaris Haw. (Asphodelaceae), Aspidistra elatior Blume (Convallariaceae), Sansevieria trifasciata Prain (Dracaenaceae), Phormium tenax J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Hemerocallidaceae) and Ornithogalum arabicum L. (Hyacinthaceae), belonging to order Asparagales. Also includes an evaluation of its status in the naturalization process: casual alien, naturalized.
Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | 2007
Julio Alberto Hurrell; Gustavo Delucchi
Agapanthaceae, Anthericaceae and Hyacinthaceae adventitious in Argentina. This paper includes updated observations of the previously cited: Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis (Agapanthaceae), and 3 new adventitious species for Argentina: Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques (Anthericaceae), Hyacinthus orientalis L. and Hyacinthoides hispanica (Mill.) Rothm. (Hyacinthaceae).
Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants | 2011
Julio Alberto Hurrell; Emilio A. Ulibarri; Jeremías P. Puentes; Fernando Buet Costantino; Patricia Marta Arenas; María Lelia Pochettino
Archive | 2014
Julio Alberto Hurrell; María Lelia Pochettino
Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants | 2013
Julio Alberto Hurrell; María Lelia Pochettino; Jeremías P. Puentes; Patricia Marta Arenas