Julio Cabero-Almenara
University of Seville
Cultura Y Educacion | 2014
Julio Cabero-Almenara; Ana Isabel Vázquez-Martínez
Abstract The creation of a Personal Learning Environment (PLE) process. The research project Dipro 2.0 had different objectives, one of which was the creation of a learning environment using Web 2.0 architecture. This was done in three stages: the design of a prototype, an analysis by members of the research team and its evaluation by experts and students. The first environment is a PLE and the second environment contains the learning materials distributed in 14 units. Fifty-seven educational technology experts from different Latin American countries participated in the evaluation of both environments; they were selected from the criterion of expert competence and 284 students from different Spanish universities. The instrument used was created ad hoc, and results confirmed that both environments are positively valued; it is recommended for teacher training.
Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa - RELATEC | 2018
Jaime Patricio Leiva-Núñez; Julio Cabero-Almenara; Lastenia Ugalde-Meza
espanolEl estudio de los entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE), tiene gran relevancia porque son un reflejo de las estrategias de aprendizaje que los estudiantes utilizan con tecnologia, ademas, se visualizan como una valiosa herramienta metodologica para el trabajo docente. La presente investigacion de tipo «expost-facto» y descriptivo, analiza representaciones graficas de los PLE de 415 estudiantes que cursan la asignatura «Competencias Tic para la vida academica», el primer semestre del 2016 en la Universidad de Playa Ancha (Chile). Se realiza una descripcion detallada de las herramientas utilizadas por los alumnos y se aplica la prueba no parametrica de Marascuilo para buscar diferencias entre facultades. Los resultados muestran un gran listado de aplicaciones usadas por los estudiantes en diferentes dispositivos, sin embargo, el estudio muestra que solo algunas son usadas en forma masiva y que los estudiantes son mas consumidores que productores de informacion. La comparacion entre las facultades involucradas muestra diferencias de uso en algunas aplicaciones de tipo general y otras especificas. Los resultados muestran que el estudio de los PLE permite proyectar acciones academicas futuras y muestra la necesidad de realizar otras investigaciones similares pero que consideren una clasificacion de las aplicaciones que refleje las seis categorias de Bloom para la era digital (recordar, comprender, aplicar, analizar, evaluar y crear). EnglishThe study of personal learning environments (PLE) has great relevance because they are a refection of the learning strategies that students use with technology, in addition, they are seen as a valuable methodological tool for teaching work. The present investigation of type expost-facto and descriptive, analyzes graphical representations of the PLE of 415 students who study the subject Competencies Tic for the academic life, the frst semester of 2016 in the University of Playa Ancha (Chile). A detailed description of the tools used by the students is made and the Marascuilo nonparametric test is applied to fnd diferences between faculties. The results show a large list of applications used by students in diferent devices, however, the study shows that only some are used in a massive way and that students are more consumers than information producers. The comparison between the faculties involved shows diferences of use in some general applications and other specifc applications. The results show that the PLE study allows to project future academic actions and shows the need to carry out other similar investigations but that consider a classifcation of applications that refects the six categories of Bloom for the digital era (remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create).
Revista Diálogo Educacional | 2018
Julio Cabero-Almenara; María Luisa Arancibia Muñoz; Ismael Valdivia Zamorano; Sebastián Mauricio Araneda Riveros
En el articulo se analizan las percepciones que docentes y estudiantes que la Universidad Tecnologica de Chile INACAP (Chile) tienen respecto a la formacion virtual y a diferentes herramientas utilizadas en la misma. Se presentan algunas ideas sobre la significacion de la politica de los contenidos abiertos y las caracteristicas de los denominados objetos de aprendizaje. Entre los resultados se pueden destacar los siguientes aspectos: la posesion de tecnologias moviles por parte de los docentes y discentes lo que facilita el desarrollo de la politica de los contenidos abiertos, las altas actitudes que los profesores presentan sobre la utilidad del uso de las TIC en los procesos de ensenanza-aprendizaje, o la tendencia por parte de los estudiantes a acudir a sitios web en abierto para el acceso como fuente inicial de informacion. Se reclama la necesidad de establecer planes de formacion para la adquisicion de la competencia digital de los estudiantes para la evaluacion de la informacion, y la capacitacion de los docentes para incorporar estos recursos.
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education | 2016
Julio Cabero-Almenara; Verónica Marín-Díaz; Begoña E. Sampedro-Requena
E-learning is a way of teaching that presently makes greater sense in the process of democratization of education. This articles describes a meta-analysis performed on Spanish journals found in Social Sciences and Law areas (Nu2009=u2009118) indexed in JCR and SCOPUS and awarded with the FECYT seal, that have published articles on this topic in the last 5xa0years (2011–2015). The total number of articles analyzed was 108. The main results show that these have focused on studies on academic efficiency, learning, teaching and cognitive styles, and interaction and communication. The main conclusion reached was the need for a study on the reasoning behind why elements such assessments are not treated in these articles.
Archive | 2014
Julio Cabero-Almenara; Verónica Marín-Díaz
El cambio en las metodologias de aula viene de la mano, en muchos casos, de Internet y de las herramientas de la Web 2.0. Por otra parte, el desarrollo de una perspectiva de corte constructivista apoyado en el trabajo en grupo, suponen que la formacion de los estudiantes puede ser alimentada a traves de este tipo de recursos, dado que potencia, entre otros aspectos la socializacion, la busqueda de informacion, el logro de una meta comun, etc. La investigacion que aqui se presenta versa sobre la realidad de los procesos de aprendizaje universitario con TIC y las preferencias para trabajar dentro y fuera del aula de los estudiantes de las universidades de Cordoba, Huelva, Sevilla y Pais Vasco. Los objetivos se centran en conocer las percepciones que los alumnos tienen sobre el software social y el trabajo en grupo y colaborativo, cuales son las herramientas de software social que emplean y si hay diferencias en funcion de la universidad de procedencia. Se empleo como instrumento de recogida de datos un cuestionario conformado por cuatro dimensiones. Se concluye que el alumnado esta interesado en el empleo del trabajo en grupo como metodologia de aula, asi como su escaso conocimiento de las herramientas tecnologicas, salvo de las redes sociales. Al mismo tiempo, estos resultados aportan un instrumento fiable para el diagnostico de las variables que lo conforman.The change in classroom methodologies has in many cases come with the emergence of the Internet and 2.0 tools (mainly social networks). The development of a constructivist approach focused on group work means that students’ training can be improved by this type of resources as they foster important aspects such as socialization, information searching and the achievement of a common goal, etc. This work aims to analyze the information and communication technology (ICT) university learning processes and student preferences for working either inside or outside the classroom at the universities of Cordoba, Sevilla, Huelva and the Basque Country. Our objectives are focused on knowing: the students feelings on social software and its influence on collaborative and group work;) the social network tools they use and, if there are any differences between these universities in terms of collaborative work perceptions. The instrument for data gathering was a four-dimensional questionnaire. The main results are: students are interested in group work as a type of classroom methodology; students have little knowledge of technology tools (except for social networks). These results provide a reliable diagnostic instrument for the variables that comprise this tool.Resumen es: RESUMEN El cambio en las metodologias de aula viene de la mano, en muchos casos, de Internet y de las herramientas de la Web 2.0. Por otra parte, el desa...The change in classroom methodologies has in many cases come with the emergence of the Internet and 2.0 tools (mainly social networks). The development of a constructivist approach focused on group work means that students’ training can be improved by this type of resources as they foster important aspects such as socialization, information searching and the achievement of a common goal, etc. This work aims to analyze the information and communication technology (ICT) university learning processes and student preferences for working either inside or outside the classroom at the universities of Cordoba, Sevilla, Huelva and the Basque Country. Our objectives are focused on knowing: the students’ feelings on social software and its influence on collaborative and group work;) the social network tools they use and, if there are any differences between these universities in terms of collaborative work perceptions. The instrument for data gathering was a four-dimensional questionnaire. The main results are: students are interested in group work as a type of classroom methodology; students have little knowledge of technology tools (except for social networks). These results provide a reliable diagnostic instrument for the variables that comprise this tool.
Archive | 2004
Jesús Salinas Ibáñez; Julio Cabero-Almenara; José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez
Archive | 1995
Julio Cabero-Almenara; Francisco Martínez Sánchez
Archive | 2007
Julio Cabero-Almenara; Julio Barroso Osuna
Archive | 2013
José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez; Julio Cabero-Almenara
Archive | 2007
Julio Cabero-Almenara; Margarita Córdoba Pérez; José María Fernández-Batanero