Juncong Yang
University of Victoria
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics | 2009
Michael A. Kuzyk; Derek Smith; Juncong Yang; Tyra J. Cross; Angela M. Jackson; Darryl B. Hardie; N. Leigh Anderson; Christoph H. Borchers
Mass spectrometry-based multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) quantitation of proteins can dramatically impact the discovery and quantitation of biomarkers via rapid, targeted, multiplexed protein expression profiling of clinical samples. A mixture of 45 peptide standards, easily adaptable to common plasma proteomics work flows, was created to permit absolute quantitation of 45 endogenous proteins in human plasma trypsin digests. All experiments were performed on simple tryptic digests of human EDTA-plasma without prior affinity depletion or enrichment. Stable isotope-labeled standard peptides were added immediately following tryptic digestion because addition of stable isotope-labeled standard peptides prior to trypsin digestion was found to generate elevated and unpredictable results. Proteotypic tryptic peptides containing isotopically coded amino acids ([13C6]Arg or [13C6]Lys) were synthesized for all 45 proteins. Peptide purity was assessed by capillary zone electrophoresis, and the peptide quantity was determined by amino acid analysis. For maximum sensitivity and specificity, instrumental parameters were empirically determined to generate the most abundant precursor ions and y ion fragments. Concentrations of individual peptide standards in the mixture were optimized to approximate endogenous concentrations of analytes and to ensure the maximum linear dynamic range of the MRM assays. Excellent linear responses (r > 0.99) were obtained for 43 of the 45 proteins with attomole level limits of quantitation (<20% coefficient of variation) for 27 of the 45 proteins. Analytical precision for 44 of the 45 assays varied by <10%. LC-MRM/MS analyses performed on 3 different days on different batches of plasma trypsin digests resulted in coefficients of variation of <20% for 42 of the 45 assays. Concentrations for 39 of the 45 proteins are within a factor of 2 of reported literature values. This mixture of internal standards has many uses and can be applied to the characterization of trypsin digestion kinetics and plasma protein expression profiling because 31 of the 45 proteins are putative biomarkers of cardiovascular disease.
Journal of Proteome Research | 2010
Jennifer L. Proc; Michael A. Kuzyk; Darryl B. Hardie; Juncong Yang; Derek Smith; Angela M. Jackson; Carol E. Parker; Christoph H. Borchers
Plasma biomarkers studies are based on the differential expression of proteins between different treatment groups or between diseased and control populations. Most mass spectrometry-based methods of protein quantitation, however, are based on the detection and quantitation of peptides, not intact proteins. For peptide-based protein quantitation to be accurate, the digestion protocols used in proteomic analyses must be both efficient and reproducible. There have been very few studies, however, where plasma denaturation/digestion protocols have been compared using absolute quantitation methods. In this paper, 14 combinations of heat, solvent [acetonitrile, methanol, trifluoroethanol], chaotropic agents [guanidine hydrochloride, urea], and surfactants [sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and sodium deoxycholate (DOC)] were compared with respect to their effectiveness in improving subsequent tryptic digestion. These digestion protocols were evaluated by quantitating the production of proteotypic tryptic peptides from 45 moderate- to high-abundance plasma proteins, using tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring mode, with a mixture of stable-isotope labeled analogues of these proteotypic peptides as internal standards. When the digestion efficiencies of these 14 methods were compared, we found that both of the surfactants (SDS and DOC) produced an increase in the overall yield of tryptic peptides from these 45 proteins, when compared to the more commonly used urea protocol. SDS, however, can be a serious interference for subsequent mass spectrometry. DOC, on the other hand, can be easily removed from the samples by acid precipitation. Examining the results of a reproducibility study, done with 5 replicate digestions, DOC and SDS with a 9 h digestion time produced the highest average digestion efficiencies (∼80%), with the highest average reproducibility (<5% error, defined as the relative deviation from the mean value). However, because of potential interferences resulting from the use of SDS, we recommend DOC with a 9 h digestion procedure as the optimum protocol.
Proteomics | 2012
Dominik Domanski; Andrew J. Percy; Juncong Yang; Andrew G. Chambers; John S. Hill; Gabriela V. Cohen Freue; Christoph H. Borchers
A highly‐multiplexed MRM‐based assay for determination of cardiovascular disease (CVD) status and disease classification has been developed for clinical research. A high‐flow system using ultra‐high performance LC and an Agilent 6490 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, equipped with an ion funnel, provided ease of use and increased the robustness of the assay. The assay uses 135 stable isotope‐labeled peptide standards for the quantitation of 67 putative biomarkers of CVD in tryptic digests of whole plasma in a 30‐min assay. Eighty‐five analyses of the same sample showed no loss of sensitivity (<20% CV for 134/135 peptides) and no loss of retention time accuracy (<0.5% CV for all peptides). The maximum linear dynamic range of the MRM assays ranged from 103–105 for 106 of the assays. Excellent linear responses (r >0.98) were obtained for 117 of the 135 peptide targets with attomole level limits of quantitation (<20% CV and accuracy 80–120%) for 81 of the 135 peptides. The assay presented in this study is easy to use, robust, sensitive, and has high‐throughput capabilities through short analysis time and complete automated sample preparation. It is therefore well suited for CVD biomarker validation and discovery in plasma.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2014
Andrew J. Percy; Andrew G. Chambers; Juncong Yang; Darryl B. Hardie; Christoph H. Borchers
Accurate and rapid protein quantitation is essential for screening biomarkers for disease stratification and monitoring, and to validate the hundreds of putative markers in human biofluids, including blood plasma. An analytical method that utilizes stable isotope-labeled standard (SIS) peptides and selected/multiple reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (SRM/MRM-MS) has emerged as a promising technique for determining protein concentrations. This targeted approach has analytical merit, but its true potential (in terms of sensitivity and multiplexing) has yet to be realized. Described herein is a method that extends the multiplexing ability of the MRM method to enable the quantitation 142 high-to-moderate abundance proteins (from 31mg/mL to 44ng/mL) in undepleted and non-enriched human plasma in a single run. The proteins have been reported to be associated to a wide variety of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), from cardiovascular disease (CVD) to diabetes. The concentrations of these proteins in human plasma are inferred from interference-free peptides functioning as molecular surrogates (2 peptides per protein, on average). A revised data analysis strategy, involving the linear regression equation of normal control plasma, has been instituted to enable the facile application to patient samples, as demonstrated in separate nutrigenomics and CVD studies. The exceptional robustness of the LC/MS platform and the quantitative method, as well as its high throughput, makes the assay suitable for application to patient samples for the verification of a condensed or complete protein panel. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biomarkers: A Proteomic Challenge.
Proteomics | 2013
Andrew J. Percy; Andrew G. Chambers; Juncong Yang; Christoph H. Borchers
An emerging approach for multiplexed targeted proteomics involves bottom‐up LC‐MRM‐MS, with stable isotope‐labeled internal standard peptides, to accurately quantitate panels of putative disease biomarkers in biofluids. In this paper, we used this approach to quantitate 27 candidate cancer‐biomarker proteins in human plasma that had not been treated by immunoaffinity depletion or enrichment techniques. These proteins have been reported as biomarkers for a variety of human cancers, from laryngeal to ovarian, with breast cancer having the highest correlation. We implemented measures to minimize the analytical variability, improve the quantitative accuracy, and increase the feasibility and applicability of this MRM‐based method. We have demonstrated excellent retention time reproducibility (median interday CV: 0.08%) and signal stability (median interday CV: 4.5% for the analytical platform and 6.1% for the bottom‐up workflow) for the 27 biomarker proteins (represented by 57 interference‐free peptides). The linear dynamic range for the MRM assays spanned four orders‐of‐magnitude, with 25 assays covering a 103–104 range in protein concentration. The lowest abundance quantifiable protein in our biomarker panel was insulin‐like growth factor 1 (calculated concentration: 127 ng/mL). Overall, the analytical performance of this assay demonstrates high robustness and sensitivity, and provides the necessary throughput and multiplexing capabilities required to verify and validate cancer‐associated protein biomarker panels in human plasma, prior to clinical use.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics | 2013
Andrew G. Chambers; Andrew J. Percy; Juncong Yang; Alexander G. Camenzind; Christoph H. Borchers
Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling, coupled with multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (MRM-MS), is a well-established approach for quantifying a wide range of small molecule biomarkers and drugs. This sampling procedure is simpler and less-invasive than those required for traditional plasma or serum samples enabling collection by minimally trained personnel. Many analytes are stable in the DBS format without refrigeration, which reduces the cost and logistical challenges of sample collection in remote locations. These advantages make DBS sample collection desirable for advancing personalized medicine through population-wide biomarker screening. Here we expand this technology by demonstrating the first multiplexed method for the quantitation of endogenous proteins in DBS samples. A panel of 60 abundant proteins in human blood was targeted by monitoring proteotypic tryptic peptides and their stable isotope-labeled analogs by MRM. Linear calibration curves were obtained for 40 of the 65 peptide targets demonstrating multiple proteins can be quantitatively extracted from DBS collection cards. The method was also highly reproducible with a coefficient of variation of <15% for all 40 peptides. Overall, this assay quantified 37 proteins spanning a range of more than four orders of magnitude in concentration within a single 25 min LC/MRM-MS analysis. The protein abundances of the 33 proteins quantified in matching DBS and whole blood samples showed an excellent correlation, with a slope of 0.96 and an R2 value of 0.97. Furthermore, the measured concentrations for 80% of the proteins were stable for at least 10 days when stored at −20 °C, 4 °C and 37 °C. This work represents an important first step in evaluating the integration of DBS sampling with highly-multiplexed MRM for quantitation of endogenous proteins.
Analytical Chemistry | 2015
Jun Han; Yang Liu; Renxue Wang; Juncong Yang; Victor Ling; Christoph H. Borchers
To obtain a more comprehensive profile of bile acids (BAs) in blood, we developed an ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography/multiple-reaction monitoring-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MRM-MS) method for the separation and detection of 50 known BAs. This method utilizes phospholipid-depletion solid-phase extraction as a new high-efficiency sample preparation procedure for BA assay. UPLC/scheduled MRM-MS with negative ion electrospray ionization enabled targeted quantitation of 43 and 44 BAs, respectively, in serum samples from seven individuals with and without fasting, as well as in plasma samples from six cholestatic gene knockout mice and six age- and gender-matched wild-type (FVB/NJ) animals. Many minor BAs were identified and quantitated in the blood for the first time. Method validation indicated good quantitation precision with intraday and interday relative standard deviations of ≤9.3% and ≤10.8%, respectively. Using a pooled human serum sample and a pooled mouse plasma sample as the two representative test samples, the quantitation accuracy was measured to be 80% to 120% for most of the BAs, using two standard-substance spiking approaches. To profile other potential BAs not included in the 50 known targets from the knockout versus wild-type mouse plasma, class-specific precursor/fragment ion transitions were used to perform UPLC-MRM-MS for untargeted detection of the structural isomers of glycine- and taurine-conjugated BAs and unconjugated tetra-hydroxy BAs. As a result, as many as 36 such compounds were detected. In summary, this UPLC-MRM-MS method has enabled the quantitation of the largest number of BAs in the blood thus far, and the results presented have revealed an unexpectedly complex BA profile in mouse plasma.
Journal of Proteomics | 2013
Andrew J. Percy; Andrew G. Chambers; Juncong Yang; Angela M. Jackson; Dominik Domanski; Julia M. Burkhart; Albert Sickmann; Christoph H. Borchers
UNLABELLED There exists a growing demand in the proteomics community to standardize experimental methods and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) platforms in order to enable the acquisition of more precise and accurate quantitative data. This necessity is heightened by the evolving trend of verifying and validating candidate disease biomarkers in complex biofluids, such as blood plasma, through targeted multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)-based approaches with stable isotope-labeled standards (SIS). Considering the lack of performance standards for quantitative plasma proteomics, we previously developed two reference kits to evaluate the MRM with SIS peptide approach using undepleted and non-enriched human plasma. The first kit tests the effectiveness of the LC/MRM-MS platform (kit #1), while the second evaluates the performance of an entire analytical workflow (kit #2). Here, these kits have been refined for practical use and then evaluated through intra- and inter-laboratory testing on 6 common LC/MS platforms. For an identical panel of 22 plasma proteins, similar concentrations were determined, regardless of the kit, instrument platform, and laboratory of analysis. These results demonstrate the value of the kit and reinforce the utility of standardized methods and protocols. BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE The proteomics community needs standardized experimental protocols and quality control methods in order to improve the reproducibility of MS-based quantitative data. This need is heightened by the evolving trend for MRM-based validation of proposed disease biomarkers in complex biofluids such as blood plasma. We have developed two kits to assist in the inter- and intra-laboratory quality control of MRM experiments: the first kit tests the effectiveness of the LC/MRM-MS platform (kit #1), while the second evaluates the performance of an entire analytical workflow (kit #2). In this paper, we report the use of these kits in intra- and inter-laboratory testing on 6 common LC/MS platforms. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Standardization and Quality Control in Proteomics.
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics | 2015
Andrew G. Chambers; Andrew J. Percy; Juncong Yang; Christoph H. Borchers
The dried blood spot (DBS) methodology provides a minimally invasive approach to sample collection and enables room-temperature storage for most analytes. DBS samples have successfully been analyzed by liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (LC/MRM-MS) to quantify a large range of small molecule biomarkers and drugs; however, this strategy has only recently been explored for MS-based proteomics applications. Here we report the development of a highly multiplexed MRM assay to quantify endogenous proteins in human DBS samples. This assay uses matching stable isotope-labeled standard peptides for precise, relative quantification, and standard curves to characterize the analytical performance. A total of 169 peptides, corresponding to 97 proteins, were quantified in the final assay with an average linear dynamic range of 207-fold and an average R2 value of 0.987. The total range of this assay spanned almost 5 orders of magnitude from serum albumin (P02768) at 18.0 mg/ml down to cholinesterase (P06276) at 190 ng/ml. The average intra-assay and inter-assay precision for 6 biological samples ranged from 6.1–7.5% CV and 9.5–11.0% CV, respectively. The majority of peptide targets were stable after 154 days at storage temperatures from −20 °C to 37 °C. Furthermore, protein concentration ratios between matching DBS and whole blood samples were largely constant (<20% CV) across six biological samples. This assay represents the highest multiplexing yet achieved for targeted protein quantification in DBS samples and is suitable for biomedical research applications.
Journal of Proteome Research | 2014
Andrew J. Percy; Juncong Yang; Andrew G. Chambers; Romain Simon; Darryl B. Hardie; Christoph H. Borchers
Multiplexed quantitation is essential for discovering, verifying, and validating biomarkers for risk stratification, disease prognostication, and therapeutic monitoring. The most promising strategy for quantifying unverified protein biomarkers in biofluids relies on selected/multiple reaction monitoring (SRM or MRM) technology with isotopically labeled standards employed within a bottom-up proteomic workflow. Since cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is an important fluid for studying central nervous system (CNS) related diseases, we sought to develop a rapid, antibody- and fractionation-free MRM-based approach with a complex mixture of peptide standards to quantify a highly multiplexed panel of candidate protein biomarkers in human CSF. Development involved peptide transition optimization, denaturation/digestion protocol evaluation, transition interference screening, and protein quantitation via peptide standard curves. The final method exhibited excellent reproducibility (average coefficient of variation of <1% for retention time and <6% for signal) and breadth of quantitation (130 proteins from 311 interference-free peptides) in a single 43-min run. These proteins are of high-to-low abundance with determined concentrations from 118 μg/mL (serum albumin) to 550 pg/mL (apolipoprotein C-I). Overall, the method consists of the most highly multiplexed and broadest panel of candidate protein biomarkers in human CSF reported thus far and is well suited for subsequent verification studies on patient samples.