
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 1981

Increased synthesis of a low molecular weight protein in vincristine-resistant cells.

Marian B. Meyers; June L. Biedler

Abstract A 19,000-dalton peptide (pI = 5.7) that is synthesized in increased amounts in vincristine-resistant Chinese hamster cells ( DC-3F VCRd-5 ) has been identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Reduced amounts of the protein were present in a revertant line of DC-3F VCRd-5 , and only trace amounts were detected in control DC-3F cells. A similar protein (M r = 19,000; pI = 5.7) was also found in a vincristine-resistant mouse line. Two vincristine-resistant human neuroblastoma cell lines likewise contained elevated levels of a low molecular weight acidic protein. Increased biosynthesis of the 19,000-dalton polypeptide in DC-3F VCRd-5 cells coincides with the presence of a homogeneously staining region, HSR, on a metaphase chromosome.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2004

Nestin Is a Potential Mediator of Malignancy in Human Neuroblastoma Cells

Sharon K. Thomas; Conrad A. Messam; Barbara A. Spengler; June L. Biedler; Robert A. Ross

Amplification of the N-myc proto-oncogene signifies aggressive behavior in human neuroblastoma. Likewise, overexpression of the intermediate filament nestin, a neuroectodermal stem cell marker, is linked to increased aggressiveness in several nervous system tumors. We investigated the interaction of these two proteins in human neuroblastoma cells. Neuroblastic cell variants with high levels of N-Myc protein have significantly higher nestin protein levels than non-amplified cell lines, suggesting that the transcription factor N-Myc may regulate nestin expression. Stable transfection of a nestin antisense sequence into neuroblastic, N-myc-amplified, LA1–55n cells results in a 2-fold reduction in nestin protein without altering N-Myc expression. However, cell functions attributed to N-Myc (growth rate, anchorage-independent growth, and motility) all decrease significantly. Transfection studies that modulate N-Myc levels also result in commensurate changes in nestin mRNA and protein amounts as well as in cell proliferation and motility. Thus, nestin appears to be downstream of and regulated by N-Myc. Gel mobility shift assays show that N-Myc binds specifically to E-box sequences in the regulatory second intron of the nestin gene and nuclear run-off studies show that increases in N-Myc protein up-regulate nestin transcription rate. Subcellular fractionation and immunoblot studies indicate that nestin is present in the nucleus as well as in the cytoplasm of neuroblastoma cell lines. Finally, DNA cross-linking experiments show that nestin binds DNA in N-myc-amplified N-type cell lines. Thus, nestin may be one mediator of N-myc-associated tumor aggressiveness of human neuroblastoma.

Oncogene | 2000

The human non-muscle α-actinin protein encoded by the ACTN4 gene suppresses tumorigenicity of human neuroblastoma cells

Sotiris N Nikolopoulos; Barbara A. Spengler; Kristin D. Kisselbach; Audrey E. Evans; June L. Biedler; Robert A. Ross

α-Actinins are actin-binding proteins important in organization of the cytoskeleton and in cell adhesion. We have cloned and characterized a cDNA from human neuroblastoma cell variants which encodes the second non-muscle α-actinin isoform designated ACTN4 (actinin-4). mRNA encoded by the ACTN4 gene, mapped to chromosome 4, is abundant in non-tumorigenic, substrate-adherent human neuroblastoma cell variants but absent or only weakly expressed in malignant, poorly substrate-adherent neuroblasts. It is also present in many adherent tumor cell lines of diverse tissue origins. Cell lines typically co-express ACTN4 and ACTN1, a second non-muscle α-actinin gene. Expression is correlated with substrate adhesivity. Analysis of deduced amino acid sequences suggests that the two isoforms may differ in function and in regulation by calcium. Moreover, ACTN4 exhibits tumor suppressor activity. Stable clones containing increased levels of α-actinin, isolated from highly malignant neuroblastoma stem cells [BE(2)-C] after transfection with a full-length ACTN4 cDNA, show decreased anchorage-independent growth ability, loss of tumorigenicity in nude mice, and decreased expression of the N-myc proto-oncogene.

Cancer | 1992

Genetic aspects of multidrug resistance

June L. Biedler

Mammalian cells exposed to a single cytotoxic natural product drug, such as vincristine or dactinomycin, can develop resistance to the selective agent and cross‐resistance to a broad spectrum of structurally and functionally distinct antibiotics and alkaloids. This phenomenon, termed multidrug resistance (MDR), has been widely studied experimentally. The most consistent feature of cells with high‐level MDR is amplification and overex‐pression of genes encoding an integral plasma membrane protein known as P‐glycoprotein. The MDR genes belong to a small family (two members in humans and three members in mouse and Chinese hamster). Based on several lines of evidence, P‐glycoprotein is thought to act as an adenosine triphosphate‐dependent efflux pump that decreases accumulation of drugs and increases resistance to their effects. The normal function of P‐glycoprotein, apart from its role in MDR, is not known. Proposed roles in detoxification and steroid transport systems are speculative but suggest that the membrane protein may have distinct functions in normal tissues and in tumor cells with acquired MDR. Although possible endogenous substrates for P‐glycoprotein have not been identified, insight into normal function may be gained from tissue distribution studies. For example, studies using molecular probes to P‐glycoprotein messenger RNA and monoclonal antibodies to different epitopes of the molecule have shown that P‐glycoprotein is expressed at high levels in the more differentiated or specialized cells of the colon or kidney. Amplification of MDR genes in vivo has not been observed. Whether intrinsic or acquired MDR plays a causal and potentially modifiable role in clinical nonresponsiveness to cancer chemotherapeutic agents is a topic of current interest. Prospective studies and serial determinations during the course of disease are needed to clarify the importance of this membrane protein in clinical drug resistance.

Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics | 1980

Specifically altered metaphase chromosomes in antifolate-resistant Chinese hamster cells that overproduce dihydrofolate reductase

June L. Biedler; Peter W. Melera; Barbara A. Spengler

Abstract Specific karyotype alterations are described which occur in 16 different antifolate-resistant Chinese hamster sublines with increases in target enzyme dihydrofolate reductase activity ranging from 2.9- to 281-fold. Sublines were selected with either methotrexate or methasquin and exhibit a complex set of relationship between increase in resistance and increase in target enzyme activity. Drug resistant sublines generally contain one or the other of two types of abnormally banding chromosome regions as revealed by the Giemsa-banding method. In those cell lines with less than a 50-fold increase in dihydrofolate reductase activity there are long segments with distinctly abnormal band patterns. In sublines with greater than 85-fold increases in enzyme activity, cells contain a long, homogeneously staining region (HSR). HSRs comprise 2 to 5% of the total metaphase chromosome complement. The specific, abnormally banding regions are a consistent feature of the antifolate-resistant sublines. There is usually 1 per cell, preferentially located on the long arm of a chromosome #2. Results of experiments with cloned, HSR-containing cells maintained for about 2 years in antifolate-free growth medium indicate a quantitative relationship between length of the HSR and levels of drug resistance and dihydrofolate reductase activity; there was a parallel decline in these three parameters with time in culture.

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology | 1981

Neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes in 14 human neuroblastoma cell lines

Robert A. Ross; June L. Biedler; Barbara A. Spengler; Donald J. Reis

Fourteen human neuroblastoma cell lines were studied for expression and regulation of neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymes. All cell lines contained enzyme activities of adrenergic and/or cholinergic neurons and 13 expressed activities for both. None contained enzymes for serotonergic or G AB Aergic neurons. Enzyme activity was characteristic for a given cell line. Enzyme activity in cell lines was sensitive to growth phase, culture medium, and concentration of fetal bovine serum.

Biochemical Pharmacology | 1987

Sorcin (V19), a soluble acidic calcium-binding protein overproduced in multidrug-resistant cells: Identification of the protein by anti-sorcin antibody

Marian B. Meyers; Katherine A. Schneider; Barbara A. Spengler; Tien-ding Chang; June L. Biedler

Sorcin (soluble resistance-related calcium-binding protein), an acidic (pI = 5.7) protein (Mr approximately 20 kDa) previously designated V19, was originally identified in cells selected for high levels of resistance to vincristine. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and/or Western blot techniques now show sorcin to be overproduced in cells selected for resistance to actinomycin D (QUA/ADj), colchicine (CHRC5), and adriamycin (BE(2)-C/ADR). Not all cell lines selected for resistance to these drugs overproduced sorcin; e.g. cells of an independently selected actinomycin D-resistant subline of QUA, QUA/ADsx, did not contain increased amounts of sorcin. Sorcin was purified by preparative gel electrophoresis from QUA/ADj cells and used to generate specific antiserum in chickens. By Western blot analyses the antiserum was shown to recognize sorcin in QUA/ADj and in vincristine-resistant mouse and Chinese hamster lung, colchicine-resistant Chinese hamster ovary, and adriamycin-resistant human neuroblastoma lines. Low level expression of the protein was detectable in control, drug-sensitive cells. Direct binding assays with 45Ca2+ showed that sorcin was a calcium-binding protein. QUA/ADj cells contained increased numbers of double minute chromosomes (DMs), cytogenetic indicators of gene amplification. As found for two other multidrug-resistant sublines, sorcin overproduction in QUA/ADj cells may be the result of amplification of the sorcin-encoding gene. The overproduction of this protein in multidrug-resistant cells of various species implies that sorcin plays a role in expression of the resistant phenotype.

Cancer and Metastasis Reviews | 1994

Reverse transformation of multidrug-resistant cells

June L. Biedler; Barbara A. Spengler

Spontaneously transformed Chinese hamster lung cells with high levels of resistance (≈ 100-fold to 70,000-fold) to actinomycin D, daunorubicin, or vincristine exhibit morphology and growth patterns characteristic of normal cellsin vitro and reduced tumorigenicityin vivo. These reverse transformed, multidrug-resistant cells amplify and highly overexpress one or more genes encoding P-glycoprotein. Similarly, hydrocarbon-induced mouse sarcoma cells selected with actinomycin D, vincristine, or ethidium bromide developed high levels of resistance associated with reduced drug accumulation and suppression of malignancy. To determine whether human tumor cells would undergo similar changes and whether reverse transformation reflected an altered state of differentiation, nine multidrug-resistant sublines were selected with four agents from human neuroblastoma cells with well defined pathways of differentiation. Those five with resistance levels above about 125-fold showed a reduced tumor frequency as compared to control cells. All resistant sublines showed altered differentiation. The changes in transformation phenotype appear to be intrinsic and not the result of altered immunogenicity. Two additional consequences of high level multidrug resistance have been observed: change in ganglioside composition in the Chinese hamster cells, manifested as a block in higher ganglioside biosynthesis and/or a relative increase in GM3, and increase in epidermal growth factor receptor in all three cell systems. A tentative hypothesis links ganglioside and growth factor receptor changes to the change in transformation phenotype. The basis of the reverse transformation phenomenon is not known, but the major alterations in expression of P-glycoprotein, gangliosides, and the epidermal growth factor receptor implicate, in some way, the plasma membrane.

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant | 1981

The fine structure of continuous human neuroblastoma lines SK-N-SH, SK-N-BE(2), and SK-N-MC

Elizabeth N. Barnes; June L. Biedler; Barbara A. Spengler; Katherine M. Lyser

SummaryCell cultures of the continuous human neuroblastoma lines SK-N-SH, SK-N-BE(2), and SK-N-MC at exponential and stationary growth phase have been examined by electron microscopy. At the level of fine structure these cells did not show typical neuronal differentiation such as extensive granular endoplasmic reticulum or neurites with microtubules and neurofilaments. Instead they were characterized by abundant free ribosomes, moderate Golgi complexes, and usually scant granular endoplasmic reticulum, features similar to the fine structure of early normal embryonic autonomic neurons. However, in several respects appearance of differentiated features of the neuroblastoma cells did not follow the pattern observed for normal neurons, suggesting noncoordinate, expression of neuronal phenotypic properties. First, an occasional neuroblastoma cell had as extensive granular endoplasmic reticulum as would be found at later stages in normal developing neurons. Second, the cellular processes of these neuroblastoma cells did not have the fine structure of developing or mature axons in vivo. Third, few dense core vesicles were found in SK-N-SH and SK-N-BE(2), though these organelles are numerous in early normal adrenergic neurons and the adrenergic character of these two lines is apparent from other studies that have demonstrated expression of neurotransmitter synthesizing enzymes (SK-N-MC is cholinergic). The fine structural characterization of these continuous human neuroblastoma cell lines will allow this parameter to be utilized with other approaches in future experimental studies.

Oncogene | 1999

HuD, a neuronal-specific RNA-binding protein, is a putative regulator of N-myc pre-mRNA processing/stability in malignant human neuroblasts

Darina L. Lazarova; Barbara A. Spengler; June L. Biedler; Robert A. Ross

N-myc gene copy numbers and transcription rates are similar in N (neuroblastic, tumorigenic) and S (non-neuronal, non-tumorigenic) neuroblastoma cells with chromosomally integrated amplified N-myc genes. However, N cells show significantly higher N-myc mRNA levels than S cells. Therefore, post-transcriptional control of N-myc gene expression must differ between these cell types. Since no differences in N-myc mRNA half-life were found between N and S cells from two cell lines, steady-state levels of N-myc pre-mRNA processing intermediates were analysed. Results suggest that the differences in N-myc expression arise primarily at the nuclear post-transcriptional level. The neuronal-specific RNA-binding Hu proteins are present in cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions of N cells and one of them, HuD, binds specifically to both exonic and intronic N-myc RNA sequences. In sense and antisense HuD-transfected N cells, there are coordinate changes in HuD and N-myc expression levels. Thus, we propose that HuD plays a role in the nuclear processing/stability of N-myc pre-mRNA in N-type neuroblastoma cells.

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