Jungho Kim
Argonne National Laboratory
Physical Review Letters | 2012
Jungho Kim; Choi Y; Kim J; J. F. Mitchell; Jackeli G; Daghofer M; van den Brink J; Khaliullin G; Bum-Joon Kim
Using resonant x-ray diffraction, we observe an easy c-axis collinear antiferromagnetic structure for the bilayer Sr3Ir2O7, a significant contrast to the single layer Sr2IrO4 with in-plane canted moments. Based on a microscopic model Hamiltonian, we show that the observed spin-flop transition as a function of number of IrO2 layers is due to strong competition among intra- and interlayer bond-directional pseudodipolar interactions of the spin-orbit entangled J(eff)=1/2 moments. With this we unravel the origin of anisotropic exchange interactions in a Mott insulator in the strong spin-orbit coupling regime, which holds the key to the various types of unconventional magnetism proposed in 5d transition metal oxides.
Nature Communications | 2014
Jungho Kim; M. Daghofer; Ayman Said; T. Gog; J. van den Brink; Giniyat Khaliullin; Bum-Joon Kim
In condensed matter systems, out of a large number of interacting degrees of freedom emerge weakly coupled quasiparticles (QPs), in terms of which most physical properties are described. The lack of identification of such QPs is a major barrier for understanding myriad exotic properties of correlated electrons, such as unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behaviours. Here we report the observation of a composite particle in a quasi-two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnet Sr2IrO4--an exciton dressed with magnons--that propagates with the canonical characteristics of a QP: a finite QP residue and a lifetime longer than the hopping time scale. The dynamics of this charge-neutral excitation mirrors the fundamental process of the analogous one-hole propagation in the background of spins-1/2, and reveals the same intrinsic dynamics that is obscured for a single, charged-hole doped into two-dimensional cuprates.
Nature Communications | 2013
P. J. Ryan; Jungho Kim; Turan Birol; Paul Thompson; J. H. Lee; X. Ke; P. S. Normile; E. Karapetrova; P. Schiffer; S. D. Brown; Craig J. Fennie; Darrell G. Schlom
Intrinsic magnetoelectric coupling describes the interaction between magnetic and electric polarization through an inherent microscopic mechanism in a single-phase material. This phenomenon has the potential to control the magnetic state of a material with an electric field, an enticing prospect for device engineering. Here, we demonstrate giant magnetoelectric cross-field control in a tetravalent titanate film. In bulk form, EuTiO(3), is antiferromagnetic. However, both anti and ferromagnetic interactions coexist between different nearest europium neighbours. In thin epitaxial films, strain was used to alter the relative strength of the magnetic exchange constants. We not only show that moderate biaxial compression precipitates local magnetic competition, but also demonstrate that the application of an electric field at this strain condition switches the magnetic ground state. Using first-principles density functional theory, we resolve the underlying microscopic mechanism resulting in G-type magnetic order and illustrate how it is responsible for the giant magnetoelectric effect.
Scientific Reports | 2016
D. Meyers; Jian Liu; J. W. Freeland; S. Middey; M. Kareev; Jihwan Kwon; Jian Min Zuo; Yi De Chuang; Jungho Kim; P. J. Ryan; J. Chakhalian
In response to Lu et al, (arXiv:1506.02787v1), here we present a detailed writeup concerning the questions raised in their comment on our eprint (arXiv:1505.07451). The key question raised by Lu et al was if the bulk-like charge ordered state becomes indetectable with resonant scattering due to ultrathin film thickness. In this reply, we first detail the relation of our work to past work on the same compound by Staub et al to demonstrate that the presented data are indeed sufficient to support our claims of no charge order on ultra thin films of NdNiO3 (NNO) on NdGaO3 (NGO). Further, we demonstrate that if a well defined charge ordered phase exists in ultra thin films, it is indeed resolvable such as that in EuNiO3 (ENO).In complex materials observed electronic phases and transitions between them often involve coupling between many degrees of freedom whose entanglement convolutes understanding of the instigating mechanism. Metal-insulator transitions are one such problem where coupling to the structural, orbital, charge, and magnetic order parameters frequently obscures the underlying physics. Here, we demonstrate a way to unravel this conundrum by heterostructuring a prototypical multi-ordered complex oxide NdNiO3 in ultra thin geometry, which preserves the metal-to-insulator transition and bulk-like magnetic order parameter, but entirely suppresses the symmetry lowering and long-range charge order parameter. These findings illustrate the utility of heterointerfaces as a powerful method for removing competing order parameters to gain greater insight into the nature of the transition, here revealing that the magnetic order generates the transition independently, leading to an exceptionally rare purely electronic metal-insulator transition with no symmetry change.
Advanced Materials | 2017
John H. Gruenewald; Jungho Kim; Heung Sik Kim; Jared M. Johnson; Jinwoo Hwang; Maryam Souri; Jasminka Terzic; Seo Hyoung Chang; Ayman Said; J.W. Brill; G. Cao; Hae-Young Kee; Sung Seok A. Seo
Dimensional tunability from two dimensions to one dimension is demonstrated for the first time using an artificial superlattice method in synthesizing 1D stripes from 2D layered materials. The 1D confinement of layered Sr2 IrO4 induces distinct 1D quantum-confined electronic states, as observed from optical spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering. This 1D superlattice approach is generalizable to a wide range of layered materials.
Scientific Reports | 2016
Yuelin Li; Richard D. Schaller; M. Zhu; Donald A. Walko; Jungho Kim; X. Ke; Ludi Miao; Z. Q. Mao
In correlated oxides the coupling of quasiparticles to other degrees of freedom such as spin and lattice plays critical roles in the emergence of symmetry-breaking quantum ordered states such as high temperature superconductivity. We report a strong lattice coupling of photon-induced quasiparticles in spin-orbital coupling Mott insulator Sr2IrO4 probed via optical excitation. Combining time-resolved x-ray diffraction and optical spectroscopy techniques, we reconstruct a spatiotemporal map of the diffusion of these quasiparticles. Due to the unique electronic configuration of the quasiparticles, the strong lattice correlation is unexpected but extends the similarity between Sr2IrO4 and cuprates to a new dimension of electron-phonon coupling which persists under highly non-equilibrium conditions.
Scientific Reports | 2018
Jungho Kim; D. Casa; Ayman Said; Richard Krakora; Bum-Joon Kim; Elina Kasman; Xianrong Huang; T. Gog
Continued improvement of the energy resolution of resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) spectrometers is crucial for fulfilling the potential of this technique in the study of electron dynamics in materials of fundamental and technological importance. In particular, RIXS is the only alternative tool to inelastic neutron scattering capable of providing fully momentum resolved information on dynamic spin structures of magnetic materials, but is limited to systems whose magnetic excitation energy scales are comparable to the energy resolution. The state-of-the-art spherical diced crystal analyzer optics provides energy resolution as good as 25 meV but has already reached its theoretical limit. Here, we demonstrate a novel sub-10 meV RIXS spectrometer based on flat-crystal optics at the Ir-L3 absorption edge (11.215 keV) that achieves an analyzer energy resolution of 3.9 meV, very close to the theoretical value of 3.7 meV. In addition, the new spectrometer allows efficient polarization analysis without loss of energy resolution. The performance of the instrument is demonstrated using longitudinal acoustical and optical phonons in diamond, and magnon in Sr3Ir2O7. The novel sub-10 meV RIXS spectrometer thus provides a window into magnetic materials with small energy scales.
Nature Communications | 2018
Yishu Wang; T. F. Rosenbaum; A. Palmer; Y. Ren; Jungho Kim; D. Mandrus; Yejun Feng
The original PDF version of the Article contained an error in the last sentence of the author affiliation information, which incorrectly read ‘Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to T.
Nature Communications | 2018
Yishu Wang; T. F. Rosenbaum; A. Palmer; Y. Ren; Jungho Kim; D. Mandrus; Yejun Feng
.R. (e-mail: tfr@caltech.edu) or to Y.F. (e-mail: yejun@oist.jp)’. The correct version states ‘T.F.R.’ in place of “T.
Physical Review Letters | 2018
S. Middey; D. Meyers; M. Kareev; Yanwei Cao; Xiaoran Liu; Padraic Shafer; J. W. Freeland; Jungho Kim; P. J. Ryan; J. Chakhalian
.R.’. This has been corrected in the PDF version of the Article. The HTML version was correct from the time of publication.