Juraj Jablonický
Slovak University of Agriculture
Journal of Central European Agriculture | 2013
Daniela Müllerová; Juraj Jablonický; Ľubomír Hujo; Ján Kosiba; Zdenko Tkáč; Michal Králik; Jozef Chrastina
This work is aimed at the basic analysis of diesel oil and rapeseed methyl ester and evaluation of limited and unlimited emission produced by their combustion. Thereafter, test results are compared, and there is also done the evaluation of emission – greenhouse gases, dangerous exhaust gases and strong carcinogens and their contents during fuel combustion. These measurements were performed at the Research Station Agroscope ART in Tanikon (AAT) in Switzerland and in cooperation with the Department of Transport and Handling (DTH), Faculty of Engineering, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Acta Technologica Agriculturae | 2017
Zdenko Tkáč; Štefan Čorňák; Vladimír Cviklovič; Ján Kosiba; Josef Glos; Juraj Jablonický; Rastislav Bernát
Abstract This paper is focused on the impacts of the biodegradable hydraulic and transmission fluid (Universal Tractor Transmission Oil) on operation of tractor hydraulic and transmission systems. The fluid was used in the hydraulic and transmission systems of a Zetor Proxima 6321 tractor. Fluid samples were taken from the Zetor Proxima 6321 tractor at intervals of 250 engine hours. These samples were subjected to an infrared spectroscopy analysis in order to measure the total acid number and perform the ferrography analysis. This paper proves minimal impacts of the biodegradable hydraulic fluid on operation of the Zetor Proxima 6321 tractor. The biodegradable fluid meets the requirements for the operation of agricultural tractors in terms of low impacts on the wear of hydraulic components.
Potravinarstvo | 2016
Mária Angelovičová; Michal Angelovič; Zdenko Tkáč; Juraj Jablonický; Marek Angelovič
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of feed mixtures with varying proportions of rape cakes to the weight of table eggs, its components, thickness and strength of egg shell. The eggs were from the final laying hybrid ISA Brown reared in the enriched cage system under experimental conditions. An age of laying hens was from 48 to 54 weeks. Egg weight and its components were measured on scales type KERN 440-35N, with an accuracy of 0.01 g and a maximum weight of 400 g. Egg white weight was calculated. The thickness and strength of the egg shell were measured from the dried samples at 55 °C. From each egg shell were cut 3 pcs of samples in the equatorial plane, one sample from the blunt end and one sample from the sharp end. Egg shell thickness was measured by test instrument SOME, type 60/0.01mm with a range of 0 - 10 mm. Egg shell strength was measured according to test instrument Instron with the small body, having a diameter 4.48 mm to exert pressure on the egg shell. The obtained data were assessed in the program system SAS, version 8.2. Based on the results observed in egg weight of our experiment we can conclude that in the group with share 5% of rape cakes was non-statistically significant ( p >0.05) decreased egg weight compared to the control group. Egg weight was reduced in the group with share 10% of rape cakes, which confirmed a statistically significant difference compared to egg weight of control group ( p ˂0.05). The differences among experimental groups with share 5% and 10% of rape cakes in feed mixture and as well as to control group were not statistically significant ( p >0.05) in weight of egg yolk, egg white, egg shell and egg shell strength. Egg shell thickness was no statistically significant ( p >0.05) increased in experimental group with share 5% of rape cakes and decreased in experimental group with share 10% of rape cakes versus control group. Increase of egg shell thickness in experimental group with share 5% of rape cakes versus decrease in experimental group with share 10% of rape cakes was statistically significant ( p <0.05).
Advanced Materials Research | 2013
Juraj Jablonický; Ľubomír Hujo; Zdenko Tkáč; Ján Kosiba; Anton Žikla
The goal of the presented contribution is a comparison of two variants of differential mechanical planetary gearboxes. The designed variants of differential gearboxes are characterized by gear shifting under load. Reflected depending on the variable gear may be a change of gear ratios, either stepped or continuously. The results of kinematic analyses of both variants of differential planetary gearbox with differential in output are shown in tabular and graphical form
Acta Technologica Agriculturae | 2013
Peter Lenďák; Ľubomír Hujo; Juraj Jablonický; Michal Angelovič
Abstract This paper focuses on the implementation of a new exhaust-emission measurement system of motor vehicles equipped with a petrol engine and an advanced emission system. Our study deals with new methods of emission inspections using on-board diagnostics in order to increase the efficiency of emission inspection itself. The aim of implementing the new method of emission measurement is to eliminate vehicles that contribute to air pollution with emissions, due to an insufficient technical condition of the petrol engine fuel supply system.
Acta Technologica Agriculturae | 2013
Ľubomír Hujo; Juraj Jablonický; Zdenko Tkáč; Michal Angelovič; Brigita Rečková
Abstract Our study is focused on solution opportunities of national road freight transport in a selected company in terms of performance utilisation of vehicles. The indicators of time and performance utilisation of lorries and their trailer units are used for analysing the transport company. Based on correlative assessment, it is possible to determine the effects of year-to-year performance variations of vehicles in terms of running performances, transport performances, average travel distance and average loading.
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis | 2014
Juraj Jablonický; Pavel Máchal; Anton Žikla; Ján Kosiba; Ľubomír Hujo; Vladislav Hajdák
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis | 2013
Pavel Máchal; Zdenko Tkáč; Ján Kosiba; Juraj Jablonický; Ľubomír Hujo; Marián Kučera; Juraj Tulík
Archive | 2012
Juraj Jablonický; Ján Kosiba
Potravinarstvo | 2015
Michal Angelovič; Juraj Jablonický; Zdenko Tkáč; Marek Angelovič