
Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 1999

A consistent coupled-mode theory for the propagation of small-amplitude water waves over variable bathymetry regions

Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis; K.A. Belibassakis

Extended mild-slope equations for the propagation of small-amplitude water waves over variable bathymetry regions, recently proposed by Massel (1993) and Porter & Staziker (1995), are shown to exhibit an inconsistency concerning the slopingbottom boundary condition, which renders them non-conservative with respect to wave energy. In the present work, a consistent coupled-mode theory is derived from a variational formulation of the complete linear problem, by representing the vertical distribution of the wave potential as a uniformly convergent series of local vertical modes at each horizontal position. This series consists of the vertical eigenfunctions associated with the propagating and all evanescent modes and, when the slope of the bottom is dierent from zero, an additional mode, carrying information about the bottom slope. The coupled-mode system obtained in this way contains an additional equation, as well as additional interaction terms in all other equations, and reduces to the previous extended mild-slope equations when the additional mode is neglected. Extensive numerical results demonstrate that the present model leads to the exact satisfaction of the bottom boundary condition and, thus, it is energy conservative. Moreover, it is numerically shown that the rate of decay of the modal-amplitude functions is improved from O(n 2 ), where n is the mode number, to O(n 4 ), when the additional sloping-bottom mode is included in the representation. This fact substantially accelerates the convergence of the modal series and ensures the uniform convergence of the velocity eld up to and including the boundaries.

Ocean Modelling | 2008

Explicit wave-averaged primitive equations using a Generalized Lagrangian Mean

Fabrice Ardhuin; Nicolas Rascle; K.A. Belibassakis

The generalized Langrangian mean theory provides exact equations for general wave-turbulence-mean flow interactions in three dimensions. For practical applications, these equations must be closed by specifying the wave forcing terms. Here an approximate closure is obtained under the hypotheses of small surface slope, weak horizontal gradients of the water depth and mean current, and weak curvature of the mean current profile. These assumptions yield analytical expressions for the mean momentum and pressure forcing terms that can be expressed in terms of the wave spectrum. A vertical change of coordinate is then applied to obtain glm2z-RANS equations (55) and (57) with non-divergent mass transport in cartesian coordinates. To lowest order, agreement is found with Eulerian-mean theories, and the present approximation provides an explicit extension of known wave-averaged equations to short-scale variations of the wave field, and vertically varying currents only limited to weak or localized profile curvatures. Further, the underlying exact equations provide a natural framework for extensions to finite wave amplitudes and any realistic situation. The accuracy of the approximations is discussed using comparisons with exact numerical solutions for linear waves over arbitrary bottom slopes, for which the equations are still exact when properly accounting for partial standing waves. For finite amplitude waves it is found that the approximate solutions are probably accurate for ocean mixed layer modelling and shoaling waves, provided that an adequate turbulent closure is designed. However, for surf zone applications the approximations are expected to give only qualitative results due to the large influence of wave nonlinearity on the vertical profiles of wave forcing terms.

Applied Ocean Research | 2001

A coupled-mode model for the refraction–diffraction of linear waves over steep three-dimensional bathymetry

K.A. Belibassakis; Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis; Th. P. Gerostathis

Abstract A consistent coupled-mode model recently developed by Athanassoulis and Belibassakis [1] , is generalized in 2+1 dimensions and applied to the diffraction of small-amplitude water waves from localized three-dimensional scatterers lying over a parallel-contour bathymetry. The wave field is decomposed into an incident field, carrying out the effects of the background bathymetry, and a diffraction field, with forcing restricted on the surface of the localized scatterer(s). The vertical distribution of the wave potential is represented by a uniformly convergent local-mode series containing, except of the ususal propagating and evanescent modes, an additional mode, accounting for the sloping bottom boundary condition. By applying a variational principle, the problem is reduced to a coupled-mode system of differential equations in the horizontal space. To treat the unbounded domain, the Berenger perfectly matched layer model is optimized and used as an absorbing boundary condition. Computed results are compared with other simpler models and verified against experimental data. The inclusion of the sloping-bottom mode in the representation substantially accelerates its convergence, and thus, a few modes are enough to obtain accurately the wave potential and velocity up to and including the boundaries, even in steep bathymetry regions. The present method provides high-quality information concerning the pressure and the tangential velocity at the bottom, useful for the study of oscillating bottom boundary layer, sea-bed movement and sediment transport studies.

solid and physical modeling | 2009

An isogeometric BEM for exterior potential-flow problems in the plane

C. G. Politis; Alexandros I. Ginnis; Panagiotis D. Kaklis; K.A. Belibassakis; Christian Feurer

In this paper, the isogeometric concept introduced by Hughes, in the context of Finite Element Method, is applied to Boundary Element Method (BEM), for solving an exterior planar Neumann problem. The developed isogeometric-BEM concept is based on NURBS, for representing the exact body geometry and employs the same basis for representing the potential and/or the density of the single layer. In order to examine the accuracy of the scheme, numerical results for the case of a circle and a free-form body are presented and compared against analytical solutions. This enables performing a numerical error analysis, verifying the superior convergence rate of the isogeometric BEM versus low-order BEM. When starting from the initial NURBS representation of the geometry and then using knot insertion for refinement of the NURBS basis, the achieved rate of convergence is O(DoF-4). This rate may be further improved by using a degree-elevated initial NURBS representation of the geometry (kh-refinement).

Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 2002

Extension of second-order Stokes theory to variable bathymetry

K.A. Belibassakis; Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis

In the present work second-order Stokes theory has been extended to the case of a generally shaped bottom profile connecting two half-strips of constant (but possibly different) depths, initiating a method for generalizing the Stokes hierarchy of second-and higher-order wave theory, without the assumption of spatial periodicity. In modelling the wave-bottom interaction three partial problems arise: the first order, the unsteady second order and the steady second order. The three problems are solved by using appropriate extensions of the consistent coupled-mode theory developed by the present authors for the linearized problem. Apart from the Stokes small-amplitude expansibility assumption, no additional asymptotic assumptions have been introduced. Thus, bottom slope and curvature may be arbitrary, provided that the resulting wave dynamics is Stokes-compatible. Accordingly, the present theory can be used for the study of various wave phenomena (propagation, reflection, diffraction) arising from the interaction of weakly nonlinear waves with a general bottom topography, in intermediate water depth. An interesting phenomenon, that is also very naturally resolved, is the net mass flux induced by the depth variation, which is consistently calculated by means of the steady second-order potential. The present method has been validated against experimental results and fully nonlinear numerical solutions. It has been found that it correctly predicts the second-order harmonic generation, the amplitude nonlinearity, and the amplitude variation due to non-resonant first- and-second harmonic interaction, up to the point where the energy transfer to the third and higher harmonics can no longer be neglected. Under the restriction of weak nonlinearity, the present model can be extended to treat obliquely incident waves and the resulting second-order refraction patterns, and to study bichromatic and/or bidirectional wave-wave interactions, with application to the transformation of second-order random seas in variable bathymetry regions.

Applied Ocean Research | 1994

Bivariate distributions with given marginals with an application to wave climate description

Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis; E.K. Skarsoulis; K.A. Belibassakis

Abstract The class of bivariate probability distributions with given (prespecified) marginals is studied, and a special member of this class, the Plackett model, is applied to represent the joint probability distribution of significant wave height ( H s ) and mean zero-upcrossing period ( T 02 ). The distinctive features of the bivariate Plackett model are: (i) it accepts any kind of univariate probability models as marginals, (ii) it can accurately model the degree of correlation between H s and T 02 , and (iii) it permits an easy and reliable estimation of parameters. Applications of the Plackett model to the description of ( H s , T 02 ) statistics for certain sea locations illustrate its overall performance and flexibility. The possibility of extending this approach to the multivariate case is discussed.

Journal of Fluid Mechanics | 2005

A coupled-mode model for the hydroelastic analysis of large floating bodies over variable bathymetry regions

K.A. Belibassakis; Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis

The consistent coupled-mode theory (Athanassoulis & Belibassakis, J. Fluid Mech. vol. 389, 1999, p. 275) is extended and applied to the hydroelastic analysis of large floating bodies of shallow draught or ice sheets of small and uniform thickness, lying over variable bathymetry regions. A parallel-contour bathymetry is assumed, characterized by a continuous depth function of the form

Applied Ocean Research | 2002

Probabilistic description of metocean parameters by means of kernel density models 1. Theoretical background and first results

Gerassimos A. Athanassoulis; K.A. Belibassakis

h( {x,y}) {=} h( x )

ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011 | 2011


K.A. Belibassakis; Th. P. Gerostathis; Konstantinos V. Kostas; C. G. Politis; Panagiotis D. Kaklis; Alexandros I. Ginnis; C. Feurer

, attaining constant, but possibly different, values in the semi-infinite regions

ASME 2005 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | 2005

Nonstationary Stochastic Modelling of Multivariate Long-Term Wind and Wave Data

Christos N. Stefanakos; K.A. Belibassakis

x { and

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