K. Fukunaga
Kyoto University
Featured researches published by K. Fukunaga.
Nuclear Physics | 1981
K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; T. Ohsawa; A. Okihana; S. Tanaka; T. Sekioka; H. Nakamura-Yokota; S. Kato
Quasifree processes were studied by measuring coincident energy spectra for the 2H(3He, 3Hep)n, 2H(3He, tp)p and 2H(3He, dd)p reactions at 89.4 and 118.9MeV. The spectral shape was reproduced with two types of spectator model, that is, a three-body model (TBM) and a four-body model (FBM). The latter contains the effects of projectile breakup processes. Angular correlations of peak cross sections were explained by calculations in the FBM in contrast with those in the TBM. The absolute cross sections were not explained by either model.
Nuclear Physics | 1992
A. Okihana; T. Konishi; R. E. Warner; D.A. Francis; M. Fujiwara; N. Matsuoka; K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; T. Hayashi; J. Kasagi; N. Koori; M. Tosaki; M. B. Greenfield
Abstract The 6 Li(α, 2α) 2 H breakup reaction has been measured at E α = 77−119 MeV in coplanar, symmetric geometry. The projected energy spectra of the 2α correlation maps on the E 1 axis were obtained and analyzed with DWIA and PWIA calculations. The positions of the quasifree-scattering peaks are well reproduced by both calculations, which at the higher incident energies reproduced well the widths of the experimental peaks. At lower energies, the widths obtained from the DWIA calculation are wider than those observed. Spectroscopic factors, S α d , for breakup into α + d deduced from the DWIA calculation averaged 0.58. Effective numbers of α-clusters, N eff , deduced from the PWIA calculation averaged 0.22.
Nuclear Physics | 1987
S. Kakigi; K. Fukunaga; T. Ohsawa; A. Okihana; T. Sekioka; H. Nakamura-Yokota; S. Tanaka; S. Kato
Abstract For the 3 He(p, pp) 2 H reaction at 64.8 MeV, angular correlations have been measured in the quasifree scattering region. Angular dependence of the ratio of the cross sections measured to those calculated in the plane-wave impulse approximation is well reproduced by a calculation taking account of the double-scattering effect.
Nuclear Physics | 1989
R.E. Warner; A. Okihana; M. Fujiwara; N. Matsuoka; K. Tamura; M. Tosaki; T. Ohsawa; K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; J. Kasagi; N. Koori
Abstract The joint momentum distribution for p + n in 6Li was measured with the 6Li(α, 2α)pn reaction at 118 MeV for 0 ⩽ Q ⩽ 1.2 fm− and 0 ⩽ k ⩽ 1.0 fm−; Q is the wavenumber of pn c.m. motion in the lab, and k is that for the motion of either nucleon in their c.m. system. The four-body absolute cross sections near Q = 0 were reasonably-well fitted by an impulse approximation model when the np pair was described by a harmonic oscillator wavefunction in the initial state and by Yamaguchi, Paris, or Reid wavefunctions in the final state, and when the primary αα interaction was evaluated by the final-state energy prescription. Poorer fits were obtained using final plane waves and/or the initial-state prescription; in particular, measured yields at large Q exceeded the predictions by large factors. For 0 ⩽ k ⩽ 0.6 fm−1, the impulse approximation model predicted the three- to four-body cross section ratio within about a factor of two, but required an oscillator parameter which gave too small a charge radius for 6Li.
Nuclear Physics | 1982
K. Fukunaga; T. Ohsawa; S. Kakigi; A. Okihana; S. Tanaka; T. Sekioka; H. Nakamura-Yokota
Abstract Three-body break-up reactions were studied by measuring continuum energy spectra of particles emitted in the d + d reaction at 60 MeV. The absolute cross section and the angular dependence of the observed large enhancement were reproduced by the theoretical calculation in the single scattering four-body model.
Nuclear Physics | 1986
K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; T. Ohsawa; A. Okihana; T. Sekioka; H. Nakamura-Yokota; S. Tanaka
Abstract For the 4 He(p, p 3 H) 1 H reaction, large negative analyzing powers are observed in the FSI regions. For the inelastic scattering of protons, the angular dependence of the analyzing power is well reproduced by the single and double scattering terms of the Faddeev breakup theory.
Few-body Systems | 1989
K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; T. Ohsawa; A. Okihana; T. Sekioka; H. Nakamura-Yokota; T. Murayama; T. Hayashi
The reaction was studied experimentally at 60 MeV. Angular dependences of the cross sections and the analyzing powers for the quasi-free scattering resembled those for freed-p scattering. The experimental results were compared with a Born approximation calculation on the basis of the three-body scattering theory by Alt, Grassberger, and Sandhas.
Nuclear Physics | 1987
A. Okihana; K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; T. Ohsawa; T. Sekioka; Hitoshi Yokota; R. Takashima
Abstract The angular distributions of the differential cross sections and the analyzing powers for the 3 He(p,p)dp and 3 He(p,pd) 1 H reactions have been measured in the FSI region. The multiple scattering calculation including to double scattering terms has reproduced the differential cross sections well.
Physical Review C | 1994
R. E. Warner; J. M. Fetter; R. A. Swartz; A. Okihana; T. Konishi; T. Yoshimura; P. D. Kunz; M. Fujiwara; K. Fukunaga; S. Kakigi; T. Hayashi; Jirohta Kasagi; N. Koori
Physical Review C | 1988
R. E. Warner; A. Okihana; M. Fujiwara; N. Matsuoka; K. Tamura; M. Tosaki; T. Ohsawa; K. Fukunaga; Kimoto Pa; N. Koori