
Featured researches published by K. L. Yeo.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014

Reconstruction of total and spectral solar irradiance from 1974 to 2013 based on KPVT, SoHO/MDI, and SDO/HMI observations

K. L. Yeo; N. A. Krivova; S. K. Solanki; Karl-Heinz Glassmeier

Total and spectral solar irradiance are key parameters in the assessment of solar influence on changes in the Earths climate. We present a reconstruction of daily solar irradiance obtained using the SATIRE-S model spanning 1974 to 2013 based on full-disc observations from the KPVT, SoHO/MDI and SDO/HMI. SATIRE-S ascribes variation in solar irradiance on timescales greater than a day to photospheric magnetism. The solar spectrum is reconstructed from the apparent surface coverage of bright magnetic features and sunspots in the daily data using the modelled intensity spectra of these magnetic structures. We cross-calibrated the various data sets, harmonizing the model input so as to yield a single consistent time series as the output. The model replicates 92% of the variability in the PMOD TSI composite including the secular decline between the 1996 and 2008 solar cycle minima. The model also reproduces most of the variability in observed Lyman-alpha irradiance and the Mg II index. The UV solar irradiance measurements from the UARS and SORCE missions are mutually consistent up to about 180 nm before they start to exhibit discrepant rotational and cyclical variability, indicative of unresolved instrumental effects. As a result, the agreement between model and measurement starts to deteriorate above this wavelength. As with earlier similar investigations, the reconstruction cannot reproduce the overall trends in SORCE/SIM SSI. We argue, from the lack of clear solar cycle modulation in the SIM record and the inconsistency between the total flux recorded by the instrument and TSI, that unaccounted instrumental trends are present. The reconstruction is consistent with observations from multiple sources, demonstrating its validity. It also provides further evidence that photospheric magnetism is the prime driver of variation in solar irradiance on timescales greater than a day.

Space Science Reviews | 2014

Solar Cycle Variation in Solar Irradiance

K. L. Yeo; N. A. Krivova; S. K. Solanki

The correlation between solar irradiance and the 11-year solar activity cycle is evident in the body of measurements made from space, which extend over the past four decades. Models relating variation in solar irradiance to photospheric magnetism have made significant progress in explaining most of the apparent trends in these observations. There are, however, persistent discrepancies between different measurements and models in terms of the absolute radiometry, secular variation and the spectral dependence of the solar cycle variability. We present an overview of solar irradiance measurements and models, and discuss the key challenges in reconciling the divergence between the two.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2013

Intensity contrast of solar network and faculae

K. L. Yeo; S. K. Solanki; N. A. Krivova

Context. Aims. This study aims at setting observational constraints on the continuum and line core intensity contrast of network and faculae, specifically, their relationship with magnetic field and disc position. Methods. Full-disc magnetograms and intensity images by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on-board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) were employed. Bright magnetic features, representing network and faculae, were identified and the relationship between their intensity contrast at continuum and line core with magnetogram signal and heliocentric angle examined. Care was taken to minimize the inclusion of the magnetic canopy and straylight from sunspots and pores as network and faculae. Results. In line with earlier studies, network features, on a per unit magnetic flux basis, appeared brighter than facular features. Intensity contrasts in the continuum and line core di er considerably, most notably, they exhibit opposite centre-to-limb variations. We found this di erence in behaviour to likely be due to the di erent mechanisms of the formation of the two spectral components. From a simple model based on bivariate polynomial fits to the measured contrasts we confirmed spectral line changes to be a significant driver of facular contribution to variation in solar irradiance. The discrepancy between the continuum contrast reported here and in the literature was shown to arise mainly from di erences in spatial resolution and treatment of magnetic signals adjacent to sunspots and pores. Conclusions. HMI is a source of accurate contrasts and low-noise magnetograms covering the full solar disc. For irradiance studies it is important to consider not just the contribution from the continuum but also from the spectral lines. In order not to underestimate long-term variations in solar irradiance, irradiance models should take the greater contrast per unit magnetic flux associated with magnetic features with low magnetic flux into account.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

UV solar irradiance in observations and the NRLSSI and SATIRE‐S models

K. L. Yeo; Will T. Ball; N. A. Krivova; S. K. Solanki; Yvonne C. Unruh; Jeff Stanley Morrill

Total solar irradiance and UV spectral solar irradiance has been monitored since 1978 through a succession of space missions. This is accompanied by the development of models aimed at replicating solar irradiance by relating the variability to solar magnetic activity. The Naval Research Laboratory Solar Spectral Irradiance (NRLSSI) and Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction for the Satellite era (SATIRE-S) models provide the most comprehensive reconstructions of total and spectral solar irradiance over the period of satellite observation currently available. There is persistent controversy between the various measurements and models in terms of the wavelength dependence of the variation over the solar cycle, with repercussions on our understanding of the influence of UV solar irradiance variability on the stratosphere. We review the measurement and modeling of UV solar irradiance variability over the period of satellite observation. The SATIRE-S reconstruction is consistent with spectral solar irradiance observations where they are reliable. It is also supported by an independent, empirical reconstruction of UV spectral solar irradiance based on Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite/Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor measurements from an earlier study. The weaker solar cycle variability produced by NRLSSI between 300 and 400 nm is not evident in any available record. We show that although the method employed to construct NRLSSI is principally sound, reconstructed solar cycle variability is detrimentally affected by the uncertainty in the SSI observations it draws upon in the derivation. Based on our findings, we recommend, when choosing between the two models, the use of SATIRE-S for climate studies.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014

Point spread function of SDO/HMI and the effects of stray light correction on the apparent properties of solar surface phenomena

K. L. Yeo; A. Feller; S. K. Solanki; S. Couvidat; S. Danilovic; N. A. Krivova

Aims. We present a point spread function (PSF) for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and discuss the effects of its removal on the apparent properties of solar surface phenomena in HMI data. Methods. The PSF was retrieved from observations of Venus in transit by matching it to the convolution of a model of the Venusian disc and solar background with a guess PSF. We described the PSF as the sum of five Gaussian functions, the amplitudes of which vary sinusoidally with azimuth. This relatively complex functional form was required by the data. Observations recorded near in time to the transit of Venus were corrected for instrumental scattered light by the deconvolution with the PSF. We also examined the variation in the shape of the solar aureole in daily data, as an indication of PSF changes over time. Results. Granulation contrast in restored HMI data is greatly enhanced relative to the original data and exhibit reasonable agreement with numerical simulations. Image restoration enhanced the apparent intensity and pixel averaged magnetic field strength of photospheric magnetic features significantly. For small-scale magnetic features, restoration enhanced intensity contrast in the continuum and core of the Fe I 6173 A line by a factor of 1.3, and the magnetogram signal by a factor of 1.7. For sunspots and pores, the enhancement varied strongly within and between features, being more acute for smaller features. Magnetic features are also rendered smaller, as signal smeared onto the surrounding quiet Sun is recovered. Image restoration increased the apparent amount of magnetic flux above the noise floor by a factor of about 1.2, most of the gain coming from the quiet Sun. Line-of-sight velocity due to granulation and supergranulation is enhanced by a factor of 1.4 to 2.1, depending on position on the solar disc. The shape of the solar aureole varied, with time and between the two CCDs. There are also indications that the PSF varies across the FOV. However, all these variations were found to be relatively small, such that a single PSF can be applied to HMI data from both CCDs, over the period examined without introducing significant error. Conclusions. Restoring HMI observations with the PSF presented here returns a reasonable estimate of the stray light-free intensity contrast. Image restoration affects the measured radiant, magnetic and dynamic properties of solar surface phenomena sufficiently to significantly impact interpretation.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2016

Are solar brightness variations faculae- or spot-dominated?

A. I. Shapiro; S. K. Solanki; N. A. Krivova; K. L. Yeo; Werner Schmutz

Context. Regular spaceborne measurements have revealed that solar brightness varies on multiple timescales, variations on timescales greater than a day being attributed to a surface magnetic field. Independently, ground-based and spaceborne measurements suggest that Sun-like stars show a similar, but significantly broader pattern of photometric variability. Aims. To understand whether the broader pattern of stellar variations is consistent with the solar paradigm, we assess relative contributions of faculae and spots to solar magnetically-driven brightness variability. We investigate how the solar brightness variability and its facular and spot contributions depend on the wavelength, timescale of variability, and position of the observer relative to the ecliptic plane. Methods. We performed calculations with the SATIRE model, which returns solar brightness with daily cadence from solar disc area coverages of various magnetic features. We took coverages as seen by an Earth-based observer from full-disc SoHO/MDI and SDO/HMI data and projected them to mimic out-of-ecliptic viewing by an appropriate transformation. Results. Moving the observer away from the ecliptic plane increases the amplitude of 11-year variability as it would be seen in Stromgren ( b + y )/2 photometry, but decreases the amplitude of the rotational brightness variations as it would appear in Kepler and CoRoT passbands. The spot and facular contributions to the 11-year solar variability in the Stromgren ( b + y )/2 photometry almost fully compensate each other so that the Sun appears anomalously quiet with respect to its stellar cohort. Such a compensation does not occur on the rotational timescale. Conclusions. The rotational solar brightness variability as it would appear in the Kepler and CoRoT passbands from the ecliptic plane is spot-dominated, but the relative contribution of faculae increases for out-of-ecliptic viewing so that the apparent brightness variations are faculae-dominated for inclinations less than about i = 45°. Over the course of the 11-year activity cycle, the solar brightness variability is faculae-dominated shortwards of 1.2 μ m independently of the inclination.

Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2016

Reconstruction of spectral solar irradiance since 1700 from simulated magnetograms

M. Dasi-Espuig; J. Jiang; N. A. Krivova; S. K. Solanki; Yvonne C. Unruh; K. L. Yeo

We present a reconstruction of the spectral solar irradiance since 1700 using the SATIRE-T2 (Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstructions for the Telescope era version 2) model. This model uses as input magnetograms simulated with a surface flux transport model fed with semi-synthetic records of emerging sunspot groups. We used statistical relationships between the properties of sunspot group emergence, such as the latitude, area, and tilt angle, and the sunspot cycle strength and phase to produce semi-synthetic sunspot group records starting in the year 1700. The semisynthetic records are fed into a surface flux transport model to obtain daily simulated magnetograms that map the distribution of the magnetic flux in active regions (sunspots and faculae) and their decay products on the solar surface. The magnetic flux emerging in ephemeral regions is accounted for separately based on the concept of extended cycles whose length and amplitude are linked to those of the sunspot cycles through the sunspot number. The magnetic flux in each surface component (sunspots, faculae and network, and ephemeral regions) was used to compute the spectral and total solar irradiance between the years 1700 and 2009. This reconstruction is aimed at timescales of months or longer although the model returns daily values. We found that SATIRE-T2, besides reproducing other relevant observations such as the total magnetic flux, reconstructs the total solar irradiance (TSI) on timescales of months or longer in good agreement with the PMOD composite of observations, as well as with the reconstruction starting in 1878 based on the RGO-SOON data. The model predicts an increase in the TSI of 1.2[+0.2, -0.3] Wm-2 between 1700 and the present. The spectral irradiance reconstruction is in good agreement with the UARS/SUSIM measurements as well as the Lyman-alpha composite.

Physical Review Letters | 2017

Solar Irradiance Variability is Caused by the Magnetic Activity on the Solar Surface

K. L. Yeo; S. K. Solanki; Charlotte M. Norris; Benjamin Beeck; Yvonne C. Unruh; N. A. Krivova

The variation in the radiative output of the Sun, described in terms of solar irradiance, is important to climatology. A common assumption is that solar irradiance variability is driven by its surface magnetism. Verifying this assumption has, however, been hampered by the fact that models of solar irradiance variability based on solar surface magnetism have to be calibrated to observed variability. Making use of realistic three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the solar atmosphere and state-of-the-art solar magnetograms from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we present a model of total solar irradiance (TSI) that does not require any such calibration. In doing so, the modeled irradiance variability is entirely independent of the observational record. (The absolute level is calibrated to the TSI record from the Total Irradiance Monitor.) The model replicates 95% of the observed variability between April 2010 and July 2016, leaving little scope for alternative drivers of solar irradiance variability at least over the time scales examined (days to years).

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017

EMPIRE: A robust empirical reconstruction of solar irradiance variability†

K. L. Yeo; N. A. Krivova; S. K. Solanki

We present a new empirical model of total and spectral solar irradiance (TSI and SSI) variability entitled EMPirical Irradiance REconstruction (EMPIRE). As with existing empirical models, TSI and SSI variability is given by the linear combination of solar activity indices. In empirical models, UV SSI variability is usually determined by fitting the rotational variability in activity indices to that in measurements. Such models have to date relied on ordinary least squares regression, which ignores the uncertainty in the activity indices. In an advance from earlier efforts, the uncertainty in the activity indices is accounted for in EMPIRE by the application of an error-in-variables regression scheme, making the resultant UV SSI variability more robust. The result is consistent with observations and unprecedentedly, with that from other modelling approaches, resolving the long-standing controversy between existing empirical models and other types of models. We demonstrate that earlier empirical models, by neglecting the uncertainty in activity indices, underestimate UV SSI variability. The reconstruction of TSI and visible and IR SSI from EMPIRE is also shown to be consistent with observations. The EMPIRE reconstruction is of utility to climate studies as a more robust alternative to earlier empirical reconstructions.

Physical Review Letters | 2017

Publisher’s Note: Solar Irradiance Variability is Caused by the Magnetic Activity on the Solar Surface [Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 , 091102 (2017)]

K. L. Yeo; S. K. Solanki; Charlotte M. Norris; Benjamin Beeck; Yvonne C. Unruh; N. A. Krivova

This corrects the article DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.091102.

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