
Physical Review Letters | 2003

Indications of neutrino oscillation in a 250 km long-baseline experiment.

M. H. Ahn; S. Aoki; Hyoung Chan Bhang; S. Boyd; David William Casper; Jin-Oh Choi; Satoru Fukuda; Y. Fukuda; W. Gajewski; T. Hara; M. Hasegawa; T. Hasegawa; Y. Hayato; J. Hill; Atsushi Ichikawa; A. Ikeda; T. Inagaki; T. Ishida; T. Ishii; M. Ishitsuka; Y. Itow; T. Iwashita; H.I. Jang; J. S. Jang; E. J. Jeon; C. K. Jung; T. Kajita; J. Kameda; K. Kaneyuki; I. Kato

The K2K experiment observes indications of neutrino oscillation: a reduction of nu(mu) flux together with a distortion of the energy spectrum. Fifty-six beam neutrino events are observed in Super-Kamiokande (SK), 250 km from the neutrino production point, with an expectation of 80.1(+6.2)(-5.4). Twenty-nine one ring mu-like events are used to reconstruct the neutrino energy spectrum, which is better matched to the expected spectrum with neutrino oscillation than without. The probability that the observed flux at SK is explained by statistical fluctuation without neutrino oscillation is less than 1%.

Physics Letters B | 1994

Atmospheric muon-neutrino / electron-neutrino ratio in the multiGeV energy range

Y. Fukuda; T. Hayakawa; Koji Inoue; Tsuyoshi Ishida; S. Joukou; T. Kajita; S. Kasuga; Y. Koshio; T. Kumita; K. Matsumoto; M. Nakahata; K. Nakamura; A. Sakai; M. Shiozawa; J. Suzuki; Y. Suzuki; Y. Totsuka; K.S. Hirata; K. Kihara; M. Mori; Y. Oyama; A. Suzuki; M. Yamada; M. Koshiba; K. Nishijima; T. Kajimura; T. Suda; A. T. Suzuki; T. Ishizuka; M. Koga

Abstract Data from the Kamiokande detector were used to study the atmospheric (v μ + v μ ) (v e + v e ) ratio in the multi-GeV energy range. The observed ratio of μ-like to e-like events relative to the calculated ratio, ( μ /e) data /( μ /e) MC = 0.57 -0.07 +0.08 ± 0.07, suggests that the atmospheric (v μ + v μ ) (v e + v e ) ratio is smaller than expected for these neutrino energies. Also studied was the zenith-angle dependence of the above ratio. Results of an analysis of neutrino oscillations are presented.

Physics Letters B | 1992

Observation of a small atmospheric vμ/ve ratio in Kamiokande

K.S. Hirata; Katsuya Inoue; T. Ishida; T. Kajita; K. Kihara; M. Nakahata; K. Nakamura; S. Ohara; A. Sakai; N. Sato; Y. Suzuki; Y. Totsuka; Y. Yaginuma; M. Mori; Y. Oyama; A. Suzuki; K. Takahashi; M. Yamada; M. Koshiba; K. Nishijima; T. Kajimura; T. Suda; T. Tajima; K. Miyano; Hitoshi Miyata; H. Takei; Y. Fukuda; E. Kodera; Y. Nagashima; M. Takita

Abstract Results are presented of the observation of atmospheric neutrino interactions in the Kamiokande detector in an exposure of 4.92 kt yr. The observed ratio of single ring μ-events to e-events ( μ e ) data ( μ e ) MC = 0.60 +007 −0.06 ( stat. ) ± 0.05 ( syst. ) suggests that the atmospheric v μ /v e ratio is smaller than expected. The implications of these results for neutrino oscillations are discussed.

Physics Letters B | 1988

Experimental Study of the Atmospheric Neutrino Flux

K.S. Hirata; T. Kajita; M. Koshiba; M. Nakahata; S. Ohara; Y. Oyama; N. Sato; Akira Suzuki; M. Takita; Y. Totsuka; T. Kifune; T. Suda; K. Nakamura; K. Takahashi; T. Tanimori; K. Miyano; M. Yamada; E.W. Beier; L. R. Feldscher; E.D. Frank; W. Frati; Seungchul Kim; A.K. Mann; F. M. Newcomer; R. Van Berg; W. Zhang; B.G. Cortez

Abstract We have observed 277 fully contained events in the KAMIOKANDE detector. The number of electron-like single-prong events is in good agreement with the predictions of a Monte Carlo calculation based on atmospheric neutrino interactions in the detector. On the other hand, the number of muon-like single-prong events is 59±7% (statistical error) of the predicted number of the Monte Carlo calculation. We are unable to explain the data as the result of systematic detector effects or uncertainties in the atmospheric neutrino fluxes.

Physical Review Letters | 1998

Measurement of the flux and zenith angle distribution of upward through going muons in Kamiokande II + III

S. Hatakeyama; T. Hara; Y. Fukuda; T. Hayakawa; Koji Inoue; K. Ishihara; H. Ishino; S. Joukou; T. Kajita; S. Kasuga; Y. Koshio; T. Kumita; K. Matsumoto; M. Nakahata; K. Nakamura; K. Okumura; A. Sakai; M. Shiozawa; J. Suzuki; Y. Suzuki; T. Tomoeda; Y. Totsuka; K.S. Hirata; K. Kihara; Y. Oyama; M. Koshiba; K. Nishijima; T. Horiuchi; K. Fujita; M. Koga

The flux of upward through-going muons of minimum (mean) threshold energy > 1.6 (3.0) GeV is measured, based on a total of 372 events observed by the Kamiokande II+III detector during 2456 detector live days. The observed muon flux was (1.94+-0.10(stat.)+0.07-0.06(sys.))*10^-13 /cm^2/s/sr, which is compared to an expected value of (2.46+-0.54(theo.))*10^-13/cm^2/s/sr. The observation is in agreement with the prediction within the errors. The zenith angle dependence of the observed upward through-going muons supports the previous indication of neutrino oscillations made by Kamiokande using sub- and multi-GeV atmospheric neutrino events.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 1986

Atmospheric Neutrino Background and Pion Nuclear Effect for KAMIOKA Nucleon Decay Experiment

M. Nakahata; Katsushi Arisaka; T. Kajita; M. Koshiba; Yuichi Oyama; A. Suzuki; M. Takita; Y. Totsuka; T. Kifune; T. Suda; Nobuaki Sato; Kasuke Takahashi; K. Miyano

The main source of background for nucleon decay experiments is the interaction of atmospheric neutrinos in the detector. To estimate this background a Monte Carlo program was developed, which simulates the neutrino interactions and the nuclear effects of secondary pions. The program reproduced existing neutrino data as well as global features of the contained events in the KAMIOKA nucleon decay experiment. Neutrino induced background for nucleon decay was then calculated.

Physics Letters B | 1992

Evidence for hard scattering of hadronic constituents of photons in photon-photon collisions of TRISTAN

R. Tanaka; T. Kojima; T. Sasaki; K. Tomioka; S. Matsumoto; Y. Oshi; K. Miyano; H. Miyata; P. Kirk; J. Lim; R.R. McNeil; S. S. Myung; C.P. Cheng; W.X. Gao; P. Gu; W.G. Yan; M.H. Ye; A. Abashian; K. Gotow; K.P. Hu; A.Z. Lai; E.H. Low; M. E. Mattson; L. E. Piilonen; K.L. Sterner; S. Lusin; C. Rosenfeld; A.T.M. Wang; S. Wilson; M. Frautschi

Abstract We present results of an experimental study of e + e − + hadrons in the kinematic regime for which the process is interpreted as hadron production in collisions of almost-real photons. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 27.5 pb − and covers center-of-mass energies from 55 to 61.4 GeV. We observe more events than expected from the incoherent sum of quark-parton and vector-meson-dominance models, and we give a quantitative explanation of the excess by including the hard scattering of the hadronic constituents of the photons calculated with QCD.

Physics Letters B | 1991

Search for neutralino dark matter in Kamiokande

M. Mori; Mihoko M. Nojiri; Y. Oyama; A. Suzuki; K. Takahashi; M. Yamada; H. Takei; K. Miyano; Hitoshi Miyata; K.S. Hirata; Katsuya Inoue; T. Ishida; T. Kajita; K. Kahara; M. Nakahata; K. Nakamura; N. Sato; Y. Suzuki; Y. Totsuka; Y. Yaginuma; M. Koshiba; K. Nishijima; T. Suda; T. Tajima; Y. Fukuda; E. Kodera; Y. Nagashima; M. Takita; K. Kaneyuki; T. Tanimori

Abstract A search has been made for upward-going muons in the Kamiokande detector as a possible signal from neutralino dark matter captured in the earth. We found the upward-going muon flux from the earth is consistent with that produced by the atmospheric neutrinos. Assuming the galactic halo contains neutralino dark matter, this result provides limits on the neutralino mass in the region 30–80 GeV and gives stringent constraints on the allowed regions of the parameter space in the framework of the minimal supersymmetric standard model.

Physics Letters B | 1989

Experimental limits on nucleon lifetime for lepton+meson decay modes

K.S. Hirata; T. Kajita; T. Kifune; K. Kihara; M. Nakahata; K. Nakamura; S. Ohara; Y. Oyama; N. Sato; M. Takita; Y. Totsuka; Y. Yaginuma; Masaki Mori; A. Suzuki; K. Takahashi; T. Tanimori; M. Yamada; M. Koshiba; T. Suda; K. Miyano; H. Miyata; H. Takei; K. Kaneyuki; Y. Nagashima; Yoshishige Suzuki; E.W. Beier; L. R. Feldscher; E.D. Frank; W. Frati; Seungchul Kim

Abstract We have searched for nucleon decay signals using data from the KAMIOKANDE-II detector. No evidence for nucleon decay has been found. Limits on the nucleon partial lifetime for various decay modes are obtained combining KAMIOKANDE-I and -II data (3.76 kt yr in total). The background subtracted limits at 90% CL range from 0.1×1032yr to 2.6×1032yr depending on the decay modes. For the decay modes p→e+π0, p→ v K+ and n→ v K0, the limits are 2.6×1032yr, 1.0×1032yr and 0.9×1032yr, respectively.

Physics Letters B | 1994

Measurements of the inclusive jet cross section in photon-photon interactions at TRISTAN

Bj Kim; T. Nozaki; A. Bodek; T. Kumita; Y.K. Li; C. Velisarris; R. Walker; Kazuo Abe; R. Breedon; Y. Fujii; Y. Kurihara; F. Liu; A. Maki; T. Omori; H. Sagawa; Y. Sakai; T. Sasaki; Y. Sugimoto; Y. Takaiwa; S. Terada; P. Kirk; C.P. Cheng; W.X. Gao; W.G. Yan; M.H. Ye; A. Abashian; K. Gotow; Dan Haim; M. E. Mattson; N. Morgan

Abstract We present cross section measurements for inclusive jet production in almost-real photon-photon interactions at TRISTAN using the AMY detector. The results are compared with leading-order QCD calculations for different parameterizations of the parton density in the photon.

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