K. Raghunath
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory
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Featured researches published by K. Raghunath.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | 2002
B. V. Krishna Murthy; K. Satheesan; K. Parameswaran; M. N. Sasi; Geetha Ramkumar; Y. Bhavanikumar; K. Raghunath; M Krishniah
Using altitude profiles of temperature in the range 4 to 70 km derived from Mesosphere–Stratosphere–Troposphere radar and lidar observations at Gadanki (13.5°N,79.2°E) from 18 January 1999 to 5 March 1999, characteristics of equatorial waves are studied. Two-dimensional Fourier-transform analysis of the temperature profiles is carried out to identify the periodicities and their vertical wave numbers. From the characteristics obtained, equatorial slow Kelvin waves with periodicities 15.7 d, 9.4 d, 7.8 d and 6.7 d are identified in the troposphere and stratosphere regions and among these 7.8 d and 6.7 d periodicities are found to penetrate into the mesosphere. Equatorial waves with smaller periodicities in the range 5.2 d to 3.6 d are also observed. The vertical flux of horizontal momentum (zonal) of the identified slow Kelvin-wave periodicities in the altitude region 4–25 km is estimated. It is found that equatorial waves modulate tropical tropopause temperature and altitude. Copyright
Advances in Space Research | 2003
M. N. Sasi; B. V. Krishna Murthy; Geetha Ramkumar; K. Satheesan; K. Parameswaran; K. Rajeev; S.V. Sunilkumar; Prabha R. Nair; K. Krishna Moorthy; Y. Bhavanikumar; K. Raghunath; Asha Jain; P. B. Rao; M. Krishnaiah; S.R. Prabhakaran Nayars; K. Revathy; S. Devanarayanan
Abstract A co-ordmated experimental campaign was conducted for 40 consecutive days from 21 February to 01 April 2000 using RH-200 rockets, balloons, Rayleigh lidar and MST radar, with the objective of delineating the equatorial waves and estimating momentum fluxes associated with them. Winds and temperatures in the troposphere, stratosphere and mesosphere over two low latitude stations Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E) and SHAR (13.7°N, 80.2°E) were measured and were used for the study of equatorial waves and their interactions with the background mean flow in various atmospheric regions. The study shows the occurrence of a strong stratospheric cooling (∼25 K) anomaly along with a zonal wind anomaly and this low-latitude event appears to be linked to high-latitude stratospheric warming event and followed by subsequent generation of short period (∼5 days) oscillations lasting for a few cycles in the stratosphere. Slow and fast Kelvin waves and RG wave (∼-17-day and ∼7.2-day and ∼4.2-day periods respectively) have been identified. The mean flow acceleration produced by the divergence of the momentum flux due to the observed Kelvin waves in the 35–60 km height region were compared with the zonal flow accelerations computed from the observed zonal winds. Contribution by the slow and fast Kelvin waves was found to be only ∼25 % of the observed acceleration during the evolution of the westerly phase of the semi-annual oscillation.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing | 2014
V. Krishnakumar; Malladi Satyanarayana; Soman R. Radhakrishnan; Reji K. Dhaman; G. S. Jayeshlal; G. S. Motty; Vellara P. Mahadevan Pillai; K. Raghunath; Madineni Venkat Ratnam; Duggirala Ramakrishna Rao; Pindlodi Sudhakar
Abstract High altitude cirrus clouds are composed mainly of ice crystals with a variety of sizes and shapes. They have a large influence on Earth’s energy balance and global climate. Recent studies indicate that the formation, dissipation, life time, optical, and micro-physical properties are influenced by the dynamical conditions of the surrounding atmosphere like background aerosol, turbulence, etc. In this work, an attempt has been made to quantify some of these characteristics by using lidar and mesosphere–stratosphere–troposphere (MST) radar. Mie lidar and 53 MHz MST radar measurements made over 41 nights during the period 2009 to 2010 from the tropical station, Gadanki, India (13.5°N, 79.2°E). The optical and microphysical properties along with the structure and dynamics of the cirrus are presented as observed under different atmospheric conditions. The study reveals the manifestation of different forms of cirrus with a preferred altitude of formation in the 13 to 14 km altitude. There are considerable differences in the properties obtained among 2009 and 2010 showing significant anomalous behavior in 2010. The clouds observed during 2010 show relatively high asymmetry and large multiple scattering effects. The anomalies found during 2010 may be attributed to the turbulence noticed in the surrounding atmosphere. The results show a clear correlation between the crystal morphology in the clouds and the dynamical conditions of the prevailing atmosphere during the observational period.
Journal of remote sensing | 2013
V. Kamalakar; A. Taori; K. Raghunath; S. V. B. Rao; A. Jayaraman
We used a combination of simultaneous measurements made with Rayleigh lidar and O2 airglow monitoring to improve lidar investigation capability to cover a higher altitude range. We fed in instantaneous O2 airglow temperatures rather than model values at the peak altitude for a subsequent integration method of temperature retrieval using Rayleigh lidar backscattered signals. Using this method, errors in the lidar temperature estimates converge at higher altitudes indicating better altitude coverage compared with regular methods where model temperatures are used rather than real-time measurements. This improvement enables the measurement of short-term waves at upper mesospheric altitudes (∼90 km). Using two case studies, we show that above 60 km the amplitude of a few short-term waves drastically increases while some of the short-term waves show either damping or saturation. We claim that by using such combined measurements, significant and cost-effective progress can be made in the understanding of short-term wave processes that are important for coupling across different atmospheric regions.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017
K. Ramesh; S. Sridharan; K. Raghunath; S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao
The various occurrence characteristics of day and night tropical (10°N–15°N, 60°E–90°E) mesospheric inversion layers (MILs) are studied by using TIMED Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry satellite data products of kinetic temperature; volume mixing ratios of O, H, and O3; volume emission rates of O2 (1Δ) and OH (1.6 µm channel), and chemical heating rates due to seven dominant exothermic reactions among H, O, O2, O3, OH, HO2, and CO2 cooling rates for the year 2011. Although both dynamics and chemistry play important roles, the present study mainly focuses on the chemical processes involved in the formation of day and night MILs. It is found that the upper level height of daytime (nighttime) MIL descends (ascends) from ~88 km (~80 km) in winter to ~72 km (~90 km) in summer. The day and night inversion amplitudes are correlated with total chemical heating rates and CO2 cooling rates, and they show semi annual variation with larger (smaller) values during equinoxes (solstices). The daytime (nighttime) inversion layers are predominantly due to the exothermic reaction, R5: O + O + M → O2 + M and R6: O + O2 + M → O3 + M (R3: H + O3 → OH + O2). In addition, the CO2 causes large cooling at the top and small heating at the bottom levels of both day and night MILs. In the absence of dynamical effects, the chemical heating and CO2 cooling jointly contribute for the occurrence of day and night MILs.
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing | 2011
V. Krishnakumar; Malladi Satyanarayana; S. R. Radhakrishnan; Reji K. Dhaman; Vellara P. Mahadevan Pillai; K. Raghunath; Madineni Venkat Ratnam; Duggirala Ramakrishna Rao; Pindlodi Sudhakar
Cirrus cloud measurements over the tropics are receiving much attention recently due to their role in the Earths radiation budget. The interaction of water vapor and aerosols plays a major role in phase formation of cirrus clouds. Many factors control the ice supersaturation and microphysical properties in cirrus clouds and, as such, investigations on these properties of cirrus clouds are critical for proper understanding and simulating the climate. In this paper we report on the evolution, microphysical, and optical properties of cirrus clouds using the Mie LIDAR operation at the National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki, India (13.5°N, 79.2°E), an inland tropical station. The occurrence statistics, height, optical depth, depolarization ratio of the cirrus clouds, and their relationship with ice nuclei concentration were investigated over 29 days of observation during the year 2002. Cirrus clouds with a base altitude as low as 8.4 km are observed during the month of January and clouds with a maximum top height of 17.1 km are observed during the month of May. The cirrus has a mean thickness of 2 km during the period of study. The LIDAR ratio varies from 30 to 36 sr during the summer days of observation and 25 to 31 sr during the winter days of observation. Depolarization values range from 0.1 to 0.58 during the period of observation. The ice nuclei concentration has been calculated using the De Motts equation. It is observed that during the monsoon months of June, July, and August, there appears to be an increase in the ice nuclei number concentration. From the depolarization data an attempt is made to derive the ice crystal orientation and their structure of the cirrus. Crystal structures such as thin plates, thick plates, regular hexagons, and hexagonal columns are observed in the study. From the observed crystal structure and ice nuclei concentration, the possible nucleation mechanism is suggested.
Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation VI | 2016
Reji K. Dhaman; Malladi Satyanarayana; V. Krishnakumar; V. P. Mahadevan Pillai; G. S. Jayeshlal; K. Raghunath; M. Venkat Ratnam
Cirrus clouds play a significant role in the Earths radiation budget. Therefore, knowledge of geometrical and optical properties of cirrus cloud is essential for the climate modeling. In this paper, the cirrus clouds microphysical and optical properties are made by using a ground based lidar measurements over an inland tropical station Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E), Andhra Pradesh, India. The variation of cirrus microphysical and optical properties with mid cloud temperature is also studied. The cirrus clouds mean height is generally observed in the range of 9-17km with a peak occurrence at 13- 14km. The cirrus mid cloud temperature ranges from -81°C to -46°C. The cirrus geometrical thickness ranges from 0.9- 4.5km. During the cirrus occurrence days sub-visual, thin and dense cirrus were at 37.5%, 50% and 12.5% respectively. The monthly cirrus optical depth ranges from 0.01-0.47, but most (<80%) of the cirrus have values less than 0.1. Optical depth shows a strong dependence with cirrus geometrical thickness and mid-cloud height. The monthly mean cirrus extinction ranges from 2.8E-06 to 8E-05 and depolarization ratio and lidar ratio varies from 0.13 to 0.77 and 2 to 52 sr respectively. A positive correlation exists for both optical depth and extinction with the mid-cloud temperature. The lidar ratio shows a scattered behavior with mid-cloud temperature.
international conference on ultra modern telecommunications | 2009
V. Krishnakumar; Malladi Satyanarayana; V. P. Mahadevan Pillai; S. R. Radhakrishnan; K. Raghunath
The monsoon water cycle is the lifeline to over 60% of the worlds population. The precipitation of the clouds in the monsoon season depends on the microphysical properties of the clouds. The effect of aerosol on cirrus clouds is being looked into through this work as an effort to study the role of aerosol on Indian Monsoon. The microphysical properties of high altitude clouds were obtained from the ground based lidar experiments at a low latitude station in the Indian subcontinent. Measurements during the Indian monsoon period from the inland station National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) Gadanki (13.5_ N, 79.2_ E), Tirupati, India were used for the investigation. The seasonal variation of depolarization characteristics of the cirrus clouds were analyzed. The results obtained over a period of one year from January2002 to December 2002 were presented.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering | 2008
Malladi Satyanarayana; V. Krishnakumar; V. P. Mahadevan Pillai; S. R. Radhakrishnan; K. Raghunath
The monsoon water cycle is the lifeline to over 60% of the worlds population. The study on the behavioral change of Indian monsoon due to aerosol loading will help for the better understanding of Indian Monsoon. Aerosol system influences the atmosphere in two ways; it affects directly the radiation budget and indirectly provides condensation nuclei required for the clouds. The precipitation of the clouds in the monsoon season depends on the microphysical properties of the clouds. The effect of aerosol on cirrus clouds is being looked into through this work as an effort to study the role of aerosol on Indian Monsoon. The microphysical properties of high altitude clouds were obtained from the ground based lidar experiments at a low latitude station in the Indian subcontinent. Measurements during the Indian monsoon period from the inland station National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) Gadanki (13.5_ N, 79.2_ E), Tirupati, India were used for the investigation. The depolarization characteristics of the cirrus clouds were measured and the correlation between the depolarization and the precipitation characteristics were studied. The results obtained over a period of one year from January 1998 to December 1998 were presented.
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering | 2008
Malladi Satyanarayana; S. R. Radhakrishnan; V. Krishnakumar; V. P. Mahadevan Pillai; K. Raghunath
Cirrus clouds have been identified as one of the most uncertain component in the atmospheric research. It is known that cirrus clouds modulate the earths climate through direct and indirect modification of radiation. The role of cirrus clouds depends mainly on their microphysical properties. To understand cirrus clouds better, we must observe and characterize their properties. In-situ observation of such clouds is a challenging experiment, as the clouds are located at high altitudes. Active remote sensing method based on lidar can detect high and thin cirrus clouds with good spatial and temporal resolution. We present the result obtained on the microphysical properties of the cirrus clouds at two Tropical stations namely Gadhanki, Tirupati (13.50 N, 79.20 E), India and Trivandrum (13.50 N, 770 E) Kerala, India from the ground based pulsed Nd: YAG lidar systems installed at the stations. A variant of the widely used Kletts lidar inversion method with range dependent scattering ratio is used for the present study for the retrieval of aerosol extinction and microphysical parameters of cirrus cloud.