
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2011

Early and middle Miocene Antarctic glacial history from the sedimentary facies distribution in the AND-2A drill hole, Ross Sea, Antarctica

Sandra Passchier; Greg H. Browne; Christopher R. Fielding; Lawrence A. Krissek; K. S. Panter; Stephen F. Pekar

In 2007, the Antarctic Geological Drilling Program (ANDRILL) drilled 1138.54 m of strata ~10 km off the East Antarctic coast, includ ing an expanded early to middle Miocene succession not previously recovered from the Antarctic continental shelf. Here, we pre sent a facies model, distribution, and paleoclimatic interpretation for the AND-2A drill hole, which enable us, for the fi rst time, to reconstruct periods of early and middle Miocene glacial advance and retreat and paleo environmental changes at an ice-proximal site. Three types of facies associations can be recognized that imply signifi cantly different paleoclimatic interpretations. (1) A diamictite-dominated facies association represents glacially dominated depositional environments, including subglacial environments, with only brief intervals where ice-free coasts existed, and periods when the ice sheet was periodically larger than the modern ice sheet. (2) A stratifi ed diamictite and mudstone facies association includes facies characteristic of open-marine to iceberg-infl uenced depositional environments and is more consistent with a very dynamic ice sheet, with a grounding line south of the modern position. (3) A mudstone-dominated facies association generally lacks diamictites and was produced in a glacially infl uenced hemipelagic depositional environment. Based on the distribution of these facies associations, we can conclude that the Antarctic ice sheets were dynamic, with grounding lines south of the modern location at ca. 20.1‐19.6 Ma and ca. 19.3‐18.7 Ma and during the Miocene climatic optimum, ca. 17.6‐15.4 Ma, with ice-sheet and sea-ice minima at ca. 16.5‐16.3 Ma and ca. 15.7‐15.6 Ma. While glacial minima at ca. 20.1‐19.6 Ma and ca. 19.3‐18.7 Ma were characterized by temperate margins, an increased abundance of gravelly facies and diatomaceous siltstone and a lack of meltwater plume deposits suggest a cooler and drier climate with polythermal conditions for the Miocene climatic optimum (ca. 17.6‐15.4 Ma). Several periods of major ice growth with a grounding line traversing the drill site are recognized between ca. 20.2 and 17.6 Ma, and after ca. 15.4 Ma, with evidence of cold polar glaciers with ice shelves. The AND-2A core provides proximal evidence that during the middle Miocene climate transition, an ice sheet larger than the modern ice sheet was already present by ca. 14.7 Ma, ~1 m.y. earlier than generally inferred from deep-sea oxygen isotope records. These fi ndings highlight the importance of high-latitude ice-proximal records for the interpretation of far-fi eld proxies across major climate transitions.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2016

Antarctic ice sheet sensitivity to atmospheric CO2 variations in the early to mid-Miocene

R. H. Levy; David M. Harwood; Fabio Florindo; Francesca Sangiorgi; Robert Tripati; Hilmar von Eynatten; Edward Gasson; Gerhard Kuhn; A.K. Tripati; Robert M. DeConto; Christopher R. Fielding; Brad Field; Nicholas R. Golledge; Robert McKay; Tim R. Naish; Matthew Olney; David Pollard; Stefan Schouten; Franco Maria Talarico; Sophie Warny; Veronica Willmott; Gary D Acton; K. S. Panter; Timothy S. Paulsen; Marco Taviani

Significance New information from the ANDRILL-2A drill core and a complementary ice sheet modeling study show that polar climate and Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) margins were highly dynamic during the early to mid-Miocene. Changes in extent of the AIS inferred by these studies suggest that high southern latitudes were sensitive to relatively small changes in atmospheric CO2 (between 280 and 500 ppm). Importantly, reconstructions through intervals of peak warmth indicate that the AIS retreated beyond its terrestrial margin under atmospheric CO2 conditions that were similar to those projected for the coming centuries. Geological records from the Antarctic margin offer direct evidence of environmental variability at high southern latitudes and provide insight regarding ice sheet sensitivity to past climate change. The early to mid-Miocene (23–14 Mya) is a compelling interval to study as global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were similar to those projected for coming centuries. Importantly, this time interval includes the Miocene Climatic Optimum, a period of global warmth during which average surface temperatures were 3–4 °C higher than today. Miocene sediments in the ANDRILL-2A drill core from the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica, indicate that the Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) was highly variable through this key time interval. A multiproxy dataset derived from the core identifies four distinct environmental motifs based on changes in sedimentary facies, fossil assemblages, geochemistry, and paleotemperature. Four major disconformities in the drill core coincide with regional seismic discontinuities and reflect transient expansion of grounded ice across the Ross Sea. They correlate with major positive shifts in benthic oxygen isotope records and generally coincide with intervals when atmospheric CO2 concentrations were at or below preindustrial levels (∼280 ppm). Five intervals reflect ice sheet minima and air temperatures warm enough for substantial ice mass loss during episodes of high (∼500 ppm) atmospheric CO2. These new drill core data and associated ice sheet modeling experiments indicate that polar climate and the AIS were highly sensitive to relatively small changes in atmospheric CO2 during the early to mid-Miocene.

Bulletin of Volcanology | 1994

Volcanic history of Mount Sidley, a major alkaline volcano in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica

K. S. Panter; William C. McIntosh; John L. Smellie

Mount Sidley is a complex, polygenetic stratovolcano composed primarily of phonolitic and trachytic lavas and subordinate pyroclastic lithologies at the southern extremity of the Executive Committee Range, a linear chain of volcanoes in central Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica. Detailed field investigation coupled with 14 high precision 40Ar/39Ar age determinations reveal a 1.5 million year life span between 5.7 and 4.2 Ma in which three major phonolitic central vent edifices (Byrd, Weiss and Sidley volcanoes) and their calderas were developed (5.7–4.8 Ma). This was followed (4.6–4.5 Ma) by the eruption of trachytic magmas from multiple vent localities further south, and then by small volume benmoreite-mugearite lavas and tephras around 4.4–4.3 Ma at the southern end of Mount Sidley. The final phase of activity was the eruption of basanite cones at approximately 4.2 Ma. The southward migration of volcanic activity was accompanied by distinct changes in magma composition and is best explained by the sequential release of magmas stored within an intricate system of conduits and chambers in the crust by tectonically driven (magma assisted?) fracture propagation. The style of volcanic migration at Mount Sidley is emulated on a larger scale by other volcanoes in the Executive Committee Range, in which progressive southward displacement of volcanic activity corresponds with significant petrological variations between major centers.

Geology | 2014

Glaciovolcanic evidence for a polythermal Neogene East Antarctic Ice Sheet

John L. Smellie; Sergio Rocchi; Thomas I. Wilch; Maurizio Gemelli; Gianfranco Di Vincenzo; William C. McIntosh; Nelia W. Dunbar; K. S. Panter; Andrew Fargo

A paradigm has existed for more than 30 years that the basal thermal regime of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Victoria Land made a fundamental transition from wet-based to cold-based either at ca. 14 Ma or after ca. 2.5 Ma. The basal thermal regime is important because it determines the potential for unstable behavior in an ice sheet. We have studied the environmental characteristics of subglacially erupted volcanic centers scattered along 800 km of the Ross Sea fl ank of the Transantarctic Mountains. The volcanoes preserve evidence for the coeval paleo-ice thicknesses and contain features diagnostic of both wet-based and cold-based ice conditions. By dating the sequences we are able to demonstrate that the basal thermal regime varied spatially and with time between ca. 12 Ma and present. It was polythermal overall and probably comprised a coarse temperature patchwork of frozen-bed and thawed-bed ice, similar to the East Antarctic Ice Sheet today. Thus, an important shift is required in the prevailing paradigm describing its temporal evolution.

Geosphere | 2012

Early Miocene volcanic activity and paleoenvironment conditions recorded in tephra layers of the AND-2A core (southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica)

A. Di Roberto; P. Del Carlo; Sergio Rocchi; K. S. Panter

The ANtarctic geological DRILLing Program (ANDRILL) successfully recovered 1138.54 m of core from drill hole AND-2A in the Ross Sea sediments (Antarctica). The core is composed of terrigenous claystones, siltstones, sandstones, conglomerates, breccias, and diamictites with abundant volcanic material. We present sedimentological, morphoscopic, petrographic, and geochemical data on pyroclasts recovered from core AND-2A that provide insights on eruption styles, volcanic sources, and environments of deposition. One pyroclastic fall deposit, 12 resedimented volcaniclastic deposits and 14 volcanogenic sedimentary deposits record a history of intense explosive volcanic activity in southern Victoria Land during the Early Miocene. Tephra were ejected during Subplinian and Plinian eruptions fed by trachytic to rhyolitic magmas and during Strombolian to Hawaiian eruptions fed by basaltic to mugearitic magmas in submarine and/or subglacial to subaerial environments. The long-lived Mount Morning eruptive center, located ∼80 km south of the drill site, was recognized as the probable volcanic source for these products on the basis of volcanological, geochemical, and age constraints. The study of tephra in the AND-2A core provides important paleoenvironment information by revealing that the deposition of primary and moderately reworked tephra occurred in a proglacial setting under generally open-water marine conditions.

Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2014

Alteration of volcaniclastic deposits at Minna Bluff: Geochemical insights on mineralizing environment and climate during the Late Miocene in Antarctica

Joanne Vinopal Antibus; K. S. Panter; Thomas I. Wilch; Nelia W. Dunbar; William C. McIntosh; Aradhna K. Tripati; Ilya N. Bindeman; Jerzy S. Blusztajn

Secondary minerals in volcaniclastic deposits at Minna Bluff, a 45 km long peninsula in the Ross Sea, are used to infer processes of alteration and environmental conditions in the Late Miocene. Glassy volcaniclastic deposits are altered and contain phillipsite and chabazite, low to high-Mg carbonates, chalcedony, and clay. The δ18O of carbonates and chalcedony is variable, ranging from −0.50 to 21.53‰ and 0.68 to 10.37‰, respectively, and δD for chalcedony is light (−187.8 to −220.6‰), corresponding to Antarctic meteoric water. A mean carbonate 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70327 ± 0.0009 (1σ, n = 12) is comparable to lava and suggests freshwater, as opposed to seawater, caused the alteration. Minerals were precipitated at elevated temperatures (91 and 104°C) based on quartz-calcite equilibrium, carbonate 13C-18C thermometry (Δ47 derived temperature = 5° to 43°C) and stability of zeolites in geothermal systems (>10 to ∼100°C). The alteration was a result of isolated, ephemeral events involving the exchange between heated meteoric water and glass during or soon after the formation of each deposit. Near-surface evaporative distillation can explain 18O-enriched compositions for some Mg-rich carbonates and chalcedony. The δ18Owater calculated for carbonates (−15.8 to −22.9‰) reveals a broad change, becoming heavier between ∼12 and ∼7 Ma, consistent with a warming climate. These findings are independently corroborated by the interpretation of Late Miocene sedimentary sequences recovered from nearby sediment cores. However, in contrast to a cold-based thermal regime proposed for ice flow at core sites, wet-based conditions prevailed at Minna Bluff; a likely consequence of high heat flow associated with an active magma system.

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2003

Potential of airborne geophysical capabilities discussed

Carol A. Finn; Sridhar Anandakrishnan; John W. Goodge; K. S. Panter; Christine S. Siddoway; T. J. Wilson

Antarctica is a key element in Earths geodynamic and climatic systems. Nevertheless, on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the International Geophysical Year, we lack fundamental geologic and geophysical data from the deep interior of this vast continent. Meager exposures record the 3500-million-year history of a continent that participated in the formation and breakup of both the Rodinia and Gondwana super-continents. It continues to be tectonically active today although its kinematic relationship to the global plate circuit and its role as sub- strate to the worlds major ice sheets remain in question.

Journal of Petrology | 2018

Melt Origin across a Rifted Continental Margin: a Case for Subduction-related Metasomatic Agents in the Lithospheric Source of Alkaline Basalt, NW Ross Sea, Antarctica

K. S. Panter; Paterno R. Castillo; Susan Krans; Chad D. Deering; William C. McIntosh; John W. Valley; Kouki Kitajima; Philip R. Kyle; S. R. Hart; Jerzy S. Blusztajn

&NA; Alkaline magmatism associated with the West Antarctic rift system in the NW Ross Sea (NWRS) includes a north‐south chain of shield volcano complexes extending 260 km along the coast of Northern Victoria Land (NVL), numerous small volcanic seamounts located on the continental shelf and hundreds more within an ˜35 000 km2 area of the oceanic Adare Basin. New 40Ar/39Ar age dating and geochemistry confirm that the seamounts are of Pliocene‐Pleistocene age and petrogenetically akin to the mostly middle to late Miocene volcanism on the continent, as well as to a much broader region of diffuse alkaline volcanism that encompasses areas of West Antarctica, Zealandia and eastern Australia. All of these continental regions were contiguous prior to the late‐stage breakup of Gondwana at ˜100 Ma, suggesting that the magmatism is interrelated, yet the mantle source and cause of melting remain controversial. The NWRS provides a rare opportunity to study cogenetic volcanism across the transition from continent to ocean and consequently offers a unique perspective from which to evaluate mantle processes and the roles of lithospheric and sub‐lithospheric sources for mafic alkaline magmas. Mafic alkaline magmas with > 6 wt % MgO (alkali basalt, basanite, hawaiite, and tephrite) erupted across the transition from continent to ocean in the NWRS show a remarkable systematic increase in silica‐undersaturation, P2O5, Sr, Zr, Nb and light rare earth element (LREE) concentrations, as well as LREE/HREE (heavy REE) and Nb/Y ratios. Radiogenic isotopes also vary, with Nd and Pb isotopic compositions increasing and Sr isotopic compositions decreasing oceanward. These variations cannot be explained by shallow‐level crustal contamination or by changes in the degree of mantle partial melting, but are considered to be a function of the thickness and age of the mantle lithosphere. We propose that the isotopic signature of the most silica‐undersaturated and incompatible element enriched basalts best represent the composition of the sub‐lithospheric magma source with low 87Sr/86Sr (≤0·7030) and &dgr;18Oolivine (≤5·0‰), and high 143Nd/144Nd (˜0·5130) and 206Pb/204Pb (≥20). The isotopic ‘endmember’ signature of the sub‐lithospheric source is derived from recycled subducted materials and was transferred to the lithospheric mantle by small‐degree melts (carbonate‐rich silicate liquids) to form amphibole‐rich metasomes. Later melting of the metasomes produced silica‐undersaturated liquids that reacted with the surrounding peridotite. This reaction occurred to a greater extent as the melt traversed through thicker and older lithosphere continentward. Ancient and/or more recent (˜550–100 Ma) subduction along the Pan‐Pacific margin of Gondwana supplied the recycled subduction‐related material to the asthenosphere. Melting and carbonate metasomatism were triggered during major episodes of extension beginning in the Late Cretaceous, but alkaline magmatism was very limited in its extent. A significant delay of ˜30 to 20 Myr between extension and magmatism was probably controlled by conductive heating and the rate of thermal migration at the base of the lithosphere. Heating was facilitated by regional mantle upwelling, possibly driven by slab detachment and sinking into the lower mantle and/or by edge‐driven mantle flow established at the boundary between the thinned lithosphere of the West Antarctic rift and the thick East Antarctic craton.

Geosphere | 2012

Introduction: The ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf (MIS) and Southern McMurdo Sound (SMS) Drilling Projects

Timothy S. Paulsen; M. Pompilio; Frank Niessen; K. S. Panter; Richard D. Jarrard

Some of the greatest uncertainties in our understanding of Cenozoic global tectonics and climate can be traced back to our relatively meager knowledge about Antarctica9s continental lithosphere and its overlying continental glaciers. A trove of information about past tectonism and the behavior of the continental ice sheets lies buried along the submarine continental margins of Antarctica. In order to explore this area, there have been several international efforts over the last several decades to drill Cenozoic stratigraphic sequences within basins in the West Antarctic Rift system in the southern Ross Sea. The most recent of the Ross Sea drilling projects was part of the ANDRILL initiative ( in which scientists from Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and the United States collaborated to acquire two high-resolution slim hole sedimentary cores from the southern Ross Sea. The papers within this Geosphere themed issue examine results associated with these projects. They are ultimately a result of significant efforts by a new generation of scientists who were willing and able to take the reins of leadership at the close of ANDRILL9s ancestor, the Cape Roberts Project. These papers speak to the importance of multidisciplinary science and international cooperation, and hopefully come at the dawn of further drilling and investigations of the scientific frontier represented by Antarctica9s continental margins.

Geosphere | 2018

A sedimentological record of early Miocene ice advance and retreat, AND-2A drill hole, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica

Brad Field; Greg H. Browne; Christopher R. Fielding; F. Florindo; David M. Harwood; S.A. Judge; Lawrence A. Krissek; K. S. Panter; Sandra Passchier; Stephen F. Pekar; Sonia Sandroni; Franco Maria Talarico

The lowest 501 m (~1139–638 m) of the AND-2A core from southern McMurdo Sound is the most detailed and complete record of early Miocene sediments in Antarctica and indicates substantial variability in Antarctic ice sheet activity during early Miocene time. There are two main pulses of diamictite accumulation recorded in the core, and three significant intervals with almost no coarse clasts. Each diamictite package comprises several sequences consistent with ice advance-retreat episodes. The oldest phase of diamictite deposition, Composite Sequence 1 (CS1), has evidence for grounded ice at the drill site and has been dated around 20.2– 20.1 Ma. It likely coincides with cooling associated with isotope event Mi1aa. This is overlain by a diamictite-free, sandstone-dominated interval, CS2 that includes three coarsening-upward deltaic cycles, is inferred to mark substantial warming, and has an inferred age range between 20.1 and 20.05 Ma. Above this is an interval with variable amounts of diamictite (CS3), with indicators of ice grounding, that is inferred to record ice advance relative to CS2, and is overlain by an ~100-m-thick mud-rich interval (CS4) with no sedimentological evidence for direct glacial influence at the drill site (ca. 19.4–18.7 Ma). A third overlying diamictite-rich interval (CS5) overlies an unconformity spanning 18.7–17.8 Ma (coinciding with isotope event Mi1b), and records a return to more ice-influenced conditions at the drill site in late early Miocene time. The overall picture for the early Miocene (spanning the period 20.2–17.35 Ma) is one of ice advance alternating with periods of ice retreat and hence significant global climate fluctuations after the permanent establishment of the Antarctic ice sheet at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, and preceding the relative warmth of the middle Miocene climatic optimum (ca. 17.5–14.5 Ma). Sedimentary cyclicity in CS1 and CS2 is consistent with ~21 k.y. precession but in CS3 the frequency is closer to 100 k.y. (consistent with eccentricity), with a possible change to 20 k.y. precession in CS4. CS5 cyclicity is consistent with obliquity forcing. Provenance data are consistent with local Transantarctic Mountains glacial activity under precessional control in CS1 and more southerly ice-cap build up under 100 k.y. eccentricity and obliquity control during CS3 and CS5, respectively.

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