Kai K. Ewert
University of California, Santa Barbara
Current Medicinal Chemistry | 2004
Kai K. Ewert; Nelle L. Slack; Ayesha Ahmad; Heather M. Evans; Alison J. Lin; Charles E. Samuel; Cyrus R. Safinya
Cationic liposomes (CLs) are used as gene vectors (carriers) in worldwide human clinical trials of non-viral gene therapy. These lipid-gene complexes have the potential of transferring large pieces of DNA of up to 1 million base-pairs into cells. As our understanding of the mechanisms of action of CL-DNA complexes remains poor, transfection efficiencies are still low when compared to gene delivery with viral vectors. We describe recent studies with a combination of techniques (synchrotron x-ray diffraction for structure determination, laser-scanning confocal microscopy to probe the interactions of CL-DNA particles with cells, and luciferase reporter-gene expression assays to measure transfection efficiencies in mammalian cells), which collectively are beginning to unravel the relationship between the distinctly structured CL-DNA complexes and their transfection efficiency. The work described here is applicable to transfection optimization in ex vivo cell transfection, where cells are removed and returned to patients after transfection. CL-DNA complexes primarily form a multilayered sandwich structure with DNA layered between the cationic lipids (labeled L(alpha)(C)). On rare occasions, an inverted hexagonal structure with DNA encapsulated in lipid tubules (labeled H(II)(C)) is observed. A major recent insight is that for L(alpha)(C) complexes the membrane charge density sigma(M) of the CL-vector, rather than the charge of the cationic lipid alone, is a key universal parameter that governs the transfection efficiency of L(alpha)(C) complexes in cells. The parameter sigma(M) is a measure of the average charge per unit area of the membrane, thus taking into account the amount of neutral lipids. In contrast to L(alpha)(C) complexes, H(II)(C) complexes containing the lipid 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycerophosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) exhibit no dependence on sigma(M). The current limiting factor to transfection by cationic lipid vectors appears to be the tight association of a fraction of the delivered exogenous DNA with cationic cellular molecules, which may prevent optimal transcriptional activity. Future directions are outlined, which make use of surface-functionalized CL-DNA complexes suitable for transfection in vivo.
Journal of Gene Medicine | 2005
Ayesha Ahmad; Heather M. Evans; Kai K. Ewert; C. George; Charles E. Samuel; Cyrus R. Safinya
Gene carriers based on lipids or polymers—rather than on engineered viruses—constitute the latest technique for delivering genes into cells for gene therapy. Cationic liposome–DNA (CL‐DNA) complexes have emerged as leading nonviral vectors in worldwide gene therapy clinical trials. To arrive at therapeutic dosages, however, their efficiency requires substantial further improvement.
Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy | 2005
Kai K. Ewert; Ayesha Ahmad; Heather M. Evans; Cyrus R. Safinya
Cationic liposomes (CLs) are used as nonviral vectors in worldwide human clinical trials of gene therapy. Among other advantages, lipid–DNA complexes have the ability to transfer very large genes into cells, but their efficiency is much lower than that of viruses. Recent studies combining structural and biological techniques are beginning to unravel the relationship between the distinctly structured CL–DNA complexes and their transfection efficiency. Most CL–DNA complexes form a multilayered structure with DNA sandwiched between the cationic lipids (lamellar complexes, LαC). On rare occasions, an inverted hexagonal structure (HIIC) is observed. An important recent insight is that the membrane charge density (σM) of the CL-vector is a universal parameter governing the transfection efficiency of LαC (but not HIIC) complexes. This has led to a new model of the cellular uptake of LαC complexes through activated fusion with endosomal membranes. Surface-functionalised complexes with poly(ethylene glycol)-lipids, potentially suitable for transfection invivo, have also been investigated, and the novel aspects of these complexes are discussed.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2010
Cecilia Leal; Nathan F. Bouxsein; Kai K. Ewert; Cyrus R. Safinya
RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionarily conserved sequence-specific post-transcriptional gene silencing pathway with wide-ranging applications in functional genomics, therapeutics, and biotechnology. Cationic liposome-small interfering RNA (CL-siRNA) complexes have emerged as vectors of choice for delivery of siRNA, which mediates RNAi. However, siRNA delivery by CL-siRNA complexes is often inefficient and accompanied by lipid toxicity. We report the development of CL-siRNA complexes with a novel cubic phase nanostructure, which exhibit efficient silencing at low toxicity. The inverse bicontinuous gyroid cubic nanostructure was unequivocally established from synchrotron X-ray scattering data, while fluorescence microscopy revealed colocalization of lipid and siRNA in complexes. We attribute the efficient silencing to enhanced fusion of complex and endosomal membranes, facilitated by the cubic phase membranes positive Gaussian modulus, which may enable spontaneous formation of transient pores. The findings underscore the importance of understanding membrane-mediated interactions between CL-siRNA complex nanostructure and cell components in developing CL-based gene silencing vectors.
Topics in Current Chemistry | 2010
Kai K. Ewert; Alexandra Zidovska; Ayesha Ahmad; Nathan F. Bouxsein; Heather M. Evans; Christopher S. McAllister; Charles E. Samuel; Cyrus R. Safinya
Motivated by the promises of gene therapy, there is great interest in developing non-viral lipid-based vectors for therapeutic applications due to their low immunogenicity, low toxicity, ease of production, and the potential of transferring large pieces of DNA into cells. In fact, cationic liposome (CL) based vectors are among the prevalent synthetic carriers of nucleic acids (NAs) currently used in gene therapy clinical trials worldwide. These vectors are studied both for gene delivery with CL-DNA complexes and gene silencing with CL-siRNA (short interfering RNA) complexes. However, their transfection efficiencies and silencing efficiencies remain low compared to those of engineered viral vectors. This reflects the currently poor understanding of transfection-related mechanisms at the molecular and self-assembled levels, including a lack of knowledge about interactions between membranes and double stranded NAs and between CL-NA complexes and cellular components. In this review we describe our recent efforts to improve the mechanistic understanding of transfection by CL-NA complexes, which will help to design optimal lipid-based carriers of DNA and siRNA for therapeutic gene delivery and gene silencing.
Biomaterials | 2012
Chia-Ling Chan; Ramsey N. Majzoub; Rahau S. Shirazi; Kai K. Ewert; Yen-Ju Chen; Keng S. Liang; Cyrus R. Safinya
Cationic liposome-DNA (CL-DNA) complexes are being pursued as nonviral gene delivery systems for use in applications that include clinic trials. However, to compete with viral vectors for systemic delivery in vivo, their efficiencies and pharmacokinetics need to be improved. The addition of poly (ethylene glycol)-lipids (PEGylation) prolongs circulation lifetimes of liposomes, but inhibits cellular uptake and endosomal escape of CL-DNA complexes. We show that this limits their transfection efficiency (TE) in a manner dependent on the amount of PEG-lipid, the lipid/DNA charge ratio, and the lipid membrane charge density. To improve endosomal escape of PEGylated CL-DNA complexes, we prepared an acid-labile PEG-lipid (HPEG2K-lipid, PEG MW 2000) which is designed to lose its PEG chains at the pH of late endosomes. The HPEG2K-lipid and a similar but acid-stable PEG-lipid were used to prepare PEGylated CL-DNA complexes. TLC and dynamic light scattering showed that HPEG2K-CL-DNA complexes are stable at pH 7.4 for more than 24 h, but the PEG chains are cleaved at pH 5 within 1 h, leading to complex aggregation. The acid-labile HPEG2K-CL-DNA complexes showed enhanced TE over complexes stabilized with the acid-stable PEG-lipid. Live-cell imaging showed that both types of complexes were internalized to quantitatively similar particle distributions within the first 2 h of incubation with cells. Thus, we attribute the increased TE of the HPEG2K-CL-DNA complexes to efficient endosomal escape, enabled by the acid-labile HPEG2K-lipid which sheds its PEG chains in the low pH environment of late endosomes, effectively switching on the electrostatic interactions that promote fusion of the membranes of complex and endosome.
Biophysical Journal | 2004
Ana Martin-Herranz; Ayesha Ahmad; Heather M. Evans; Kai K. Ewert; Uwe Schulze; Cyrus R. Safinya
Cationic lipid-DNA (CL-DNA) complexes are abundantly used in nonviral gene therapy clinical applications. Surface functionality is the next step in developing these complexes as competent, target-specific gene carriers. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is the natural choice to serve as a protective coat or act as a tether for a specific ligand on the surface of these complexes due to its biocompatibility and ability to convey stealth-like properties. Understanding the effect of PEG on the internal structure and surface properties of CL-DNA complexes is essential in developing vectors with more complex derivatives of PEG, such as Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-based peptide-PEG-lipids. We report on x-ray diffraction studies to probe the internal structure of CL-DNA complexes consisting of a ternary mixture of cationic lipids, neutral lipids, and PEG-lipids. The PEG-coated complexes are found to exhibit a structure consistent with the lamellar phase. In addition, three distinct DNA interchain interaction regimes were found to exist, due to a), repulsive long-range electrostatic forces; b), short-range repulsive hydration forces; and c), novel polymer-induced depletion attraction forces in two dimensions. Optical microscopy and reporter gene assays further demonstrate the incorporation of the PEG-lipids into the lamellar CL-DNA complexes under biologically relevant conditions, revealing surface modification. Both techniques show that PEG-lipids with a polymer chain of molecular weight 400 do not provide adequate shielding of the PEGylated CL-DNA complexes, whereas PEG-lipids with a polymer chain of molecular weight 2000 confer stealth-like properties. This surface functionalization is a crucial initial step in the development of competent vectors for in vivo systemic gene delivery and suggests that a second type of surface functionality can be added specifically for targeting by the incorporation of peptide-PEG-lipids.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A | 2006
Cyrus R. Safinya; Kai K. Ewert; Ayesha Ahmad; Heather M. Evans; Uri Raviv; Daniel J. Needleman; Alison J. Lin; Nelle L. Slack; C. George; Charles E. Samuel
At present, there is an unprecedented level of interest in the properties and structures of complexes consisting of DNA mixed with oppositely charged cationic liposomes (CLs). The interest arises because the complexes mimic natural viruses as chemical carriers of DNA into cells in worldwide human gene therapy clinical trials. However, since our understanding of the mechanisms of action of CL–DNA complexes interacting with cells remains poor, significant additional insights and discoveries will be required before the development of efficient chemical carriers suitable for long-term therapeutic applications. Recent studies describe synchrotron X-ray diffraction, which has revealed the liquid crystalline nature of CL–DNA complexes, and three-dimensional laser-scanning confocal microscopy, which reveals CL–DNA pathways and interactions with cells. The importance of the liquid crystalline structures in biological function is revealed in the application of these modern techniques in combination with functional transfection efficiency measurements, which shows that the mechanism of gene release from complexes in the cell cytoplasm is dependent on their precise liquid crystalline nature and the physical and chemical parameters (for example, the membrane charge density) of the complexes. In §5, we describe some recent new results aimed at developing bionanotube vectors for gene delivery.
Methods of Molecular Biology | 2008
Kai K. Ewert; Ayesha Ahmad; Nathan F. Bouxsein; Heather M. Evans; Cyrus R. Safinya
A large amount of research activity worldwide is currently directed towards developing lipid- or polymer-based, non-viral gene vectors for therapeutic applications. This strong interest is motivated by their low toxicity, ease of production, ability to transfer large pieces of DNA into cells, and lack of immunogenic protein components. Cationic liposomes (CLs) are one of the most powerful non-viral vectors. In fact, CL-based vectors are among the prevalent synthetic carriers of nucleic acids currently used in human clinical gene therapy trials as well as in cell transfection applications for biological research. Our understanding of the mechanisms of action of CL-DNA complexes is still in its infancy. However, the relevance of a few crucial parameters, such as the lipid/DNA charge ratio (rho(chg)) and the membrane charge density of lamellar complexes (sigma(M)), is well established. To arrive at true comparisons of lipid performance, one must optimize both these parameters using a reproducible, reliable transfection assay. In this chapter, we aim to provide the reader with detailed procedures for liposome formation and transfection. It is our hope that the use of such optimized protocols will improve the comparability of transfection data obtained with novel lipids.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2011
Rahau S. Shirazi; Kai K. Ewert; Cecilia Leal; Ramsey N. Majzoub; Nathan F. Bouxsein; Cyrus R. Safinya
Gene therapy provides powerful new approaches to curing a large variety of diseases, which are being explored in ongoing worldwide clinical trials. To overcome the limitations of viral gene delivery systems, synthetic nonviral vectors such as cationic liposomes (CLs) are desirable. However, improvements of their efficiency at reduced toxicity and a better understanding of their mechanism of action are required. We present the efficient synthesis of a series of degradable multivalent cationic lipids (CMVLn, n=2 to 5) containing a disulfide bond spacer between headgroup and lipophilic tails. This spacer is designed to be cleaved in the reducing milieu of the cytoplasm and thus decrease lipid toxicity. Small angle X-ray scattering demonstrates that the initially formed lamellar phase of CMVLn-DNA complexes completely disappears when reducing agents such as DTT or the biologically relevant reducing peptide glutathione are added to mimic the intracellular milieu. The CMVLs (n=3 to 5) exhibit reduced cytotoxicity and transfect mammalian cells with efficiencies comparable to those of highly efficient non-degradable analogs and benchmark commercial reagents such as Lipofectamine 2000. Thus, our results demonstrate that degradable disulfide spacers may be used to reduce the cytotoxicity of synthetic nonviral gene delivery carriers without compromising their transfection efficiency.