
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2010

Aquaculture: global status and trends

John Bostock; Brendan McAndrew; Randolph Richards; K. Jauncey; Trevor Telfer; Kai Lorenzen; David Colin Little; Lindsay G. Ross; Neil Handisyde; Iain Gatward; Richard Corner

Aquaculture contributed 43 per cent of aquatic animal food for human consumption in 2007 (e.g. fish, crustaceans and molluscs, but excluding mammals, reptiles and aquatic plants) and is expected to grow further to meet the future demand. It is very diverse and, contrary to many perceptions, dominated by shellfish and herbivorous and omnivorous pond fish either entirely or partly utilizing natural productivity. The rapid growth in the production of carnivorous species such as salmon, shrimp and catfish has been driven by globalizing trade and favourable economics of larger scale intensive farming. Most aquaculture systems rely on low/uncosted environmental goods and services, so a critical issue for the future is whether these are brought into company accounts and the consequent effects this would have on production economics. Failing that, increased competition for natural resources will force governments to allocate strategically or leave the market to determine their use depending on activities that can extract the highest value. Further uncertainties include the impact of climate change, future fisheries supplies (for competition and feed supply), practical limits in terms of scale and in the economics of integration and the development and acceptability of new bio-engineering technologies. In the medium term, increased output is likely to require expansion in new environments, further intensification and efficiency gains for more sustainable and cost-effective production. The trend towards enhanced intensive systems with key monocultures remains strong and, at least for the foreseeable future, will be a significant contributor to future supplies. Dependence on external feeds (including fish), water and energy are key issues. Some new species will enter production and policies that support the reduction of resource footprints and improve integration could lead to new developments as well as reversing decline in some more traditional systems.

Reviews in Fisheries Science | 2010

Responsible Approach to Marine Stock Enhancement: An Update

Kai Lorenzen; Kenneth M. Leber; H. Lee Blankenship

Marine stock enhancement is a set of management approaches involving the release of cultured organisms to enhance or restore fisheries. Such practices, including sea ranching, stock enhancement, and restocking, are widespread, of variable success, and often controversial. A set of principles aimed at promoting responsible development of restocking, stock enhancement, and sea ranching has been proposed by Blankenship and Leber [American Fisheries Society Symposia 15: 167–175 (1995)], and has gained widespread acceptance as the ‘Responsible Approach’. Fisheries science and management, in general, and many aspects of fisheries enhancement have developed rapidly since the responsible approach was first formulated. Here we provide an update to the Responsible Approach in light of these developments. The updated approach emphasizes the need for taking a broad and integrated view of the role of enhancements within fisheries management systems; using a stakeholder participatory and scientifically informed, accountable planning process; and assessing the potential contribution of enhancement and alternative or additional measures to fisheries management goals early on in the development or reform process. Progress in fisheries assessment methods applicable to enhancements and in fisheries governance provides the means for practical implementation of the updated approach.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B | 2005

Population dynamics and potential of fisheries stock enhancement: practical theory for assessment and policy analysis

Kai Lorenzen

The population dynamics of fisheries stock enhancement, and its potential for generating benefits over and above those obtainable from optimal exploitation of wild stocks alone are poorly understood and highly controversial. I review pertinent knowledge of fish population biology, and extend the dynamic pool theory of fishing to stock enhancement by unpacking recruitment, incorporating regulation in the recruited stock, and accounting for biological differences between wild and hatchery fish. I then analyse the dynamics of stock enhancement and its potential role in fisheries management, using the candidate stock of North Sea sole as an example and considering economic as well as biological criteria. Enhancement through release of recruits or advanced juveniles is predicted to increase total yield and stock abundance, but reduce abundance of the naturally recruited stock component through compensatory responses or overfishing. Economic feasibility of enhancement is subject to strong constraints, including trade–offs between the costs of fishing and hatchery releases. Costs of hatchery fish strongly influence optimal policy, which may range from no enhancement at high cost to high levels of stocking and fishing effort at low cost. Release of genetically maladapted fish reduces the effectiveness of enhancement, and is most detrimental overall if fitness of hatchery fish is only moderately compromised. As a temporary measure for the rebuilding of depleted stocks, enhancement cannot substitute for effort limitation, and is advantageous as an auxiliary measure only if the population has been reduced to a very low proportion of its unexploited biomass. Quantitative analysis of population dynamics is central to the responsible use of stock enhancement in fisheries management, and the necessary tools are available.

Biological Reviews | 2012

Cultured fish: integrative biology and management of domestication and interactions with wild fish

Kai Lorenzen; M. C. M. Beveridge; Marc Mangel

Fish aquaculture for commodity production, fisheries enhancement and conservation is expanding rapidly, with many cultured species undergoing inadvertent or controlled domestication. Cultured fish are frequently released, accidentally and deliberately, into natural environments where they may survive well and impact on wild fish populations through ecological, genetic, and technical interactions. Impacts of fish released accidentally or for fisheries enhancement tend to be negative for the wild populations involved, particularly where wild populations are small, and/or highly adapted to local conditions, and/or declining. Captive breeding and supplementation can play a positive role in restoring threatened populations, but the biology of threatened populations and the potential of culture approaches for conserving them remain poorly understood. Approaches to the management of domestication and cultured‐wild fish interactions are often ad hoc, fragmented and poorly informed by current science. We develop an integrative biological framework for understanding and managing domestication and cultured‐wild fish interactions. The framework sets out how management practices in culture and for cultured fish in natural environments affect domestication processes, interactions between cultured and wild fish, and outcomes in terms of commodity production, fisheries yield, and conservation. We also develop a typology of management systems (specific combinations of management practices in culture and in natural environments) that are likely to provide positive outcomes for particular management objectives and situations. We close by setting out avenues for further research that will simultaneously improve fish domestication and management of cultured‐wild fish interactions and provide key insights into fundamental biology.

Reviews in Fisheries Science | 2008

Understanding and Managing Enhancement Fisheries Systems

Kai Lorenzen

Aquaculture-based fisheries enhancement is a set of management approaches involving the release of cultured organisms to enhance, conserve, or restore fisheries. Enhancement has a long history, and substantial progress has been made in key areas of science underpinning the activity. Yet the contribution of enhancements to global fisheries production has remained small, and there are few outright “success stories.” Enhancements enter into complex fisheries systems and, to be successful, must contribute to a broad set of biological, economic, social, and institutional management objectives. In doing so, enhancements need to add value to, or outperform, alternative measures such as fishing regulation or habitat management. This is possible only under certain conditions and may require transformations in multiple biological-technical as well as market and institutional attributes of the fisheries system. I outline a framework for the integrated analysis of enhancement fisheries systems and a systematic, transparent, and stakeholder-participatory development process.

Aquaculture | 2004

Modeling nitrogen dynamics in intensive shrimp ponds: the role of sediment remineralization

Michele Astrid Burford; Kai Lorenzen

Abstract A mathematical model is used to investigate the role of sedimentation and remineralization in the sediment on nitrogen (N) dynamics in intensive shrimp culture ponds. The model describes the key processes involved in N cycling that underpin the dynamics of total ammoniacal N (TAN), nitrate/nitrite (NOX) and chlorophyll a (CHL) concentrations and the sediment N pool. These parameters may, in high concentrations, impact negatively on the shrimp or the adjacent aquatic environment when water is discharged from ponds. The model was calibrated for an Australian commercial shrimp ( Penaeus monodon ) pond. Most N enters the pond system as TAN from shrimp excretion of dietary N and decomposition of wasted feed, and is subsequently taken up by phytoplankton, which, on senescence, is sedimented and remineralized. Sediment remineralization is the dominant source of TAN in the water column for all but the beginning of the production cycle. The remineralization rate of sedimented N was estimated at 6% day −1 . Nonetheless, sediment acts as a net sink of N throughout the production cycle. The effect of management strategies, including increased stocking densities, water exchange and sludge (=sedimented material) removal, on water quality was examined. Model outputs show that using current shrimp farming techniques, with water exchange rates of 7% day −1 , an increase in stocking densities above 60 animals m −2 would result in unacceptably high TAN concentrations. Both sludge removal and water exchange provide effective ways of reducing TAN and NOX concentrations and may allow substantially higher stocking densities. However, sludge removal may be the more acceptable option, given the need to meet strict regulatory requirements for discharge loads in some countries and the desire to reduce water intake to improve biosecurity.

Aquaculture | 1996

A simple von Bertalanffy model for density-dependent growth in extensive aquaculture, with an application to common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Kai Lorenzen

Abstract A simple model for density-dependent growth is described, and applied to the analysis of carp growth in extensive aquaculture. The model is based on a von Bertalanffy growth function, with the asymptotic length a linear declining function of population biomass. The model provides a good description of carp growth both in mixed-age populations and in single cohorts, and the model parameters can be interpreted biologically. It is concluded that the density-dependent extension of the von Bertalanffy growth function provides a useful conceptual framework for the analysis of fish growth in extensive aquaculture. The model is a potentially valuable tool for the quantitative assessment of extensive aquaculture systems, and of culture-based fisheries.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2014

Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century

Peter F. Sale; Tundi Agardy; Cameron H. Ainsworth; Blake E. Feist; Johann D. Bell; Patrick Christie; Ove Hoegh-Guldberg; Peter J. Mumby; David A. Feary; Megan I. Saunders; Simon Foale; Phillip S. Levin; Kenyon C. Lindeman; Kai Lorenzen; Robert S. Pomeroy; Edward H. Allison; Roger Bradbury; Jennifer Clare Corrin; Alasdair J. Edwards; David Obura; Yvonne Sadovy de Mitcheson; Melita Samoilys; Charles Sheppard

Over 1.3 billion people live on tropical coasts, primarily in developing countries. Many depend on adjacent coastal seas for food, and livelihoods. We show how trends in demography and in several local and global anthropogenic stressors are progressively degrading capacity of coastal waters to sustain these people. Far more effective approaches to environmental management are needed if the loss in provision of ecosystem goods and services is to be stemmed. We propose expanded use of marine spatial planning as a framework for more effective, pragmatic management based on ocean zones to accommodate conflicting uses. This would force the holistic, regional-scale reconciliation of food security, livelihoods, and conservation that is needed. Transforming how countries manage coastal resources will require major change in policy and politics, implemented with sufficient flexibility to accommodate societal variations. Achieving this change is a major challenge - one that affects the lives of one fifth of humanity.

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment | 2016

On the sustainability of inland fisheries: Finding a future for the forgotten

Steven J. Cooke; Edward H. Allison; T. Douglas Beard; Robert Arlinghaus; Angela H. Arthington; Devin M. Bartley; Ian G. Cowx; Nancy J. Leonard; Kai Lorenzen; Abigail J. Lynch; Vivian M. Nguyen; So Jung Youn; William W. Taylor; Robin Welcomme

At present, inland fisheries are not often a national or regional governance priority and as a result, inland capture fisheries are undervalued and largely overlooked. As such they are threatened in both developing and developed countries. Indeed, due to lack of reliable data, inland fisheries have never been part of any high profile global fisheries assessment and are notably absent from the Sustainable Development Goals. The general public and policy makers are largely ignorant of the plight of freshwater ecosystems and the fish they support, as well as the ecosystem services generated by inland fisheries. This ignorance is particularly salient given that the current emphasis on the food-water-energy nexus often fails to include the important role that inland fish and fisheries play in food security and supporting livelihoods in low-income food deficit countries. Developing countries in Africa and Asia produce about 11 million tonnes of inland fish annually, 90 % of the global total. The role of inland fisheries goes beyond just kilocalories; fish provide important micronutrients and essentially fatty acids. In some regions, inland recreational fisheries are important, generating much wealth and supporting livelihoods. The following three key recommendations are necessary for action if inland fisheries are to become a part of the food-water-energy discussion: invest in improved valuation and assessment methods, build better methods to effectively govern inland fisheries (requires capacity building and incentives), and develop approaches to managing waters across sectors and scales. Moreover, if inland fisheries are recognized as important to food security, livelihoods, and human well-being, they can be more easily incorporated in regional, national, and global policies and agreements on water issues. Through these approaches, inland fisheries can be better evaluated and be more fully recognized in broader water resource and aquatic ecosystem planning and decision-making frameworks, enhancing their value and sustainability for the future.

Journal of Fish Biology | 2014

Understanding and managing enhancements: why fisheries scientists should care.

Kai Lorenzen

Fisheries enhancements are a set of management approaches involving the use of aquaculture technologies to enhance or restore fisheries in natural ecosystems. Enhancements are widely used in inland and coastal fisheries, but have received limited attention from fisheries scientists. This paper sets out 10 reasons why fisheries scientists should care about understanding and managing enhancements. (1) Enhancements happen, driven mostly by resource users and managers rather than scientists. (2) Enhancements create complex fisheries systems that encompass and integrate everything fisheries stakeholders can practically manage. (3) Enhancements emerge in fisheries where the scope for technical and governance control is high, and they synergistically reinforce both. (4) Successful enhancements expand management options and achievable outcomes. (5) Many enhancements fail or do ecological harm but persist regardless. (6) Effective science engagement is crucial to developing beneficial enhancements and preventing harmful ones. (7) Good scientific guidance is available to aid development or reform of enhancements but is not widely applied. (8) Enhancement research advances, integrates and unifies the fisheries sciences. (9) Enhancements provide unique opportunities for learning about natural fish populations and fisheries. (10) Needs, opportunities and incentives for enhancements are bound to increase.

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