Kang-Hyo Lee
Rural Development Administration
Biomolecules & Therapeutics | 2015
Mi Seon Kim; Yunmi Lee; Gi-Ho Sung; Ji Hye Kim; Jae Gwang Park; Han Gyung Kim; Kwang Soo Baek; Jae Han Cho; Jae-Gu Han; Kang-Hyo Lee; Sungyoul Hong; Jong-Hoon Kim; Jae Youl Cho
Cordyceps species including Cordyceps bassiana are a notable anti-cancer dietary supplement. Previously, we identified several compounds with anti-cancer activity from the butanol fraction (Cb-BF) of Cordyceps bassiana. To expand the structural value of Cb-BF-derived anti-cancer drugs, we employed various chemical moieties to produce a novel Cb-BF-derived chemical derivative, KTH-13-amine-monophenyl [4-isopropyl-2-(1-phenylethyl) aniline (KTH-13-AMP)], which we tested for anti-cancer activity. KTH-13-AMP suppressed the proliferation of MDA-MB-231, HeLa, and C6 glioma cells. KTH-13-AMP also dose-dependently induced morphological changes in C6 glioma cells and time-dependently increased the level of early apoptotic cells stained with annexin V-FITC. Furthermore, the levels of the active full-length forms of caspase-3 and caspase-9 were increased. In contrast, the levels of total forms of caspases-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, and Bcl-2 were decreased in KTH-13-AMP treated-cells. We also confirmed that the phosphorylation of STAT3, Src, and PI3K/p85, which is linked to cell survival, was diminished by treatment with KTH-13-AMP. Therefore, these results strongly suggest that this compound can be used to guide the development of an anti-cancer drug or serve as a lead compound in forming another strong anti-proliferative agent.
Journal of Microbiology | 2014
Hwan Hee Lee; Heejin Park; Gi Ho Sung; Kang-Hyo Lee; Taeho Lee; Ilseob Lee; Man Seong Park; Yong Woo Jung; Yu Su Shin; Hyojeung Kang; Hyosun Cho
The immune-modulatory as well as anti-influenza effects of Cordyceps extract were investigated using a DBA/2 mouse model. Three different concentrations of Cordyceps extract, red ginseng extract, or drinking water were orally administered to mice for seven days, and then the mice were intranasally infected with 2009 pandemic influenza H1N1 virus. Body weight changes and survival rate were measured daily post-infection. Plasma IL-12, TNF-α, and the frequency of natural killer (NK) cells were measured on day 4 post-infection. The DBA/2 strain was highly susceptible to H1N1 virus infection. We also found that Cordyceps extract had an antiinfluenza effect that was associated with stable body weight and reduced mortality. The anti-viral effect of Cordyceps extract on influenza infection was mediated presumably by increased IL-12 expression and greater number of NK cells. However, high TNF-α expression after infection of H1N1 virus in mice not receiving treatment with Cordyceps extract suggested a two-sided effect of the extract on host immune regulation.
Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine | 2015
Ji Hye Kim; Yunmi Lee; Gi-Ho Sung; Han Gyung Kim; Deok Jeong; Jae Gwang Park; Kwang-Soo Baek; Nak Yoon Sung; Sungjae Yang; Deok Hyo Yoon; Sang Yeol Lee; Hyojeung Kang; Changsik Song; Jae Han Cho; Kang-Hyo Lee; Tae Woong Kim; Jae Youl Cho
The Cordyceps species have been widely used for treating various cancer diseases. Although the Cordyceps species have been widely known as an alternative anticancer remedy, which compounds are responsible for their anticancer activity is not fully understood. In this study, therefore, we examined the anticancer activity of 5 isolated compounds derived from the butanol fraction (Cb-BF) of Cordyceps bassiana. For this purpose, several cancer cell lines such as C6 glioma, MDA-MB-231, and A549 cells were employed and details of anticancer mechanism were further investigated. Of 5 compounds isolated by activity-guided fractionation from BF of Cb-EE, KTH-13, and 4-isopropyl-2,6-bis(1-phenylethyl)phenol, Cb-BF was found to be the most potent antiproliferative inhibitor of C6 glioma and MDA-MB-231 cell growth. KTH-13 treatment increased DNA laddering, upregulated the level of Annexin V positive cells, and altered morphological changes of C6 glioma and MDA-MB-231 cells. In addition, KTH-13 increased the levels of caspase 3, caspase 7, and caspase 9 cleaved forms as well as the protein level of Bax but not Bcl-2. It was also found that the phosphorylation of AKT and p85/PI3K was also clearly reduced by KTH-13 exposure. Therefore, our results suggest KTH-13 can act as a potent antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing component from Cordyceps bassiana, contributing to the anticancer activity of this mushroom.
Plant Pathology Journal | 2006
Jin-Kyung Lee; Kang-Hyo Lee; Hye-Kyung Shim; Joo-Sung Yang; Gyu-Hyun Kim; Won-Sik Kong; Young-Bok Yoo; Dae-Hyun Kim; Donggiun Kim; Sukchan Lee
A new virus with a dsRNA genome was isolated and characterized from the Suhan-:neutari strain (ASI 2504) of Pleurotus ostreatus, which was characterized as long and slightly bent with small caps on the stipe of fruit body. Thirty nm isometric viruses with three dsRNA segments (approximately 2.0, 1.84 and 1.82 kb in sizes) were isolated by ultracentrifugation in sucrose gradients. Western analysis of protein extracted purified viruses with anti-virus polyclonal antibody confirmed that viruses have two specific proteins (36 and 68 kDa). Computer analysis of 2.0 kb segment shows that high. sequence identity with RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) of partitiviruses, respectively. When compared to other dsRNA mycoviruses in a phylogenetic analysis, OMDV was most related to Pleurotus ostreatus virus 1.
Mycobiology | 2002
Soon-Ja Seok; Yang-Sup Kim; Hang-Yeon Weon; Kang-Hyo Lee; Ki-Moon Park; Kwan-Hee Yoo
Abstract Diversities of Korean species belonging to the genus Volvariella have been studied through forty five dried specimens collected throughout the Korean peninsula for 28 years, from 1972 to 2000, and preserved in NIAST’s herbarium. We have found one unrecorded species of the genus Volvariella in Korea: V villosavolva (Lloyd) Sing, Stirp Taylori Korean common names were designated. Ten species of the genus Volvariella including the recorded Korean species of Volvariella have been identified and the keys to the species were constructed.
Mycobiology | 2014
Bhushan Shrestha; Eiji Tanaka; Jae-Gu Han; Junsang Oh; Sang-Kuk Han; Kang-Hyo Lee; Gi-Ho Sung
Abstract The earliest pre-Linnaean fungal genera are briefly discussed here with special emphasis on the nomenclatural connection with the genus Cordyceps Fr. Since its valid publication under the basidiomycetous genus Clavaria Vaill. ex L. (Clavaria militaris L. Sp. Pl. 2:1182, 1753), the genus Cordyceps has undergone nomenclatural changes in the post-Linnaean era, but has stood firmly for approximately 200 years. Synonyms of Cordyceps were collected from different literature sources and analyzed based on the species they represent. True synonyms of Cordyceps Fr. were defined as genera that represented species of Cordyceps Fr. emend. G. H. Sung, J. M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora. The most common synonyms of Cordyceps observed were Clavaria and Sphaeria Hall, reported in the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century, respectively. Cordyceps, the oldest genus in the Cordyceps s. s. clade of Cordycipitaceae, is the most preferred name under the “One Fungus = One Name” principle on priority bases.
Journal of Microbiology | 2016
Jae-Gu Han; Min-Woo Hyun; Chang Sun Kim; Jong Won Jo; Jae-Han Cho; Kang-Hyo Lee; Won-Sik Kong; Sang-Kuk Han; Junsang Oh; Gi-Ho Sung
Sanghuang is a medicinal mushroom that has gained particular attention in Korea. It has been extensively studied for the past few decades as a natural immune booster and cancer suppressor. Although the scientific name, Phellinus linteus, has been commonly used to refer to the sanghuang mushroom, the species identity of sanghuang has been called into question due to the ambiguity of its circumscription and the inadequacy of morphological distinctions within allied species. Because the species concept of sanghuang has been elucidated by recent molecular phylogenetic studies, it has become necessary to clarify the taxonomic positions of sanghuang strains extensively utilized in Korea. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis of 74 strains belonging to the P. linteus-baumii complex based on ITS nrDNA sequences. Parental stains of sanghuang varieties formally registered in the Korea Seed & Variety Service, including ASI 26046 (Corea sanghuang), 26114 (Boolro), and 26115 (HK 1-ho) were grouped with Sanghuangporus sanghuang instead of P. linteus in the inferred phylogeny.
Journal of Mushroom | 2015
Jae-Han Cho; Hye-Sung Park; Jae-Gu Han; Kang-Hyo Lee; Chang-Sung Jhune
This study was carried out to anti-diabetic efficacy of alcoholic extracts in Ganoderma species and Phellinus Baumi. Ganoderma species and Phellinus Baumi. showed inhibitory activity of PTP1B, which acts as negative regulator of diabetes. The α- amylase is an important enzyme in the digestion of carbohydrates in the saliva and pancreatic. If inhibition of the enzyme Delaying the digestion rate of the carbohydrate can be reduced postprandial rise in blood glucose levels. The results of the tests the active level that showed a similar inhibition α-amylase inhibitory activity and a positive control. Phellinus Baumi. showed the inhibitory activity to 89%, Acarbose as positive control. α-glucosidase is an essential enzyme in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates that break down carbohydrates into simple sugars polysaccharides. The results of the tests the active level that showed a low inhibitory activity. It is thought to be able to complement the shortcomings of conventional anti-diabetic drugs.
Journal of Mushroom | 2015
Jae-Han Cho; Hye-Sung Park; Jae-Gu Han; Kang-Hyo Lee; Chang-Sung Jhune
This study was carried out for examining the amount of ganoderic acid A, F, H from fruiting body extracts of the various Ganoderma species. The preserved Ganoderma species are extracted by using three kinds of solvent. Among them, five strains which have the large amount of ganoderic acid A, F, H were selected. First of all, Strains with the highest amount of ganoderic acid A were sorted out acorrding to solvent as follows. ASI 7013 has the highest amounts with 0.988 mg/g from D.W. extracts. And ASI 7023, 7059, 7026, 7060 were in order of content. In EtOH extracts, ASI 7037 has the highest amounts of ganoderic acid A with 0.940 mg/g. And ASI 7021, 7034, 7026, 7038 were in order of content. In MeOH extracts, ASI 7162 has the highest amounts with 0.833 mg/g. And ASI 7091, 7032, 7056, 7125 were in order of content. secondly, Strains with the highest amount of ganoderic acid F were sorted out acorrding to solvent as follows. ASI 7011 has the highest amounts with 0.722 mg/g from D.W. extracts. And ASI 7113, 7011, 7104 were in order of content. In EtoH extracts, ASI 7037 has the highest amounts with 0.811 mg/g. And ASI 7007, 7027, 7012, 7014 were in order of content. In MeoH extracts, ASI 7162 has the highest amounts with 0.833 mg/g. And ASI 7021, 7034, 7026, 7125 were in order of content. Finally, Strains with the highest amount of ganoderic acid H were sorted out acorrding to solvent as follows. ASI 7013 has the highest amounts with 0.985 mg/g in D.W. extracts. And ASI 7059, 7135, 7001, 7141 were in order of content. In EtoH extracts, ASI 7016 has the highest amounts with 2.842 mg/g. And ASI 7089, 7159, 7007, 7002 were in order of content. In MeoH extracts, ASI 7003 has the highest amounts with 6.969 mg/g. And ASI 7034, 7169, 7159, 7103 were in order of content.
Journal of Mushroom | 2015
Hye-Sung Park; Su-Yeon Kim; Hui-Sun Kim; Jae-Gu Han; Kang-Hyo Lee; Jae-Han Cho
Physiological activities of 70% methanol, fermented ethanol and hot-water extracts of Pleurotus eryngii were investigated. Free radical scavenging activities of P. eryngii extracts were determined according to the elimination of DPPH radicals. Their nitrite scavenging activity and total polyphenol content were also determined. Amino acid analysis showed that phenylalanine (Phe) and glutamic acid (Glu) are most abundant essential and non-essential amino acids in the analyzed extracts. The hot-water extract of ASI 2394 represented the highest antioxidant activity with the DPPH radical scavenging rate value of . ASI 2820 displayed the superior capacity to eliminate nitrate regardless of extraction solvents. The hot-water extract of ASI 2887 had the highest content of polyphenol. Our results showed that P. eryngii is well qualified as a functional food.