Karen A. Steidinger
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
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Featured researches published by Karen A. Steidinger.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2006
John J. Walsh; J. K. Jolliff; Brian P. Darrow; Jason M. Lenes; S. P. Milroy; Andrew Remsen; Dwight A. Dieterle; Kendall L. Carder; F.R. Chen; Gabriel A. Vargo; Robert H. Weisberg; Kent A. Fanning; Frank E. Muller-Karger; Eugene A. Shinn; Karen A. Steidinger; Cynthia A. Heil; C.R. Tomas; J. S. Prospero; Thomas N. Lee; Gary J. Kirkpatrick; Terry E. Whitledge; Dean A. Stockwell; Tracy A. Villareal; Ann E. Jochens; P. S. Bontempi
[1] Independent data from the Gulf of Mexico are used to develop and test the hypothesis that the same sequence of physical and ecological events each year allows the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis to become dominant. A phosphorus-rich nutrient supply initiates phytoplankton succession, once deposition events of Saharan iron-rich dust allow Trichodesmium blooms to utilize ubiquitous dissolved nitrogen gas within otherwise nitrogen-poor sea water. They and the co-occurring K. brevis are positioned within the bottom Ekman layers, as a consequence of their similar diel vertical migration patterns on the middle shelf. Upon onshore upwelling of these near-bottom seed populations to CDOM-rich surface waters of coastal regions, light-inhibition of the small red tide of ~1 ug chl l(-1) of ichthytoxic K. brevis is alleviated. Thence, dead fish serve as a supplementary nutrient source, yielding large, self-shaded red tides of ~10 ug chl l(-1). The source of phosphorus is mainly of fossil origin off west Florida, where past nutrient additions from the eutrophied Lake Okeechobee had minimal impact. In contrast, the P-sources are of mainly anthropogenic origin off Texas, since both the nutrient loadings of Mississippi River and the spatial extent of the downstream red tides have increased over the last 100 years. During the past century and particularly within the last decade, previously cryptic Karenia spp. have caused toxic red tides in similar coastal habitats of other western boundary currents off Japan, China, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa, downstream of the Gobi, Simpson, Great Western, and Kalahari Deserts, in a global response to both desertification and eutrophication.
Nature | 2005
Leanne J. Flewelling; Jerome Naar; Jay P. Abbott; Daniel G. Baden; Nélio B. Barros; Gregory D. Bossart; Marie-Yasmine D. Bottein; Daniel G. Hammond; Elsa M. Haubold; Cynthia A. Heil; Michael S. Henry; Henry M. Jacocks; Tod A. Leighfield; Richard H. Pierce; Thomas D. Pitchford; Sentiel A. Rommel; Paula S. Scott; Karen A. Steidinger; Earnest W. Truby; Frances M. Van Dolah; Jan H. Landsberg
Potent marine neurotoxins known as brevetoxins are produced by the ‘red tide’ dinoflagellate Karenia brevis. They kill large numbers of fish and cause illness in humans who ingest toxic filter-feeding shellfish or inhale toxic aerosols. The toxins are also suspected of having been involved in events in which many manatees and dolphins died, but this has usually not been verified owing to limited confirmation of toxin exposure, unexplained intoxication mechanisms and complicating pathologies. Here we show that fish and seagrass can accumulate high concentrations of brevetoxins and that these have acted as toxin vectors during recent deaths of dolphins and manatees, respectively. Our results challenge claims that the deleterious effects of a brevetoxin on fish (ichthyotoxicity) preclude its accumulation in live fish, and they reveal a new vector mechanism for brevetoxin spread through food webs that poses a threat to upper trophic levels.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001
John J. Walsh; Karen A. Steidinger
Prediction of the consequences of harmful algal blooms for humans and other vertebrates is constrained by an inadequate understanding of the factors that promote their initiation. A simple exponential growth model of net production is used for analysis of four time series at different sampling intervals over ∼40 years of red tide strandings, associated fish kills, and concomitant dust loadings on the West Florida shelf. At least large summer blooms of a toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium breve appear to be primed regularly by an aeolian supply of nutrients. Wet deposition of Saharan mineral aerosols may alleviate iron limitation of diazotrophic cyanophytes, which in turn fuel the nitrogen economy of red tides in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Vagaries of the wind-induced circulation and of selective grazing pressure on phytoplankton competitors within phosphorus replete coastal waters then determine each year the residence times for exposure of G. breve-mediated neurotoxins to fish, manatees, and humans along the southeastern United States.
Journal of Phycology | 1996
Karen A. Steidinger; JoAnn M. Burkholder; Howard B. Glasgow; Cecil W. Hobbs; Julie K. Garrett; Earnest W. Truby; Edward J. Noga; Stephen A. Smith
The newly described toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida is a polymorphic and multiphasic species with flagellated, amoeboid, and cyst stages. The species is structurally a heterotroph; however, the flagellated stages can have cleptochloroplasts in large food vacuoles and can temporarily function as mixotrophs. The flagellated stage has a typical mesokaryotic nucleus, and the theca is composed of four membranes, two of which are vesicular and contain thin plates arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, cp, X, 4′, 1a, 5″, 6c, 4s, 5″′, and 2″″. The plate tabulation is unlike that of any other armored dinoflagellate. Nodules often demark the suture lines underneath the outer membrane, but fixation protocols can influence the detection of plates. Amoeboid benthic stages can be filose to lobose, are thecate, and have a reticulate or spiculate appearance. Amoeboid stages have a eukaryotic nuclear profile and are phagocytic. Cyst stages include a small spherical stage with a honeycomb, reticulate surface and possibly another stage that is elongate and oval to spherical with chrysophyte‐like scales that can have long bracts. The species is placed in a new family, Pfiesteriaceae, and the order Dinamoebales is emended.
Journal of Phycology | 2004
Allison J. Haywood; Karen A. Steidinger; Earnest W. Truby; Patricia R. Bergquist; Peter L. Bergquist; Janet Adamson; Lincoln MacKenzie
Three new dinoflagellate species, Karenia papilionacea sp. nov., Karenia selliformis sp. nov., and Karenia bidigitata sp. nov., were compared with the toxic species Karenia mikimotoi (Miyake & Kominami ex Oda) G. Hansen & Moestrup, Karenia brevis (Davis) G. Hansen & Moestrup, and Karenia brevisulcata (Chang) G. Hansen & Moestrup using the same fixative. Distinguishing morphological characters for the genus Karenia included a smooth theca and a linear apical groove. The new species can be distinguished on the basis of morphological characters of vegetative cells that include the location and shape of the nucleus; the relative excavation of the hypotheca; the characteristics of apical and sulcal groove extensions on the epitheca; the cellular shape, size, and symmetry; the degree of dorsoventral compression; and the presence of an apical protrusion or carina. Species with pronounced dorsoventral compression swim in a distinctive fluttering motion. An intercingular tubular structure traversing the proximal and distal ends of the cingulum is common to the species of Karenia, Karlodinium micrum (Leadbeater & Dodge) J. Larsen, Gymnodinium pulchellum J. Larsen, and Gyrodinium corsicum Paulmier. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of rDNA sequence alignments show that the new species are phylogenetically distinct but closely related to K. mikimotoi and K. brevis.
Environmental Health Perspectives | 2006
Jan H. Landsberg; Sherwood Hall; Jan N. Johannessen; Kevin D. White; Stephen M. Conrad; Jay P. Abbott; Leanne J. Flewelling; R. William Richardson; Robert W. Dickey; Edward L. E. Jester; Stacey M. Etheridge; Jonathan R. Deeds; Frances M. Van Dolah; Tod A. Leighfield; Yinglin Zou; Clarke G. Beaudry; Ronald A. Benner; Patricia L. Rogers; Paula S. Scott; Kenji Kawabata; Jennifer Wolny; Karen A. Steidinger
Background From January 2002 to May 2004, 28 puffer fish poisoning (PFP) cases in Florida, New Jersey, Virginia, and New York were linked to the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) in Florida. Saxitoxins (STXs) of unknown source were first identified in fillet remnants from a New Jersey PFP case in 2002. Methods We used the standard mouse bioassay (MBA), receptor binding assay (RBA), mouse neuroblastoma cytotoxicity assay (MNCA), Ridascreen ELISA, MIST Alert assay, HPLC, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to determine the presence of STX, decarbamoyl STX (dc-STX), and N-sulfocarbamoyl (B1) toxin in puffer fish tissues, clonal cultures, and natural bloom samples of Pyrodinium bahamense from the IRL. Results We found STXs in 516 IRL southern (Sphoeroides nephelus), checkered (Sphoeroides testudineus), and bandtail (Sphoeroides spengleri) puffer fish. During 36 months of monitoring, we detected STXs in skin, muscle, and viscera, with concentrations up to 22,104 μg STX equivalents (eq)/100 g tissue (action level, 80 μg STX eq/100 g tissue) in ovaries. Puffer fish tissues, clonal cultures, and natural bloom samples of P. bahamense from the IRL tested toxic in the MBA, RBA, MNCA, Ridascreen ELISA, and MIST Alert assay and positive for STX, dc-STX, and B1 toxin by HPLC and LC-MS. Skin mucus of IRL southern puffer fish captive for 1-year was highly toxic compared to Florida Gulf coast puffer fish. Therefore, we confirm puffer fish to be a hazardous reservoir of STXs in Florida’s marine waters and implicate the dinoflagellate P. bahamense as the putative toxin source. Conclusions Associated with fatal paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in the Pacific but not known to be toxic in the western Atlantic, P. bahamense is an emerging public health threat. We propose characterizing this food poisoning syndrome as saxitoxin puffer fish poisoning (SPFP) to distinguish it from PFP, which is traditionally associated with tetrodotoxin, and from PSP caused by STXs in shellfish.
Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science | 1988
Santiago Fraga; Donald M. Anderson; Isabel Bravo; Beatriz Reguera; Karen A. Steidinger; Clarice M. Yentsch
Abstract Outbreaks of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) along the north-west coast of Spain have become a serious threat to the extensive mussel farming industry in that region over the last decade. During the summer, high phytoplankton productivity is supported by the sustained upwelling of nutrient-rich deep water into the rias. An episode of PSP in the autumn of 1985 in Ria de Vigo coincided with the sudden appearance, rapid numerical increase, and dominance of two chain-forming dinoflagellates, Gymnodinium catenatum and Protogonyaulax affinis . Field data suggest that warm offshore surface water was transported into the ria as the summer upwelling ceased. This occurred when winds changed from northerly (upwelling favourable) to southerly or westerly (upwelling unfavourable); the injected water contained established populations of oceanic and neritic dinoflagellates. The simultaneous appearance and dominance of two dinoflagellates that form long chains leads us to speculate that the small-scale downwelling of water within the ria favoured efficient swimmers among the phytoplankton. These data not only implicate these two species as possible sources of the PSP toxins in local mussels, but they also suggest the feasibility of developing a bloom prediction capability for some dinoflagellate species based in part on an upwelling index that can indicate when offshore surface waters might be forced into the rias.
Journal of Phycology | 2003
R. Wayne Litaker; Mark W. Vandersea; Steven R. Kibler; Kimberly S. Reece; Nancy A. Stokes; Karen A. Steidinger; Dave F. Millie; Brian J. Bendis; Patricia A. Tester
The putative harmful algal bloom dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida (Steidinger et Burkholder), frequently co‐occurs with other morphologically similar species collectively known as Pfiesteria‐like organisms (PLOs). This study specifically evaluated whether unique sequences in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions, ITS1 and ITS2, could be used to develop PCR assays capable of detecting PLOs in natural assemblages. ITS regions were selected because they are more variable than the flanking small subunit or large subunit rRNA genes and more likely to contain species‐specific sequences. Sequencing of the ITS regions revealed unique oligonucleotide primer binding sites for Pfiesteria piscicida, Pfiesteria shumwayae (Glasgow et Burkholder), Florida “Lucy” species, two cryptoperidiniopsoid species, “H/V14” and “PLO21,” and the estuarine mixotroph, Karlodinium micrum (Leadbetter et Dodge). These PCR assays had a minimum sensitivity of 100 cells in a 100‐mL sample (1 cell·mL−1) and were successfully used to detect PLOs in the St. Johns River system in Florida, USA. DNA purification and aspects of PCR assay development, PCR optimization, PCR assay controls, and collection of field samples are discussed.
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 1999
Jan H. Landsberg; George H. Balazs; Karen A. Steidinger; Daniel G. Baden; Thierry M. Work; Dennis J. Russell
Abstract Fibropapillomatosis (FP) in green turtles Chelonia mydas is a debilitating, neoplastic disease that has reached worldwide epizootic levels. The etiology of FP is unknown but has been linked to oncogenic viruses. Toxic benthic dinoflagellates (Prorocentrum spp.) are not typically considered tumorigenic agents, yet they have a worldwide distribution and produce a tumor promoter, okadaic acid (OA). Prorocentrum spp. are epiphytic on macroalgae and seagrasses that are normal components of green turtle diets. Here we show that green turtles in the Hawaiian Islands consume Prorocentrum and that high-risk FP areas are associated with areas where P. lima and P. concavum are both highly prevalent and abundant. The presence of presumptive OA in the tissues of Hawaiian green turtles further suggests exposure and a potential role for this tumor promoter in the etiology of FP.
Journal of Phycology | 1979
Linda M. Walker; Karen A. Steidinger
The sexual cycle of Gonyaulax monilata Howell was observed in stationary cultures and in nitrogen‐deficient medium. The armored, isogamous gametes fuse in a characteristic manner with cingula at oblique angles. Nuclear fusion lags slightly behind cytoplasmic fusion. The zygote enlarges for several days. The dark, double‐flagellated planozygote encysts within 1–3 wk. Early hypnozygotes are round to ovoid and contain lipid and one or two large golden‐yellow globules. As the hypnozygote matures, the globules become smaller and the cytoplasm darkens and pulls from the wall. All cysts examined contained only one nucleus. A very dark, uninucleate post‐hypnozygotic cell escapes through an archeopyle and within 24 h divides into daughter cells which divide in 24–48 h forming a small chain. The production of thick walled zygates in culture implies that such resting stages in marine sediments could serve as a source stock for blooms. This species causes toxic red tides and the existence of benthic “seed beds” consisting of hypnozygotes is now plausible.