Karen Duff
Columbia University Medical Center
Nature | 2000
Dave Morgan; David M. Diamond; Paul E. Gottschall; Kenneth E. Ugen; Chad A. Dickey; John Hardy; Karen Duff; Paul T. Jantzen; Giovanni DiCarlo; Donna M. Wilcock; Karen E. Connor; Jaime M. Hatcher; Caroline Hope; Marcia N. Gordon; Gary W. Arendash
Vaccinations with amyloid-β peptide (AB) can dramatically reduce amyloid deposition in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimers disease. To determine if the vaccinations had deleterious or beneficial functional consequences, we tested eight months of Aβ vaccination in a different transgenic model for Alzheimers disease in which mice develop learning deficits as amyloid accumulates . Here we show that vaccination with Aβ protects transgenic mice from the learning and age-related memory deficits that normally occur in this mouse model for Alzheimers disease. During testing for potential deleterious effects of the vaccine, all mice performed superbly on the radial-arm water-maze test of working memory. Later, at an age when untreated transgenic mice show memory deficits, the Aβ-vaccinated transgenic mice showed cognitive performance superior to that of the control transgenic mice and, ultimately, performed as well as nontransgenic mice. The Aβ-vaccinated mice also had a partial reduction in amyloid burden at the end of the study. This therapeutic approach may thus prevent and, possibly, treat Alzheimers dementia.
Nature Genetics | 2000
Jada Lewis; Eileen McGowan; Julia Rockwood; Heather L. Melrose; Parimala Nacharaju; Marjon Van Slegtenhorst; Katrina Gwinn-Hardy; Michael P. Murphy; Matt Baker; Xin Yu; Karen Duff; John Hardy; Anthony Corral; Wen Lang Lin; Shu Hui Yen; Dennis W. Dickson; Peter Davies; Mike Hutton
Neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) composed of the microtubule-associated protein tau are prominent in Alzheimer disease (AD), Pick disease, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD). Mutations in the gene (Mtapt) encoding tau protein cause frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), thereby proving that tau dysfunction can directly result in neurodegeneration. Expression of human tau containing the most common FTDP-17 mutation (P301L) results in motor and behavioural deficits in transgenic mice, with age- and gene-dose-dependent development of NFT. This phenotype occurred as early as 6.5 months in hemizygous and 4.5 months in homozygous animals. NFT and Pick-body-like neuronal lesions occurred in the amygdala, septal nuclei, pre-optic nuclei, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla, deep cerebellar nuclei and spinal cord, with tau-immunoreactive pre-tangles in the cortex, hippocampus and basal ganglia. Areas with the most NFT had reactive gliosis. Spinal cord had axonal spheroids, anterior horn cell loss and axonal degeneration in anterior spinal roots. We also saw peripheral neuropathy and skeletal muscle with neurogenic atrophy. Brain and spinal cord contained insoluble tau that co-migrated with insoluble tau from AD and FTDP-17 brains. The phenotype of mice expressing P301L mutant tau mimics features of human tauopathies and provides a model for investigating the pathogenesis of diseases with NFT.
Neurobiology of Disease | 2000
Lorenzo M. Refolo; Miguel A. Pappolla; Brian Malester; John LaFrancois; Tara Bryant-Thomas; Rong Wang; G.Stephen Tint; Kumar Sambamurti; Karen Duff
Recent data suggest that cholesterol metabolism is linked to susceptibility to Alzheimers disease (AD). However, no direct evidence has been reported linking cholesterol metabolism and the pathogenesis of AD. To test the hypothesis that amyloid β-peptide (Aβ) deposition can be modulated by diet-induced hypercholesterolemia, we used a transgenic-mouse model for AD amyloidosis and examined the effects of a high-fat/high-cholesterol diet on central nervous system (CNS) Aβ accumulation. Our data showed that diet-induced hypercholesterolemia resulted in significantly increased levels of formic acid-extractable Aβ peptides in the CNS. Furthermore, the levels of total Aβ were strongly correlated with the levels of both plasma and CNS total cholesterol. Biochemical analysis revealed that, compared with control, the hypercholesterolemic mice had significantly decreased levels of sAPPα and increased levels of C-terminal fragments (β-CTFs), suggesting alterations in amyloid precursor protein processing in response to hypercholesterolemia. Neuropathological analysis indicated that the hypercholesterolemic diet significantly increased β-amyloid load by increasing both deposit number and size. These data demonstrate that high dietary cholesterol increases Aβ accumulation and accelerates the AD-related pathology observed in this animal model. Thus, we propose that diet can be used to modulate the risk of developing AD.
Neuron | 2004
Carlos A. Saura; Se-Young Choi; Vassilios Beglopoulos; Seema Malkani; Dawei Zhang; B. S. Shankaranarayana Rao; Sumantra Chattarji; Raymond J. Kelleher; Eric R. Kandel; Karen Duff; Alfredo Kirkwood; Jie Shen
Mutations in presenilins are the major cause of familial Alzheimers disease, but the pathogenic mechanism by which presenilin mutations cause memory loss and neurodegeneration remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that conditional double knockout mice lacking both presenilins in the postnatal forebrain exhibit impairments in hippocampal memory and synaptic plasticity. These deficits are associated with specific reductions in NMDA receptor-mediated responses and synaptic levels of NMDA receptors and alphaCaMKII. Furthermore, loss of presenilins causes reduced expression of CBP and CREB/CBP target genes, such as c-fos and BDNF. With increasing age, mutant mice develop striking neurodegeneration of the cerebral cortex and worsening impairments of memory and synaptic function. Neurodegeneration is accompanied by increased levels of the Cdk5 activator p25 and hyperphosphorylated tau. These results define essential roles and molecular targets of presenilins in synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and neuronal survival in the adult cerebral cortex.
PLOS ONE | 2012
Li Liu; Valérie Drouet; Jessica W. Wu; Menno P. Witter; Scott A. Small; Catherine L. Clelland; Karen Duff
Tauopathy in the brain of patients with Alzheimers disease starts in the entorhinal cortex (EC) and spreads anatomically in a defined pattern. To test whether pathology initiating in the EC spreads through the brain along synaptically connected circuits, we have generated a transgenic mouse model that differentially expresses pathological human tau in the EC and we have examined the distribution of tau pathology at different timepoints. In relatively young mice (10–11 months old), human tau was present in some cell bodies, but it was mostly observed in axons within the superficial layers of the medial and lateral EC, and at the terminal zones of the perforant pathway. In old mice (>22 months old), intense human tau immunoreactivity was readily detected not only in neurons in the superficial layers of the EC, but also in the subiculum, a substantial number of hippocampal pyramidal neurons especially in CA1, and in dentate gyrus granule cells. Scattered immunoreactive neurons were also seen in the deeper layers of the EC and in perirhinal and secondary somatosensory cortex. Immunoreactivity with the conformation-specific tau antibody MC1 correlated with the accumulation of argyrophilic material seen in old, but not young mice. In old mice, axonal human tau immunoreactivity, especially at the endzones of the perforant pathway, was greatly reduced. Relocalization of tau from axons to somatodendritic compartments and propagation of tauopathy to regions outside of the EC correlated with mature tangle formation in neurons in the EC as revealed by thioflavin-S staining. Our data demonstrate propagation of pathology from the EC and support a trans-synaptic mechanism of spread along anatomically connected networks, between connected and vulnerable neurons. In general, the mouse recapitulates the tauopathy that defines the early stages of AD and provides a model for testing mechanisms and functional outcomes associated with disease progression.
Journal of Neurochemistry | 2003
Cathy Andorfer; Yvonne Kress; Marisol Espinoza; Rohan de Silva; Kerry Lee Tucker; Yves-Alain Barde; Karen Duff; Peter Davies
Neurofibrillary tangles are composed of insoluble aggregates of the microtubule‐associated protein tau. In Alzheimers disease the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles occurs in the absence of tau mutations. Here we present mice that develop pathology from non‐mutant human tau, in the absence of other exogenous factors, including β‐amyloid. The pathology in these mice is Alzheimer‐like, with hyperphosphorylated tau accumulating as aggregated paired helical filaments. This pathologic tau accumulates in the cell bodies and dendrites of neurons in a spatiotemporally relevant distribution.
Nature Neuroscience | 2004
Julia Tsai; Jaime Grutzendler; Karen Duff; Wen-Biao Gan
Amyloid plaques are a hallmark of Alzheimer disease, but their importance in its pathogenesis is controversial. By neuronal labeling and transcranial two-photon imaging, we show in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease that dendrites passing through or near fibrillar amyloid deposits undergo spine loss and shaft atrophy, and nearby axons develop large varicosities, together leading to neurite breakage and large-scale, permanent disruption of neuronal connections. Thus, fibrillar amyloid deposition is more detrimental to neuronal circuitry than previously thought, underscoring the importance of prevention and early clearance of plaques.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Cathy A. Andorfer; Christopher M. Acker; Yvonne Kress; Patrick R. Hof; Karen Duff; Pe Davies
Mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau gene have been linked to neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) formation in several neurodegenerative diseases known as tauopathies; however, no tau mutations occur in Alzheimers disease, although this disease is also characterized by NFT formation and cell death. Importantly, the mechanism of tau-mediated neuronal death remains elusive. Aged mice expressing nonmutant human tau in the absence of mouse tau (htau mice) developed NFTs and extensive cell death. The mechanism of neuron death was investigated in htau mice, and surprisingly, the presence of tau filaments did not correlate directly with death within individual cells, suggesting that cell death can occur independently of NFT formation. Our observations show that the mechanism of neurodegeneration involved reexpression of cell-cycle proteins and DNA synthesis, indicating that nonmutant tau pathology and neurodegeneration may be linked via abnormal, incomplete cell-cycle reentry.
Neuron | 2003
Wendy Noble; Vicki Olm; Kazuyuki Takata; Evelyn Casey; O. Mary; Jordana Meyerson; Kate Gaynor; John LaFrancois; Lili Wang; Takayuki Kondo; Peter Davies; Mark P. Burns; Veeranna; Ralph A. Nixon; Dennis W. Dickson; Yasuji Matsuoka; Michael K. Ahlijanian; Lit Fui Lau; Karen Duff
Tau aggregation is a common feature of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers disease, and hyperphosphorylation of tau has been implicated as a fundamental pathogenic mechanism in this process. To examine the impact of cdk5 in tau aggregation and tangle formation, we crossed transgenic mice overexpressing the cdk5 activator p25, with transgenic mice overexpressing mutant (P301L) human tau. Tau was hyperphosphorylated at several sites in the double transgenics, and there was a highly significant accumulation of aggregated tau in brainstem and cortex. This was accompanied by increased numbers of silver-stained neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Insoluble tau was also associated with active GSK. Thus, cdk5 can initiate a major impact on tau pathology progression that probably involves several kinases. Kinase inhibitors may thus be beneficial therapeutically.
Behavior Genetics | 1999
Leigh A. Holcomb; Marcia N. Gordon; Paul T. Jantzen; Karen Hsiao; Karen Duff; Dave Morgan
Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (mAPP) and in presenilin 1 (mPS1) have both been linked to increased production of the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ). Doubly transgenic mice produced by mating of a parental line carrying the “Swedish” (K670N/M671L) APP mutation with a FAD4 (M146L) mutant presenilin 1 line developed numerous fibrillar Aβ deposits by 6 months of age. Prior work demonstrated that mAPP and doubly transgenic (mAPP/mPS1) mice have deficits in Y-maze alternation behavior as early as 3 months of age. Increased activity was also apparent in the mAPP/mPS1 mice at this time point. These changes in Y-maze performance persisted in mAPP/mPS1 mice at 6 and 9 months of age. The mPS1 singly transgenic mice were not impaired on this task at any age. Six- and nine-month-old mice were also tested for spatial navigation behavior in the Morris water maze. In training trials, no differences in escape latency were detected among the four genotypes. In probe trials, no differences were detected in either the time spent in the trained quadrant or the number of platform crossings among the four groups. Histological staining for Aβ amyloid deposits indicates that all doubly transgenic mice have amyloid deposits by 6 months of age (roughly 25 mice examined thus far), yet no 3-month-old mice have been found with deposits. Aβ immunostaining confirmed that the 9-month-old mice tested behaviorally also have Aβ deposits. Thus, doubly transgenic mice exhibited changes in Y-maze performance prior to the formation of amyloid deposits, which are essentially unchanged as the deposits increase in number and size to 9 months of age. Yet these mice fail to reveal impairments in spatial navigation at 6 or 9 months in spite of the increasing plaque burden. These data indicate that Aβ deposits alone are not sufficient to cause robust spatial memory impairment in mice of this mixed background lineage and age.