Karl-Göran Karlsson
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
Journal of Applied Meteorology | 2005
Adam Dybbroe; Karl-Göran Karlsson; Anke Thoss
Abstract New methods and software for cloud detection and classification at high and midlatitudes using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data are developed for use in a wide range of meteorological, climatological, land surface, and oceanic applications within the Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs) of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), including the SAF for Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting Applications (NWCSAF) project. The cloud mask employs smoothly varying (dynamic) thresholds that separate fully cloudy or cloud-contaminated fields of view from cloud-free conditions. Thresholds are adapted to the actual state of the atmosphere and surface and the sun–satellite viewing geometry using cloud-free radiative transfer model simulations. Both the cloud masking and the cloud-type classification are done using sequences of grouped threshold tests that employ both spectral and textural features. The cloud-type classification div...
Journal of Applied Meteorology | 2005
Adam Dybbroe; Karl-Göran Karlsson; Anke Thoss
Algorithms for cloud detection (cloud mask) and classification (cloud type) at high and midlatitudes using data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board the current NOAA satellites and future polar Meteorological and Operational Weather Satellites (METOP) of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites have been extensively validated over northern Europe and the adjacent seas. The algorithms have been described in detail in Part I and are based on a multispectral grouped threshold approach, making use of cloud-free radiative transfer model simulations. The thresholds applied in the algorithms have been validated and tuned using a database interactively built up over more than 1 yr of data from NOAA-12, -14, and -15 by experienced nephanalysts. The database contains almost 4000 rectangular (in the image data)-sized targets (typically with sides around 10 pixels), with satellite data collocated in time and space with atmospheric data from a short-range NWP forecast model, land cover characterization, elevation data, and a label identifying the given cloud or surface type as interpreted by the nephanalyst. For independent and objective validation, a large dataset of nearly 3 yr of collocated surface synoptic observation (Synop) reports, AVHRR data, and NWP model output over northern and central Europe have been collected. Furthermore, weather radar data were used to check the consistency of the cloud type. The cloud mask performs best over daytime sea and worst at twilight and night over land. As compared with Synop, the cloud cover is overestimated during night (except for completely overcast situations) and is underestimated at twilight. The algorithms have been compared with the more empirically based Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) Cloud Analysis Model Using Digital AVHRR Data (SCANDIA), operationally run at SMHI since 1989, and results show that performance has improved significantly.
Tellus B | 2011
Abhay Devasthale; Michael Tjernström; Karl-Göran Karlsson; Manu Anna Thomas; Colin Jones; Joseph Sedlar; Ali H. Omar
Clouds play a crucial role in the Arctic climate system. Therefore, it is essential to accurately and reliably quantify and understand cloud properties over the Arctic. It is also important to monitor and attribute changes in Arctic clouds. Here, we exploit the capability of the CALIPSO-CALIOP instrument and provide comprehensive statistics of tropospheric thin clouds, otherwise extremely difficult to monitor from passive satellite sensors.We use 4 yr of data (June 2006.May 2010) over the circumpolar Arctic, here defined as 67-82°N, and characterize probability density functions of cloud base and top heights, geometrical thickness and zonal distribution of such cloud layers, separately for water and ice phases, and discuss seasonal variability of these properties. When computed for the entire study area, probability density functions of cloud base and top heights and geometrical thickness peak at 200-400, 1000-2000 and 400-800 m, respectively, for thin water clouds, while for ice clouds they peak at 6-8, 7-9 and 400-1000 m, respectively. In general, liquid clouds were often identified below 2 km during all seasons, whereas ice clouds were sensed throughout the majority of the upper troposphere and also, but to a smaller extent, below 2 km for all seasons.
International Journal of Remote Sensing | 1989
Karl-Göran Karlsson
Abstract Within the PROgramme for a Meteorological Information System (PROMIS) project in Sweden a method of multi-spectral analysis and classification of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data is developed. The model will be based on a statistical database of object classes and ruled by information about prevailing Sun elevations and air mass temperatures. A new system provides the image processing and data handling capacity necessary for an operational classification of AVHRR data. Operational tests will start during the beginning of 1988.
Journal of Climate | 2015
Bomin Sun; Melissa Free; Hye Lim Yoo; Michael J. Foster; Andrew K. Heidinger; Karl-Göran Karlsson
AbstractVariability and trends in total cloud cover for 1982–2009 across the contiguous United States from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), AVHRR Pathfinder Atmospheres–Extended (PATMOS-x), and EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring Clouds, Albedo and Radiation from AVHRR Data Edition 1 (CLARA-A1) satellite datasets are assessed using homogeneity-adjusted weather station data. The station data, considered as “ground truth” in the evaluation, are generally well correlated with the ISCCP and PATMOS-x data and with the physically related variables diurnal temperature range, precipitation, and surface solar radiation. Among the satellite products, overall, the PATMOS-x data have the highest interannual correlations with the weather station cloud data and those other physically related variables. The CLARA-A1 daytime dataset generally shows the lowest correlations, even after trends are removed. For the U.S. mean, the station dataset shows a negative but not...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology | 1997
Karl-Göran Karlsson
SummaryA method to estimate monthly cloud conditions (monthly cloud frequencies) from multispectral satellite imagery is described. The operational cloud classification scheme SCANDIA (the SMHI Cloud ANalysis model using DIgital AVHRR data), based on high resolution imagery from the polar orbiting NOAA-satellites, has been used to produce monthly cloud frequencies for the entire year of 1993 and some additional months in 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1995. Cloud analyses were made for an area covering the Nordic countries with a horizontal resolution of four km. Examples of seasonal, monthly and diurnal variation in cloud conditions are given and an annual mean for 1993 is presented.Comparisons with existing surface observations showed very good agreement for horizontal cloud distributions but approximately 5% smaller cloud amounts were found in the satellite estimations. The most evident problems were encountered in the winter season due to difficulties in identifying low-level cloudiness at very low sun elevations. The underestimation in the summer season was partly fictious and caused by the overestimation of convective cloud cover by surface observers.SCANDIA results were compared to ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) cloud climatologies for two selected months in 1991 and 1992. ISCCP cloudiness was indicated to be higher, especially during the month with anticyclonic conditions where a cloudiness excess of more than 10% were found. The regional variation of cloud conditions in the area was found to be inadequately described by ISCCP cloud climatologies. An improvement of the horizontal resolution of ISCCP data seems necessary to enable use for regional applications.The SCANDIA model is proposed as a valuable tool for local and regional monitoring of the cloud climatology at high latitudes. More extensive comparisons with ISCCP cloud climatologies are suggested as well as comparisons with modelled cloudiness from atmospheric general circulation models and climate models. Special studies of cloud conditions in the Polar areas are also proposed.
Remote Sensing | 2014
Karl-Göran Karlsson; Erik Johansson
The European Space Agency project for studies of cloud properties in the Climate Change Initiative programme (ESA-CLOUD-CCI) aims at compiling the longest possible time series of cloud products from one single multispectral sensor—The five-channel Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) instrument. A particular aspect here is to include corresponding products based on other existing (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR), MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), Visible and Infrared Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)) and future Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) sensors measuring in similar (AVHRR-heritage) spectral channels. Initial inter-comparisons of the involved AVHRR-heritage channel radiances over a short demonstration period (2007–2009) were performed. Using Aqua-MODIS as reference, AVHRR (NOAA-18), AATSR, and MERIS channel radiances were evaluated using the simultaneous nadir (SNO) approach. Results show generally agreeing radiances within approximately 3% for channels at 0.6 µm and 0.8 µm. Larger deviations (+5%) were found for the corresponding AATSR channel at 0.6 µm. Excessive deviations but with opposite sign were also indicated for AATSR 1.6 µm and MERIS 0.8 µm radiances. Observed differences may largely be attributed to residual temporal and spatial matching differences while excessive AATSR and MERIS deviations are likely partly attributed to incomplete compensation for spectrally varying surface and atmospheric conditions. However, very good agreement was found for all infrared channels among all the studied sensors. Here, deviations were generally less than 0.2% for the measured brightness temperatures with the exception of some remaining non-linear deviations at extreme low and high temperatures.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2006
J Hedfors; Ala Aldahan; A Kulan; Göran Possnert; Karl-Göran Karlsson; I Vintersved
[1] Time series data on Be-7, precipitation, temperature, and satellite imagery of cloud cover over Scandinavia, together with cosmic ray and sunspot activity, were used to elucidate the relationsh ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2017
Dong L. Wu; Bryan A. Baum; Yong-Sang Choi; Michael J. Foster; Karl-Göran Karlsson; Andrew K. Heidinger; Caroline Poulsen; Michael J. Pavolonis; Jerome Riedi; Robert Roebeling; Steven C. Sherwood; Anke Thoss; Philip Watts
Formerly known as the Cloud Retrieval Evaluation Workshop (CREW; see the list of acronyms used in this paper below) group (Roebeling et al. 2013, 2015), the International Cloud Working Group (ICWG) was created and endorsed during the 42nd Meeting of CGMS. The CGMS-ICWG provides a forum for space agencies to seek coherent progress in science and applications and also to act as a bridge between space agencies and the cloud remote sensing and applications community. The ICWG plans to serve as a forum to exchange and enhance knowledge on state-of-the-art cloud parameter retrievals algorithms, to stimulate support for training in the use of cloud parameters, and to encourage space agencies and the cloud remote sensing community to share knowledge. The ICWG plans to prepare recommendations to guide the direction of future research-for example, on observing severe weather events or on process studies-and to influence relevant programs of the WMO, WCRP, GCOS, and the space agencies.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017
Aku Riihelä; Jeffrey R. Key; Jan Fokke Meirink; Peter Kuipers Munneke; Timo Palo; Karl-Göran Karlsson
Accurate determination of radiative energy fluxes over the Arctic is of crucial importance for understanding atmosphere-surface interactions, melt and refreezing cycles of the snow and ice cover, and the role of the Arctic in the global energy budget. Satellite-based estimates can provide comprehensive spatiotemporal coverage, but the accuracy and comparability of the existing data sets must be ascertained to facilitate their use. Here we compare radiative flux estimates from Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) Synoptic 1-degree (SYN1deg)/Energy Balanced and Filled, Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) surface energy budget, and our own experimental FluxNet / Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring cLoud, Albedo and RAdiation (CLARA) data against in situ observations over Arctic sea ice and the Greenland Ice Sheet during summer of 2007. In general, CERES SYN1deg flux estimates agree best with in situ measurements, although with two particular limitations: (1) over sea ice the upwelling shortwave flux in CERES SYN1deg appears to be underestimated because of an underestimated surface albedo and (2) the CERES SYN1deg upwelling longwave flux over sea ice saturates during midsummer. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer-based GEWEX and FluxNet-CLARA flux estimates generally show a larger range in retrieval errors relative to CERES, with contrasting tendencies relative to each other. The largest source of retrieval error in the FluxNet-CLARA downwelling shortwave flux is shown to be an overestimated cloud optical thickness. The results illustrate that satellite-based flux estimates over the Arctic are not yet homogeneous and that further efforts are necessary to investigate the differences in the surface and cloud properties which lead to disagreements in flux retrievals.