Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll
University of Western Australia
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Featured researches published by Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll.
Molecular Ecology | 2008
Margaret Byrne; David K. Yeates; Leo Joseph; Michael R. Kearney; James M. Bowler; Martin Williams; S. J. B. Cooper; Stephen C. Donnellan; J. S. Keogh; Remko Leys; Jane Melville; Daniel J. Murphy; Nick Porch; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll
The integration of phylogenetics, phylogeography and palaeoenvironmental studies is providing major insights into the historical forces that have shaped the Earths biomes. Yet our present view is biased towards arctic and temperate/tropical forest regions, with very little focus on the extensive arid regions of the planet. The Australian arid zone is one of the largest desert landform systems in the world, with a unique, diverse and relatively well-studied biota. With foci on palaeoenvironmental and molecular data, we here review what is known about the assembly and maintenance of this biome in the context of its physical history, and in comparison with other mesic biomes. Aridification of Australia began in the Mid-Miocene, around 15 million years, but fully arid landforms in central Australia appeared much later, around 1-4 million years. Dated molecular phylogenies of diverse taxa show the deepest divergences of arid-adapted taxa from the Mid-Miocene, consistent with the onset of desiccation. There is evidence of arid-adapted taxa evolving from mesic-adapted ancestors, and also of speciation within the arid zone. There is no evidence for an increase in speciation rate during the Pleistocene, and most arid-zone species lineages date to the Pliocene or earlier. The last 0.8 million years have seen major fluctuations of the arid zone, with large areas covered by mobile sand dunes during glacial maxima. Some large, vagile taxa show patterns of recent expansion and migration throughout the arid zone, in parallel with the ice sheet-imposed range shifts in Northern Hemisphere taxa. Yet other taxa show high lineage diversity and strong phylogeographical structure, indicating persistence in multiple localised refugia over several glacial maxima. Similar to the Northern Hemisphere, Pleistocene range shifts have produced suture zones, creating the opportunity for diversification and speciation through hybridisation, polyploidy and parthenogenesis. This review highlights the opportunities that development of arid conditions provides for rapid and diverse evolutionary radiations, and re-enforces the emerging view that Pleistocene environmental change can have diverse impacts on genetic structure and diversity in different biomes. There is a clear need for more detailed and targeted phylogeographical studies of Australias arid biota and we suggest a framework and a set of a priori hypotheses by which to proceed.
Geology | 2001
Annette D. George; Susan J. Marshallsea; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; Chen Jie; Lu Yanchou
Apatite fission-track and vitrinite-reflectance data from Phanerozoic rocks of the northern Qilian Shan and Jiuxi basin, at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, show a complex thermal history with multiple paleothermal events. Peak paleotemperatures, reached in the middle Cretaceous, suggest that hydrocarbon generation occurred in the basin at that time. Paleozoic-Mesozoic samples show evidence of a middle Tertiary cooling episode between 20 and 10 Ma. This thermal fingerprint is significant because stratigraphic evidence for Miocene exhumation is overwhelmed by spectacular Pliocene-Pleistocene deformation and erosion. We interpret the Miocene cooling as recording initial exhumation of the northern Qilian Shan—earlier than other models have proposed (i.e., after 6– 5 Ma). Miocene cooling is broadly coincident with Cenozoic uplift and exhumation recorded elsewhere in the Tibetan-Tarim region.
Quaternary Science Reviews | 1991
George W. Kendrick; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; Barney J. Szabo
Coastal deposits along the western coastal margin of Australia, a region of relative tectonic stability, record Plio-Pleistocene events and processes affecting the inner shelf and adjacent hinterland. Tectonic deformation of these deposits is more apparent in the Carnarvon Basin, and rather less so in the Perth Basin. The most complete record comes from the Perth Basin, where units of Pliocene and Pleistocene ages are well represented. In the Perth Basin, the predominantly siliciclastic Yoganup Formation, Ascot Formation and Bassendean Sand represent a complex of shoreline, inner shelf and regressive-dune facies equivalents, the deposition of which began at an undetermined stage of the Pliocene, through to the Early Pleistocene. The deposition of this sequence closed with a major regression and significant faunal extinction. Bioclastic carbonates characterize the Middle and Late Pleistocene of the Perth and Carnarvon basins. Fossil assemblages include a distinct subtropical element, unknown from the Ascot Formation and suggesting a strengthening of the Leeuwin Current. The estuarine arcoid bivalve Anadara trapezia characterizes assemblages of Oxygen Isotope Stages 5 and 7 in the Perth and Carnarvon basins, where it is now extinct. Deposits of Substage 5e (Perth Basin) also record a southerly expansion of warm-water corals and other fauna consistent with shelf temperatures warmer than present. New uranium-series ages on corals from marine sequences of the Tantabiddi Member, of the Bundera Calcarenite of the western Cape Range are consistent with the ‘double peak’ hypothesis for levels of Substage 5e but the evidence remains less than conclusive. Initial uranium-series dates from the Bibra and Dampier formations of Shark Bay indicate that both derive from the Late Pleistocene. These numerical ages contradict previous interpretations of relative ages obtained from field studies. The age relationship of the units requires further investigation.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1993
Anton Eisenhauer; G. J. Wasserburg; J.H. Chen; Georges Bonani; Lindsay B. Collins; Zhong Rong Zhu; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll
U/Th (TIMS) and ^(14)C (AMS) measurements are presented from two coral cores from the Easter group of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands between 28°S and 29°S on the western continental margin of Australia. The U/Th measurements on the Morley core from Morley Island cover a depth interval from 0.2 m above present sea level to 24.4 m below present sea level and comprise eleven samples. The ages vary between 6320 ± 50 a, at 0.2 m above sea level, and 9809 ± 95 a, at 24.4 m below sea level (all errors are 2σ). The mean growth rate is 7.1 ± 0.9 m/ka. The ^(14)C dates of selected Morley core corals show that the ^(14)C ages are ∼ 1000 a younger than their corresponding U/Th ages, which agrees with previous results. The main purpose of our ^(14)C measurements is to be able to compare them precisely with other coral cores where no U/Th measurements are available. The U/Th measurements of the Suomi core from Suomi Island cover a depth interval from 0.05 m to 14.2 m below present sea level and consist of four samples. The ages vary between 4671 ± 40 a, at 0.05 m below sea level, and 7102 ± 82 a, at 14.2 m below sea level, with a mean growth rate of 5.8 ± 0.2 m/ka. The growth history of both cores is explained by a simple model in which the growth rates of the Morley core can be interpreted as reflecting local rates of sea level rise, whereas the Suomi core is interpreted as reflecting lateral growth during the past ∼ 6000 a. Our results indicate that sea level relative to the western margins of the Australian continent was about 24 m lower than present at about 9800 a B.P. (^(14)C gives a date of 8500 a B.P.). Sea level then rose and reached a highstand, slightly higher than the present position at about 6300 a B.P (14C date: 5500 a). This highstand declined but was still higher than present at 4600 a B.P. This is in agreement with previous observations along the Australian coastal margins and with observations from the Huon peninsula (Papua New Guinea). Our results are very similar to theoretical numerical models, which take into consideration water loading and isostatic compensation and viscous mantle flow. In contrast, coral cores from Barbados show that corals with a ^(14)C age of ∼ 5500 a B.P. are some ∼ 10 m b.p.s.l. We interpret the difference between the Barbados core and the Morley core as resulting from additional “flooding” of Barbados by water redistribution, due to changes in the Earths geoid but not reflecting global sea level rise or major addition of melt waters over the past ∼ 6000 a. The difference in the geoid at Barbados between ∼ 6000 a B.P. and the present will require a refinement in the geophysical models. Precise ^(230)Th (TIMS) measurements on continental coasts will be required to provide an adequate data base for modelling deformation, flow of mantle material and sea-level height.
Coral Reefs | 1999
Henning Kuhnert; Jürgen Pätzold; Bruce G. Hatcher; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; A. Eisenhauer; Lindsay B. Collins; Zhong Rong Zhu; Gerold Wefer
Abstract A core from a coral colony of Porites lutea was analysed for stable oxygen isotopic composition*. A 200-year proxy record of sea surface temperatures from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands off west Australia was obtained from coral δ18O. At 29′S, the Houtman Abrolhos are the southernmost major reef complex of the Indian Ocean. They are located on the path of the Leeuwin Current, a southward flow of warm, tropical water, which is coupled to Indonesian throughflow. Coral δ18O primarily reflects local oceanographic and climatic variability, which is largely determined by spatial variability of the Leeuwin Current. However, coherence between coral δ18O and the current strength itself is relatively weak. Evolutionary spectral and singular spectrum analyses of coral δ18O demonstrate a high variability in spectral composition through time. Oscillations in the 5–7-y, 14–15-y, and quasi-biennial bands reflect teleconnections of local sea surface temperature (SST) to tropical Pacific climate variability. Deviations between local (coral-based) and regional (instrument) SST contain a cyclic component with a period of 15 y. Coral δ18O suggests a rise in SST by 0.6 ′C since AD 1944, consistent with available instrumental SST records. A long-term warming by 1.4 ′C since AD 1795 is inferred from the coral record.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1993
Zhong Rong Zhu; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; Lindsay B. Collins; J.H. Chen; G. J. Wasserburg; Anton Eisenhauer
The Houtman Abrolhos Islands, situated at the western passive margin of the Australian continent, consist of a series of shelf-edge coral reefs. The central platforms of the reefs are Late Pleistocene in age and are generally some 3–5 m above present sea level. The uppermost part of the Last Interglacial reefs normally has an upward-shallowing sequence, consisting of coral framestone, coralline algal bindstone and skeletal grainstone to rudstone. This sequence represents deposition in water depths of less than 2 m, and provides a good indicator of sea level. High-precision mass-spectrometric dates of corals from the Abrolhos reefs, including dates obtained from drill cores, arological, isotopic and stratigraphic criteria are established for the selection of suitable samples for dating and for assessing the reliability of dates. Using the screened dates and the stratigraphic evidence, the timing and character of the sea level variations of the Last Interglacial in the Abrolhos region are examined. The data show that sea level of the Last Interglacial in the Abrolhos was 4 m below its present height by ca. 134 ka BP and probably reached about 2 m above present height at ca. 133 ka BP. The exact time at which sea level reached its peak (6 m above present sea level) cannot be determined from our data. But it is clear that the sea level high stand of the Last Interglacial lasted until ca. 116 ka BP and that for much of the Last Interglacial sea level at the Abrolhos was at a height of about 4 m above its present level.
Quaternary Science Reviews | 2000
Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; Buwen Dong; Paul J. Valdes
Abstract The paper evaluates the claim of a poleward displacement of the southern hemisphere mid-latitude westerly circulation at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The claim was initially based on the interpretation of the Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental records of southern South America and drew on conceptual paleo-circulation reconstructions and the results of early AGCM simulations. A guide to likely LGM changes in the position of the southern hemisphere westerlies can in principle be obtained through a modelling of associated storm tracks. A detailed analysis of the position of the southern hemisphere storm tracks at the LGM was undertaken using the UGAMP GCM. The results of the experiment suggest that a general poleward displacement of the zonal maximum of the southern hemisphere westerlies occurred at the LGM. But this is a generalization and in detail the changes in the westerly circulation are more far-ranging with significant regional differences.
Sedimentary Geology | 2003
Lindsay B. Collins; Zhong Rong Zhu; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; Anton Eisenhauer
Ningaloo Reef, situated on the central west coast, is Australias largest fringing reef system extending southward from 22°S for over 200 km. Its narrow lagoon is backed by a coastal plain, which is largely composed of an emergent Last Interglacial reef on the flank of folded Tertiary limestones. The west-facing reef is exposed to strong oceanic swells across a narrow (8 km) continental shelf. Climatic aridity, cyclones, tsunamis, and the poleward flowing Leeuwin Current all influence the reef system. Seismic profiling and a coring and dating program along a transect through a reef pass indicate two periods of reef development in the northern part of the reef: Holocene and Last Interglacial. Seaward of the crest, the Holocene reef forms either a prominent 500 m-wide bulge with 10 m of relief and an abrupt seaward slope, or a series of discrete patch reefs. Holocene reef development is limited to depths of less than 30 m and reaches a maximum thickness of ca. 10–15 m below the reef crest. U/Th TIMS dates from distal parts of the Last Interglacial section between −18 and −36 m give ages toward the end of the high stand (120–115 ka). Last Interglacial reef growth was more extensive of the two, filling much of the available accommodation space, perhaps as a result of a stronger Leeuwin Current. This substrate subsequently provided an antecedent foundation for Holocene reef development.
International Journal of Earth Sciences | 1996
Anton Eisenhauer; Zhong Rong Zhu; Lindsay B. Collins; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; R. Eichstätter
U-series ages measured by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) are reported for a Last Interglacial (LI) fossil coral core from the Turtle Bay, Houtman Abrolhos islands, western Australia. The core is 33.4 m long the top of which is approximately 5 m a.p.s.l. (above present sea level). From the232Th concentrations and the reliability of the U-series ages, two sections in the core can be distinguished. Calculated U/Th ages in core section I (3.3 m a.p.s.l to 11 m b.p.s.l) vary between 124±1.7 ka BP (3.3 m a.p.s.l.) and 132.5±1.8 ka (4 m b.p.s.l., i.e. below present sea level), and those of section II (11–23 m b.p.s.l.) between 140±3 and 214±5 ka BP, respectively. The ages of core section I are in almost perfect chronological order, whereas for section II no clear age-depth relationship of the samples can be recognised. Further assessments based on the ϖ234U(T) criteria reveal that none of the samples of core section II give reliable ages, whereas for core section I several samples can be considered to be moderately reliable within 2 ka. The data of the Turtle Bay core complement and extend our previous work from the Houtman Abrolhos showing that the sea level reached a height of approximately 4 m b.p.s.l at approximately 134 ka BP and a sea level highstand of at least 3.3 m a.p.s.l. at approximately 124 ka BP. Sea level dropped below its present position at approximately 116 ka BP. Although the new data are in general accord with the Milankovitch theory of climate change, a detailed comparison reveals considerable differences between the Holocene and LI sea level rise as monitored relative to the Houtman Abrolhos islands. These observation apparently add further evidence to the growing set of data that the LI sea level rise started earlier than recognised by SPECMAP chronology. A reconciliation of these contradictionary observations following the line of arguments presented by Crowley (1994) are discussed with respect to the Milankovitch theory.
Marine Geology | 1993
Lindsay B. Collins; Zhong Rong Zhu; Karl-Heinz Wyrwoll; B.G Hatcher; P.E Playford; J.H. Chen; Anton Eisenhauer; G. J. Wasserburg
Late Quaternary coral reefs have developed on the southwestern Australian margin, which has otherwise been characterised by cool-water carbonates since the Eocene. The Houtman Abrolhos coral reefs are at the limits of existence, extending, with the assistance of the Leeuwin Current, a poleward-flowing, warm water stream, into a region dominated by more temperate communities. Coring in the Easter Group reefs, supported by high precision dating, by both View the MathML source TIMS and ^(14)C methods, has shown vigorous coral growth, with reefs over 26 m thick in the Holocene and over 15 m thick in the Last Interglacial. Each of the three Abrolhos platforms consists of a central platform composed of Last Interglacial reefs, about which windward and leeward Holocene reefs developed asymmetrically. Reef, peritidal and eolian facies comprise the emergent Last Interglacial limestones which are extensively calcretized, with reef facies up to 5 m above MSL. The Last Interglacial high stand lasted for at least 10 ka from 130 to 120 ka, and possibly 15 ka, from 132 to 117 ka. Holocene reef facies are also emergent by 0.5 m, and are overlain by peritidal and storm ridge facies in an upward-shallowing sequence. Windward (10 m thick) and leeward (26 m thick) Holocene reefs in the Easter Group show contrasting lithofacies. The wave-exposed windward reefs consist of a slow-growing association of coralline algal bindstones and coral framestones, whereas fast-growing coral framestones dominate the more protected leeward reefs. The leeward reefs commenced growth 10,000 years ago and grew to the present sea level by 6500 years ago, generating Holocene constructional topography consisting of ‘blue-hole’ terrain in the leeward parts of the platforms.