
systems man and cybernetics | 1997

Fractal face representation and recognition

Abbas Kouzani; Fangpo He; Karl Sammut

This paper presents a face representation and recognition scheme based on the theory of fractals. Each face image is represented by its fractal model which is a small collection of transformation parameters. The transformation is carried out once for known face images. For recognition, the input face image is transformed and its fractal model is then compared against the database of fractal models of known faces. Feedforward neural networks are utilised to implement the compression and recognition parts. Some experimental results are presented. The maximum compression ratio obtained for the successful recognition of known faces was observed to be 89:1 (for a compression threshold of 0.002).

International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering | 2012

Shape optimization of an autonomous underwater vehicle with a ducted propeller using computational fluid dynamics analysis

Tae-Hwan Joung; Karl Sammut; Fangpo He; Seung-Keon Lee

ABSTRACT Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) provide a useful means of collecting detailed oceano-graphic information. The hull resistance of an AUV is an important factor in determining the power requirements and range of the vehicle. This paper describes a procedure using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for determining the hull resistance of an AUV under development, for a given propeller rotation speed and within a given range of AUV velocities. The CFD analysis results reveal the distribution of the hydrodynamic values (velocity, pressure, etc.) around the AUV hull and its ducted propeller. The paper then proceeds to present a methodology for optimizing the AUV profile in order to reduce the total resistance. This paper demonstrates that shape optimization of conceptual designs is possible using the commercial CFD package contained in Ansys™. The optimum design to minimize the drag force of the AUV was identified for a given object function and a set of constrained design parameters

Smart Materials and Structures | 2006

Multi-mode vibration control of a flexible cantilever beam using adaptive resonant control

Hendra Tjahyadi; Fangpo He; Karl Sammut

In this paper, an adaptive resonant controller is used to attenuate multi-mode vibrations in a flexible cantilever beam structure with varying loading conditions. This controller is particularly designed for structures that are exposed to previously unmodelled dynamics. On-line estimation of the structures natural frequencies is used to update the adaptive resonant controllers parameters. The estimation of the natural frequencies is achieved using a parallel set of second-order recursive least squares estimators, each of which is designed for a specific vibration mode of concern. To achieve the desired estimation accuracy for each mode frequency, a different sampling rate suitable for that mode is used for the corresponding estimator. Experiment results show that the proposed adaptive strategy can achieve better performance, as measured by attenuation level, over its fixed-parameter counterpart for a range of unmodelled dynamics.

systems man and cybernetics | 1997

Wavelet packet face representation and recognition

Abbas Kouzani; Fangpo He; Karl Sammut

A human face representation and recognition system, based on the wavelet packet method and the best basis selection algorithm, is proposed. Through conducting a set of experiments on three groups of training sets, the optimal transform basis (called the face basis), the best filter, and the best decomposition level are identified for the face image class. A face image is represented in a compressed form by its wavelet packet coefficients. For recognition, the compressed input face image is then compared against a database of compressed images of the known faces. The recognition results are presented.

international symposium on robotics | 2015

Optimal route planning with prioritized task scheduling for AUV missions

Somaiyeh MahmoudZadeh; David M. W. Powers; Karl Sammut; Andrew Lammas; Amir Mehdi Yazdani

This paper presents a solution to Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) large scale route planning and task assignment joint problem. Given a set of constraints (e.g., time) and a set of task priority values, the goal is to find the optimal route for underwater mission that maximizes the sum of the priorities and minimizes the total risk percentage while meeting the given constraints. Making use of the heuristic nature of genetic and swarm intelligence algorithms in solving NP-hard graph problems, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are employed to find the optimum solution, where each individual in the population is a candidate solution (route). To evaluate the robustness of the proposed methods, the performance of the all PS and GA algorithms are examined and compared for a number of Monte Carlo runs. Simulation results suggest that the routes generated by both algorithms are feasible and reliable enough, and applicable for underwater motion planning. However, the GA-based route planner produces superior results comparing to the results obtained from the PSO based route planner.

International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | 2016

Toward efficient task assignment and motion planning for large-scale underwater missions

Somaiyeh MahmoudZadeh; David Mw Powers; Karl Sammut; Amir Mehdi Yazdani

An autonomous underwater vehicle needs to possess a certain degree of autonomy for any particular underwater mission to fulfil the mission objectives successfully and ensure its safety in all stages of the mission in a large-scale operating field. In this article, a novel combinatorial conflict-free task assignment strategy, consisting of an interactive engagement of a local path planner and an adaptive global route planner, is introduced. The method takes advantage of the heuristic search potency of the particle swarm optimization algorithm to address the discrete nature of routing-task assignment approach and the complexity of nondeterministic polynomial-time-hard path planning problem. The proposed hybrid method is highly efficient as a consequence of its reactive guidance framework that guarantees successful completion of missions particularly in cluttered environments. To examine the performance of the method in a context of mission productivity, mission time management, and vehicle safety, a series of simulation studies are undertaken. The results of simulations declare that the proposed method is reliable and robust, particularly in dealing with uncertainties, and it can significantly enhance the level of a vehicle’s autonomy by relying on its reactive nature and capability of providing fast feasible solutions.

Journal of Marine Science and Application | 2016

Biogeography-based combinatorial strategy for efficient autonomous underwater vehicle motion planning and task-time management

Somaiyeh Mahmoud Zadeh; David M. W. Powers; Karl Sammut; Amir Mehdi Yazdani

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are capable of spending long periods of time for carrying out various underwater missions and marine tasks. In this paper, a novel conflict-free motion planning framework is introduced to enhance underwater vehicle’s mission performance by completing maximum number of highest priority tasks in a limited time through a large scale waypoint cluttered operating field, and ensuring safe deployment during the mission. The proposed combinatorial route-path planner model takes the advantages of the Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) algorithm toward satisfying objectives of both higher-lower level motion planners and guarantees maximization of the mission productivity for a single vehicle operation. The performance of the model is investigated under different scenarios including the particular cost constraints in time-varying operating fields. To show the reliability of the proposed model, performance of each motion planner assessed separately and then statistical analysis is undertaken to evaluate the total performance of the entire model. The simulation results indicate the stability of the contributed model and its feasible application for real experiments.

Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems | 2015

Efficient Path Re-planning for AUVs Operating in Spatiotemporal Currents

Zheng Zeng; Karl Sammut; Andrew Lammas; Fangpo He; Youhong Tang

This paper presents an on-line dynamic path re-planning system for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to enable it to operate efficiently in a spatiotemporal, cluttered, and uncertain environment. The proposed strategy combines path re-planning with an evolutionary algorithm to adapt and regenerate the trajectory during the course of the mission using continuously updated current profiles from on-board sensors, such as a Horizontal Acoustic Doppler Velocity Logger. A quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm is used with a cost function which is based on the total time required to travel along the path segments accounting for the effect of space-time variable currents. The proposed path planner is designed to generate an optimal trajectory for an AUV navigating through a spatiotemporal ocean environment in the presence of irregularly shaped terrains as well as obstacles whose position coordinates are uncertain. Simulation results show that using the same on-board computation resources, the proposed path re-planning methodology with reuse of information gained from the previous planning history is able to obtain a more optimized trajectory than one relying on reactive path planning. Subsets of representative Monte Carlo simulations were run to analyse the performance of these dynamic planning systems. The results demonstrate the inherent robustness and superiority of the proposed planner based on path re-planning scheme when compared with the reactive path planning scheme.

american control conference | 2000

Active vibration absorber design via sliding mode control

Tri-Tan Van Cao; Lei Chen; F. We; Karl Sammut

A new, simple control method for vibration absorber design is presented. A nonlinear robust control scheme based on a variable structure is designed and simulated. Robust synthesis of the discontinuity surface based on classical frequency loop-shaping and the edge theorem is discussed. The proposed control scheme has two advantages over the current existing vibration absorber design methodologies: 1) it is completely insensitive to changes in the stiffness and damping of the absorber, and strongly robust against parametric uncertainties of the primary vibrating structure; and 2) it is capable of suppressing both cyclic and random vibrations over a very wide range of frequencies.

soft computing | 2018

A novel versatile architecture for autonomous underwater vehicle’s motion planning and task assignment

Somaiyeh Mahmoud Zadeh; David M. W. Powers; Karl Sammut; Amir Mehdi Yazdani

Expansion of today’s underwater scenarios and missions necessitates the requisition for robust decision making of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV); hence, design an efficient decision-making framework is essential for maximizing the mission productivity in a restricted time. This paper focuses on developing a deliberative conflict-free-task assignment architecture encompassing a global route planner (GRP) and a local path planner (LPP) to provide consistent motion planning encountering both environmental dynamic changes and a priori knowledge of the terrain, so that the AUV is reactively guided to the target of interest in the context of an uncertain underwater environment. The architecture involves three main modules: The GRP module at the top level deals with the task priority assignment, mission time management, and determination of a feasible route between start and destination point in a large-scale environment. The LPP module at the lower level deals with safety considerations and generates collision-free optimal trajectory between each specific pair of waypoints listed in obtained global route. Re-planning module tends to promote robustness and reactive ability of the AUV with respect to the environmental changes. The experimental results for different simulated missions demonstrate the inherent robustness and drastic efficiency of the proposed scheme in enhancement of the vehicles autonomy in terms of mission productivity, mission time management, and vehicle safety.

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