Karl W. Broman
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bioinformatics | 2003
Karl W. Broman; Hao Wu; Saunak Sen; Gary A. Churchill
SUMMARY R/qtl is an extensible, interactive environment for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in experimental populations derived from inbred lines. It is implemented as an add-on package for the freely-available statistical software, R, and includes functions for estimating genetic maps, identifying genotyping errors, and performing single-QTL and two-dimensional, two-QTL genome scans by multiple methods, with the possible inclusion of covariates. AVAILABILITY The package is freely available at http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~kbroman/qtl.
American Journal of Human Genetics | 1998
Karl W. Broman; Jeffrey C. Murray; Val C. Sheffield; Raymond L. White; James L. Weber
Comprehensive human genetic maps were constructed on the basis of nearly 1 million genotypes from eight CEPH families; they incorporated >8,000 short tandem-repeat polymorphisms (STRPs), primarily from Généthon, the Cooperative Human Linkage Center, the Utah Marker Development Group, and the Marshfield Medical Research Foundation. As part of the map building process, 0.08% of the genotypes that resulted in tight double recombinants and that largely, if not entirely, represent genotyping errors, mutations, or gene-conversion events were removed. The total female, male, and sex-averaged lengths of the final maps were 44, 27, and 35 morgans, respectively. Numerous (267) sets of STRPs were identified that represented the exact same loci yet were developed independently and had different primer pairs. The distributions of the total number of recombination events per gamete, among the eight mothers of the CEPH families, were significantly different, and this variation was not due to maternal age. The female:male ratio of genetic distance varied across individual chromosomes in a remarkably consistent fashion, with peaks at the centromeres of all metacentric chromosomes. The new linkage maps plus much additional information, including a query system for use in the construction of reliably ordered maps for selected subsets of markers, are available from the Marshfield Website.
Cell | 1996
Abby F. Dernburg; Karl W. Broman; Jennifer C. Fung; Wallace F. Marshall; Jennifer Philips; David A. Agard; John W. Sedat
SUMMARY Position-effect variegation (PEV) describes the stochastic transcriptional silencing of a gene positioned adjacent to heterochromatin. Using FISH, we have tested whether variegated expression of the eye-color gene brown in Drosophila is influenced by its nuclear localization. In embryonic nuclei, a heterochromatic insertion at the brown locus is always spatially isolated from other heterochromatin. However, during larval development this insertion physically associates with other heterochromatic regions on the same chromosome in a stochastic manner. These observations indicate that the brown gene is silenced by specific contact with centromeric heterochromatin. Moreover, they provide direct evidence for long-range chromosome interactions and their impact on three-dimensional nuclear architecture, while providing a cohesive explanation for the phenomenon of PEV.
American Journal of Human Genetics | 2001
Sabrina Giglio; Karl W. Broman; Naomichi Matsumoto; Vladimiro Calvari; Giorgio Gimelli; Thomas Neumann; Hirofumi Ohashi; Lucille Voullaire; Daniela Larizza; Roberto Giorda; James L. Weber; David H. Ledbetter; Orsetta Zuffardi
The olfactory receptor (OR)-gene superfamily is the largest in the mammalian genome. Several of the human OR genes appear in clusters with > or = 10 members located on almost all human chromosomes, and some chromosomes contain more than one cluster. We demonstrate, by experimental and in silico data, that unequal crossovers between two OR gene clusters in 8p are responsible for the formation of three recurrent chromosome macrorearrangements and a submicroscopic inversion polymorphism. The first two macrorearrangements are the inverted duplication of 8p, inv dup(8p), which is associated with a distinct phenotype, and a supernumerary marker chromosome, +der(8)(8p23.1pter), which is also a recurrent rearrangement and is associated with minor anomalies. We demonstrate that it is the reciprocal of the inv dup(8p). The third macrorearrangment is a recurrent 8p23 interstitial deletion associated with heart defect. Since inv dup(8p)s originate consistently in maternal meiosis, we investigated the maternal chromosomes 8 in eight mothers of subjects with inv dup(8p) and in the mother of one subject with +der(8), by means of probes included between the two 8p-OR gene clusters. All the mothers were heterozygous for an 8p submicroscopic inversion that was delimited by the 8p-OR gene clusters and was present, in heterozygous state, in 26% of a population of European descent. Thus, inversion heterozygosity may cause susceptibility to unequal recombination, leading to the formation of the inv dup(8p) or to its reciprocal product, the +der(8p). After the Yp inversion polymorphism, which is the preferential background for the PRKX/PRKY translocation in XX males and XY females, the OR-8p inversion is the second genomic polymorphism that confers susceptibility to the formation of common chromosome rearrangements. Accordingly, it may be possible to develop a profile of the individual risk of having progeny with chromosome rearrangements.
Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-statistical Methodology | 2002
Karl W. Broman; Terence P. Speed
We consider the problem of identifying the genetic loci (called quantitative trait loci (QTLs)) contributing to variation in a quantitative trait, with data on an experimental cross. A large number of different statistical approaches to this problem have been described; most make use of multiple tests of hypotheses, and many consider models allowing only a single QTL. We feel that the problem is best viewed as one of model selection. We discuss the use of model selection ideas to identify QTLs in experimental crosses. We focus on a back-cross experiment, with strictly additive QTLs, and concentrate on identifying QTLs, considering the estimation of their effects and precise locations of secondary importance. We present the results of a simulation study to compare the performances of the more prominent methods. Copyright 2002 Royal Statistical Society.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2003
Gyanu Lamichhane; Matteo Zignol; Natalie J. Blades; Deborah E. Geiman; Annette Dougherty; Jacques Grosset; Karl W. Broman; William R. Bishai
We describe a postgenomic in silico approach for identifying genes that are likely to be essential and estimate their proportion in haploid genomes. With the knowledge of all sites eligible for mutagenesis and an experimentally determined partial list of nonessential genes from genome mutagenesis, a Bayesian statistical method provides reasonable predictions of essential genes with a subsaturation level of random mutagenesis. For mutagenesis, a transposon such as Himar1 is suitable as it inserts randomly into TA sites. All of the possible insertion sites may be determined a priori from the genome sequence and with this information, data on experimentally hit TA sites may be used to predict the proportion of genes that cannot be mutated. As a model, we used the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome. Using the Himar1 transposon, we created a genetically defined collection of 1,425 insertion mutants. Based on our Bayesian statistical analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo and the observed frequencies of transposon insertions in all of the genes, we estimated that the M. tuberculosis genome contains 35% (95% confidence interval, 28%–41%) essential genes. This analysis further revealed seven functional groups with high probabilities of being enriched in essential genes. The PE-PGRS (Pro-Glu polymorphic GC-rich repetitive sequence) family of genes, which are unique to mycobacteria, the polyketide/nonribosomal peptide synthase family, and mycolic and fatty acid biosynthesis gene families were disproportionately enriched in essential genes. At subsaturation levels of mutagenesis with a random transposon such as Himar1, this approach permits a statistical prediction of both the proportion and identities of essential genes of sequenced genomes.
Nature | 2001
Adong Yu; Chengfeng Zhao; Ying Fan; Wonhee Jang; Andrew J. Mungall; Panos Deloukas; Anne S. Olsen; Norman A. Doggett; Nader Ghebranious; Karl W. Broman; James L. Weber
Recombination is the exchange of information between two homologous chromosomes during meiosis. The rate of recombination per nucleotide, which profoundly affects the evolution of chromosomal segments, is calculated by comparing genetic and physical maps. Human physical maps have been constructed using cytogenetics, overlapping DNA clones and radiation hybrids; but the ultimate and by far the most accurate physical map is the actual nucleotide sequence. The completion of the draft human genomic sequence provides us with the best opportunity yet to compare the genetic and physical maps. Here we describe our estimates of female, male and sex-average recombination rates for about 60% of the genome. Recombination rates varied greatly along each chromosome, from 0 to at least 9 centiMorgans per megabase (cM Mb-1). Among several sequence and marker parameters tested, only relative marker position along the metacentric chromosomes in males correlated strongly with recombination rate. We identified several chromosomal regions up to 6 Mb in length with particularly low (deserts) or high (jungles) recombination rates. Linkage disequilibrium was much more common and extended for greater distances in the deserts than in the jungles.
Genome Research | 2011
David L. Aylor; William Valdar; Wendy Foulds-Mathes; Ryan J. Buus; Ricardo A. Verdugo; Ralph S. Baric; Martin T. Ferris; Jeffrey A. Frelinger; Mark T. Heise; Matt Frieman; Lisa E. Gralinski; Timothy A. Bell; John D. Didion; Kunjie Hua; Derrick L. Nehrenberg; Christine L. Powell; Jill Steigerwalt; Yuying Xie; Samir N. Kelada; Francis S. Collins; Ivana V. Yang; David A. Schwartz; Lisa A. Branstetter; Elissa J. Chesler; Darla R. Miller; Jason S. Spence; Eric Yi Liu; Leonard McMillan; Abhishek Sarkar; Jeremy Wang
The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a mouse recombinant inbred strain panel that is being developed as a resource for mammalian systems genetics. Here we describe an experiment that uses partially inbred CC lines to evaluate the genetic properties and utility of this emerging resource. Genome-wide analysis of the incipient strains reveals high genetic diversity, balanced allele frequencies, and dense, evenly distributed recombination sites-all ideal qualities for a systems genetics resource. We map discrete, complex, and biomolecular traits and contrast two quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping approaches. Analysis based on inferred haplotypes improves power, reduces false discovery, and provides information to identify and prioritize candidate genes that is unique to multifounder crosses like the CC. The number of expression QTLs discovered here exceeds all previous efforts at eQTL mapping in mice, and we map local eQTL at 1-Mb resolution. We demonstrate that the genetic diversity of the CC, which derives from random mixing of eight founder strains, results in high phenotypic diversity and enhances our ability to map causative loci underlying complex disease-related traits.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2008
Haifeng Shao; Lindsay C. Burrage; David S. Sinasac; Annie E. Hill; Sheila Ernest; William E. O'Brien; Hayden William Courtland; Karl J. Jepsen; Andrew Kirby; Edward J. Kulbokas; Mark J. Daly; Karl W. Broman; Eric S. Lander; Joseph H. Nadeau
The genetic architecture of complex traits underlying physiology and disease in most organisms remains elusive. We still know little about the number of genes that underlie these traits, the magnitude of their effects, or the extent to which they interact. Chromosome substitution strains (CSSs) enable statistically powerful studies based on testing engineered inbred strains that have single, unique, and nonoverlapping genetic differences, thereby providing measures of phenotypic effects that are attributable to individual chromosomes. Here, we report a study of phenotypic effects and gene interactions for 90 blood, bone, and metabolic traits in a mouse CSS panel and 54 traits in a rat CSS panel. Two key observations emerge about the genetic architecture of these traits. First, the traits tend to be highly polygenic: across the genome, many individual chromosome substitutions each had significant phenotypic effects and, within each of the chromosomes studied, multiple distinct loci were found. Second, strong epistasis was found among the individual chromosomes. Specifically, individual chromosome substitutions often conferred surprisingly large effects (often a substantial fraction of the entire phenotypic difference between the parental strains), with the result that the sum of these individual effects often dramatically exceeded the difference between the parental strains. We suggest that strong, pervasive epistasis may reflect the presence of several phenotypically-buffered physiological states. These results have implications for identification of complex trait genes, developmental and physiological studies of phenotypic variation, and opportunities to engineer phenotypic outcomes in complex biological systems.
The Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2004
Tara L. Kieffer; Mariel M. Finucane; Richard E. Nettles; Thomas C. Quinn; Karl W. Broman; Stuart C. Ray; Deborah Persaud; Robert F. Siliciano
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) production continues in patients receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) with undetectable (<50 copies/mL) virus loads. Our initial cross-sectional study showed that this viremia is composed of viruses that lack new resistance mutations to the HAART regimen. Here we describe a longitudinal, clonal genotypic analysis of plasma virus loads in treated adults who had undetectable virus loads. We document a continuous production of virus in 8 HIV-1-infected adults who maintained suppression of viremia for up to 15 months. Using analytical approaches for distinguishing selected resistance mutations from nonselected mutations and polymerase chain reaction errors, we detected no evolution of resistance in the reverse-transcriptase and protease genes. Sporadic resistance mutations were detected in some viral clones that were not selected for subsequently. Thus, in some patients, HAART suppresses replication to a level that does not allow the evolution of drug resistance over a time frame of years.