Karsten Durst
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Arthritis & Rheumatism | 2008
Kolja Gelse; Christiane Mühle; Oliver Franke; Jung Park; Marc Jehle; Karsten Durst; Mathias Göken; Friedrich F. Hennig; Klaus von der Mark; Holm Schneider
OBJECTIVE To investigate the potential of transgene-activated periosteal cells for permanently resurfacing large partial-thickness cartilage defects. METHODS In miniature pigs, autologous periosteal cells stimulated ex vivo by bone morphogenetic protein 2 gene transfer, using liposomes or a combination of adeno-associated virus (AAV) and adenovirus (Ad) vectors, were applied on a bioresorbable scaffold to chondral lesions comprising the entire medial half of the patella. The resulting repair tissue was assessed, 6 and 26 weeks after transplantation, by histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. The biomechanical properties of the repair tissue were characterized by nanoindentation measurements. Implants of unstimulated cells and untreated lesions served as controls. RESULTS All grafts showed satisfactory integration into the preexisting cartilage. Six weeks after transplantation, AAV/Ad-stimulated periosteal cells had adopted a chondrocyte-like phenotype in all layers; the newly formed matrix was rich in proteoglycans and type II collagen, and its contact stiffness was close to that of healthy hyaline cartilage. Unstimulated periosteal cells and cells activated by liposomal gene transfer formed only fibrocartilaginous repair tissue with minor contact stiffness. However, within 6 months following transplantation, the AAV/Ad-stimulated cells in the superficial zone tended to dedifferentiate, as indicated by a switch from type II to type I collagen synthesis and reduced contact stiffness. In deeper zones, these cells retained their chondrocytic phenotype, coinciding with positive staining for type II collagen in the matrix. CONCLUSION Large partial-thickness cartilage defects can be resurfaced efficiently with hyaline-like cartilage formed by transgene-activated periosteal cells. The long-term stability of the cartilage seems to depend on physicobiochemical factors that are active only in deeper zones of the cartilaginous tissue.
Journal of Physics D | 2008
Karsten Durst; Mathias Göken; G.M. Pharr
The indentation size effect (ISE) is studied for spherical and pyramidal indentations on a Ni poly-crystal. The indentation experiments were conducted using a Berkovich geometry as well as different spherical indenters with radii of 0.38, 3.8 and 51.0??m. A strong ISE is observed for the material yielding a higher hardness at smaller depths or smaller sphere radii. The transition from elastic to plastic behaviour is associated with a pop-in in the load?displacement curve, in contrast to the conventional elastic?plastic transition as discussed by Tabor. The indentation response is modelled using Tabors approach in conjunction with the uniaxial macroscopic stress?strain behaviour for calculating the statistically stored dislocation density for a given indenter geometry. The geometrically necessary dislocation (GND) density is calculated using a modified Nix/Gao approach, whereas the storage volume for GNDs is used as a parameter for the measured depth dependence of hardness. It will be shown that the ISE for both pyramidal and spherical indentations is related and can be understood within the same given framework. The indentation response of metallic materials can thus be modelled from pop-in to macroscopic hardness.
Philosophical Magazine | 2006
Björn Backes; Karsten Durst; Mathias Göken
Nanoindentation experiments at low indentation depths are strongly influenced by micromechanical effects, such as the indentation size effect, pile-up or sink-in behaviour and crystal orientation of the investigated material. For an evaluation of load–displacement data and a reconstruction of stress–strain curves from nanoindentations, these micromechanical effects need to be considered. The influence of size effects on experiments were estimated by comparing the results of finite element simulation and experiments, using uniaxial stress–strain data of the indented material as input for the simulations. The experiments were performed on conventional and ultrafine-grained copper and brass, and the influence of the indentation size effect and pile-up formation is discussed in terms of microstructure. Applying a pile-up correction on Berkovich and cube-corner indentation data, a piecewise reconstruction of stress–strain curves from load–displacement data is possible with Tabors concept of representative strain. A good approximation of the slope of the stress–strain curve from the indentation experiments is found for all materials down to an indentation depth of 800 nm.
Philosophical Magazine | 2015
Verena Maier; Christopher Schunk; Mathias Göken; Karsten Durst
In this work, the indentation size effect and the influence of the microstructure on the time-dependent deformation behaviour of body-centred cubic (bcc) metals are studied by performing nanoindentation strain rate jump tests at room temperature. During these experiments, the strain rate is abruptly changed, and from the resulting hardness difference the local strain rate sensitivity has been derived. Single-crystalline materials exhibit a strong indentation size effect; ultrafine-grained metals have nearly a depth-independent hardness. Tungsten as a bcc metal shows the opposite behaviour as generally found for face-centered cubic metals. While for UFG-W only slightly enhanced strain rate sensitivity was observed, SX-W exhibits a pronounced influence of the strain rate on the resulting hardness at room temperature. This is due to the effects of the high lattice friction of bcc metals at low temperatures, where the thermally activated motion of screw dislocations is the dominating deformation mechanisms, which causes the enhanced strain rate sensitivity. For the SX-materials, it was found that the degree of the indentation size effect directly correlates with the homologous testing temperature and thus, the material specific parameter of the critical temperature Tc. However, for the resultant strain rate sensitivity no depth-dependent change was found.
Acta Biomaterialia | 2010
Björn Brandt; Cordt Zollfrank; Oliver Franke; Jörg Fromm; Mathias Göken; Karsten Durst
Pyrolytic conversion causes severe changes in the microstructure of the wood cell wall. Pine wood pyrolysed up to 325 °C was investigated by transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation measurements to monitor changes in structure and mechanical properties. Latewood cell walls were tested in the axial, radial and tangential directions at different temperatures of pyrolysis. A strong anisotropy of elastic properties in the native cell wall was found. Loss of the hierarchical structure of the cell wall due to pyrolysis resulted in elastic isotropy at 300 °C. The development of the mechanical properties with increasing temperature can be explained by alterations in the structure and it was found that the elastic properties were clearly related to length and orientation of the microfibrils.
Materials Science Forum | 2006
Johannes Mueller; Karsten Durst; Dorothea Amberger; Matthias Göken
The mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained metals processed by equal channel angular pressing is investigated by nanoindentations in comparison with measurements on nanocrystalline nickel with a grain size between 20 and 400 nm produced by pulsed electrodeposition. Besides hardness and Young’s modulus measurements, the nanoindentation method allows also controlled experiments on the strain rate sensitivity, which are discussed in detail in this paper. Nanoindentation measurements can be performed at indentation strain rates between 10-3 s-1 and 0.1 s-1. Nanocrystalline and ultrafine-grained fcc metals as Al and Ni show a significant strain rate sensitivity at room temperature in comparison with conventional grain sized materials. In ultrafine-grained bcc Fe the strain rate sensitivity does not change significantly after severe plastic deformation. Inelastic effects are found during repeated unloading-loading experiments in nanoindentations.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde | 2002
Karsten Durst; Mathias Göken; G.M. Pharr
Abstract Finite element simulations were conducted to examine spherical indentation in the elastic–plastic transition regime. Various elastic-perfectly plastic materials were studied by varying the ratio of the elastic modulus to the yield stress in the range 25–1000. Special attention was given to the influence of residual stress and friction on the indentation load–displacement behavior and development of the plastic zone. A new method for measuring yield strengths from indentation load–displacement curves is proposed, and a recently developed experimental method for measuring biaxial residual stresses by nanoindentation methods is assessed. In the appropriate limits, the simulations show good agreement with the theoretical descriptions of spherical indentation given by Hertz and Tabor.
Philosophical Magazine Letters | 2009
P. Sadrabadi; Karsten Durst; Mathias Göken; W. Blum
Atomic force microscopy of dislocation etch pit structures is a convenient means of characterising the dislocation structure in etchable materials at high resolution for dislocation spacing extending down to 25 nm . This is demonstrated for single crystals of CaF2. The local deformation zone generated around nanoindents at ambient temperature and the low-angle boundaries generated in the bulk during uniaxial compression at elevated temperatures are presented as examples.
JOM | 2017
Verena Maier-Kiener; Karsten Durst
Nanoindentation became a versatile tool for testing local mechanical properties beyond hardness and modulus. By adapting standard nanoindentation test methods, simple protocols capable of probing thermally activated deformation processes can be accomplished. Abrupt strain-rate changes within one indentation allow determining the strain-rate dependency of hardness at various indentation depths. For probing lower strain-rates and excluding thermal drift influences, long-term creep experiments can be performed by using the dynamic contact stiffness for determining the true contact area. From both procedures hardness and strain-rate, and consequently strain-rate sensitivity and activation volume can be reliably deducted within one indentation, permitting information on the locally acting thermally activated deformation mechanism. This review will first discuss various testing protocols including possible challenges and improvements. Second, it will focus on different examples showing the direct influence of crystal structure and/or microstructure on the underlying deformation behavior in pure and highly alloyed material systems.
Advanced Science | 2018
Omar Benzine; Sebastian Bruns; Zhiwen Pan; Karsten Durst; Lothar Wondraczek
Abstract Microscopic deformation processes determine defect formation on glass surfaces and, thus, the materials resistance to mechanical failure. While the macroscopic strength of most glasses is not directly dependent on material composition, local deformation and flaw initiation are strongly affected by chemistry and atomic arrangement. Aside from empirical insight, however, the structural origin of the fundamental deformation modes remains largely unknown. Experimental methods that probe parameters on short or intermediate length‐scale such as atom–atom or superstructural correlations are typically applied in the absence of alternatives. Drawing on recent experimental advances, spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy is now used in the THz‐gap for mapping local changes in the low‐frequency vibrational density of states. From direct observation of deformation‐induced variations on the characteristic length‐scale of molecular heterogeneity, it is revealed that rigidity fluctuation mediates the deformation process of inorganic glasses. Molecular field approximations, which are based solely on the observation of short‐range (interatomic) interactions, fail in the prediction of mechanical behavior. Instead, glasses appear to respond to local mechanical contact in a way that is similar to that of granular media with high intergranular cohesion.