
Featured researches published by Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer.

Psychosomatic Medicine | 2010

Aerobic Exercise and Neurocognitive Performance: A Meta-analytic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Patrick J. Smith; James A. Blumenthal; Benson M. Hoffman; Harris Cooper; Timothy A. Strauman; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; Jeffrey N. Browndyke; Andrew Sherwood

Objectives: To assess the effects of aerobic exercise training on neurocognitive performance. Although the effects of exercise on neurocognition have been the subject of several previous reviews and meta-analyses, they have been hampered by methodological shortcomings and are now outdated as a result of the recent publication of several large-scale, randomized, controlled trials (RCTs). Methods: We conducted a systematic literature review of RCTs examining the association between aerobic exercise training on neurocognitive performance between January 1966 and July 2009. Suitable studies were selected for inclusion according to the following criteria: randomized treatment allocation; mean age ≥18 years of age; duration of treatment >1 month; incorporated aerobic exercise components; supervised exercise training; the presence of a nonaerobic-exercise control group; and sufficient information to derive effect size data. Results: Twenty-nine studies met inclusion criteria and were included in our analyses, representing data from 2049 participants and 234 effect sizes. Individuals randomly assigned to receive aerobic exercise training demonstrated modest improvements in attention and processing speed (g = 0.158; 95% confidence interval [CI]; 0.055–0.260; p = .003), executive function (g = 0.123; 95% CI, 0.021–0.225; p = .018), and memory (g = 0.128; 95% CI, 0.015–0.241; p = .026). Conclusions: Aerobic exercise training is associated with modest improvements in attention and processing speed, executive function, and memory, although the effects of exercise on working memory are less consistent. Rigorous RCTs are needed with larger samples, appropriate controls, and longer follow-up periods. ITT = intention-to-treat; RCT = randomized controlled trial.

Neurology | 2000

Documented head injury in early adulthood and risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

Brenda L. Plassman; Richard J. Havlik; David C. Steffens; Michael J. Helms; Tiffany N. Newman; Deborah L. Drosdick; Caroline L. Phillips; Barbara A. Gau; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; James R. Burke; Jack M. Guralnik; John C. S. Breitner

Background: The association between antecedent head injury and AD is inconsistent. Objective: To examine the association between early adult head injury, as documented by military hospital records, and dementia in late life; and to evaluate the interaction between head injury and APOE ε4 as risk factors for dementia. Methods: The study had a population-based prospective historical cohort design. It included men who were World War II Navy and Marine veterans, and were hospitalized during their military service with a diagnosis of either a nonpenetrating head injury or another unrelated condition. In 1996 to 1997, military medical records were abstracted to document the occurrence and details of closed head injury. The entire sample was then evaluated for dementia and AD using a multistage procedure. There were 548 veterans with head injury and 1228 without head injury who completed all assigned stages of the study. The authors estimated risk of dementia, specifically AD, using proportional hazards models. Results: Both moderate head injury (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.32; CI = 1.04 to 5.17) and severe head injury (HR = 4.51; CI = 1.77 to 11.47) were associated with increased risk of AD. Results were similar for dementia in general. The results for mild head injury were inconclusive. When the authors stratified by the number of APOE ε4 alleles, they observed a nonsignificant trend toward a stronger association between AD and head injury in men with more ε4 alleles. Conclusions: Moderate and severe head injuries in young men may be associated with increased risk of AD and other dementias in late life. However, the authors cannot exclude the possibility that other unmeasured factors may be influencing this association.

Neurology | 1999

APOE-ε4 count predicts age when prevalence of AD increases, then declines The Cache County Study

John C. S. Breitner; Bonita W. Wyse; James C. Anthony; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; David C. Steffens; Maria C. Norton; JoAnn T. Tschanz; Brenda L. Plassman; M. R. Meyer; Ingemar Skoog; Ara S. Khachaturian

Objective: To examine the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias in relation to age, education, sex, and genotype at APOE. Recent studies suggest age heterogeneity in the risk of AD associated with the APOE genotype and a possible interaction between APOE-ε4 and female sex as risk factors. We studied these topics in the 5,677 elderly residents of Cache County, Utah, a population known for long life expectancy and high participation rates. Methods: We screened for dementia with a brief cognitive test and structured telephone Dementia Questionnaire, then examined all individuals with apparent cognitive symptoms and a sample of others. We estimated age-specific prevalence of AD and other dementias and used multiple logistic regression models to describe relation of AD prevalence to age, sex, education, and APOE genotype. Results: We found 335 demented individuals, 230 (69%) with definite, probable, or possible AD (positive predictive value versus autopsy confirmation 85%). The adjusted prevalence estimate for AD was 6.5% and for all dementias 9.6%. After age 90, the adjusted prevalence estimate for AD was 28% and for all dementias 38%. Regression models showed strong variation in AD prevalence with age, sex, education, and number of ε4 alleles (effect of ε2 not significant). Models were improved by a term for age-squared (negative coefficient) and by separate terms for interaction of age with presence of one or two ε4 alleles. An association of AD with female sex was ascribable entirely to individuals with ε4. Conclusions: In participants with no ε4 alleles, the age-specific prevalence of AD reached a maximum and then declined after age 95. In ε4 heterozygotes a similar maximum was noted earlier at age 87, in homozygotes at age 73. Female sex was a risk factor for AD only in those with ε4. The ε4 allele accounted for 70% of the population attributable risk for AD.

Nature Genetics | 2010

Common variants at 7p21 are associated with frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 inclusions

Vivianna M. Van Deerlin; Patrick Sleiman; Maria Martinez-Lage; Alice Chen-Plotkin; Li-San Wang; Neill R. Graff-Radford; Dennis W. Dickson; Rosa Rademakers; Bradley F. Boeve; Murray Grossman; Steven E. Arnold; David Mann; Stuart Pickering-Brown; Harro Seelaar; Peter Heutink; John C. van Swieten; Jill R. Murrell; Bernardino Ghetti; Salvatore Spina; Jordan Grafman; John R. Hodges; Maria Grazia Spillantini; Sid Gilman; Andrew P. Lieberman; Jeffrey Kaye; Randall L. Woltjer; Eileen H. Bigio; M.-Marsel Mesulam; Safa Al-Sarraj; Claire Troakes

Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the second most common cause of presenile dementia. The predominant neuropathology is FTLD with TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) inclusions (FTLD-TDP). FTLD-TDP is frequently familial, resulting from mutations in GRN (which encodes progranulin). We assembled an international collaboration to identify susceptibility loci for FTLD-TDP through a genome-wide association study of 515 individuals with FTLD-TDP. We found that FTLD-TDP associates with multiple SNPs mapping to a single linkage disequilibrium block on 7p21 that contains TMEM106B. Three SNPs retained genome-wide significance following Bonferroni correction (top SNP rs1990622, P = 1.08 × 10−11; odds ratio, minor allele (C) 0.61, 95% CI 0.53–0.71). The association replicated in 89 FTLD-TDP cases (rs1990622; P = 2 × 10−4). TMEM106B variants may confer risk of FTLD-TDP by increasing TMEM106B expression. TMEM106B variants also contribute to genetic risk for FTLD-TDP in individuals with mutations in GRN. Our data implicate variants in TMEM106B as a strong risk factor for FTLD-TDP, suggesting an underlying pathogenic mechanism.

American Journal of Human Genetics | 2002

Age at onset in two common neurodegenerative diseases is genetically controlled.

Yi-Ju Li; William K. Scott; Dale J. Hedges; Fengyu Zhang; P. Craig Gaskell; Martha Nance; Ray L. Watts; Jean Hubble; William C. Koller; Rajesh Pahwa; Matthew B. Stern; Bradley C. Hiner; Joseph Jankovic; Fred H. Allen; Christopher G. Goetz; F.L. Mastaglia; Jeffrey M. Stajich; Rachel A. Gibson; Lefkos T. Middleton; Ann M. Saunders; Burton L. Scott; Gary W. Small; Allison D. Reed; Donald E. Schmechel; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; P. Michael Conneally; Allen D. Roses; John R. Gilbert; Jeffery M. Vance; Jonathan L. Haines

To identify genes influencing age at onset (AAO) in two common neurodegenerative diseases, a genomic screen was performed for AAO in families with Alzheimer disease (AD; n=449) and Parkinson disease (PD; n=174). Heritabilities between 40%--60% were found in both the AD and PD data sets. For PD, significant evidence for linkage to AAO was found on chromosome 1p (LOD = 3.41). For AD, the AAO effect of APOE (LOD = 3.28) was confirmed. In addition, evidence for AAO linkage on chromosomes 6 and 10 was identified independently in both the AD and PD data sets. Subsequent unified analyses of these regions identified a single peak on chromosome 10q between D10S1239 and D10S1237, with a maximum LOD score of 2.62. These data suggest that a common gene affects AAO in these two common complex neurodegenerative diseases.

Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology | 1998

Neuropathological and neuropsychological changes in "normal" aging: evidence for preclinical Alzheimer disease in cognitively normal individuals.

Christine M. Hulette; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; Michael Murray; Ann M. Saunders; Deborah C. Mash; Lauren M. McIntyre

The presence of diffuse or primitive senile plaques in the neocortex of cognitively normal elderly at autopsy has been presumed to represent normal aging. Alternatively, these patients may have developed dementia and clinical Alzheimer disease (AD) if they had survived. In this setting, these patients could be subjects for cognitive or pharmacologic intervention to delay disease onset. We have thus followed a cohort of cognitively normal elderly subjects with a Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) of 0 at autopsy. Thirty-one brains were examined at postmortem according to Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer Disease (CERAD) criteria and staged according to Braak. Ten patients were pathologically normal according to CERAD criteria (1a). Two of these patients were Braak Stage II. Seven very elderly subjects exhibited a few primitive neuritic plaques in the cortex and thus represented CERAD 1b. These individuals ranged in age from 85 to 105 years and were thus older than the CERAD la group that ranged in age from 72 to 93. Fourteen patients displayed Possible AD according to CERAD with ages ranging from 66 to 95. Three of these were Braak Stage I, 4 were Braak Stage II, and 7 were Braak Stage III. The Apolipoprotein E4 allele was over-represented in this possible AD group. Neuropsychological data were available on 12 individuals. In these 12 individuals, Possible AD at autopsy could be predicted by cognitive deficits in 1 or more areas including savings scores on memory testing and overall performance on some measures of frontal executive function.

Pharmacogenomics Journal | 2010

A TOMM40 variable-length polymorphism predicts the age of late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

A. D. Roses; Michael W. Lutz; H Amrine-Madsen; Ann M. Saunders; Donna G. Crenshaw; Scott S. Sundseth; Matthew J. Huentelman; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; Eric M. Reiman

The ɛ4 allele of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene is currently the strongest and most highly replicated genetic factor for risk and age of onset of late-onset Alzheimers disease (LOAD). Using phylogenetic analysis, we have identified a polymorphic poly-T variant, rs10524523, in the translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 homolog (TOMM40) gene that provides greatly increased precision in the estimation of age of LOAD onset for APOE ɛ3 carriers. In two independent clinical cohorts, longer lengths of rs10524523 are associated with a higher risk for LOAD. For APOE ɛ3/4 patients who developed LOAD after 60 years of age, individuals with long poly-T repeats linked to APOE ɛ3 develop LOAD on an average of 7 years earlier than individuals with shorter poly-T repeats linked to APOE ɛ3 (70.5±1.2 years versus 77.6±2.1 years, P=0.02, n=34). Independent mutation events at rs10524523 that occurred during Caucasian evolution have given rise to multiple categories of poly-T length variants at this locus. On replication, these results will have clinical utility for predictive risk estimates for LOAD and for enabling clinical disease prevention studies. In addition, these results show the effective use of a phylogenetic approach for analysis of haplotypes of polymorphisms, including structural polymorphisms, which contribute to complex diseases.

Nature Genetics | 1998

APOE Genotype Predicts When - not Whether - One is Predisposed to Develop Alzheimer Disease

Marion R Meyer; JoAnn T. Tschanz; Maria C. Norton; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; David C. Steffens; Bonita W. Wyse; John C.S. Breitner

APOE genotype predicts when — not whether — one is predisposed to develop Alzheimer disease

PLOS Biology | 2008

Tissue-Specific Genetic Control of Splicing: Implications for the Study of Complex Traits

Erin L. Heinzen; Dongliang Ge; Kenneth D. Cronin; Jessica M. Maia; Willow N Gabriel; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; Christine M. Hulette; Thomas N. Denny; David B. Goldstein

Numerous genome-wide screens for polymorphisms that influence gene expression have provided key insights into the genetic control of transcription. Despite this work, the relevance of specific polymorphisms to in vivo expression and splicing remains unclear. We carried out the first genome-wide screen, to our knowledge, for SNPs that associate with alternative splicing and gene expression in human primary cells, evaluating 93 autopsy-collected cortical brain tissue samples with no defined neuropsychiatric condition and 80 peripheral blood mononucleated cell samples collected from living healthy donors. We identified 23 high confidence associations with total expression and 80 with alternative splicing as reflected by expression levels of specific exons. Fewer than 50% of the implicated SNPs however show effects in both tissue types, reflecting strong evidence for distinct genetic control of splicing and expression in the two tissue types. The data generated here also suggest the possibility that splicing effects may be responsible for up to 13 out of 84 reported genome-wide significant associations with human traits. These results emphasize the importance of establishing a database of polymorphisms affecting splicing and expression in primary tissue types and suggest that splicing effects may be of more phenotypic significance than overall gene expression changes.

Neurology | 2007

Vascular factors predict rate of progression in Alzheimer disease.

Michelle M. Mielke; Paul B. Rosenberg; JoAnn T. Tschanz; Larry Cook; Chris Corcoran; Kathleen M. Hayden; Maria C. Norton; Peter V. Rabins; Robert C. Green; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; John C.S. Breitner; Ronald G. Munger; Constantine G. Lyketsos

Background: While there is considerable epidemiologic evidence that cardiovascular risk factors increase risk of incident Alzheimer disease (AD), few studies have examined their effect on progression after an established AD diagnosis. Objective: To examine the effect of vascular factors, and potential age modification, on rate of progression in a longitudinal study of incident dementia. Methods: A total of 135 individuals with incident AD, identified in a population-based sample of elderly persons in Cache County, UT, were followed with in-home visits for a mean of 3.0 years (range: 0.8 to 9.5) and 2.1 follow-up visits (range: 1 to 5). The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) Scale and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) were administered at each visit. Baseline vascular factors were determined by interview and physical examination. Generalized least-squares random-effects regression was performed with CDR Sum of Boxes (CDR-Sum) or MMSE as the outcome, and vascular index or individual vascular factors as independent variables. Results: Atrial fibrillation, systolic hypertension, and angina were associated with more rapid decline on both the CDR-Sum and MMSE, while history of coronary artery bypass graft surgery, diabetes, and antihypertensive medications were associated with a slower rate of decline. There was an age interaction such that systolic hypertension, angina, and myocardial infarction were associated with greater decline with increasing baseline age. Conclusion: Atrial fibrillation, hypertension, and angina were associated with a greater rate of decline and may represent modifiable risk factors for secondary prevention in Alzheimer disease. The attenuated decline for diabetes and coronary artery bypass graft surgery may be due to selective survival. Some of these effects appear to vary with age. GLOSSARY: 3MS = revised Modified Mini-Mental State Examination for epidemiologic studies; AF = atrial fibrillation; CABG = coronary artery bypass graft surgery; CCHS = Copenhagen City Heart Study; CCSMHA = Cache County Study on Memory, Health, and Aging; CDR = Clinical Dementia Rating; CVD = cardiovascular disease; DM = diabetes mellitus; DPS = Dementia Progression Study; MI = myocardial infarction; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; SBP = systolic blood pressure.

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