Kátia Gomes Facure
Federal University of Uberlandia
Journal of Natural History | 2005
Wagner Rodrigues da Silva; Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Kátia Gomes Facure
Some species of Leptodactylus of the L. pentadactylus group lay their eggs outside water but the tadpoles need to reach water to complete the larval phase; other species complete development in terrestrial nests. Here we present details of the reproduction of L. labyrinthicus in south‐eastern Brazil. The proportion of tadpoles and trophic eggs in aged egg clutches was determined, as well as the growth of the tadpoles while in the nest. The gut contents of tadpoles that were in egg clutches of frogs were analysed. Adult males did not differ from females in size and had hypertrophied forearms and an enlarged spine on the thumb. Reproduction was initiated with the first rains of August/September and extended to mid‐January. Calling and spawning occurred at permanent or temporary water bodies. The foam nests were built in excavated basins outside of, but close to the water. The male determined the place of the basin construction; after amplexus, the female completed the excavation. The amplexus was axillary. One female spent the day after spawning in the foam. The eggs were pale grey, the yolk averaging 2.3 mm in diameter. The mean number of eggs was 2101 per egg clutch. The number of tadpoles in individual nests varied between 0.05% and 11.40% in relation to the total laid eggs. The tadpoles entered water when rains flooded the basin. The tadpoles grew to 12 times the weight of an individual egg while in the nest; no nesting tadpole was beyond stage 25. The longest time we followed tadpoles in a nest was 25 days. Tadpoles were found preying upon eggs of three other frog species and upon conspecific eggs. Males fought by grasping each other in a belly‐to‐belly position; the powerful arms and the thumb spines represent weapons. Even though males can reach maturity in the season following birth, small size would prevent them from establishing their own territory. All the species of the L. pentadactylus group may build their foam nests within excavated basins. The basins may protect the eggs and embryos from cannibalistic tadpoles and may have an anti‐desiccation effect. In order to produce trophic eggs, the female may delay laying additional unfertilized eggs until after the male has abandoned the foam nest. Anuran eggs represent an important food item for tadpoles after they leave the nest.
Iheringia Serie Zoologia | 2008
Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Marcelo Menin; Kátia Gomes Facure; Marcelo N. de C. Kokubum; Júlio C. de Oliveira Filho
Based on field observations and pitfall sampling, we determined the species richness, relative abundance, and reproductive habitat of terrestrial frogs in three municipalities in the Triângulo Mineiro region, south Cerrado biome, in southeastern Brazil. We found thirty-two species of terrestrial frogs, belonging to the families Brachycephalidae, Bufonidae, Cycloramphidae, Dendrobatidae, Leiuperidae, Leptodactylidae and Microhylidae. Most of the species were found in open areas and reproduced in human-generated environments, such as artificial lakes (10 species) and ponds (14 species). Dominance was high, with Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Leiuperidae) representing 48% of sampled frogs. A larger number of individuals was captured in the wet season, when most of the species were reproducing. Compared to other areas of Cerrado biome, the Triângulo Mineiro sites presented a larger number of species, which may be attributed to the larger sampled area and greater sampling effort, lower altitude and presence of human generated habitats. The richness of terrestrial frogs was also larger than that in some forested localities in southeastern Brazil, indicating that the number of species cannot be explained only by precipitation and type of vegetation cover. The greater abundance of individuals during the wet season may be related to a greater movement of adults to breeding sites and to juvenile recruitment/dispersion. The heterogeneity of environments in the Cerrado biome, including its several isolated highlands, contributes to its high (local and regional) diversity of frogs.
Biota Neotropica | 2004
Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Kátia Gomes Facure
Ecologia e Comportamento Reprodutivo de Thoropa miliaris (Spix, 1824) (Anura, Leptodactylidae, Telmatobiinae). As especies de Thoropa estao distribuidas no sul e sudeste do Brasil e tem girinos semiterrestres em ambientes rochosos. Aqui apresentamos dados complementares sobre reproducao, cuidado paternal e canibalismo por girinos em T. miliaris. Machos guardioes foram testados quanto a perturbacoes as suas desovas. As desovas foram postas em faixas de umidade na rocha; os ovos foram postos em camada unica e estavam aderidos a superficie da rocha, raizes e uns aos outros. Os girinos eclodiram entre quatro e seis dias apos a oviposicao. O numero de ovos em duas desovas foi 750 e 1190; os ovos eram cinza e a porcao vitelinica mediu cerca de 1,7 mm em diâmetro; 2,3 mm com a capsula gelatinosa. Foram observadas interacoes agressivas entre os machos. Os machos permaneceram com suas desovas durante a noite e reagiram agressivamente as perturbacoes experimentais. Girinos em estagios tardios foram vistos canibalizando ovos. Uma desova em uma faixa de umidade recem formada morreu por desidratacao. As faixas de umidade na rocha sao os unicos locais onde os ovos e os girinos podem se desenvolver e representam um fator limitante para a reproducao porque sao raras. Para as femeas, a selecao de faixas umidas recem formadas deve representar um balanco entre as vantagens em ocupar lugares livres de girinos canibais e/ou competidores e os riscos de perda de prole por desidratacao. Nossos resultados nao apoiam Cycloramphinae como um taxon valido, indicando que as similaridades morfologicas e comportamentais entre as especies de Thoropa e Cycloramphus devem ser interpretadas como convergencia.
Iheringia Serie Zoologia | 2008
Keni P. R. Muniz; Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Wagner Rodrigues da Silva; Kátia Gomes Facure
Neste estudo, descrevemos aspectos da biologia reprodutiva de H. albopunctatus. Coletamos os dados no municipio de Uberlândia (MG), Brasil. Eventos comportamentais foram observados focalmente. Determinamos o padrao de distribuicao espacial dos girinos. Comparamos a abundância de girinos em lagos e brejos, correlacionando-a com profundidade, quantidade de substrato vegetal e numero de artropodes atraves de uma Analise de Componentes Principais. Testamos a palatabilidade de ovos e girinos para duas especies de teleosteos. A atividade de vocalizacao ocorria em praticamente todos os meses do ano. Os machos eram menores que as femeas e tinham um espinho em cada prepolex. O amplexo foi alternado entre os tipos axilar e timpânico. As desovas (media de 769 ovos) foram postas a superficie da agua em uma monocamada. Girinos recentes eram pretos, porem tornavam-se acobreados ao longo do desenvolvimento. Diferentemente dos girinos, os ovos foram impalataveis para os teleosteos testados. Os girinos eram mais abundantes nos brejos e se distribuiam de forma agregada no ambiente. Somente nos lagos houve correlacao positiva entre a abundância de girinos e profundidade, numero de artropodes e quantidade de substrato vegetal. A reproducao da especie quase continua ao longo do ano e um comportamento raro entre anuros do sudeste do Brasil. A abundância maior de girinos nos brejos pode ser devido a ausencia de teleosteos predadores. A impalatabilidade dos ovos e o uso de micro-habitat de refugio pelos girinos provavelmente sao os mecanismos que possibilitam a coocorrencia de H. albopunctatus com teleosteos.
Check List | 2010
Emilio M. Bruna; Juliane Fernandes Guimarães; Cauê T. Lopes; Polyanna Duarte; Ana Cláudia Lemos Gomes; Sônia Cristina S. Belentani; Renata Pacheco; Kátia Gomes Facure; Frederico Gemesio Lemos; Heraldo L. Vasconcelos
We present a species list of the mammals of the Estacao Ecologica do Panga, a 404 ha Cerrado reserve in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Using methods ranging from camera traps to direct observations, we documented 46 species in the reserve. Among medium and large-sized mammals, the order Carnivora was the most commonly observed (N=12 species). The highest relative frequencies of observation were of Mazama guazoubira and Cerdocyon thous. Pecari tajacu was the most frequent species in camera traps. Over the course of 7320 trap nights there were 105 captures of small mammals from seven species, with an overall capture rate of 1.6 %. The highest capture rates were for the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis, with Calomys tener the most commonly caught rodent. Our survey suggests that many of the Cerrado’s mammal species can persist in landscapes that are a mosaic of natural areas and some types of agriculture.
Journal of Natural History | 2009
Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Kátia Gomes Facure
In contrast to most leiuperid frogs, Pseudopaludicola falcipes does not lay eggs in foam nests; this could represent a reversion to the primitive state. We found that in four other Pseudopaludicola species, eggs were also not embedded in foam nests and had a well‐defined outermost jelly layer. The females also constantly moved or dived and males lacked vigorous “wiping/kicking” leg motions while eggs were being laid, features that make foam nesting difficult. The tadpoles of three species have two gaps in the marginal papillae along the lower labium and two posterior rows of labial teeth; the tadpoles of one species had three gaps and three rows, a pattern resembling that of some Physalaemus (Leiuperidae) species. Our data on tadpole morphology and reproductive behaviour do not allow us to rule out the paraphyletic nature of Physalaemus in relation to Pseudopaludicola but they provide some support against the “foam‐loss hypothesis” in Pseudopaludicola.
Journal of Natural History | 2006
Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Kátia Gomes Facure
We report on the behaviour of Eupemphix nattereri in Brazil. Reproduction started with the beginning of the rains and, in peak season, could extend into the diurnal period. Pairs built either isolated or communal foam nests close to, but isolated from, water. The density of nests on steep ground was greater than on flatter terrain. After 40 h, nests collapsed and formed a mucus string allowing early tadpoles to enter the water. Infestation of nests by flies was delayed in relation to the beginning of the reproductive season. Tadpoles of two Leptodactylus species preyed upon eggs or tadpoles leaving the foam of E. nattereri; adults were preyed on by water bugs, raccoons and two bird species. Amplectant pairs took refuge under communal nests when approached. Terrestrial nesting appears to be a response to loss of eggs/early tadpoles to aquatic predators. Communal nesting is facultative behaviour and appears to result unintentionally from (1) the massive aggregation of adults, (2) the selection of steep/bare ground to anchor nests, and (3) disturbed couples restarting egg‐laying beside previously built nests.
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia | 2011
Renata de Moura Guimarães Souto; Kátia Gomes Facure; Luis Alfredo Pavanin; Giuliano Buzá Jacobucci
AIM: Veredas and the aquatic and semi-aquatic communities play a key role in watershed protection in the Cerrado Biome. Information about the effects of physical and chemical variables and habitat integrity on benthic communities has been increased in recent years; however, there is no study evaluating the influence of urbanization on macroinvertebrates of Vereda streams. Thus, improving the knowledge of the relationship between abiotic properties and benthic fauna is very important for understanding the functioning of ecological processes and health of aquatic ecosystems. This study investigated the influence of physical and chemical variables on benthic macroinvertebrate communities along a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance in four Vereda streams in Uberlândia (MG), one in a preserved area and three in the urban area; METHODS: samplings were collected during the dry and rainy seasons; RESULTS: principal component analysis separated the stream in the preserved area from those in the urban area by having lower values of BOD, COD, sediment size, conductivity, detergents, pH, deposited solids and total dissolved solids. Pollution sensitive groups (e.g., Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera) were associated to the stream in the preserved area, and more tolerant groups (e.g., Chironomidae and Oligochaeta) had greater abundance in the streams of the urban area. Canonical Correspondence Analysis indicated that dissolved oxygen, conductivity, BOD, oil and grease, and turbidity explained 56% of the variance in the distribution and abundance of macroinvertebrates; CONCLUSIONS: Benthic communities of Vereda streams in urban areas in the Cerrado Biome seem to be highly affected by human activities that increase water organic pollution and sedimentation.
Journal of Natural History | 2011
André P. Rodrigues; Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Daniele R. da Silva; Kátia Gomes Facure
We describe aspects of the reproduction of three shoaling/maternal-caring Leptodactylus species (Leptodactylus aff. latrans, Leptodactylus podicipinus and Leptodactylus aff. leptodactyloides), pointing to the relevance of the female to tadpoles and describe a case of alloparental care in frogs. Females of the three species connected water bodies by digging channels to their tadpoles. Leptodactylus aff. latrans females often expelled predatory snakes and conspecific males that approached shoals to prey upon tadpoles. In water bodies containing predatory teleosts, tadpoles of L. aff. latrans only reached metamorphosis in the presence of guardian females. Channel digging can provide tadpoles with access to new feeding grounds and prevent predation and desiccation. We found brood mixing and alloparental care between L. aff. latrans and L. podicipinus which, as in some Teleostei, may be regarded as the result of identification mistakes.
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment | 2010
Leandro Magrini; Kátia Gomes Facure; Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta; Wagner Rodrigues da Silva; Ronan Caldeira Costa
We describe habitat and inter-populational call variation of the dendrobatid frog Ameerega flavopicta. Data were collected in the Brazilian states of minas Gerais and Goiás. Principal component analysis separated the Goiás population from others because of its higher call rates and shorter calls. The Paranaíba River may represent the major geographic barrier. We recognize the cephalic amplexus as the main type for the species. Although habitat disturbances increased since 1990, we did not notice differences in the density of calling males at Serra do Cipó. Ameerega flavopicta appears to be quite resistant to alterations in its natural habitats caused by human activities.