Katsumasa Saito
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
PLOS ONE | 2015
Shunsuke Ohta; Kenro Kawada; Jirawat Swangsri; Naoto Fujiwara; Katsumasa Saito; Hisashi Fujiwara; Tairo Ryotokuji; Takuya Okada; Yutaka Miyawaki; Yutaka Tohkairin; Yasuaki Nakajima; Youichi Kumagai; Kagami Nagai; Takashi Ito; Yoshinobu Eishi; Tatsuyuki Kawano
OBJECTIVE The aim of the present study was to clarify differences between micro-vascular and iodine-staining patterns in the vicinity of the tumor fronts of superficial esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCCs). METHODS Ten consecutive patients with ESCCs who were treated by endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) were enrolled. At the edge of the iodine-unstained area, we observed 183 sites in total using image-enhanced magnifying endoscopy. We classified the micro-vascular and iodine-staining patterns into three types: Type A, in which the line of vascular change matched the border of the iodine-unstained area; Type B, in which the border of the iodine-unstained area extended beyond the line of vascular change; Type C, in which the line of vascular change extended beyond the border of the iodine-unstained area. Then, by examining histopathological sections, we compared the diameter of intra-papillary capillary loops (IPCLs) in cancerous areas and normal squamous epithelium. RESULTS We investigated 160 sites that the adequate quality of pictures were obtained. There was no case in which the line of vascular change completely matched the whole circumference of the border of an iodine-unstained area. Among the 160 sites, type A was recognized at 76 sites (47.5%), type B at 79 sites (49.4%), and type C at 5 sites (3.1%). Histological examination showed that the mean diameter of the IPCLs in normal squamous epithelium was 16.2±3.7 μm, whereas that of IPCLs in cancerous lesions was 21.0±4.4 μm. CONCLUSIONS The development of iodine-unstained areas tends to precede any changes in the vascularity of the esophageal surface epithelium.
Archive | 2015
Kenro Kawada; Tatsuyuki Kawano; Taro Sugimoto; ToshihiroMatsui; Masafumi Okuda; Taichi Ogo; Yuuichiro Kume; YutakaNakajima; Katsumasa Saito; Naoto Fujiwara; Tairo Ryotokuji; YutakaMiyawaki; Yutaka Tokairin; Yasuaki Nakajima; Kagami Nagai; Takashi Ito
Background In 2014, the new transnasal endoscopy with Blue laser Imaging (BLI) has been developed. Aim We present the usefulness of the observation of from the pharynx to the cervical esophagus using transnasal endoscopy with BLI. Patients and Methods This study was conducted between June 2014 and October 2014. During this period, 70 consecutive patients (60 men, 10 women; mean age 67.9 years old) with esophageal or head and neck cancer underwent endoscopic screening at the orophar‐ ynx and hypopharynx by transnasal endoscopy with BLI system We performed this endoscopic observation from oral cavity to pharynx before inserting into the cervical esophagus.The visibility of subsites of the hypopharynx and the orifice of the esophagus was evaluated. The extent of the view of hypopharyngeal opening was classified into 3 categories (excellent, good, poor). Then, the diagnostic accuracy of transnasal endoscopy with BLI system was estimated. Our screening is as follows. First, the patient is asked to bow their head deeply in the left lateral position. We put a hand on the back of the patient’s head and push it forward. The patient is then asked to lift the chin as far as possible. In order to inspect the oral cavity, we insert an endoscope without a mouthpiece. After observation of the oral cavity, the endoscope was inserted through the nose. When the tip of the endoscope reached caudal to the uvula, the patient opened his mouth wide, stuck his tongue forward as much as possible and made a vocal sound like “ayyy”. The endoscopist caused the endoscope to U-turn and observed the oropharynx, in particular the radix linguae (Intra© 2015 The Author(s). Licensee InTech. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. oropharyngeal U-turn method). For examination of the hypopharynx and the orifice of the esophagus, the patient is asked to blow hard and puff their cheeks while the mouth remains closed (Trumpet maneuver). Results 8 elderly cases were excluded because they could not perform the adequate ballooning. Finally, 62 cases were investigated. The ballooning the pyriform sinus and posterior wall not only allows accurate assessment of the stretched pharyngeal mucosa but also gives a view of postcricoid subsite and the orifice of the esophagus. The wide endoscopic view of the pharynx was obtained in a series of the procedures (excellent=53/62, 85.4%; good=7/52, 4.5%; and poor=2/62, 7.6%). Among 70 patients, 6 superficial lesions (8.6%) at the oropharynx(n=1) and hypopharynx (n=5) were discovered with BLI system. Mucosal redness, a pale thickened mucosa, white deposits or loss of a normal vascular pattern, well demarcated areas covered with scattered dots are important characteristics to diagnose superficial carcinoma. Conclusion The more progress achieved in transnasal endoscopy rapidly in the last few years, it can improve for observing the blind area using trans-oral endoscopy, therefore the trans-nasal endoscope will be a standard tool for the screening of the upper gastrointestinal tract in the near future.
International Surgery | 2016
Yutaka Miyawaki; Yasuaki Nakajima; Yutaka Tokairin; Kenro Kawada; Taichi Ogo; Katsumasa Saito; Naoto Fujiwara; Takuya Okada; Tatsuyuki Kawano
Abstract Introduction: Lobar torsion is a rare but fatal complication, with such cases being mostly treated with pulmonary resection. Only a few cases of pulmonary torsion following esophagectomy h...
Digestive Surgery | 2016
Giedrius Barauskas; Kestutis Urbonas; Giedre Smailyte; Darius Pranys; Juozas Pundzius; Antanas Gulbinas; Yasuaki Nakajima; Kenro Kawada; Yutaka Tokairin; Tatsuyuki Kawano; Katsumasa Saito; Feng Liu; Eng Soon Tan; Hua Wang; Guan Way Lua; Xin Gang Shi; Zhao Shen Li; Kei Hirose; Toshihiro Bando; Teruhiro Chohno; Yoshio Takesue; Hiroki Ikeuchi; Motoi Uchino; Yusuke Sato; Yoshihiro Minamiya; Satoru Motoyama; Hiroshi Takano; Jiajia Liu; Daiki Harimaya; Naoto Todo
M. Adham, Lyon N. Ando, Yokohama J.C. Coffey, Limerick M. Del Chiaro, Stockholm M. Donadon, Milan B. Gloor, Bern C. Iacono, Verona Y. Kodera, Nagoya N. Kokudo, Tokyo J.R.T. Monson, Rochester, N.Y. S. Natsugoe, Kagoshima D. O’Toole, Dublin R. Parks, Edinburgh X. Rogiers, Ghent L. Stassen, Maastricht P.J. Tanis, Amsterdam J.N. Vauthey, Houston, Tex. C. Verhoef, Rotterdam L. Vigano, Milan D.C. Winter, Dublin
Digestive Surgery | 2016
Katsumasa Saito; Yasuaki Nakajima; Kenro Kawada; Yutaka Tokairin; Tatsuyuki Kawano
Background/Aims: Our prospective randomized study examined the possibility of perioperative management of esophagectomy without a central venous catheter (CVC). Methods: Forty patients who underwent esophagectomy for esophageal cancer were divided into the total parenteral nutrition (TPN; receiving conventional perioperative management via a CVC) and peripheral parenteral nutrition (PPN; receiving perioperative management without a CVC) groups. Albumin and retinol-binding protein (RBP) levels were used as measurements of the nutritional status. Early postoperative complications and catheter-related complications were also evaluated. Results: The actual calories administered per kg of body weight and the albumin and RBP levels did not significantly differ between the groups. Additionally, there was no significant difference in the morbidity of early postoperative complications between the groups. Catheter-related complications were observed in 4 patients in the TPN group (2 catheter infections, 1 case of thrombosis, and 1 case of iatrogenic pneumothorax), and 4 cases of peripheral phlebitis occurred in the PPN group. The incidence of catheter-related complications did not significantly differ between the groups. Conclusions: Perioperative management without a CVC can be safely performed in esophagectomy patients, and the decision to insert a CVC should be made based on the patients perioperative condition.
Open Journal of Gastroenterology | 2015
Kenro Kawada; Tatsuyuki Kawano; Taro Sugimoto; Toshihiro Matsui; Masafumi Okuda; Taichi Ogo; Yuuichiro Kume; Yutaka Nakajima; Katsumasa Saito; Naoto Fujiwara; Tairo Ryotokuji; Yutaka Miyawaki; Yutaka Tokairin; Yasuaki Nakajima; Kagami Nagai; Takashi Ito
Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho | 2014
Yasuaki Nakajima; Kenro Kawada; Yutaka Tokairin; Yutaka Miyawaki; Takuya Okada; Tairo Ryotokuji; Naoto Fujiwara; Katsumasa Saito; Hisashi Fujiwara; Taichi Ogo; Masashi Okuda; Toshihiro Matsui; Kagami Nagai; Tatsuyuki Kawano
Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho | 2018
Katsumasa Saito; Shigeru Yamasaki; Takanori Ochiai; Takumi Irie; Satoru Iida
Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho | 2016
Akihiro Hoshino; Kenro Kawada; Y. Toukairin; T. Chiba; Takuya Okada; Tairo Ryotokuji; Naoto Fujiwara; Hisashi Fujiwara; Katsumasa Saito; Yuuichiro Kume; Yutaka Nakajima; Taichi Ogo; S. Matsui; Tatsuyuki Kawano
Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho | 2015
Kenro Kawada; Tatsuyuki Kawano; Taro Sugimoto; Toshihiro Matsui; Yutaka Nakajima; Yuuichiro Kume; Masafumi Okuda; Taichi Ogo; Katsumasa Saito; Hisashi Fujiwara; Naoto Fujiwara; Tairo Ryotokuji; Takuya Okada; Yutaka Miyawaki; Yutaka Tokairin; Kagami Nagai; T. Ito; Hiroshi Kawachi; Y. Eishi; Yusuke Kiyokawa