
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2000

Comparative analysis of the isoform expression pattern of Ca2+-regulatory membrane proteins in fast-twitch, slow-twitch, cardiac, neonatal and chronic low-frequency stimulated muscle fibers

Gabriele R. Froemming; Brendan E. Murray; Shona Harmon; Dirk Pette; Kay Ohlendieck

Although all muscle cells generate contractile forces by means of organized filament systems, isoform expression patterns of contractile and regulatory proteins in heart are not identical compared to developing, conditioned or mature skeletal muscles. In order to determine biochemical parameters that may reflect functional variations in the Ca(2+)-regulatory membrane systems of different muscle types, we performed a comparative immunoblot analysis of key membrane proteins involved in ion homeostasis. Cardiac isoforms of the alpha(1)-dihydropyridine receptor, Ca(2+)-ATPase and calsequestrin are also present in skeletal muscle and are up-regulated in chronic low-frequency stimulated fast muscle. In contrast, the cardiac RyR2 isoform of the Ca(2+)-release channel was not found in slow muscle but was detectable in neonatal skeletal muscle. Up-regulation of RyR2 in conditioned muscle was probably due to degeneration-regeneration processes. Fiber type-specific differences were also detected in the abundance of auxiliary subunits of the dihydropyridine receptor, the ryanodine receptor and the Ca(2+)-ATPase, as well as triad markers and various Ca(2+)-binding and ion-regulatory proteins. Hence, the variation in innervation of different types of muscle appears to have a profound influence on the levels and pattern of isoform expression of Ca(2+)-regulatory membrane proteins reflecting differences in the regulation of Ca(2+)-homeostasis. However, independent of the muscle cell type, key Ca(2+)-regulatory proteins exist as oligomeric complexes under native conditions.

BMC Cell Biology | 2001

Brain dystrophin-glycoprotein complex: Persistent expression of beta-dystroglycan, impaired oligomerization of Dp71 and up-regulation of utrophins in animal models of muscular dystrophy

Kevin Culligan; Louise Glover; Paul Dowling; Kay Ohlendieck

BackgroundAside from muscle, brain is also a major expression site for dystrophin, the protein whose abnormal expression is responsible for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Cognitive impairments are frequently associated with this genetic disease, we therefore studied the fate of brain and skeletal muscle dystrophins and dystroglycans in dystrophic animal models.ResultsAll dystrophin-associated glycoproteins investigated were reduced in dystrophic muscle fibres. In Dp427-deficient mdx brain and Dp71-deficient mdx-3cv brain, the expression of α-dystroglycan and laminin was reduced, utrophin isoforms were up-regulated and β-dystroglycan was not affected. Immunofluorescence localization of β-dystroglycan in comparison with glial, endothelial and neuronal cell markers revealed co-localization of von Willebrand factor with β-dystroglycan. Its expression at the endothelial-glial interface was preserved in dystrophin isoform-deficient brain from mdx and mdx-3cv mice. In addition, chemical crosslinking revealed that the Dp71 isoform exists in mdx brain predominantly as a monomer.ConclusionsThis suggests an association of β-dystroglycan with membranes at the vascular-glial interface in the forebrain. In contrast to dystrophic skeletal muscle fibres, dystrophin deficiency does not trigger a reduction of all dystroglycans in the brain, and utrophins may partially compensate for the lack of brain dystrophins. Abnormal oligomerization of the dystrophin isoform Dp71 might be involved in the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying abnormal brain functions.

FEBS Letters | 1998

Complex formation between calsequestrin and the ryanodine receptor in fast- and slow-twitch rabbit skeletal muscle

Brendan E. Murray; Kay Ohlendieck

Linkage between the high‐capacity Ca2+‐binding protein calsequestrin and the ryanodine receptor is proposed to be essential for proper Ca2+‐release during skeletal muscle excitation‐contraction coupling. However, no direct biochemical evidence exists showing a connection between these high‐molecular‐mass complexes in native skeletal muscle membranes. Here, using immunoblot analysis of chemically crosslinked membrane vesicles enriched in triad junctions, we have demonstrated that a very close neighborhood relationship exists between calsequestrin and the ryanodine receptor in both main fiber types. Hence, the luminal Ca2+‐reservoir complex appears to be directly coupled to the membrane Ca2+‐release complex and oligomerization seems to be of functional importance.

Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry | 2003

Alcoholic muscle disease and biomembrane perturbations (review)

Junko Adachi; Migiwa Asano; Yasuhiro Ueno; Onni Niemelä; Kay Ohlendieck; Timothy J. Peters; Victor R. Preedy

Excessive alcohol ingestion is damaging and gives rise to a number of pathologies that influence nutritional status. Most organs of the body are affected such as the liver and gastrointestinal tract. However, skeletal muscle appears to be particularly susceptible, giving rise to the disease entity alcoholic myopathy. Alcoholic myopathy is far more common than overt liver disease such as cirrhosis or gastrointestinal tract pathologies. Alcohol myopathy is characterised by selective atrophy of Type II (anaerobic, white glycolic) muscle fibres: Type I (aerobic, red oxidative) muscle fibres are relatively protected. Affected patients have marked reductions in muscle mass and impaired muscle strength with subjective symptoms of cramps, myalgia and difficulty in gait. This affects 40-60% of chronic alcoholics (in contrast to cirrhosis, which only affects 15-20% of chronic alcohol misuers).Many, if not all, of these features of alcoholic myopathy can be reproduced in experimental animals, which are used to elucidate the pathological mechanisms responsible for the disease. However, membrane changes within these muscles are difficult to discern even under the normal light and electron microscope. Instead attention has focused on biochemical and other functional studies. In this review, we provide evidence from these models to show that alcohol-induced defects in the membrane occur, including the formation of acetaldehyde protein adducts and increases in sarcoplasmic-endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (protein and enzyme activity). Concomitant increases in cholesterol hydroperoxides and oxysterol also arise, possibly reflecting free radical-mediated damage to the membrane. Overall, changes within muscle membranes may reflect, contribute to, or initiate the disturbances in muscle function or reductions in muscle mass seen in alcoholic myopathy. Present evidence suggest that the changes in alcoholic muscle disease are not due to dietary deficiencies but rather the direct effect of ethanol or its ensuing metabolites.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1998

Oligomerisation of Ca2+-regulatory membrane components involved in the excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle during postnatal development of rabbit skeletal muscle

Gabriele R. Froemming; Kay Ohlendieck

The skeletal muscle excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle matures during the first weeks after birth and protein-protein interactions are believed to be essential for proper Ca2+ regulation. We therefore studied potential changes in the oligomerisation of key components of the Ca2+-regulatory membrane system during postnatal myogenesis. In contrast to a decrease in calreticulin, the Ca2+-binding proteins calsequestrin and sarcalumenin increased in abundance in microsomes isolated from muscle between postnatal days 1 and 41. While the expression of the fast Ca2+-ATPase increased, its slow-twitch isoform decreased. The junctional component triadin, the 53 kDa sarcoplasmic reticulum glycoprotein, as well as the dihydropyridine receptor increased in abundance, while no major changes in the expression of the ryanodine receptor were observed. Crosslinking analysis revealed that the fast Ca2+-ATPase, alpha1-dihydropyridine receptor and calsequestrin exhibit a more pronounced tendency to oligomerise in adult muscle fibres as compared to early postnatal stages. Interestingly, adult calsequestrin exists not only as a 63 kDa form but also as stable molecular species of higher molecular mass. These findings imply that during postnatal development, protein-protein interactions within the Ca2+-regulatory membrane system become more complex and oligomerisation appears to be an essential prerequisite for the proper physiological functioning of key membrane proteins in matured skeletal muscle fibres.

Trends in Biochemical Sciences | 1995

Role of the sea urchin egg receptor for sperm in gamete interactions

Kay Ohlendieck; William J. Lennarz

Embryonic development is initiated by a multi-step fertilization process involving induction of the acrosome reaction in sperm, sperm-egg binding, gamete membrane fusion and egg activation. In sea urchins, acrosome-reacted sperm interact, presumably via the sperm protein bindin, with a highly glycosylated receptor on the egg surface. This article highlights the recent advances in the molecular structure of the sea urchin sperm receptor and discusses its possible role in egg activation.

Naturwissenschaften | 2002

Distal mdx muscle groups exhibiting up-regulation of utrophin and rescue of dystrophin-associated glycoproteins exemplify a protected phenotype in muscular dystrophy

Paul Dowling; Kevin Culligan; Kay Ohlendieck

Unique unaffected skeletal muscle fibres, unlike necrotic torso and limb muscles, may pave the way for a more detailed understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of inherited neuromuscular disorders and help to develop new treatment strategies for muscular dystrophies. The sparing of extraocular muscle in Duchenne muscular dystrophy is mostly attributed to the special protective properties of extremely fast-twitching small-diameter fibres, but here we show that distal muscles also represent a particular phenotype that is more resistant to necrosis. Immunoblot analysis of membranes isolated from the well established dystrophic animal model mdx shows that, in contrast to dystrophic limb muscles, the toe musculature exhibits an up-regulation of the autosomal dystrophin homologue utrophin and a concomitant rescue of dystrophin-associated glycoproteins. Thus distal mdx muscle groups provide a cellular system that naturally avoids myofibre degeneration which might be useful in the search for naturally occurring compensatory mechanisms in inherited skeletal muscle diseases.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2001

Calsequestrin binds to monomeric and complexed forms of key calcium-handling proteins in native sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes from rabbit skeletal muscle

Louise Glover; Kevin Culligan; Steven E. Cala; Claire Mulvey; Kay Ohlendieck

Ca(2+)-handling proteins are important regulators of the excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle in skeletal muscle fibres. Although domain binding studies suggest protein coupling between various Ca(2+)-regulatory elements of triad junctions, no direct biochemical evidence exists demonstrating high-molecular-mass complex formation in native microsomal membranes. Calsequestrin represents the protein backbone of the luminal Ca(2+) reservoir and thereby occupies a central position in Ca(2+) homeostasis; we therefore used calsequestrin blot overlay assays in order to determine complex formation between sarcoplasmic reticulum components. Peroxidase-conjugated calsequestrin clearly labelled four major protein bands in one-dimensional (1D) and 2D electrophoretically separated membrane preparations from adult skeletal muscle. Immunoblotting identified the calsequestrin-binding proteins of approximately 26, 63, 94 and 560 kDa as junctin, calsequestrin itself, triadin and the ryanodine receptor, respectively. Protein-protein coupling could be modified by ionic detergents, non-ionic detergents, changes in Ca(2+) concentration, as well as antibody and purified calsequestrin binding. Importantly, complex formation as determined by blot overlay assays was confirmed by differential co-immunoprecipitation experiments and chemical crosslinking analysis. Hence, the key Ca(2+)-regulatory membrane components of skeletal muscle form a supramolecular membrane assembly. The formation of this tightly associated junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum complex seems to underlie the physiological regulation of skeletal muscle contraction and relaxation, which supports the biochemical concept that Ca(2+) homeostasis is regulated by direct protein-protein interactions.

Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility | 2001

Inactivation of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in low-frequency stimulated rat muscle

Satoshi Matsunaga; Shona Harmon; Bärbel Gohlsch; Kay Ohlendieck; Dirk Pette

Continuous low-frequency stimulation (CLFS) by implanted electrodes for 12–24 h led to a significant (∼30%) decrease in the activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase in fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles of intact rats. The decline in catalytic activity after 24 h of CLFS was accompanied by an approximately twofold increase in dinitrophenylhydrazine-reactive carbonyl groups of the enzyme. It also correlated with an immunochemically determined 30% decrease in Ca2+-ATPase protein. Recovery studies after 12 h of CLFS revealed a relatively slow (48–72 h) re-establishment of normal catalytic activity. These findings suggest that the 30% decline of Ca2+-ATPase activity in low-frequency stimulated rat muscle led to an irreversible modification by protein oxidation. The decrease in Ca2+-ATPase protein most likely resulted from the degradation of inactive Ca2+-ATPase molecules. The relatively slow recovery of Ca2+-ATPase activity suggests that de novo synthesis of the enzyme may be necessary to re-attain normal activity.

Current Topics in Developmental Biology | 1996

2 Molecular Mechanisms of Gamete Recognition in Sea Urchin Fertilization

Kay Ohlendieck; William J. Lennarz

Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the echelon of species-specific recognition steps among sea urchin gametes. This chapter describes the implications of this novel class of cell recognition molecules for the overall fertilization process. Early studies on sea urchin fertilization, implicated a high molecular-weight glycoconjugate as an egg receptor for sperm. Characterization of a partially purified receptor preparation showed that the receptor bound to sperm and inhibited fertilization in a species-specific manner. The primary structure and the subunit composition of the biologically active sperm receptor exists only for the receptor from Strongylocentrotus purpurarus , a sea urchin species, present on the west coast of North America is discussed in this chapter. Sea urchins are common marine organisms that can be held in captivity under simple conditions and produce gametes for the periods ranging from weeks to many months, depending on the species. For these reasons, the sea urchin is the most highly studied model system for research on fertilization. Mature gametes can be obtained in large quantities and eggs can be fertilized in vitro under well-defined conditions in artificial sea water.

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