
Neuropsychopharmacology | 2004

The 5-HT(6) receptor antagonist SB-271046 reverses scopolamine-disrupted consolidation of a passive avoidance task and ameliorates spatial task deficits in aged rats.

Andrew G. Foley; Keith J. Murphy; Warren D. Hirst; Helen C. Gallagher; Jim J. Hagan; Neil Upton; Frank S. Walsh; Ciaran M. Regan

The highly potent and selective 5-HT6 receptor antagonist SB-271046 [5-chloro-N-(4-methoxy-3-piperazin-1-yl-phenyl)-3-methyl-2-benzothiophenesulfonamide] has previously been demonstrated to improve retention significantly in a spatial water maze paradigm in adult rats. However, SB-271046 did not have any effect on task acquisition. As these apparently contradictory findings may be reconciled by a prime influence of SB-271046 on memory consolidation, the ability of this compound to reverse the discrete temporal action of a cholinergic antagonist in the 6-h period following passive avoidance training was investigated. SB-271046, given orally, by gavage, 30 min prior to training Wistar rats in a step-through, light–dark passive avoidance task, was found to reverse significantly the amnesia produced by administering scopolamine (0.8 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) in the 6-h post-training period. The effect was dose-dependent over a range of 3–20 mg/kg. Further, we investigated the cognition-enhancing effects of chronic SB-271046 administration (10 or 20 mg/kg/day; 40 days) on the acquisition and consolidation of a water maze spatial learning task in a population of 20-month-old Wistar rats with age-related learning deficits. Drug treatment progressively and significantly decreased platform swim angle and escape latencies over the five sequential trials on four consecutive daily sessions compared to vehicle-treated controls. SB-271046 also improved task recall as measured by significant increases in the searching of the target quadrant on post-training days 1 and 3, when the animals would have been substantially drug-free. This significant improvement of task recall suggests SB-271046, in addition to inducing symptomatic cognition-enhancing actions, also attenuates age-related decline in neural function.

Journal of Neurochemistry | 2002

Repetitive and Transient Increases in Hippocampal Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule Polysialylation State Following Multitrial Spatial Training

Keith J. Murphy; Alan W. O'Connell; Ciaran M. Regan

Abstract: Polysialylated neurons, located at the inner border of the dentate granule cell layer, have been demonstrated to exhibit time‐dependent change in their frequency at 10–12 h following training in the Morris water maze, a spatial learning paradigm. Such a change was not observed in animals required to locate a visible platform or in those rendered amnesic with scopolamine. This frequency response was capable of rapid reactivation following further training stimuli in a manner that was independent of circadian influence. These learning‐associated modulations in neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) polysialylation state did not increase in magnitude despite improved performance, suggesting their activation is required for processing information rather than contributing to previously stored, task‐associated memory. An increase in NCAM polysialylation appears to be a universal learning response to both spatial and nonspatial paradigms as similar time‐dependent changes occurred following training in a one‐trial, step‐through, passive avoidance response subsequent to water maze training.

Journal of Neurochemistry | 2002

Memory consolidation induces a transient and time-dependent increase in the frequency of neural cell adhesion molecule polysialylated cells in the adult rat hippocampus.

Gerard B. Fox; Alan W. O'Connell; Keith J. Murphy; Ciaran M. Regan

Abstract: Animals trained in a passive avoidance task exhibit a transient time‐dependent increase in hippocampal neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) polysialylation at 12–24 h following the initial learning trial. Using immunocytochemical techniques with a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognises NCAM‐polysialic acid homopolymers, a distinct population of granule‐like cells, at the border of the granule cell layer and the hilus in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat hippocampus, has been demonstrated to exhibit time‐dependent change in frequency at 10–12 h following the initial learning of a one‐trial, step‐through, passive avoidance response. These changes were paradigm specific as they failed to occur in those animals rendered amnesic with scopolamine. These polysialylated dentate neurons are not de novo granule cell precursors as administration of 5‐bromo‐2′‐deoxyuridine every 2 h from the point of learning to the 12‐h posttraining time showed no significant difference between trained and passive animals in the small number of heterogeneously distributed, labelled cells. These findings directly identify a morphological substrate of memory, implied by previous correlative and interventive studies on NCAM function.

Open Biology | 2013

Neuron–glia crosstalk in health and disease: fractalkine and CX3CR1 take centre stage

Graham K. Sheridan; Keith J. Murphy

An essential aspect of normal brain function is the bidirectional interaction and communication between neurons and neighbouring glial cells. To this end, the brain has evolved ligand–receptor partnerships that facilitate crosstalk between different cell types. The chemokine, fractalkine (FKN), is expressed on neuronal cells, and its receptor, CX3CR1, is predominantly expressed on microglia. This review focuses on several important functional roles for FKN/CX3CR1 in both health and disease of the central nervous system. It has been posited that FKN is involved in microglial infiltration of the brain during development. Microglia, in turn, are implicated in the developmental synaptic pruning that occurs during brain maturation. The abundance of FKN on mature hippocampal neurons suggests a homeostatic non-inflammatory role in mechanisms of learning and memory. There is substantial evidence describing a role for FKN in hippocampal synaptic plasticity. FKN, on the one hand, appears to prevent excess microglial activation in the absence of injury while promoting activation of microglia and astrocytes during inflammatory episodes. Thus, FKN appears to be neuroprotective in some settings, whereas it contributes to neuronal damage in others. Many progressive neuroinflammatory disorders that are associated with increased microglial activation, such as Alzheimers disease, show disruption of the FKN/CX3CR1 communication system. Thus, targeting CX3CR1 receptor hyperactivation with specific antagonists in such neuroinflammatory conditions may eventually lead to novel neurotherapeutics.

NeuroImage | 2008

Bayesian estimation of synaptic physiology from the spectral responses of neural masses.

Rosalyn J. Moran; Klaas E. Stephan; Stefan J. Kiebel; N. Rombach; William T. O'Connor; Keith J. Murphy; Richard B. Reilly; K. J. Friston

We describe a Bayesian inference scheme for quantifying the active physiology of neuronal ensembles using local field recordings of synaptic potentials. This entails the inversion of a generative neural mass model of steady-state spectral activity. The inversion uses Expectation Maximization (EM) to furnish the posterior probability of key synaptic parameters and the marginal likelihood of the model itself. The neural mass model embeds prior knowledge pertaining to both the anatomical [synaptic] circuitry and plausible trajectories of neuronal dynamics. This model comprises a population of excitatory pyramidal cells, under local interneuron inhibition and driving excitation from layer IV stellate cells. Under quasi-stationary assumptions, the model can predict the spectral profile of local field potentials (LFP). This means model parameters can be optimised given real electrophysiological observations. The validity of inferences about synaptic parameters is demonstrated using simulated data and experimental recordings from the medial prefrontal cortex of control and isolation-reared Wistar rats. Specifically, we examined the maximum a posteriori estimates of parameters describing synaptic function in the two groups and tested predictions derived from concomitant microdialysis measures. The modelling of the LFP recordings revealed (i) a sensitization of post-synaptic excitatory responses, particularly marked in pyramidal cells, in the medial prefrontal cortex of socially isolated rats and (ii) increased neuronal adaptation. These inferences were consistent with predictions derived from experimental microdialysis measures of extracellular glutamate levels.

Journal of Neurochemistry | 2002

Spatial learning activates neural cell adhesion molecule polysialylation in a corticohippocampal pathway within the medial temporal lobe

Alan W. O'Connell; Gerard B. Fox; Thomas Barry; Keith J. Murphy; Giacomo Fichera; Andrew G. Foley; John M. Kelly; Ciaran M. Regan

Abstract: Transient and time‐dependent modulations of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) polysialylation in the dentate gyrus of the rodent hippocampus are a feature of spatial and nonspatial forms of learning. In the hippocampal formation, polysialic acid immunoreactivity was localized to granule‐like cells and their mossy fibre axons. We now demonstrate the latter to extend to the CA3 region where apparent recurrent and Schaffer collaterals were labelled. The axons of the CA1 pyramidal cell layer were immunopositive, as was the subiculum that they innervate. Layers I and III of the entorhinal cortex stained intensely for polysialic acid; however, these were not visible in the more lateral aspect of this region and were replaced by a single band of immunopositive neurons that extended to include the perirhinal and piriform cortices. After Morris water maze training, the number of polysialylated neurons within the entorhinal cortex exhibited a two‐ to threefold increase at the 10–12‐h posttraining time with respect to that observed immediately after training. This increase was task specific, as no change was observed in freely swimming animals or those required to locate a visible platform. These results suggest the presence of a corticohippocampal pathway involved in the eventual consolidation of memory.

Biological Psychiatry | 2003

Modulation of hippocampal NCAM polysialylation and spatial memory consolidation by fear conditioning

Carmen Sandi; José J. Merino; M. Isabel Cordero; Nyika D. Kruyt; Keith J. Murphy; Ciaran M. Regan

BACKGROUND Cell adhesion molecule function is involved in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and associated with memory consolidation. At the infragranular zone of the dentate gyrus, neurons expressing the polysialylated form of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM PSA) transiently increase their frequency 12 hours after training in different tasks. METHODS Using immunohistochemical procedures, we investigated NCAM polysialylation following training in a contextual fear conditioning paradigm that employed increasing shock intensities to separately model stressful and traumatic experiences in adult male Wistar rats. RESULTS Fear conditioning with a stressful.4-mA stimulus resulted in an increased frequency of dentate polysialylated neurons, the magnitude of which was indistinguishable from that observed following water maze training. By contrast, training with a traumatic 1-mA stimulus resulted in a significant decrease in the frequency of polysialylated neurons at the 12 hours posttraining time. Whereas sequential training in the water maze paradigm followed by fear conditioning resulted in potentiated consolidation of spatial information when conditioning involved a.4-mA stimulus, amnesia for spatial learning occurred when conditioning was performed with a 1-mA stimulus. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest traumatic fear conditioning suppresses NCAM-PSA-mediated plasticity and the concomitant inability to store the trace of recently acquired information.

Journal of Neuroscience Research | 1999

Polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule expression in the dentate gyrus of the human hippocampal formation from infancy to old age

Caoimhe Ni Dhuill; Gerard B. Fox; Sean J. Pittock; Alan W. O'Connell; Keith J. Murphy; Ciaran M. Regan

Modulation of neural cell adhesion molecule polysialylation (NCAM PSA) state has been proposed to underlie morphofunctional change associated with consolidation of memory in the rodent, and its age‐dependent decline to be related to impaired cognitive function. To establish whether this may be a human correlate of cognitive decline, we determined the age‐dependent expression of PSA in the human hippocampal dentate gyrus using postmortem tissue derived from individuals who exhibited no obvious neuropathology. As in the rodent, PSA immunoreactivity in the 5‐month human infant was associated mainly with a population of granule‐like cells and their mossy fibre axons. Cell numbers were maximal during the first 3 years of life but declined by an order of magnitude between the second and third decades and remained relatively constant thereafter and was restricted to the granule cell layer/hilar border. In contrast to the rodent, diffuse immunostaining was observed in the inner molecular layer; however, as development advanced, this became relocated to the outer molecular layer from 2 years of age onwards. In addition, numerous polysialylated hilar neurons became evident at 2–3 years of age and remained constant until the eighth decade of life. These findings suggest NCAM polysialylation to play a crucial developmental role within a period concluding with adolescence, and that an attenuated NCAM PSA‐mediated neuroplasticity continues throughout the human lifespan. The importance of the developmental phase of NCAM PSA expression in the emergence of schizophrenia is discussed. J. Neurosci. Res. 55:99–106, 1999. 

Biochemical Pharmacology | 2009

Curcumin-induced degradation of PKCδ is associated with enhanced dentate NCAM PSA expression and spatial learning in adult and aged Wistar rats

Lisa Conboy; Andrew G. Foley; Noel M. O'Boyle; Marie Lawlor; Helen C. Gallagher; Keith J. Murphy; Ciaran M. Regan

Polysialylation of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM PSA) is necessary for the consolidation processes of hippocampus-based learning. Previously, we have found inhibition of protein kinase C delta (PKCdelta) to be associated with increased polysialyltransferase (PST) activity, suggesting inhibitors of this kinase might ameliorate cognitive deficits. Using a rottlerin template, a drug previously considered an inhibitor of PKCdelta, we searched the Compounds Available for Purchase (CAP) database with the Accelrys((R)) Catalyst programme for structurally similar molecules and, using the available crystal structure of the phorbol-binding domain of PKCdelta, found that diferuloylmethane (curcumin) docked effectively into the phorbol site. Curcumin increased NCAM PSA expression in cultured neuro-2A neuroblastoma cells and this was inversely related to PKCdelta protein expression. Curcumin did not directly inhibit PKCdelta activity but formed a tight complex with the enzyme. With increasing doses of curcumin, the Tyr(131) residue of PKCdelta, which is known to direct its degradation, became progressively phosphorylated and this was associated with numerous Tyr(131)-phospho-PKCdelta fragments. Chronic administration of curcumin in vivo also increased the frequency of polysialylated cells in the dentate infragranular zone and significantly improved the acquisition and consolidation of a water maze spatial learning paradigm in both adult and aged cohorts of Wistar rats. These results further confirm the role of PKCdelta in regulating PST and NCAM PSA expression and provide evidence that drug modulation of this system enhances the process of memory consolidation.

Journal of Neurochemistry | 2008

Low‐Level Lead Exposure in the Early Postnatal Period Results in Persisting Neuroplastic Deficits Associated with Memory Consolidation

Keith J. Murphy; Ciaran M. Regan

Abstract: Prospective studies in humans and experimental investigations in animals have correlated elevated perinatal blood lead levels with enduring behavioural and cognitive perturbations. Although deficits in neuroplastic events necessary for long‐term memory consolidation have been observed during the postnatal period, there is little evidence that these persist into adulthood in the absence of continued lead exposure. To address this issue, we exposed Wistar rat pups to 400 mg of PbCl2/L via their dams’ drinking water from postnatal day 1 to 30. At postnatal day 80, the animals were trained in a onetrial, step‐through, light‐dark passive avoidance paradigm. Prior postnatal lead exposure resulted in a significant decline in recall latency on posttraining day 5, an effect that was specific to the learned response as no obvious behavioural alterations were apparent in open‐field studies. As recall was unaffected in the immediate 48‐h posttraining period, this suggested an enduring impairment in events associated with long‐term memory storage. To investigate this further, we determined the influence of prior lead exposure on the transient modulations of hippocampal neural cell adhesion molecule polysialylation state that occur in the 10–12‐h posttraining period, a neuroplastic event associated with memory consolidation. Direct quantification of polysialylated dentate neurons revealed prior lead exposure to have no effect on basal number but to significantly delay and blunt the transient increase observed in control animals at the 12‐h posttraining time. These findings confirm that lead exposure in the postnatal period results in enduring neuroplastic deficits most likely associated with reordering of connections in pathways subservient to memory consolidation.

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