Kellen Cervo Zamberlan
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Saúde (Santa Maria) | 2014
Graciela Gonsalves Borba; Eliane Tatsch Neves; Andrea Moreira Arrué; Andressa da Silveira; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan
Objective – To identify factors associated with neonatal mortality described in the Brazilian scientific production in the period 1989 to 2012. Method – Integrative review held at Virtual Health Library with descriptors neonatal mortality and infant mortality. We included research articles with abstracts in Portuguese available in electronic media. The organization of the data sample of 160 productions was described in a summary table. Results – The risk factors for neonatal morbidity and mortality were categorized as related to the neonate; pregnant and pregnancy, access and quality of care. Noteworthy is the low birth weight, prematurity, socioeconomic status, maternal age, quality of prenatal care, labor and birth. Conclusion – It is concluded that it is necessary to identify these factors, offering subsidies in order to minimize the rates of morbidity and mortality.
Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM | 2011
Andressa da Silveira; Eliane Tatsch Neves; Anaiara Fortes Famoso; Joanita Cechin Donaduzzi; Carolina Frescura Junges; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan
This is a quantitative, descriptive and retrospective study that aimed to characterize children undergoing surgery in a teaching hospital in southernBrazil. Using the documentary analysis the medical records of children who were hospitalized at University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM) in the period January to December 2006 were analyzed, totaling 107 charts. Data were submitted to simple statistical analysis. It was found that the majority of children hospitalized in the period was male, in school age and from the central region ofRio Grandedo Sul. The most common diagnosis was acute appendicitis. The average hospital stay was about five days. 88% of children had their mother as primary caregiver. Finally, it is recommended to the attention of the nursing staff in relation to quantity and quality of records in order
Escola Anna Nery | 2014
Cristine Ruviaro de Oliveira; Eliane Tatsch Neve; Elisa da Conceição Rodrigues; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Andressa da Silveira
Objetivo: Descrever a sistematizacao do uso do cateter central de insercao periferica em neonatos e criancas, em um hospital universitario do sul do Brasil. Metodos: Estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido com o metodo criativo sensivel. Foram desenvolvidas tres dinâmicas com dez enfermeiras. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de discurso francesa. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram que, a sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem deve ser aplicada durante todo o processo de utilizacao do cateter central de insercao periferica; deve ser criado um servico ambulatorial articulado com o setor de internacao e as familias para que as criancas possam fazer uso do cateter ambulatorialmente. Conclusao: Os protocolos institucionais para o uso deste cateter devem ser desenvolvidos a partir da sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem, tendo por base as necessidades do paciente, as evidencias cientificas, a realidade institucional e o dialogo entre a equipe de enfermagem e medica e a familia.Objective: To describe the systematization of the use of the peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in neonates and children in a university hospital located in the south of Brazil. Methods: This is a qualitative study, developed with the Creative-Sensitive Method (CSM). Three dynamics with ten nurses were developed. The data were submitted to the French discourse analysis. Results: The results pointed out that Nursing Care Systematization (NCS) must be applied throughout the process of use of peripherally inserted central catheter; one must create an out-patient service articulated with the admission sector and the families so that children can make use of the catheter in outpatient units. Conclusion: The institutional protocols for the use of this catheter must be developed from the Nursing Care Systematization, based on the patients needs, the scientific evidence, the institutional reality and the dialogue among nursing team, medical team and family.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Eliane Tatsch Neves; Andressa da Silveira; Andrea Moreira Arrué; Greice Machado Pieszak; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Raíssa Passos dos Santos
This is a qualitative study that aimed to describe the care network of children with special health care needs in different levels of the health care system, during the follow-up after discharge. The data were produced through the development of the dynamics of creativity and sensitivity, the speaking map and the creative and sensitive method, involving five children’s families between 2009 and 2011. The caregivers’ discourse pointed out that these children’s care network comprises the institutional and familial dimensions. The first showed to be broad and diverse but scattered, comprising various health and education professionals. The second consists of members of the close female relatives, such as mothers and grandmothers, showing an exclusively familial care. The expansion and consolidation of multiprofessional care networks is recommended to facilitate the access to health care and quality of life for these children and their family caregivers. DESCRIPTORS: Child health. Pediatric nursing. Family. Caregivers. RED DE CUIDADOS DE LOS NIÑOS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES EN SALUD RESUMEN: Estudio cualitativo que objetivó describir la red de cuidados de niños con necesidades especiales en salud en los diferentes niveles de atención después del alta hospitalaria. Los datos fueron producidos con la aplicación de la dinámica de creatividad y sensibilidad, el mapa hablante y del método creativo sensible, con cinco familias de estos niños entre 2009 y 2011. Los discursos de la familia señalaron que la red de cuidados se compone de las dimensiones institucional y familiar. La primera se mostró amplia y diversa, aunque dispersa, compuesto por profesionales de salud y educación. Y en la segunda, la asistencia es exclusivamente familiar, con miembros, todas mujeres, como madres y abuelas. Se recomienda la ampliación y consolidación de la red de cuidado con abordaje multidisciplinar, facilitando el acceso a la atención de salud y la calidad de vida estos niños y sus familiares cuidadores. DESCRIPTORES: Salud del niño. Enfermería pediátrica. Família. Cuidadores. 399
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Eliane Tatsch Neves; Andressa da Silveira; Andrea Moreira Arrué; Greice Machado Pieszak; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Raíssa Passos dos Santos
This is a qualitative study that aimed to describe the care network of children with special health care needs in different levels of the health care system, during the follow-up after discharge. The data were produced through the development of the dynamics of creativity and sensitivity, the speaking map and the creative and sensitive method, involving five children’s families between 2009 and 2011. The caregivers’ discourse pointed out that these children’s care network comprises the institutional and familial dimensions. The first showed to be broad and diverse but scattered, comprising various health and education professionals. The second consists of members of the close female relatives, such as mothers and grandmothers, showing an exclusively familial care. The expansion and consolidation of multiprofessional care networks is recommended to facilitate the access to health care and quality of life for these children and their family caregivers. DESCRIPTORS: Child health. Pediatric nursing. Family. Caregivers. RED DE CUIDADOS DE LOS NIÑOS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES EN SALUD RESUMEN: Estudio cualitativo que objetivó describir la red de cuidados de niños con necesidades especiales en salud en los diferentes niveles de atención después del alta hospitalaria. Los datos fueron producidos con la aplicación de la dinámica de creatividad y sensibilidad, el mapa hablante y del método creativo sensible, con cinco familias de estos niños entre 2009 y 2011. Los discursos de la familia señalaron que la red de cuidados se compone de las dimensiones institucional y familiar. La primera se mostró amplia y diversa, aunque dispersa, compuesto por profesionales de salud y educación. Y en la segunda, la asistencia es exclusivamente familiar, con miembros, todas mujeres, como madres y abuelas. Se recomienda la ampliación y consolidación de la red de cuidado con abordaje multidisciplinar, facilitando el acceso a la atención de salud y la calidad de vida estos niños y sus familiares cuidadores. DESCRIPTORES: Salud del niño. Enfermería pediátrica. Família. Cuidadores. 399
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2015
Eliane Tatsch Neves; Andressa da Silveira; Andrea Moreira Arrué; Greice Machado Pieszak; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Raíssa Passos dos Santos
This is a qualitative study that aimed to describe the care network of children with special health care needs in different levels of the health care system, during the follow-up after discharge. The data were produced through the development of the dynamics of creativity and sensitivity, the speaking map and the creative and sensitive method, involving five children’s families between 2009 and 2011. The caregivers’ discourse pointed out that these children’s care network comprises the institutional and familial dimensions. The first showed to be broad and diverse but scattered, comprising various health and education professionals. The second consists of members of the close female relatives, such as mothers and grandmothers, showing an exclusively familial care. The expansion and consolidation of multiprofessional care networks is recommended to facilitate the access to health care and quality of life for these children and their family caregivers. DESCRIPTORS: Child health. Pediatric nursing. Family. Caregivers. RED DE CUIDADOS DE LOS NIÑOS CON NECESIDADES ESPECIALES EN SALUD RESUMEN: Estudio cualitativo que objetivó describir la red de cuidados de niños con necesidades especiales en salud en los diferentes niveles de atención después del alta hospitalaria. Los datos fueron producidos con la aplicación de la dinámica de creatividad y sensibilidad, el mapa hablante y del método creativo sensible, con cinco familias de estos niños entre 2009 y 2011. Los discursos de la familia señalaron que la red de cuidados se compone de las dimensiones institucional y familiar. La primera se mostró amplia y diversa, aunque dispersa, compuesto por profesionales de salud y educación. Y en la segunda, la asistencia es exclusivamente familiar, con miembros, todas mujeres, como madres y abuelas. Se recomienda la ampliación y consolidación de la red de cuidado con abordaje multidisciplinar, facilitando el acceso a la atención de salud y la calidad de vida estos niños y sus familiares cuidadores. DESCRIPTORES: Salud del niño. Enfermería pediátrica. Família. Cuidadores. 399
Escola Anna Nery | 2014
Cristine Ruviaro de Oliveira; Eliane Tatsch Neve; Elisa da Conceição Rodrigues; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Andressa da Silveira
Objetivo: Descrever a sistematizacao do uso do cateter central de insercao periferica em neonatos e criancas, em um hospital universitario do sul do Brasil. Metodos: Estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido com o metodo criativo sensivel. Foram desenvolvidas tres dinâmicas com dez enfermeiras. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de discurso francesa. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram que, a sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem deve ser aplicada durante todo o processo de utilizacao do cateter central de insercao periferica; deve ser criado um servico ambulatorial articulado com o setor de internacao e as familias para que as criancas possam fazer uso do cateter ambulatorialmente. Conclusao: Os protocolos institucionais para o uso deste cateter devem ser desenvolvidos a partir da sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem, tendo por base as necessidades do paciente, as evidencias cientificas, a realidade institucional e o dialogo entre a equipe de enfermagem e medica e a familia.Objective: To describe the systematization of the use of the peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in neonates and children in a university hospital located in the south of Brazil. Methods: This is a qualitative study, developed with the Creative-Sensitive Method (CSM). Three dynamics with ten nurses were developed. The data were submitted to the French discourse analysis. Results: The results pointed out that Nursing Care Systematization (NCS) must be applied throughout the process of use of peripherally inserted central catheter; one must create an out-patient service articulated with the admission sector and the families so that children can make use of the catheter in outpatient units. Conclusion: The institutional protocols for the use of this catheter must be developed from the Nursing Care Systematization, based on the patients needs, the scientific evidence, the institutional reality and the dialogue among nursing team, medical team and family.
Escola Anna Nery | 2014
Cristine Ruviaro de Oliveira; Eliane Tatsch Neve; Elisa da Conceição Rodrigues; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Andressa da Silveira
Objetivo: Descrever a sistematizacao do uso do cateter central de insercao periferica em neonatos e criancas, em um hospital universitario do sul do Brasil. Metodos: Estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido com o metodo criativo sensivel. Foram desenvolvidas tres dinâmicas com dez enfermeiras. Os dados foram submetidos a analise de discurso francesa. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram que, a sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem deve ser aplicada durante todo o processo de utilizacao do cateter central de insercao periferica; deve ser criado um servico ambulatorial articulado com o setor de internacao e as familias para que as criancas possam fazer uso do cateter ambulatorialmente. Conclusao: Os protocolos institucionais para o uso deste cateter devem ser desenvolvidos a partir da sistematizacao da assistencia de enfermagem, tendo por base as necessidades do paciente, as evidencias cientificas, a realidade institucional e o dialogo entre a equipe de enfermagem e medica e a familia.Objective: To describe the systematization of the use of the peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in neonates and children in a university hospital located in the south of Brazil. Methods: This is a qualitative study, developed with the Creative-Sensitive Method (CSM). Three dynamics with ten nurses were developed. The data were submitted to the French discourse analysis. Results: The results pointed out that Nursing Care Systematization (NCS) must be applied throughout the process of use of peripherally inserted central catheter; one must create an out-patient service articulated with the admission sector and the families so that children can make use of the catheter in outpatient units. Conclusion: The institutional protocols for the use of this catheter must be developed from the Nursing Care Systematization, based on the patients needs, the scientific evidence, the institutional reality and the dialogue among nursing team, medical team and family.
Revista de Pesquisa : Cuidado é Fundamental Online | 2014
Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Eliane Tatsch Neves; Valéria Regina Gais Severo; Raíssa Passos dos Santos
Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde | 2014
Cláudia Silveira Viera; Fabíula dos Santos Toso; Beatriz Rosana Gonçalves de Oliveira Toso; Eliane Tatsch Neves; Kellen Cervo Zamberlan; Maristela Salete Maraschin