Kemal Kurt
Gümüşhane University
Florida Entomologist | 2014
Kemal Kurt
Abstract In this study, Homolophus nakhichevanicus Snegovaya, 2012 (Opiliones: Phalangiidae) was recorded in Turkey for the first time. This is only the second known location for this species, the first being the type locality (Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic, Azerbaijan). The morphological characteristics are described along with a scannig electron microscope (SEM) study on the dorsal aspect, crown-shape on cephalothorax, ocularium, chelicera, pedipalp, the first pair of legs. The male genitalia of the specimens are also presented.
Entomological News | 2014
Kemal Kurt
ABSTRACT: Phalangium riedeli Staręga, 1973, previously known only from the male in Syria, is redescribed on the basis of newly collected material from Turkey. The female of this species is described for the first time. Its description, characteristic features, distribution, measurements and photographs of genitalia and general habitus of both sexes are presented.
Entomological News | 2013
Kemal Kurt; Ömer Köksal Erman; Nataly Yu. Snegovaya
ABSTRACT: Paranemastoma kalischevskyi (Roewer, 1951) is recorded in Turkey for the first time. The morphological characteristic features, exact locality and general distribution are provided for this species.
Turkish Journal of Zoology | 2018
Kemal Kurt
* Correspondence:
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology | 2017
Kemal Kurt; Ömer Köksal Erman; Hakan Demir; Osman Seyyar
In this study, the Turkish opilionid fauna is evaluated in terms of endemism and it is aimed that this group reveals the present situation and the importance in the biological richness of Turkey. For this purpose, studies on the harvestmen in our country were examined and 35 species and 2 subspecies belonging to 6 families were identified as endemic. Distribution of these species by families and genera is determined and shown graphically.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology | 2017
Kemal Kurt; Ömer Köksal Erman; Hakan Demir; Osman Seyyar
Bu calismada, Turkiye opilionid faunasi endemizm acisindan degerlendirilmekte ve bu grubun Turkiye’nin biyolojik zenginligi icindeki mevcut durumu ve onemi ortaya konulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla ulkemiz otbicenleri uzerine yapilmis olan calismalar incelenmis ve 6 familyaya ait 35 tur ve 2 alt turun endemik oldugu tespit edilmistir. Bu turlerin familya ve cinslere gore dagilimi belirlenmis ve grafiklerle gosterilmistir.Bu calismada, Turkiye opilionid faunasi endemizm acisindan degerlendirilmekte ve bu grubun Turkiye’nin biyolojik zenginligi icindeki mevcut durumu ve onemi ortaya konulmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla ulkemiz otbicenleri uzerine yapilmis olan calismalar incelenmis ve 6 familyaya ait 35 tur ve 2 alt turun endemik oldugu tespit edilmistir. Bu turlerin familya ve cinslere gore dagilimi belirlenmis ve grafiklerle gosterilmistir.
Turkish Journal of Zoology | 2016
Nataly Yu. Snegovaya; Kemal Kurt; Ersen A. Ayağmur
* Correspondence:
Zoology in The Middle East | 2015
Kemal Kurt
A new harvestman species, Rilaena artvinensis sp. n. (Opiliones: Phalangiidae), is described and illustrated based on males collected in north-eastern Anatolia, Turkey. The new species is similar to R. buresi (Šilhavý, 1965) and R. lenkoranica Snegovaya, 2007. The differences between these species are elaborated.
ZooKeys | 2015
Kemal Kurt; Halil Koç; Ersen Aydın Yağmur
Abstract A new species of harvestmen, Zachaeus seyyari sp. n. (Opiliones, Phalangiidae), is described and illustrated on the basis of both sexes from Şırnak Province in Turkey. Differences between the new species and related species are indicated. Photographs of its characteristic structures are also provided.
Entomological News | 2015
Kemal Kurt
ABSTRACT: A new species, Homolophus snegovayae sp. nov. (Opiliones, Phalangiidae), is described and illustrated based on a male and females collected in southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Differences between the new species and related species are discussed. Photographs of characteristic structures are also provided.