Ken C. McGrath
University of Queensland
Plant Physiology | 2005
Ken C. McGrath; Bruno Dombrecht; John M. Manners; Peer M. Schenk; Cameron I. Edgar; Donald J. Maclean; Wolf-Rüdiger Scheible; Michael K. Udvardi; Kemal Kazan
To identify transcription factors (TFs) involved in jasmonate (JA) signaling and plant defense, we screened 1,534 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) TFs by real-time quantitative reverse transcription-PCR for their altered transcript at 6 h following either methyl JA treatment or inoculation with the incompatible pathogen Alternaria brassicicola. We identified 134 TFs that showed a significant change in expression, including many APETALA2/ethylene response factor (AP2/ERF), MYB, WRKY, and NAC TF genes with unknown functions. Twenty TF genes were induced by both the pathogen and methyl JA and these included 10 members of the AP2/ERF TF family, primarily from the B1a and B3 subclusters. Functional analysis of the B1a TF AtERF4 revealed that AtERF4 acts as a novel negative regulator of JA-responsive defense gene expression and resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum and antagonizes JA inhibition of root elongation. In contrast, functional analysis of the B3 TF AtERF2 showed that AtERF2 is a positive regulator of JA-responsive defense genes and resistance to F. oxysporum and enhances JA inhibition of root elongation. Our results suggest that plants coordinately express multiple repressor- and activator-type AP2/ERFs during pathogen challenge to modulate defense gene expression and disease resistance.
Plant Physiology | 2003
Rebecca L. Brown; Kemal Kazan; Ken C. McGrath; Donald J. Maclean; John M. Manners
The PDF1.2 gene of Arabidopsis encoding a plant defensin is commonly used as a marker for characterization of the jasmonate-dependent defense responses. Here, using PDF1.2 promoter-deletion lines linked to the β-glucoronidase-reporter gene, we examined putative promoter elements associated with jasmonate-responsive expression of this gene. Using stably transformed plants, we first characterized the extended promoter region that positively regulates basal expression from the PDF1.2 promoter. Second, using promoter deletion constructs including one from which the GCC-box region was deleted, we observed a substantially lower response to jasmonate than lines carrying this motif. In addition, point mutations introduced into the core GCC-box sequence substantially reduced jasmonate responsiveness, whereas addition of a 20-nucleotide-long promoter element carrying the core GCC-box and flanking nucleotides provided jasmonate responsiveness to a 35S minimal promoter. Taken together, these results indicated that the GCC-box plays a key role in conferring jasmonate responsiveness to the PDF1.2 promoter. However, deletion or specific mutations introduced into the core GCC-box did not completely abolish the jasmonate responsiveness of the promoter, suggesting that the other promoter elements lying downstream from the GCC-box region may also contribute to jasmonate responsiveness. In other experiments, we identified a jasmonate- and pathogen-responsive ethylene response factor transcription factor, AtERF2, which when overexpressed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants activated transcription from the PDF1.2, Thi2.1, and PR4 (basic chitinase) genes, all of which contain a GCC-box sequence in their promoters. Our results suggest that in addition to their roles in regulating ethylene-mediated gene expression, ethylene response factors also appear to play important roles in regulating jasmonate-responsive gene expression, possibly via interaction with the GCC-box.
Australasian Plant Pathology | 2006
Cameron I. Edgar; Ken C. McGrath; B. Dombrecht; John M. Manners; Donald J. Maclean; Peer M. Schenk; Kemal Kazan
Fusarium oxysporum is a soilborne fungal pathogen that causes major economic losses by inducing necrosis and wilting symptoms in many crop plants. In this study, the interaction between F. oxysporum and the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has been investigated to better understand the nature of host defences that are effective against the Fusarium wilt pathogen. The expression of salicylate- and jasmonate-responsive defence genes in F. oxysporum-challenged roots of A. thaliana plants as well as in the roots of plants whose leaves were treated with salicylate or jasmonate was analysed. Unexpectedly, genes (e.g. PR1, PDF1.2, and CHIB) encoding proteins with defensive functions or transcription factors (e.g. ERF1, AtERF2, AtERF4 and AtMYC2) known to positively or negatively regulate defences against F. oxysporum were not activated in F. oxysporum-inoculated roots. In contrast, the jasmonate-responsive defence gene PDF1.2 was induced in the leaves of plants whose roots were challenged with F. oxysporum, but the salicylate-responsive PR1 gene was not induced in the leaves of inoculated plants. Exogenous salicylic acid treatment prior to inoculation, however, activated PR1 and BGL2 defence gene expression in leaves and provided increased F. oxysporum resistance as evidenced by reduced foliar necrosis and plant death. Exogenous salicylic acid treatment of the foliar tissue did not activate defence gene expression in the roots of plants. This suggests that salicylate-dependent defences may function in foliar tissue to reduce the development of pathogen-induced wilting and necrosis. Despite the induction of defence gene expression in the leaves by jasmonate, this treatment did not lead to increased resistance to F. oxysporum. Overall, the results presented here suggest that the genetic manipulation of plant defence signalling pathways is a useful strategy to provide increased Fusarium wilt resistance.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2010
Ken C. McGrath; Rhiannon Mondav; Regina Sintrajaya; Bill Slattery; Susanne Schmidt; Peer M. Schenk
ABSTRACT Functional attributes of microbial communities are difficult to study, and most current techniques rely on DNA- and rRNA-based profiling of taxa and genes, including microarrays containing sequences of known microorganisms. To quantify gene expression in environmental samples in a culture-independent manner, we constructed an environmental functional gene microarray (E-FGA) consisting of 13,056 mRNA-enriched anonymous microbial clones from diverse microbial communities to profile microbial gene transcripts. A new normalization method using internal spot standards was devised to overcome spotting and hybridization bias, enabling direct comparisons of microarrays. To evaluate potential applications of this metatranscriptomic approach for studying microbes in environmental samples, we tested the E-FGA by profiling the microbial activity of agricultural soils with a low or high flux of N2O. A total of 109 genes displayed expression that differed significantly between soils with low and high N2O emissions. We conclude that mRNA-based approaches such as the one presented here may complement existing techniques for assessing functional attributes of microbial communities.
Journal of Microbiological Methods | 2008
Ken C. McGrath; Skye R. Thomas-Hall; Chu Ting Cheng; Lesina Leo; Andrei Alexa; Susanne Schmidt; Peer M. Schenk
Journal of biomolecular techniques | 2017
S Tighe; E Afshinnekoo; Tm Rock; Ken C. McGrath; N Alexander; A McIntyre; S Ahsanuddins; D Bezdan; Sj Green; S Joye; Ss Johnson; Da Baldwin; N Bivens; N Ajami; Carmical; Ic Herriott; R Colwell; M Donia; J Foox; N Greenfield; T Hunter; J Hoffman; J Hyman; E Jorgensen; D Krawczyk; J Lee; S Levy; N Garcia-Reyero; M Settles; K Thomas
New Phytologist | 2008
Peer M. Schenk; Ken C. McGrath; Matteo Lorito; Corné M. J. Pieterse
Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2017
Michael Lynch; Ken C. McGrath; Karthik Raj; Philippa McLaren; Karen Payne; Richard McCoy; Urs Giger
Journal of biomolecular techniques | 2012
Sam Paech; Stewart McDermott; Artem Men; Ken C. McGrath
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists held at Townsville, Queensland, Australia, 29 April - 2 May 2008. | 2008
Ken C. McGrath; Richard Brackin; Prakash Lakshmanan; Peer M. Schenk; Susanne Schmidt