Ken Dewar
McGill University
Nature Genetics | 2001
John D. Rioux; Mark J. Daly; Mark S. Silverberg; Kerstin Lindblad; Hillary Steinhart; Zane Cohen; Terrye A. Delmonte; Kerry Kocher; Katie Miller; Sheila Guschwan; Edward J. Kulbokas; Sinéad B. O'Leary; Ellen Winchester; Ken Dewar; Todd Green; Valerie Stone; Christine Chow; Albert Cohen; Diane Langelier; Gilles Lapointe; Daniel Gaudet; Janet Faith; Nancy Branco; Shelley B. Bull; Robin S. McLeod; Anne M. Griffiths; Alain Bitton; Gordon R. Greenberg; Eric S. Lander; Katherine A. Siminovitch
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping provides a powerful method for fine-structure localization of rare disease genes, but has not yet been widely applied to common disease. We sought to design a systematic approach for LD mapping and apply it to the localization of a gene (IBD5) conferring susceptibility to Crohn disease. The key issues are: (i) to detect a significant LD signal (ii) to rigorously bound the critical region and (iii) to identify the causal genetic variant within this region. We previously mapped the IBD5 locus to a large region spanning 18 cM of chromosome 5q31 (P<10−4). Using dense genetic maps of microsatellite markers and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the entire region, we found strong evidence of LD. We bound the region to a common haplotype spanning 250 kb that shows strong association with the disease (P<2×10−7) and contains the cytokine gene cluster. This finding provides overwhelming evidence that a specific common haplotype of the cytokine region in 5q31 confers susceptibility to Crohn disease. However, genetic evidence alone is not sufficient to identify the causal mutation within this region, as strong LD across the region results in multiple SNPs having equivalent genetic evidence—each consistent with the expected properties of the IBD5 locus. These results have important implications for Crohn disease in particular and LD mapping in general.
Nature | 2010
Stuart Smith; Hui Qi Qu; Nadine Taleb; Nina Kishimoto; David W. Scheel; Yang Lu; Ann Marie Patch; Rosemary Grabs; Juehu Wang; Francis C. Lynn; Takeshi Miyatsuka; John Mitchell; Rina Seerke; Julie Désir; Serge Vanden Eijnden; Marc Abramowicz; Nadine Kacet; Jacques Weill; Marie Éve Renard; Mattia Gentile; Inger Hansen; Ken Dewar; Andrew T. Hattersley; Rennian Wang; Maria E. Wilson; Jeffrey D. Johnson; Constantin Polychronakos; Michael S. German
Insulin from the β-cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans controls energy homeostasis in vertebrates, and its deficiency causes diabetes mellitus. During embryonic development, the transcription factor neurogenin 3 (Neurog3) initiates the differentiation of the β-cells and other islet cell types from pancreatic endoderm, but the genetic program that subsequently completes this differentiation remains incompletely understood. Here we show that the transcription factor Rfx6 directs islet cell differentiation downstream of Neurog3. Mice lacking Rfx6 failed to generate any of the normal islet cell types except for pancreatic-polypeptide-producing cells. In human infants with a similar autosomal recessive syndrome of neonatal diabetes, genetic mapping and subsequent sequencing identified mutations in the human RFX6 gene. These studies demonstrate a unique position for Rfx6 in the hierarchy of factors that coordinate pancreatic islet development in both mice and humans. Rfx6 could prove useful in efforts to generate β-cells for patients with diabetes.
American Journal of Human Genetics | 2009
Dominique J. Verlaan; Soizik Berlivet; Gary M. Hunninghake; Anne-Marie Madore; Mathieu Larivière; Sanny Moussette; Elin Grundberg; Tony Kwan; Manon Ouimet; Bing Ge; Rose Hoberman; Marcin Swiatek; Joana Dias; Kevin C. L. Lam; Vonda Koka; Eef Harmsen; Manuel Soto-Quiros; Lydiana Avila; Juan C. Celedón; Scott T. Weiss; Ken Dewar; Daniel Sinnett; Catherine Laprise; Benjamin A. Raby; Tomi Pastinen; Anna K. Naumova
Common SNPs in the chromosome 17q12-q21 region alter the risk for asthma, type 1 diabetes, primary biliary cirrhosis, and Crohn disease. Previous reports by us and others have linked the disease-associated genetic variants with changes in expression of GSDMB and ORMDL3 transcripts in human lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). The variants also alter regulation of other transcripts, and this domain-wide cis-regulatory effect suggests a mechanism involving long-range chromatin interactions. Here, we further dissect the disease-linked haplotype and identify putative causal DNA variants via a combination of genetic and functional analyses. First, high-throughput resequencing of the region and genotyping of potential candidate variants were performed. Next, additional mapping of allelic expression differences in Yoruba HapMap LCLs allowed us to fine-map the basis of the cis-regulatory differences to a handful of candidate functional variants. Functional assays identified allele-specific differences in nucleosome distribution, an allele-specific association with the insulator protein CTCF, as well as a weak promoter activity for rs12936231. Overall, this study shows a common disease allele linked to changes in CTCF binding and nucleosome occupancy leading to altered domain-wide cis-regulation. Finally, a strong association between asthma and cis-regulatory haplotypes was observed in three independent family-based cohorts (p = 1.78 x 10(-8)). This study demonstrates the requirement of multiple parallel allele-specific tools for the investigation of noncoding disease variants and functional fine-mapping of human disease-associated haplotypes.
Nature Genetics | 2009
Bing Ge; Dmitry Pokholok; Tony Kwan; Elin Grundberg; Lisanne Morcos; Dominique J. Verlaan; Jennie Le; Vonda Koka; Kevin C. L. Lam; Vincent Gagné; Joana Dias; Rose Hoberman; Alexandre Montpetit; Marie Michele Joly; Edward J. Harvey; Daniel Sinnett; Patrick Beaulieu; Robert Hamon; Alexandru Graziani; Ken Dewar; Eef Harmsen; Jacek Majewski; Harald H H Göring; Anna K. Naumova; Mathieu Blanchette; Kevin L. Gunderson; Tomi Pastinen
Cis-acting variants altering gene expression are a source of phenotypic differences. The cis-acting components of expression variation can be identified through the mapping of differences in allelic expression (AE), which is the measure of relative expression between two allelic transcripts. We generated a map of AE associated SNPs using quantitative measurements of AE on Illumina Human1M BeadChips. In 53 lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from donors of European descent, we identified common cis variants affecting 30% (2935/9751) of the measured RefSeq transcripts at 0.001 permutation significance. The pervasive influence of cis-regulatory variants, which explain 50% of population variation in AE, extend to full-length transcripts and their isoforms as well as to unannotated transcripts. These strong effects facilitate fine mapping of cis-regulatory SNPs, as demonstrated by dissection of heritable control of transcripts in the systemic lupus erythematosus–associated C8orf13-BLK region in chromosome 8. The dense collection of associations will facilitate large-scale isolation of cis-regulatory SNPs.
Nature | 2009
Ewan Birney; Thomas J. Hudson; Eric D. Green; Chris Gunter; Sean R. Eddy; John A. Rogers; Jennifer R. Harris; S D Ehrlich; Rolf Apweiler; C P Austin; L Berglund; Martin Bobrow; C. Bountra; Anthony J. Brookes; Anne Cambon-Thomsen; Nigel P. Carter; Rex L. Chisholm; Jorge L. Contreras; R M Cooke; William L. Crosby; Ken Dewar; Richard Durbin; Dyke Som.; Joseph R. Ecker; K El Emam; Lars Feuk; Stacey Gabriel; John Gallacher; William M. Gelbart; Antonio Granell
Rapid release of prepublication data has served the field of genomics well. Attendees at a workshop in Toronto recommend extending the practice to other biological data sets.
Nature Genetics | 2013
Annabelle Haudry; Adrian E. Platts; Emilio Vello; Douglas R. Hoen; Mickael Leclercq; Robert J. Williamson; Ewa Forczek; Zoé Joly-Lopez; Joshua G. Steffen; Khaled M. Hazzouri; Ken Dewar; John R. Stinchcombe; Daniel J. Schoen; Xiaowu Wang; Jeremy Schmutz; Christopher D. Town; Patrick P. Edger; J. Chris Pires; Karen S. Schumaker; David E. Jarvis; Terezie Mandáková; Martin A. Lysak; Erik van den Bergh; M. Eric Schranz; Paul M. Harrison; Alan M. Moses; Thomas E. Bureau; Stephen I. Wright; Mathieu Blanchette
Despite the central importance of noncoding DNA to gene regulation and evolution, understanding of the extent of selection on plant noncoding DNA remains limited compared to that of other organisms. Here we report sequencing of genomes from three Brassicaceae species (Leavenworthia alabamica, Sisymbrium irio and Aethionema arabicum) and their joint analysis with six previously sequenced crucifer genomes. Conservation across orthologous bases suggests that at least 17% of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome is under selection, with nearly one-quarter of the sequence under selection lying outside of coding regions. Much of this sequence can be localized to approximately 90,000 conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs) that show evidence of transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation. Population genomics analyses of two crucifer species, A. thaliana and Capsella grandiflora, confirm that most of the identified CNSs are evolving under medium to strong purifying selection. Overall, these CNSs highlight both similarities and several key differences between the regulatory DNA of plants and other species.
Nature Genetics | 1999
Teresa Mozo; Ken Dewar; Pat Dunn; Joseph R. Ecker; Sabine von Fischer; Sebastian Kloska; Hans Lehrach; Marco A. Marra; Robert A. Martienssen; Sebastian Meier-Ewert; Thomas Altmann
Arabidopsis thaliana is a small flowering plant that serves as the major model system in plant molecular genetics. The efforts of many scientists have produced genetic maps that provide extensive coverage of the genome ( Recently, detailed YAC, BAC, P1 and cosmid-based physical maps (that is, representations of genomic regions as sets of overlapping clones of corresponding libraries) have been established that extend over wide genomic areas ranging from several hundreds of kilobases to entire chromosomes. These maps provide an entry to gain deeper insight into the A. thaliana genome structure. A. thaliana has been chosen as the subject of the first large-scale project intended to determine the full genome sequence of a plant. This sequencing project, together with the increasing interest in map-based gene cloning, has highlighted the requirement for a complete and accurate physical map of this plant species. To supply the scientific community with a high-quality resource, we present here a complete physical map of A. thaliana using essentially the IGF BAC library. The map consists of 27 contigs that cover the entire genome, except for the presumptive centromeric regions, nucleolar organization regions (NOR) and telomeric areas. This is the first reported map of a complex organism based entirely on BAC clones and it represents the most homogeneous and complete physical map established to date for any plant genome. Furthermore, the analysis performed here serves as a model for an efficient physical mapping procedure using BAC clones that can be applied to other complex genomes.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002
Chi-hua Chiu; Chris T. Amemiya; Ken Dewar; Chang-Bae Kim; Frank H. Ruddle; Günter P. Wagner
The duplication of Hox clusters and their maintenance in a lineage has a prominent but little understood role in chordate evolution. Here we examined how Hox cluster duplication may influence changes in cluster architecture and patterns of noncoding sequence evolution. We sequenced the entire duplicated HoxAa and HoxAb clusters of zebrafish (Danio rerio) and extended the 5′ (posterior) part of the HoxM (HoxA-like) cluster of horn shark (Heterodontus francisci) containing the hoxa11 and hoxa13 orthologs as well as intergenic and flanking noncoding sequences. The duplicated HoxA clusters in zebrafish each house considerably fewer genes and are dramatically shorter than the single HoxA clusters of human and horn shark. We compared the intergenic sequences of the HoxA clusters of human, horn shark, zebrafish (Aa, Ab), and striped bass and found extensive conservation of noncoding sequence motifs, i.e., phylogenetic footprints, between the human and horn shark, representing two of the three gnathostome lineages. These are putative cis-regulatory elements that may play a role in the regulation of the ancestral HoxA cluster. In contrast, homologous regions of the duplicated HoxAa and HoxAb clusters of zebrafish and the HoxA cluster of striped bass revealed a striking loss of conservation of these putative cis-regulatory sequences in the 3′ (anterior) segment of the cluster, where zebrafish only retains single representatives of group 1, 3, 4, and 5 (HoxAa) and group 2 (HoxAb) genes and in the 5′ part of the clusters, where zebrafish retains two copies of the group 13, 11, and 9 genes, i.e., AbdB-like genes. In analyzing patterns of cis-sequence evolution in the 5′ part of the clusters, we explicitly looked for evidence of complementary loss of conserved noncoding sequences, as predicted by the duplication-degeneration-complementation model in which genetic redundancy after gene duplication is resolved because of the fixation of complementary degenerative mutations. Our data did not yield evidence supporting this prediction. We conclude that changes in the pattern of cis-sequence conservation after Hox cluster duplication are more consistent with being the outcome of adaptive modification rather than passive mechanisms that erode redundancy created by the duplication event. These results support the view that genome duplications may provide a mechanism whereby master control genes undergo radical modifications conducive to major alterations in body plan. Such genomic revolutions may contribute significantly to the evolutionary process.
Nature | 2006
Michael C. Zody; Manuel Garber; David J. Adams; Ted Sharpe; Jennifer Harrow; James R. Lupski; Christine Nicholson; Steven M. Searle; Laurens Wilming; Sarah K. Young; Amr Abouelleil; Nicole R. Allen; Weimin Bi; Toby Bloom; Mark L. Borowsky; Boris Bugalter; Jonathan Butler; Jean L. Chang; Chao-Kung Chen; April Cook; Benjamin Corum; Christina A. Cuomo; Pieter J. de Jong; David DeCaprio; Ken Dewar; Michael Fitzgerald; James Gilbert; Richard Gibson; Sante Gnerre; Steven Goldstein
Chromosome 17 is unusual among the human chromosomes in many respects. It is the largest human autosome with orthology to only a single mouse chromosome, mapping entirely to the distal half of mouse chromosome 11. Chromosome 17 is rich in protein-coding genes, having the second highest gene density in the genome. It is also enriched in segmental duplications, ranking third in density among the autosomes. Here we report a finished sequence for human chromosome 17, as well as a structural comparison with the finished sequence for mouse chromosome 11, the first finished mouse chromosome. Comparison of the orthologous regions reveals striking differences. In contrast to the typical pattern seen in mammalian evolution, the human sequence has undergone extensive intrachromosomal rearrangement, whereas the mouse sequence has been remarkably stable. Moreover, although the human sequence has a high density of segmental duplication, the mouse sequence has a very low density. Notably, these segmental duplications correspond closely to the sites of structural rearrangement, demonstrating a link between duplication and rearrangement. Examination of the main classes of duplicated segments provides insight into the dynamics underlying expansion of chromosome-specific, low-copy repeats in the human genome.
Nature Genetics | 2004
Julie Bradley; Andrew E. Baltus; Helen Skaletsky; Morgan Royce-Tolland; Ken Dewar; David C. Page
We identified the gene carrying the juvenile spermatogonial depletion mutation (jsd), a recessive spermatogenic defect mapped to mouse chromosome 1 (refs. 1,2). We localized jsd to a 272-kb region and resequenced this area to identify the underlying mutation: a frameshift that severely truncates the predicted protein product of a 2.3-kb genomic open reading frame. This gene, Utp14b, evidently arose through reverse transcription of an mRNA from an X-linked gene and integration of the resulting cDNA into an intron of an autosomal gene, whose promoter and 5′ untranslated exons are shared with Utp14b. To our knowledge, Utp14b is the first protein-coding retrogene to be linked to a recessive mammalian phenotype. The X-linked progenitor of Utp14b is the mammalian ortholog of yeast Utp14, which encodes a protein required for processing of pre-rRNA and hence for ribosome assembly. Our findings substantiate the hypothesis that mammalian spermatogenesis is supported by autosomal retrogenes that evolved from X-linked housekeeping genes to compensate for silencing of the X chromosome during male meiosis. We find that Utp14b-like retrogenes arose independently and were conserved during evolution in at least four mammalian lineages. This recurrence implies a strong selective pressure, perhaps to enable ribosome assembly in male meiotic cells.