Kenji Yamanishi
University of Tokyo
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 2004
Kenji Yamanishi; Jun'ichi Takeuchi; Graham J. Williams; Peter Milne
Outlier detection is a fundamental issue in data mining, specifically in fraud detection, network intrusion detection, network monitoring, etc. SmartSifter is an outlier detection engine addressing this problem from the viewpoint of statistical learning theory. This paper provides a theoretical basis for SmartSifter and empirically demonstrates its effectiveness. SmartSifter detects outliers in an on-line process through the on-line unsupervised learning of a probabilistic model (using a finite mixture model) of the information source. Each time a datum is input SmartSifter employs an on-line discounting learning algorithm to learn the probabilistic model. A score is given to the datum based on the learned model with a high score indicating a high possibility of being a statistical outlier. The novel features of SmartSifter are: (1) it is adaptive to non-stationary sources of data; (2) a score has a clear statistical/information-theoretic meaning; (3) it is computationally inexpensive; and (4) it can handle both categorical and continuous variables. An experimental application to network intrusion detection shows that SmartSifter was able to identify data with high scores that corresponded to attacks, with low computational costs. Further experimental application has identified a number of meaningful rare cases in actual health insurance pathology data from Australias Health Insurance Commission.
knowledge discovery and data mining | 2002
Kenji Yamanishi; Jun'ichi Takeuchi
We are concerned with the issues of outlier detection and change point detection from a data stream. In the area of data mining, there have been increased interest in these issues since the former is related to fraud detection, rare event discovery, etc., while the latter is related to event/trend by change detection, activity monitoring, etc. Specifically, it is important to consider the situation where the data source is non-stationary, since the nature of data source may change over time in real applications. Although in most previous work outlier detection and change point detection have not been related explicitly, this paper presents a unifying framework for dealing with both of them on the basis of the theory of on-line learning of non-stationary time series. In this framework a probabilistic model of the data source is incrementally learned using an on-line discounting learning algorithm, which can track the changing data source adaptively by forgetting the effect of past data gradually. Then the score for any given data is calculated to measure its deviation from the learned model, with a higher score indicating a high possibility of being an outlier. Further change points in a data stream are detected by applying this scoring method into a time series of moving averaged losses for prediction using the learned model. Specifically we develop an efficient algorithms for on-line discounting learning of auto-regression models from time series data, and demonstrate the validity of our framework through simulation and experimental applications to stock market data analysis.
knowledge discovery and data mining | 2005
Kenji Yamanishi; Yuko Maruyama
Syslog monitoring technologies have recently received vast attentions in the areas of network management and network monitoring. They are used to address a wide range of important issues including network failure symptom detection and event correlation discovery. Syslogs are intrinsically dynamic in the sense that they form a time series and that their behavior may change over time. This paper proposes a new methodology of dynamic syslog mining in order to detect failure symptoms with higher confidence and to discover sequential alarm patterns among computer devices. The key ideas of dynamic syslog mining are 1) to represent syslog behavior using a mixture of Hidden Markov Models, 2) to adaptively learn the model using an on-line discounting learning algorithm in combination with dynamic selection of the optimal number of mixture components, and 3) to give anomaly scores using universal test statistics with a dynamically optimized threshold. Using real syslog data we demonstrate the validity of our methodology in the scenarios of failure symptom detection, emerging pattern identification, and correlation discovery.
knowledge discovery and data mining | 2000
Kenji Yamanishi; Jun'ichi Takeuchi; Graham J. Williams; Peter Milne
Outlier detection is a fundamental issue in data mining, specifically in fraud detection, network intrusion detection, network monitoring, etc. SmartSifter is an outlier detection engine addressing this problem from the viewpoint of statistical learning theory. This paper provides a theoretical basis for SmartSifter and empirically demonstrates its effectiveness. SmartSifter detects outliers in an on-line process through the on-line unsupervised learning of a probabilistic model (using a finite mixture model) of the information source. Each time a datum is input SmartSifter employs an on-line discounting learning algorithm to learn the probabilistic model. A score is given to the datum based on the learned model with a high score indicating a high possibility of being a statistical outlier. The novel features of SmartSifter are: (1) it is adaptive to non-stationary sources of data; (2) a score has a clear statistical/information-theoretic meaning; (3) it is computationally inexpensive; and (4) it can handle both categorical and continuous variables. An experimental application to network intrusion detection shows that SmartSifter was able to identify data with high scores that corresponded to attacks, with low computational costs. Further experimental application has identified a number of meaningful rare cases in actual health insurance pathology data from Australias Health Insurance Commission.
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | 2006
Jun'ichi Takeuchi; Kenji Yamanishi
We are concerned with the issue of detecting outliers and change points from time series. In the area of data mining, there have been increased interest in these issues since outlier detection is related to fraud detection, rare event discovery, etc., while change-point detection is related to event/trend change detection, activity monitoring, etc. Although, in most previous work, outlier detection and change point detection have not been related explicitly, this paper presents a unifying framework for dealing with both of them. In this framework, a probabilistic model of time series is incrementally learned using an online discounting learning algorithm, which can track a drifting data source adaptively by forgetting out-of-date statistics gradually. A score for any given data is calculated in terms of its deviation from the learned model, with a higher score indicating a high possibility of being an outlier. By taking an average of the scores over a window of a fixed length and sliding the window, we may obtain a new time series consisting of moving-averaged scores. Change point detection is then reduced to the issue of detecting outliers in that time series. We compare the performance of our framework with those of conventional methods to demonstrate its validity through simulation and experimental applications to incidents detection in network security.
knowledge discovery and data mining | 2004
Satoshi Morinaga; Kenji Yamanishi
In a wide range of business areas dealing with text data streams, including CRM, knowledge management, and Web monitoring services, it is an important issue to discover topic trends and analyze their dynamics in real-time. Specifically we consider the following three tasks in topic trend analysis: 1)Topic Structure Identification; identifying what kinds of main topics exist and how important they are, 2)Topic Emergence Detection; detecting the emergence of a new topic and recognizing how it grows, 3)Topic Characterization; identifying the characteristics for each of main topics. For real topic analysis systems, we may require that these three tasks be performed in an on-line fashion rather than in a retrospective way, and be dealt with in a single framework. This paper proposes a new topic analysis framework which satisfies this requirement from a unifying viewpoint that a topic structure is modeled using a finite mixture model and that any change of a topic trend is tracked by learning the finite mixture model dynamically. In this framework we propose the usage of a time-stamp based discounting learning algorithm in order to realize real-time topic structure identification. This enables tracking the topic structure adaptively by forgetting out-of-date statistics. Further we apply the theory of dynamic model selection to detecting changes of main components in the finite mixture model in order to realize topic emergence detection. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework using real data collected at a help desk to show that we are able to track dynamics of topic trends in a timely fashion.
conference on learning theory | 1990
Kenji Yamanishi
This paper proposes a learning criterion for stochastic rules. This criterion is developed by extending Valiants PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) learning model, which is a learning criterion for deterministic rules. Stochastic rules here refer to those which probabilistically asign a number of classes, {Y}, to each attribute vector X. The proposed criterion is based on the idea that learning stochastic rules may be regarded as probably approximately correct identification of conditional probability distributions over classes for given input attribute vectors. An algorithm (an MDL algorithm) based on the MDL (Minimum Description Length) principle is used for learning stochastic rules. Specifically, for stochastic rules with finite partitioning (each of which is specified by a finite number of disjoint cells of the domain and a probability parameter vector associated with them), this paper derives target-dependent upper bounds and worst-case upper bounds on the sample size required by the MDL algorithm to learn stochastic rules with given accuracy and confidence. Based on these sample size bounds, this paper proves polynomial-sample-size learnability of stochastic decision lists (which are newly proposed in this paper as a stochastic analogue of Rivests decision lists) with at mostk literals (k is fixed) in each decision, and polynomial-sample-size learnability of stochastic decision trees (a stochastic analogue of decision trees) with at mostk depth. Sufficient conditions for polynomial-sample-size learnability and polynomial-time learnability of any classes of stochastic rules with finite partitioning are also derived.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | 1998
Kenji Yamanishi
Rissanen (1978) has introduced stochastic complexity to define the amount of information in a given data sequence relative to a given hypothesis class of probability densities, where the information is measured in terms of the logarithmic loss associated with universal data compression. This paper introduces the notion of extended stochastic complexity (ESC) and demonstrates its effectiveness in design and analysis of learning algorithms in on-line prediction and batch-learning scenarios. ESC can be thought of as an extension of Rissanens stochastic complexity to the decision-theoretic setting where a general real-valued function is used as a hypothesis and a general loss function is used as a distortion measure. As an application of ESC to on-line prediction, this paper shows that a sequential realization of ESC produces an on-line prediction algorithm called Vovks aggregating strategy, which can be thought of as an extension of the Bayes algorithm. We derive upper bounds on the cumulative loss for the aggregating strategy both of an expected form and a worst case form in the case where the hypothesis class is continuous. As an application of ESC to batch-learning, this paper shows that a batch-approximation of ESC induces a batch-learning algorithm called the minimum L-complexity algorithm (MLC), which is an extension of the minimum description length (MDL) principle. We derive upper bounds on the statistical risk for the MLC, which are the least to date. Through the ESC we give a unifying view of the most effective learning algorithms that have been explored in computational learning theory.
knowledge discovery and data mining | 2001
Kenji Yamanishi; Jun'ichi Takeuchi
This paper is concerned with the problem of detecting outliers from unlabeled data. In prior work we have developed SmartSifter, which is an on-line outlier detection algorithm based on unsupervised learning from data. On the basis of SmartSifter this paper yields a new framework for outlier filtering using both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques iteratively in order to make the detection process more effective and more understandable. The outline of the framework is as follows: In the first round, for an initial dataset, we run SmartSifter to give each data a score, with a high score indicating a high possibility of being an outlier. Next, giving positive labels to a number of higher scored data and negative labels to a number of lower scored data, we create labeled examples. Then we construct an outlier filtering rule by supervised learning from them. Here the rule is generated based on the principle of minimizing extended stochastic complexity. In the second round, for a new dataset, we filter the data using the constructed rule, then among the filtered data, we run SmartSifter again to evaluate the data in order to update the filtering rule. Applying of our framework to the network intrusion detection, we demonstrate that 1) it can significantly improve the accuracy of SmartSifter, and 2) outlier filtering rules can help the user to discover a general pattern of an outlier group.
knowledge discovery and data mining | 2009
Shunsuke Hirose; Kenji Yamanishi; Takayuki Nakata; Ryohei Fujimaki
This paper addresses the issue of unsupervised network anomaly detection. In recent years, networks have played more and more critical roles. Since their outages cause serious economic losses, it is quite significant to monitor their changes over time and to detect anomalies as early as possible. In this paper, we specifically focus on the management of the whole network. In it, it is important to detect anomalies which make great impact on the whole network, and the other local anomalies should be ignored. Further, when we detect the former anomalies, it is required to localize nodes responsible for them. It is challenging to simultaneously perform the above two tasks taking into account the nonstationarity and strong correlations between nodes. We propose a network anomaly detection method which resolves the above two tasks in a unified way. The key ideas of the method are: (1)construction of quantities representing feature of a whole network and each node from the same input based on eigen equation compression, and (2)incremental anomalousness scoring based on learning the probability distribution of the quantities. We demonstrate through the experimental results using two benchmark data sets and a simulation data set that anomalies of a whole network and nodes responsible for them can be detected by the proposed method.