Kenneth Schneider
Carnegie Institution for Science
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Featured researches published by Kenneth Schneider.
Archive | 2011
Jonathan Erez; Stéphanie Reynaud; Jacob Silverman; Kenneth Schneider; Denis Allemand
Coral reefs are unique marine ecosystems that form huge morphological structures (frameworks) in today’s oceans. These include coral islands (atolls), barrier reefs, and fringing reefs that form the most impressive products of CaCO3 biomineralization. The framework builders are mainly hermatypic corals, calcareous algae, foraminifera, and mollusks that together are responsible for almost 50% of the net annual CaCO3 precipitation in the oceans. The reef ecosystem acts as a huge filtration system that extracts plankton from the vast fluxes of ocean water that flow through the framework. The existence of these wave resistant structures in spite of chemical, biological, and physical erosion depends on their exceedingly high rates of calcification. Coral mortality due to bleaching (caused by global warming) and ocean acidification caused by atmospheric CO2 increase are now the major threats to the existence of these unique ecosystems. When the rates of dissolution and erosion become higher than the rates of precipitation, the entire coral ecosystem starts to collapse and will eventually be reduced to piles of rubble while its magnificent and high diversity fauna will vanish. The loss to nature and to humanity would be unprecedented and it may occur within the next 50 years. In this chapter, we discuss the issue of ocean acidification and its major effects of corals from the cell level to the reef communities. Based on the recently published literature, it can be generalized that calcification in corals is strongly reduced when seawater become slightly acidified. Ocean acidification lowers both the pH and the CO 3 2− ion concentration in the surface ocean, but calcification at the organism level responds mainly to CO 3 2− and not to pH. Most reports show that the symbiotic algae are not sensitive to changes in the carbonate chemistry. The potential mechanisms responsible for coral sensitivity to acidification are either direct input of seawater to the biomineralization site or high sensitivity of the enzymes involved in calcification to pH and/or CO2 concentrations. Increase in pH at the biomineralization site is most probably the most energy demanding process that is influenced by ocean acidification. While hermatypic corals and other calcifiers reduce their rates of calcification, chemical and biological dissolution increase and hence net calcification of the entire coral reef is decreasing dramatically. Community metabolism in several sites and in field enclosures show in some cases net dissolution. Using the relations between aragonite saturation (Ωarag) and community calcification, it is possible to predict that coral reefs globally may start to dissolve when atmospheric CO2 doubles.
Nature | 2016
Rebecca Albright; Lilian Caldeira; Jessica Hosfelt; Lester Kwiatkowski; Jana K. Maclaren; B. Mason; Yana Nebuchina; Aaron Ninokawa; Julia Pongratz; Katharine Ricke; Tanya Rivlin; Kenneth Schneider; Marine Sesboüé; Kathryn Shamberger; Jacob Silverman; Kennedy Wolfe; Kai Zhu; Ken Caldeira
Approximately one-quarter of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere each year is absorbed by the global oceans, causing measurable declines in surface ocean pH, carbonate ion concentration ([CO32−]), and saturation state of carbonate minerals (Ω). This process, referred to as ocean acidification, represents a major threat to marine ecosystems, in particular marine calcifiers such as oysters, crabs, and corals. Laboratory and field studies have shown that calcification rates of many organisms decrease with declining pH, [CO32−], and Ω. Coral reefs are widely regarded as one of the most vulnerable marine ecosystems to ocean acidification, in part because the very architecture of the ecosystem is reliant on carbonate-secreting organisms. Acidification-induced reductions in calcification are projected to shift coral reefs from a state of net accretion to one of net dissolution this century. While retrospective studies show large-scale declines in coral, and community, calcification over recent decades, determining the contribution of ocean acidification to these changes is difficult, if not impossible, owing to the confounding effects of other environmental factors such as temperature. Here we quantify the net calcification response of a coral reef flat to alkalinity enrichment, and show that, when ocean chemistry is restored closer to pre-industrial conditions, net community calcification increases. In providing results from the first seawater chemistry manipulation experiment of a natural coral reef community, we provide evidence that net community calcification is depressed compared with values expected for pre-industrial conditions, indicating that ocean acidification may already be impairing coral reef growth.
Scientific Reports | 2012
David I. Kline; Lida Teneva; Kenneth Schneider; Thomas Miard; Aaron Chai; Malcolm Marker; K. Headley; Brad Opdyke; Merinda C. Nash; Matthew Valetich; Jeremy K. Caves; Bayden D. Russell; Sean D. Connell; Bill J. Kirkwood; Peter G. Brewer; Edward T. Peltzer; Jack Silverman; Ken Caldeira; Robert B. Dunbar; Jeffrey R. Koseff; Stephen G. Monismith; B. Greg Mitchell; Sophie Dove; Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Ocean acidification poses multiple challenges for coral reefs on molecular to ecological scales, yet previous experimental studies of the impact of projected CO2 concentrations have mostly been done in aquarium systems with corals removed from their natural ecosystem and placed under artificial light and seawater conditions. The Coral–Proto Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment System (CP-FOCE) uses a network of sensors to monitor conditions within each flume and maintain experimental pH as an offset from environmental pH using feedback control on the injection of low pH seawater. Carbonate chemistry conditions maintained in the −0.06 and −0.22 pH offset treatments were significantly different than environmental conditions. The results from this short-term experiment suggest that the CP-FOCE is an important new experimental system to study in situ impacts of ocean acidification on coral reef ecosystems.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2011
Kenneth Schneider; Jacob Silverman; Erika Woolsey; Hampus Eriksson; Maria Byrne; Ken Caldeira
To endure, coral reefs must accumulate CaCO3 at a rate greater or equal than the sum of mechanically, biologically, and chemically mediated erosion rates. We investigated the potential role of holothurians on the CaCO3 balance of a coral reef. These deposit feeders process carbonate sand and rubble through their digestive tract and dissolve CaCO3 as part of their digestive process. In aquarium incubations with Stichopus herrmanni and Holothuria leucospilota total alkalinity increased by 97 ± 13 and 47 ± 7 μmol kg−1, respectively. This increase was due to CaCO3 dissolution, 81 ± 13 and 34 ± 6 μmol kg−1 and ammonia secretion, 16 ± 2 and 14 ± 2μmol kg−1, respectively, for these species. Surveys conducted at a long-term monitoring site of community calcification (DK13) on One Tree Reef indicated that the density of sea cucumbers was approximately 1 individual m−2. We used these data and data from surveys at Shark Alley to estimate the dissolution of CaCO3 by the sea cucumbers at both sites. At DK13 the sea cucumber population was estimated to be responsible for nearly 50% of the nighttime CaCO3 dissolution, while in Shark Alley for most of the nighttime dissolution. Thus, in a healthy reef, bioeroders dissolution of CaCO3 sediment appears to be an important component of the natural CaCO3 turnover and a substantial source of alkalinity as well. This additional alkalinity could partially buffer changes in seawater pH associated with increasing atmospheric CO2 locally, thus reducing the impact of ocean acidification on coral growth.
Water Research | 2008
Yonatan Sher; Kenneth Schneider; Carsten U. Schwermer; Jaap van Rijn
The anaerobic digester is a vital component in a zero-discharge mariculture system as therein most of the organic matter is mineralized and nitrogen-containing compounds are converted to gaseous N(2). Although denitrification is a major respiratory process in this nitrate-rich treatment stage, also sulfate respiration takes place and may cause undesirable high sulfide concentrations in the effluent water. To examine the effect of sulfide on nitrate reduction, in situ depth profiles of inorganic nitrogen and sulfur compounds were determined. Additionally, nitrate reduction was examined as a function of ambient sulfide concentrations in sludge collected from different locations in the anaerobic reactor. Depth profiles showed high concentrations of nitrate and low concentrations of sulfide and ammonia in the aqueous layer of the reactor. A sharp decrease of nitrate and an increase in sulfide and ammonia concentrations was measured at the water-sludge interface. Nitrate reduction was highest in this interface zone with rates of up to 8.05+/-0.57 micromol NO(3)(-)h(-1)g((sludge))(-1). Addition of sulfide increased the nitrate reduction rate at all sludge depths, pointing to the important role of autotrophic denitrification in the anaerobic reactor. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA) was found to be low in all sludge layers but was enhanced when sludge was incubated at high sulfide concentrations. Although nitrate reduction rates increased as a result of sulfide addition to sludge samples, no differences in nitrate reduction rates were observed between the samples incubated with different initial sulfide concentrations. This as opposed to sulfide oxidation rates, which followed Michaelis-Menten enzymatic kinetics. Partial oxidation of sulfide to elemental sulfur instead of a complete oxidation to sulfate, could explain the observed patterns of nitrate reduction and sulfide oxidation in sludge incubated with different initial sulfide concentrations.
Malcolm Marker; David I. Kline; W. J. Kirkwood; K. Headley; Peter G. Brewer; Edward T. Peltzer; Thomas Miard; Aaron Chai; M. James; Kenneth Schneider; Jacob Silverman; Ken Caldeira; Jeffrey R. Koseff; Stephen G. Monismith; Bradley N. Opdyke; Robert B. Dunbar; R. White; Sophie Dove; Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
Ocean acidification is driven by increasing atmospheric CO2 and represents a key threat to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and other coral reefs globally. Previous investigations have depended on studies in aquaria that are compromised by reduced ecological complexity and buffering capacity, and problems associated with containment. These aquaria studies also include artifacts such as artificial flow, light, temperature, and water quality conditions. In order to avoid these issues a new technology was needed for in situ science. This need was the driver behind development of the Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (FOCE) approach. FOCE is similar in approach to the Free Air Carbon Enrichment (FACE) experiments pursued on land for almost two decades. FOCE as a systems concept was developed at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) to perform controlled in situ studies on the effects of increased carbon dioxide on ocean environments. FOCE systems inject carbon dioxide enriched water into the desired control volume to lower the environmental pH to a specified value.
Water Research | 2011
Kenneth Schneider; Yonatan Sher; Jonathan Erez; Jaap van Rijn
Interest in mariculture systems will rise in the near future due to the decreased ability of the ocean to supply the increasing demand for seafood. We present a trace study using stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and chemical profiles of a zero-discharge mariculture system stocked with the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Water quality maintenance in the system is based on two biofiltration steps. Firstly, an aerobic treatment step comprising a trickling filter in which ammonia is oxidized to nitrate. Secondly, an anaerobic step comprised of a digestion basin and a fluidized bed reactor where excess organic matter and nitrate are removed. Dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity values were higher in the anaerobic loop than in the aerobic loop, in agreement with the main biological processes taking place in the two treatment steps. The δ13C of the dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C(DIC)) was depleted in 13C in the anaerobic loop as compared to the aerobic loop by 2.5-3‰. This is in agreement with the higher dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations in the anaerobic loop and the low water retention time and the chemolithotrophic activity of the aerobic loop. The δ13C and δ15N of organic matter in the mariculture system indicated that fish fed solely on feed pellets. Compared to feed pellets and particulate organic matter, the sludge in the digestion basin was enriched in 15N while δ13C was not significantly different. This latter finding points to an intensive microbial degradation of the organic matter taking place in the anaerobic treatment step of the system.
Scientific Reports | 2016
Eldad Gutner-Hoch; Kenneth Schneider; Jarosław Stolarski; Isabelle Domart-Coulon; Ruth Yam; Anders Meibom; Aldo Shemesh; Oren Levy
Reef-building scleractinian (stony) corals are among the most efficient bio-mineralizing organisms in nature. The calcification rate of scleractinian corals oscillates under ambient light conditions, with a cyclic, diurnal pattern. A fundamental question is whether this cyclic pattern is controlled by exogenous signals or by an endogenous ‘biological-clock’ mechanism, or both. To address this problem, we have studied calcification patterns of the Red Sea scleractinian coral Acropora eurystoma with frequent measurements of total alkalinity (AT) under different light conditions. Additionally, skeletal extension and ultra-structure of newly deposited calcium carbonate were elucidated with 86Sr isotope labeling analysis, combined with NanoSIMS ion microprobe and scanning electron microscope imaging. Our results show that the calcification process persists with its cyclic pattern under constant light conditions while dissolution takes place within one day of constant dark conditions, indicating that an intrinsic, light-entrained mechanism may be involved in controlling the calcification process in photosymbiotic corals.
Limnology and Oceanography | 2006
Kenneth Schneider; Jonathan Erez
Marine Ecology Progress Series | 2004
O. Levy; Zvy Dubinsky; Kenneth Schneider; Yair Achituv; David Zakai; Maxim Y. Gorbunov