Kerem Ural
Adnan Menderes University
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Featured researches published by Kerem Ural.
Veterinary Parasitology | 2008
Kerem Ural; Bulent Ulutas; S. Kar
The purpose of this prospective, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial was to investigate the efficacy of topical eprinomectin for the treatment of psoroptic mange infestation in horses. 24 privately owned hunter/jumper and dressage horses were diagnosed with psoroptic mange infestation based on physical findings and skin scraping results were enrolled and randomly assigned to either topical eprinomectin pour-on solution (at a dose of 500microg/kg body weight weekly once for four applications) treatment group or a placebo group (purified water). Clinical evaluations and skin scrapings were done by the same veterinary investigator at the beginning, during and at the end of the treatment. Both owners and veterinary investigator were blinded to the allocation to the groups. The efficacy of eprinomectin was assessed both clinically and parasitologically by the presence or absence of viable mites. Horses were scraped for psoroptic mites on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 40 for follow-up. Fishers exact test was used to assess differences between the eprinomectin treatment and placebo in the number of horses without mites (cure rates) on each assessment date. It was found that significantly fewer eprinomectin treated horses had P. equi mites detected on skin scrapings (p<0.01) than the placebo group. In conclusion, eprinomectin was effective and safe therapy against natural infestations of P. equi in the horses included in this study.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research | 2017
Mehmet Gultekin; Kerem Ural; Nuran Aysul; Adnan Ayan; Canberk Balikci; Gurkan Akyildiz
Abstract The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence and molecular characterization of Giardia duodenalis among dogs in Aydin, Turkey. A total of 473 faecal samples from dogs were collected. The overall prevalence of G. duodenalis was 18.8%. Higher infection rates were observed in dogs younger than three months old, from shelters, and with diarrhoea. Faecal samples of 89 dogs, diagnosed Giardia-positive by microscopy, were found positive by nested PCR. The β-giardin nested PCR assay revealed assemblage B in all samples (100%), whereas 38 of the samples were mixed with assemblage A (42%). Sequence analysis of isolates indicated sub-genotypes A3 and B4 which have been previously detected in human isolates from Turkey. The results of the present study indicated the relatively high prevalence of giardiasis and the presence of the zoonotic sub-genotypes suggesting the important role of dogs as potential reservoirs of human infections.
Turkish Journal of Parasitology | 2018
Mehmet Gultekin; Serdar Pasa; Kerem Ural; Canberk Balikci; Gamze Sevri Ekren Asici; Gamze Gultekin
OBJECTIVE The purpose of the study was to investigate the oxidative status and lipid profile among dogs at different stages of visceral leishmaniasis (VL). METHODS Dogs with VL were divided into four groups according to the classification reported by the Leishvet group: stage I (n=9), stage II (n=11), stage III (n=6), and stage IV (n=6); these dogs were compared to healthy control dogs (n=14). The lipid profile [high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), cholesterol, and triglyceride levels) and oxidative status [total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant status (TOS), and paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) activity] were evaluated. RESULTS Compared to the control dogs, significant increases in the TOS and the LDL level and decreases in PON-1 activity and the HDL level were determined among the dogs at all stages of VL (p<0.05). No significant differences were found in the TAC and the cholesterol and triglyceride levels among the groups. CONCLUSION Increased oxidative stress and alterations in lipid profile were observed among dogs with VL. However, no significant differences were detected between dogs at different stages of the disease. Therefore, changes in the TOS, PON-1 activity, and HDL and LDL levels in dogs at all stages of VL should be considered in the diagnosis of the disease and planning of the treatment.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2018
Hasan Erdoğan; Serdar Paşa; Kerem Ural; Mehmet Gultekin; Yasin Parlatir; Songül Toplu; Canberk Balikci
Tromboemboliler kanama bozukluklari ile seyreden hastaliklarda mortalite duzeylerini etkileyen onemli sorunlardan biridir. Ehrlichiosis gibi kanama bozukluguna neden olabilen hastaliklarda derin ven trombozlari ve tromboembolilerin sekillendigi bilinmekte ancak taninin konulabilmesi icin ileri diyagnostik tekniklere ihtiyac duyulmaktadir. Bu calismada, Ehrlichiosis ile monoenfeksiyonlu kopeklerde D-dimer testi ile D-dimer/Fibrinojen oranlarinin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Bu amacla yuksek ates lenfadenopati ve istahsizlik gibi klinik bulgular gosteren ve hasta basi hizli ELISA testi Snap 4dx sonuclarina gore Ehrlichiosis ile monoenfeksiyonlu kopekler (n=10) ile klinik ve laboratuvar degerlendirmeleri sonucunda saglikli oldugu belirlenen (n=10) kopekler calismaya alindi. Calisma gruplarinda bulunan kopeklerden EDTA ve sitratli kan ornekleri V.cephalica antebrachi uzerinden toplamda 5 ml olacak sekilde alinarak D-dimer ve Fibrinojen seviyeleri ticari test kitleri yardimi ile D-dimer/Fibrinojen orani ise hesaplanarak elde edildi. Ehrlichiosis ile monoenfeksiyonlu kopeklerin D-dimer (3059.01074.4 ng/ml) ve Fibrinojen (371.062.0 mg/dl) seviyelerinin ve D-dimer/Fibrinojen oranlarinin (12.25.9) saglikli kopeklere gore istatistiksel olarak (P=0.011) yuksek bulundu. Sonuc olarak Ehrlichiosis ile monoenfeksiyonlu kopeklerde D-dimer/Fibrinojen oraninin ileri diyagnostik teknikler ile birlestirilerek Veteriner sahada tromboembolilerin tanisal anlamda yaklasimina isik tutabilecek biyobelirtecler arasina girebilecegi dusunuldu.
Acta Veterinaria Brno | 2018
Uğur Parin; Sukru Kirkan; Kerem Ural; Serap Savasan; Goksel Erbas; Mehmet Gultekin; HafizeTugba Yuksel; Canberk Balikci
Caseous lymphadenitis is still a serious zoonotic problem in Turkey. Sheep suffer from the disease with yield loss in wool and meat production. Moreover, with inexperienced laboratory staff, biochemical identification may go unrevealed. The scope of this study was to demonstrate the presence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in sheep by PCR. The sampling was conducted via collecting lymph fluids from the lymph node internal pouch wall of 100 sheep that were examined for the presence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Molecular identification of the Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis isolates was carried out by establishing the presence of the proline iminopeptidase gene. All isolates were confirmed to be Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis by polymerase chain reaction. The polymerase chain reaction procedure conducted in this research was observed to be reliable and fast, and could be utilized for confirmation of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep as an optional technique to timeconsuming biochemical identification methods. Pleomorphic bacteria, caseous lymphadenitis, proline iminopeptidase, PCR Caseous lymphadenitis (CL) is a bacterial disease that causes considerable economic loss in sheep and goat industries (loss of skin and carcass value, loss of weight, loss of reproductive activity, and reduced milk yield) in many countries around the world (Guimaraes et al. 2011). Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (C. pseudotuberculosis) is a gram-positive, facultative intracellular actinomycete that causes chronic bacterial disease in sheep, goats, and other warm-blooded animals with caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) (Dorella et al. 2006). Pleomorphism in fresh C. pseudotuberculosis cultures is like that of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and other bacterial species, in terms of microscopic morphology. However, metachromatic granules are better detected using the staining methods of Neisser and Albert (Ilhan 2001). Colonies are easily broken down and dispersed on agar, but are less dispersed in liquid medium (Paracikoglu and Aydin 2006). Laboratory diagnosis is usually achieved through confirmation using bacterial cultures and by biochemical, serological and nucleic acid-based detection methods (Baird and Fontaine 2007; Guimaraes et al. 2011). The microorganism continues to multiply in host cells after being taken up by macrophages, which are disrupted and the microorganism is released thereafter. Released microorganisms are subsequently taken up by other circulating phagocytic cells and the cycle is repeated. This repeated phagocytosis cycle has been reported to cause recurrent lesions in C. pseudotuberculosis infections in sheep (Yeruham et al. 1997). In this study, the presence of C. pseudotuberculosis was identified in suspected cases of caseous lymphadenitis in sheep, using bacteriological cultures and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in the Aydin Province of Turkey. ACTA VET. BRNO 2018, 87: 3-8; Address for correspondence: Dr.Ugur Parin Department of Microbiology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Adnan Menderes, 09016 Turkey Phone:+90 533 418 40 78 E-mail: [email protected] Materials and Methods
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi | 2017
Kerem Ural; Onur Örtlek
Amac: Bu arastirma ile Aydin ilinde bazi sutcu sigir isletmelerinde farkli biyobelirtecler araciligiyla SARA insidansinin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem: Total karisim rasyonu (TKR) ile besleme yapilan ve Aydin ilinde bulunan 8 farkli sut sigirciligi isletmesi calisma kapsamina alindi. Her bir isletmede I. grup erken laktasyon (0-70. gunler) ve II. grup orta laktasyonda (70- 140. gunler) olmak uzere (her grupta en az n=12) 2’ ser farkli grup olusturuldu. Tez kapsaminda tanimlayici biyobelirtecler olarak rumen pH’ si, rumen kontraksiyonlarinin sayisi , diski skorlamasi, vucut kondusyon skoru kullanildi. Bulgular: Calisma kapsaminda 15/184 (% 8.15) hayvanin SARA pozitif (pH˂ 5.5) oldugu (12’ si erken laktasyonda, 3’ u orta laktasyonda) bunun yani sira farkli iki ciftlikte (% 25 oranla D ve F ciftlikleri) saptanan birer olgunun SARA risk grubunda, 167 olgunun ise SARA negatif oldugu belirlendi. SARA teshisli hayvanlarda rumen sivisi pH degerlerinin (p˂0.01), rumen kontraksiyonlarinin (p ˂0.01), ortanca diski skorunun (p ˂0.01) saglikli olnalara oranla belirgin derecede farklilastigi saptandi. Vucut kondisyon skoru (VKP) bakimindan rumen pH’si degerlendirildiginde, 3˂VKP˂4 arasinda VKP’ ye sahip ineklerin ortalamalari diger VKP gruplarina gore yuksek bulundu. Saglikli ve SARA teshisli ineklerde rumen pH’ si ile rumen kontraksiyonu (sirasiyla 0.246 ve 0.647) (P˂ 0.01), rumen pH’ si ile VKP arasinda (0.414 ile 0.781) (P˂ 0.01) istatistik bakimdan onemli ve pozitif yonde iliskiler saptandi. Oneri: Calismamiz kapsaminda SARA ile iliskide olan biyobelirteclerin (rumen pH’ si, rumen kontraksiyonlari, diski skoru, VKP) korelasyonlarida incelenmis olup tani amaciyla da degerlendirilebilecegi, erken koruyucu tedbirler alinarak hastaligin engellenebilecegi kanisina varilmistir.
Kocatepe Veterinary Journal | 2016
Songül Toplu; Kerem Ural; Nuran Aysul; Adnan Ayan; Mehmet Gultekin; Canberk Balikci
Magnezyum enerji metabolizmasinda bircok enzimin aktivasyonuna katilan makromineraldir. Diyetle aliminin ve absorbsiyonunun azalmasi veya konjenital metabolik hastaliklar sonucu Mg eksikligi sekillenebilmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda 2 aylik yastan kucuk, dogal olarak giardiazisli 11 ishalli buzagida Mg duzeyleri arastirildi. Hasta basi hizli test kitleriyle Giardia duodenalis pozitif saptananlarda, taninin kesinlestirilmesi amaciyla diski ornekleri cinko sulfat flotasyon/Giemsa boyama ile incelendi. Mg seviyeleri Vet Photometer 700 DP cihazi ile enzimatik-kolorimetrik yontemle belirlendi. Hasta buzagilarda Mg seviyeleri (min-maks) 0.15-0.41 mmol/L arasinda bulundu. Elde ettigimiz bulgular literaturlerdeki saglikli referans grubu ve ayni yastaki buzagilar (0,8-1,6 mmol/L) ile hipomagnezemili ancak giardiazisi bulunmayanlarda (0,4-0,5 mmol/L) saptanan referans araliklarina gore daha dusuk seviyelerde Mg tespit edildigini gostermektedir. Sonuc olarak Giardia spp. ile dogal infekte buzagilarda, malabsorpsiyon ve diyarenin magnezyum emilimini bozarak hipomagnezemiye sebep olabilecegi soylenebilir.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2016
Umit Karademir; İbrahim Akin; Kerem Ural
Aril propiyonik asit turevi olan Ketoprofen (KTP) secici olmayan guclu bir siklooksijenaz (COX) inhibisyonu ile nonsteroidal anti-inflammatuar ilaclar arasindadir. KTP sigirlarda boynuzsuzlastirma agrisini hafifletir. Sigirlarin pihtilasma ozellikleri hemostatik degisiklikler veya fonksiyon bozuklularini onlemek amaciyla ameliyat oncesi dikkate alinmalidir. Bu calismada boynuzsuzlastirma islemi uygulanan duvelerde KTP’nin koagulasyon profillerine olan etkisi degerlendirildi. Duvelere (n=7) boynuzsuzlastirma oncesi KTP (2.2 mg/kg i.v.) tek doz uygulandi. Fibrinojen (F), protrombin zamani (PT) ve active edilmis parsiyel tromboplastin zamani (APTT) uygulama oncesi (0.), 30., 60. ve 90 dakikalarda belirlendi. Ortalama degerler (±SD) dikkate alindiginda, PT degerleri baslangic degerlerinin aksine 30. dakikada belirgin bir artis oldu (PKetoprofen (KTP), an aryl propionic acid derivative, is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with the potential of a strong non-selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX). KTP mitigates dehorning pain in cattle. The coagulation status of the cattle has to be taken in to consideration prior to surgery in an attempt to prevent haemostatic alterations or dysfunction. In this study, the effect of administration of KTP on the coagulation profiles of Holstein heifers subjected to dehorning is evaluated. Heifers (n=7) were treated with KTP (2.2 mg/kg i.v.) for a single dose prior to dehorning. Fibrinogen (Fb), prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) were determined prior to administration (0.) and 30, 60 and 90 minutes later. Taking into account the mean values (±SD) obtained, the PT was significantly increased on 30. minutes in contrast to initial values (P<0.05). Similarly, Fb concentration showed statistical significance on 60. minutes (P<0.05) in comparison to the initial values. Significant differences were not detected in other coagulation panel parameters at sampling times. In conclusion, i.v. administration of KTP at a single dose in heifers subjected to dehorning causes slight changes of selected haemostatic variables. KTP only caused elevations on PTT and Fb. Based on these results, when KTP is used in cattle before surgery for its analgesic effect, it should cause alterations on the haemostatic properties during the dehorning.
Acta parasitologica Turcica | 2012
Osman Selçuk Aldemir; Kerem Ural; Nuran Aysul; Onur Derincegöz; Emrah Simsek; Asude Gulce-Guler
A male Rottweiler dog was brought to the Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Veterinary Clinics with the complaint of injury. On examination, on the right rear side of the dog, Myiasis larvae were found. Twenty-seven were collected and larval mouth parts and posterior stigmas were dissected. Upon microscopic examination, the larvae of the dog were identified as third stage Lucilia spp. In the region where larvea were located, erythema, edema, and petechial hemorrhages were observed as pathological disorders.
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences | 2013
Nuran Aysul; Kerem Ural; Bülent Ulutaş; Hasan Eren; Tulin Karagenc