Keren Sharon
University of Michigan
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Featured researches published by Keren Sharon.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Traci L. Johnson; Keren Sharon; Matthew B. Bayliss; Michael D. Gladders; Dan Coe; Harald Ebeling
We present strong-lensing models as well as mass and magnification maps for the cores of the six Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Frontier Fields galaxy clusters. Our parametric lens models are constrained by the locations and redshifts of multiple image systems of lensed background galaxies. We use a combination of photometric redshifts and spectroscopic redshifts of the lensed background sources obtained by us (for A2744 and AS1063), collected from the literature, or kindly provided by the lensing community. Using our results, we (1) compare the derived mass distribution of each cluster to its light distribution, (2) quantify the cumulative magnification power of the HST Frontier Fields clusters, (3) describe how our models can be used to estimate the magnification and image multiplicity of lensed background sources at all redshifts and at any position within the cluster cores, and (4) discuss systematic effects and caveats resulting from our modeling methods. We specifically investigate the effect of the use of spectroscopic and photometric redshift constraints on the uncertainties of the resulting models. We find that the photometric redshift estimates of lensed galaxies are generally in excellent agreement with spectroscopic redshifts, where available. However, the flexibility associated with relaxed redshift priors may cause themorexa0» complexity of large-scale structure that is needed to account for the lensing signal to be underestimated. Our findings thus underline the importance of spectroscopic arc redshifts, or tight photometric redshift constraints, for high precision lens models. All products from our best-fit lens models (magnification, convergence, shear, deflection field) and model simulations for estimating errors are made available via the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes.«xa0less
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
Yashar D. Hezaveh; D. P. Marrone; C. D. Fassnacht; J. S. Spilker; J. D. Vieira; James E. Aguirre; K. A. Aird; M. Aravena; M. L. N. Ashby; Matthew B. Bayliss; B. A. Benson; L. E. Bleem; M. Bothwell; M. Brodwin; J. E. Carlstrom; C. L. Chang; S. C. Chapman; T. M. Crawford; A. T. Crites; C. De Breuck; T. de Haan; M. Dobbs; Edward B. Fomalont; E. M. George; Michael D. Gladders; Anthony H. Gonzalez; T. R. Greve; N. W. Halverson; F. W. High; Gilbert P. Holder
We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 860 μm imaging of four high-redshift (z = 2.8-5.7) dusty sources that were detected using the South Pole Telescope (SPT) at 1.4 mm and are not seen in existing radio to far-infrared catalogs. At 1.5 resolution, the ALMA data reveal multiple images of each submillimeter source, separated by 1-3, consistent with strong lensing by intervening galaxies visible in near-IR imaging of these sources. We describe a gravitational lens modeling procedure that operates on the measured visibilities and incorporates self-calibration-like antenna phase corrections as part of the model optimization, which we use to interpret the source structure. Lens models indicate that SPT0346-52, located at z = 5.7, is one of the most luminous and intensely star-forming sources in the universe with a lensing corrected FIR luminosity of 3.7 × 10^(13) L_☉ and star formation surface density of 4200 M_☉ yr^(–1) kpc^(–2). We find magnification factors of 5 to 22, with lens Einstein radii of 1.1-2.0 and Einstein enclosed masses of 1.6-7.2 × 10^(11) M_☉. These observations confirm the lensing origin of these objects, allow us to measure their intrinsic sizes and luminosities, and demonstrate the important role that ALMA will play in the interpretation of lensed submillimeter sources.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Matthew B. Bayliss; Jane R. Rigby; Keren Sharon; Eva Wuyts; Michael K. Florian; Michael D. Gladders; Traci L. Johnson; Masamune Oguri
We present optical and near-IR imaging and spectroscopy of SGAS J105039.6+001730, a strongly lensed galaxy at z = 3.6252 magnified by >30×, and derive its physical properties. We measure a stellar mass of log(M{sub *}/M{sub ☉}) = 9.5 ± 0.35, star formation rates from [O II] λλ3727 and Hβ of 55 ± 25 and 84 ± 24 M{sub ☉} yr{sup –1}, respectively, an electron density of n{sub e} ≤ 10{sup 3} cm{sup –2}, an electron temperature of T{sub e} ≤ 14,000 K, and a metallicity of 12 + log(O/H) = 8.3 ± 0.1. The strong C III] λλ1907,1909 emission and abundance ratios of C, N, O, and Si are consistent with well-studied starbursts at z ∼ 0 with similar metallicities. Strong P Cygni lines and He II λ1640 emission indicate a significant population of Wolf-Rayet stars, but synthetic spectra of individual populations of young, hot stars do not reproduce the observed integrated P Cygni absorption features. The rest-frame UV spectral features are indicative of a young starburst with high ionization, implying either (1) an ionization parameter significantly higher than suggested by rest-frame optical nebular lines, or (2) differences in one or both of the initial mass function and the propertiesmorexa0» of ionizing spectra of massive stars. We argue that the observed features are likely the result of a superposition of star forming regions with different physical properties. These results demonstrate the complexity of star formation on scales smaller than individual galaxies, and highlight the importance of systematic effects that result from smearing together the signatures of individual star forming regions within galaxies.«xa0less
The Astrophysical Journal | 2012
Eva Wuyts; Jane R. Rigby; Keren Sharon; Michael D. Gladders
We present multi-wavelength imaging and near-IR spectroscopy for 10 gravitationally lensed galaxies at 0.9 < z < 2.5 selected from a new, large sample of strong lens systems in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. We derive stellar masses from the rest-frame UV to near-IR spectral energy distributions, star formation rates (SFRs) from the dust-corrected Hα flux, and metallicities from the [N II]/Hα flux ratio. We combine the lensed galaxies with a sample of 60 star-forming galaxies from the literature in the same redshift range for which measurements of [N II]/Hα have been published. Due to the lensing magnification, the lensed galaxies probe intrinsic stellar masses that are on average a factor of 11 lower than have been studied so far at these redshifts. They have specific SFRs that are an order of magnitude higher than seen for main-sequence star-forming galaxies at z ~ 2. We measure an evolution of 0.16 ± 0.06 dex in the mass-metallicity relation between z ~ 1.4 and z ~ 2.2. In contrast to previous claims, the redshift evolution is smaller at low stellar masses. We do not see a correlation between metallicity and SFR at fixed stellar mass. The combined sample is in general agreement with the local fundamental relation between metallicity, stellar mass, and SFR from Mannucci et al. Using the Kennicutt-Schmidt law to infer gas fractions, we investigate the importance of gas inflows and outflows on the shape of the mass-metallicity relation using simple analytical models. This suggests that the Maiolino et al. calibration of the [N II]/Hα flux ratio is biased high.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2016
Tommaso Treu; Gabriel B. Brammer; J. M. Diego; C. Grillo; Patrick L. Kelly; Masamune Oguri; Steven A. Rodney; Piero Rosati; Keren Sharon; Adi Zitrin; I. Balestra; Maruša Bradač; Tom Broadhurst; G. B. Caminha; Aleksi Halkola; Austin Hoag; Masafumi Ishigaki; Traci L. Johnson; W. Karman; Ryota Kawamata; A. Mercurio; Kasper B. Schmidt; Louis-Gregory Strolger; Sherry H. Suyu; A. V. Filippenko; Ryan J. Foley; Saurabh W. Jha; Brandon Patel
Supernova Refsdal, multiply imaged by cluster MACS1149.5+2223, represents a rare opportunity to make a true blind test of model predictions in extragalactic astronomy, on a timescale that is short compared to a human lifetime. In order to take advantage of this event, we produced seven gravitational lens models with five independent methods, based on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Hubble Frontier Field images, along with extensive spectroscopic follow-up observations by HST, the Very Large and the Keck Telescopes. We compare the model predictions and show that they agree reasonably well with the measured time delays and magnification ratios between the known images, even though these quantities were not used as input. This agreement is encouraging, considering that the models only provide statistical uncertainties, and do not include additional sources of uncertainties such as structure along the line of sight, cosmology, and the mass sheet degeneracy. We then present the model predictions for the other appearances of supernova Refsdal. A future image will reach its peak in the first half of 2016, while another image appeared between 1994 and 2004. The past image would have been too faint to be detected in existing archival images. The future image should be approximately one-third as bright as the brightest known image (i.e., H_(AB) ≈ 25.7 mag at peak and H_(AB) ≈ 26.7 mag six months before peak), and thus detectable in single-orbit HST images. We will find out soon whether our predictions are correct.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
Steven A. Rodney; Brandon Patel; D. Scolnic; Ryan J. Foley; A. Molino; Gabriel B. Brammer; Mathilde Jauzac; Maruša Bradač; Tom Broadhurst; Dan Coe; J. M. Diego; Or Graur; J. Hjorth; Austin Hoag; Saurabh W. Jha; Traci L. Johnson; Patrick L. Kelly; Daniel Lam; Curtis McCully; Elinor Medezinski; M. Meneghetti; Julian Merten; Johan Richard; Adam G. Riess; Keren Sharon; Louis G. Strolger; Tommaso Treu; Xin Wang; Liliya L. R. Williams; Adi Zitrin
SN HFF14Tom is a Type Ia SN discovered at z=1.3457 ± 0.0001 behind the galaxy cluster Abell 2744 (z = 0.308). In a cosmology-independent analysis, we find that HFF14Tom is 0.77 ± 0.15 mag brighter than unlensed Type Ia SNe at similar redshift, implying a lensing magnification of µ_(obs)=2.03 ± 0.29. This observed magnification provides a rare opportunity for a direct empirical test of galaxy cluster lens models. Here we test 17 lens models, 13 of which were generated before the SN magnification was known, qualifying as pure blind tests. The models are collectively fairly accurate: 8 of the models deliver median magnifications that are consistent with the measured μ to within 1σ. However, there is a subtle systematic bias: the significant disagreements all involve models overpredicting the magnification. We evaluate possible causes for this mild bias, and find no single physical or methodological explanation to account for it. We do find that model accuracy can be improved to some extent with stringent quality cuts on multiply imaged systems, such as requiring that a large fraction have spectroscopic redshifts. In addition to testing model accuracies as we have done here, Type Ia SN magnifications could also be used as inputs for future lens models of Abell 2744 and other clusters, providing valuable constraints in regions where traditional strong- and weak-lensing information is unavailable.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2014
Eva Wuyts; Jane R. Rigby; Michael D. Gladders; Keren Sharon
We present a detailed analysis of multi-wavelength Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) imaging and Keck/OSIRIS near-infrared adaptive optics-assisted integral field spectroscopy for a highly magnified lensed galaxy at z = 1.70. This young starburst is representative of ultraviolet-selected star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at z ~ 2 and contains multiple individual star-forming regions. Due to the lensing magnification, we can resolve spatial scales down to 100 pc in the source plane of the galaxy. The velocity field shows disturbed kinematics suggestive of an ongoing interaction and there is a clear signature of a tidal tail. We constrain the age, reddening, star formation rate, and stellar mass of the star-forming clumps from spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling of the WFC3 photometry and measure their Hα luminosity, metallicity, and outflow properties from the OSIRIS data. With strong star-formation-driven outflows in four clumps, RCSGA0327 is the first high-redshift SFG at stellar mass <1010 M ☉ with spatially resolved stellar winds. We compare the Hα luminosities, sizes, and dispersions of the star-forming regions with other high-z clumps as well as local giant H II regions and find no evidence for increased clump star formation surface densities in interacting systems, unlike in the local universe. Spatially resolved SED modeling unveils an established stellar population at the location of the largest clump and a second mass concentration near the edge of the system that is not detected in Hα emission. This suggests a picture of an equal-mass mixed major merger, which has not triggered a new burst of star formation or caused a tidal tail in the gas-poor component.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
Keren Sharon; Traci L. Johnson
We present a revised lens model of MACS J1149+2223, in which the first resolved multiply-imaged lensed supernova was discovered. The lens model is based on the model of Johnson et al. (2014) with some modifications. We include more lensing constraints from the host galaxy of the newly discovered supernova, and increase the flexibility of the model in order to better reproduce the lensing signal in the vicinity of this galaxy. The revised model accurately reconstructs the positions of the lensed supernova, provides magnifications, and predicts the time delay between the instances of the supernova. Finally, we reconstruct the source image of the host galaxy, and position the supernova on one of its spiral arms. Products of this lens model are available to the community through MAST.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2015
Jane R. Rigby; Matthew B. Bayliss; Michael D. Gladders; Keren Sharon; Eva Wuyts; H. Dahle; Traci L. Johnson; Maria A. Peña-Guerrero
We measure C III Lambda Lambda 1907, 1909 Angstrom emission lines in eleven gravitationally-lensed star-forming galaxies at zeta at approximately 1.6-3, finding much lower equivalent widths than previously reported for fainter lensed galaxies (Stark et al. 2014). While it is not yet clear what causes some galaxies to be strong C III] emitters, C III] emission is not a universal property of distant star-forming galaxies. We also examine C III] emission in 46 star-forming galaxies in the local universe, using archival spectra from GHRS, FOS, and STIS on HST, and IUE. Twenty percent of these local galaxies show strong C III] emission, with equivalent widths less than 5 Angstrom. Three nearby galaxies show C III] emission equivalent widths as large as the most extreme emitters yet observed in the distant universe; all three are Wolf-Rayet galaxies. At all redshifts, strong C III] emission may pick out low-metallicity galaxies experiencing intense bursts of star formation. Such local C III] emitters may shed light on the conditions of star formation in certain extreme high-redshift galaxies.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Matthew B. Bayliss; Benjamin P. Koester; Joseph F. Hennawi; Michael D. Gladders; Eva Wuyts; Keren Sharon
We present observations of two strongly lensed