
Featured researches published by Kerim Çiçek.

Journal of Freshwater Ecology | 2011

New data on facultative paedomorphism of the smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris, in Western Anatolia, Turkey

Kerim Çiçek; Dinçer Ayaz

During a monitoring survey of the amphibians and reptiles in Lake Sülüklü (Manisa, Turkey) in the spring of 2010, we found that the smooth newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) population was composed of partially paedomorphic individuals. During the study, 146 aquatic individuals (56 males, 90 females) were captured and marked. Of these individuals, 27 (seven males, 20 females) were paedomorphic. The population size in Lake Sülüklü was calculated as 305 (SE = 20.72, range = 270–351). According to these data, it was calculated that about 18.5% (56 individuals) of the population consisted of paedomorphic individuals.

Zoology in The Middle East | 2011

Population dynamics of Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 at Uludağ, Western Turkey

Kerim Çiçek; Ahmet Mermer; Cemal Varol Tok

Abstract In a study on the population dynamics of the Uludağ Frog, Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885 at Uludağ, 4,952 individuals were marked with toeclipping, visible implant elastomer and vi alpha tags between 2006 and 2008. 47.1% of the population consisted of males, 39.0% of females and 13.8% of juveniles, and a male-biased sex ratio was observed. According to the formula of Jolly-Seber, the mean population size was calculated for individual study plots as 1,535 in Kirazlıyayla, 1,578 in Sarıalan, 1,481 in the Hotels District, 823 in Lake Kilimli, 742 in Lake Kara, 675 in Lake Aynalı, 658 in Lake Koğukdere, and 151 in Lake Heybeli. The total population size was estimated at 7,643 individuals (3,113 in forest, 4,530 in the subalpine belt) in 1.30 ha areas (0.14 ha in forest, 1.16 ha in the subalpine belt) in study plots of Uludağ ranging between 1,476 to 2,450 m a.s.l. The capture probability ranged from 0.21 to 0.93 and the survival rate ranged from 0.57 to 0.98 among the populations, and the mean population density was calculated as 0.19–2.52 individuals/m2. The age in the population varied between 2 and 11 years, and the median age was calculated as 4 in males, 4.5 in females. The sexual maturity age ranged from 2nd to 6th years depending on altitude (from 1,476 to 2,450 m). It was found that the breeding period commenced in early April upon the melting of the snow and extended until the end of June, depending on altitude. The mean number of eggs in an egg mass was calculated to be 987±326. Spawned eggs hatched in 7 to 32 days depending on weather conditions and metamorphosis was completed in 46 to 130 days.

Journal of Freshwater Ecology | 2011

Food composition of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Lake Sülüklü (Western Anatolia, Turkey)

Kerim Çiçek; Dinçer Ayaz

We examined the seasonal changes in the food composition of the European pond turtle, Emys orbicularis in Lake Sülüklü (Manisa, Turkey) during spring and summer 2010. The stomach contents of 110 (40 ♂♂, 62 ♀♀, eight juveniles) E. orbicularis individuals were analyzed, and 461 prey items were found. Gastropods (2.2%), earthworms (0.4%), insects (67.2%), fishes (6.9%), amphibians (15.0%), and plant material (8.2%) constituted the food of the species. Food consisted primarily of insects and other invertebrates during the breeding season and of vertebrate and plant material (especially seeds and roots) during the post-breeding season. Based on these results, the European pond turtle is a generalist opportunistic omnivore whose diet is most strongly influenced by prey availability.

Biologia | 2007

Population estimate and body size of European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) from Pazarağaç (Afyonkarahisar/Turkey)

Dinçer Ayaz; Uwe Fritz; Cemal Varol Tok; Ahmet Mermer; Murat Tosunoğlu; Murat Afsar; Kerim Çiçek

Data on population size, adult sex ratio, body size and mass are provided for a population of the turtle Emys orbicularis near Pazarağaç (Afyonkarahisar/Turkey). Using the mark-recapture method (triple catch), a population size of 664 turtles was estimated (95% confidence interval, range 332–996), corresponding to a density of 83 turtles per hectare (range 41.5–124.5). The adult sex-ratio was significantly skewed in favor of males (2.02 males: 1 female; P < 0.001). Almost all recorded specimens were adult (98.1%). Mean straight carapace length (SCL) and body mass (BM) of adult turtles were: SCL = 128.65 mm, BM = 345 g for males (n = 168) and SCL = 135.37 mm, BM = 463 g for females (n = 83).

Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology | 2018

Borçka-Karagöl Tabiat Parkı (Artvin / Türkiye) ve Çevresinin Kurbağaları

Murat Afsar; Birgül Afsar; Dinçer Ayaz; Kerim Çiçek; Cemal Varol Tok

Borcka-Karagol Tabiat Parki ve cevresinde yayilis gosteren kurbaga turleri ve dagilislari, 2003-2006 yillari ile 2015-2017 yillarinda yapilan arazi calismalariyla belirlenmistir. Karagol Tabiat Parki ve cevresinde 5 kuyruksuz [Rana macrocnemis, Pelophylax ridibundus, Hyla orientalis, Pelodytes caucasicus ve Bufo verrucosissimus] ve iki kuyruklu kurbaga [Mertensiella caucasica ve Ommatotriton ophryticus] turu olmak uzere toplam yedi amfibi turunun yasadigi tespit edilmistir. Karogol’de, 1465 metre yukseklikte Rana macrocnemis, Pelophylax ridibundus, Hyla orientalis, Pelodytes caucasicus, Bufo verrucosissimus, Mertensiella caucasica ve Ommatotriton ophryticus turlerinin sintopik olarak yasadigi belirlenmistir. 1465-1750 m arasinda soz konusu turlerden Rana macrocnemis, Pelophylax ridibundus, Hyla orientalis, Pelodytes caucasicus, Bufo verrucosissimus ve Ommatotriton ophryticus birlikte yasamaktadir. 1750 – 2200 m arasinda ise Rana macrocnemis ve Mertensiella caucasica turleri birlikte yasamaktadir. Karagol’de Pelophylax ridibundus baskin tur olarak goze carpmaktayken, Orman ici ve subalpin bolgede Rana macrocnemis baskin tur olarak gozlenmistir.

Zoology in The Middle East | 2017

Food composition of the Near Eastern Fire Salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata Martens, 1885 (Amphibia: Urodela: Salamandridae) from Eastern Anatolia

Kerim Çiçek; Mustafa Koyun; Cemal Varol Tok

This study presents data on the food composition of the Near Eastern Fire Salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata, from Bingöl, eastern Turkey. A total of 139 prey items was determined in the food content of 28 individuals (14 juveniles, 7 males, and 7 females). Insecta (N%= 37.4), Gastropoda (27.3%), and Isopoda (25.9%) constitute together 91% of the food items. The most frequent prey groups in the diet are Coleoptera (F%=50.0%), Isopoda (57.1%), and Gastropoda (46.4%). Coleoptera (V%= 34.6%), Gastropoda (28.0%), and Isopoda (23.5%) had the highest prey volumes. No significant difference was found between the sexes in food composition. The species generally feeds upon poorly flying or slow-moving invertebrates, but is opportunistic in taking up more mobile prey species as well. Diptera, Odonata and Hemiptera were found in small numbers only.

Zoology in The Middle East | 2016

A skeletochronological study of age, growth and longevity in two freshwater turtles, Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata, from Mediterranean Turkey (Reptilia: Testudines)

Kerim Çiçek; Meltem Kumaş; Dinçer Ayaz; Cemal Varol Tok

We estimated growth parameters of Emys orbicularis and Mauremys rivulata in Mediterranean Turkey with the skeletochronological method, using specimens drowned in fyke nets. In adult E. orbicularis, the median age was 8 years in males and 10 years in females. The median age of adult M. rivulata was 10 years for both sexes. Both species reach sexual maturity at an age of 5–7 years. No difference was found in age composition between the sexes.

Zoology in The Middle East | 2015

A skeletochronological analysis of a population of the Anatolia Newt, Neurergus strauchii (Steindachner, 1887) (Caudata: Salamandridae), in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey

Batuhan Yaman Yakın; Kerim Çiçek; Mustafa Koyun; Mert Gürkan; Sibel Hayretdağ; Cemal Varol Tok

This study presents data on age, growth and longevity of a population of Neurergus strauchii in Eastern Anatolia (Bingöl, Turkey) based on skeletochronological data. The phalangeal diaphyseal cross-sections of 54 individuals studied (12♂, 42♀) showed that females are on average older than males: the ages ranged from 6 to 14 years, with an average age of 8.8 years in males and 10.9 years in females. Sexual maturity is reached at an age of 4-5 years in both sexes. The slow growth and the longevity make the species vulnerable.

Mitochondrial DNA | 2013

Genetic structuring of Anguis fragilis (L., 1758) inhabiting in the north of 40° north latitude in Turkey

Emre Keskin; Sibel Hayretdağ; Kerim Çiçek; Dinçer Ayaz; Cemal Varol Tok

The taxonomic situation of Anguis fragilis species is still unclear in Turkey. In order to clarify this situation, we used the DNA sequences of 16S rRNA and cytochrome b genes to analyze the phylogenetic relationship among A. fragilis populations. A total of 13 haplotypes in 16S rRNA dataset and 20 haplotypes in cytochrome b dataset were detected. Kimura 2-parameter genetic distance was found to be 0.012 for 16S rRNA and 0.026 for the cytochrome b dataset. Neighbor joining (NJ) trees were constructed to analyze phylogenetic relationship among specimens and were supported with median joining networks. Results indicate a clear genetic structuring in A. fragilis populations sampled from north of 40° north latitude of Turkey. Both mitochondrial gene sequences successfully detected the intraspecific variation among specimens of different populations. Genetic structuring, correlated with geographic distance, was found to be significant at the specimens sampled from edge populations of peripherally isolated climatic conditions.

Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology - C. Life Sciences and Biotechnology | 2012


Murat Afsar; Dinçer Ayaz; Birgül Afsar; Kerim Çiçek; Cemal Varol Tok

In this study, 15 amphibian and reptile species were recorded from 12 different localities in the Camili Biosphere Reserve, known as the first biosphere site of Turkey. Two of these species are Urodelan, four are Anuran, four are Lacertilia and five are Ophidia. Two black coloured specimens belongs to Natrix genus collected from biosphere rezerv area are compered with literature data belongs to N. megalocephala . Moreover, t he population and habitat status of threatened species were investigated, required conservation measures were explained.

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