
Featured researches published by Kevin D. Kroeger.

Ecological Applications | 2000


Ivan Valiela; Gabrielle Tomasky; Jennifer Hauxwell; Marci L. Cole; Just Cebrián; Kevin D. Kroeger

Sustainable coastal management requires that the goals and means of management be made operational and specific. We use Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts, as a case study, to suggest a decision-making process that brings updated scientific results forward while incorporating stakeholder concerns. Land-derived nitrogen loading is the major agent of change for receiving estuaries in the Waquoit Bay estuarine complex, so control of nitrogen loading rates is a principal goal of land management plans. We can establish the relationships of land use pattern to nitrogen loading rates, and of loading rates to mean annual concentrations of nitrogen in the estuaries. The latter, in turn, can be related quantitatively to mean annual production and biomass of phytoplankton, macroalgae, and eelgrass. We propose that phytoplankton, macroalgal, and eelgrass production and biomass are suitable end point measures that can be made meaningful to stakeholders. We define the relationship of agent of change vs. end point measure, and ...

Applied Geochemistry | 2002

Assessment of models for estimation of land-derived nitrogen loads to shallow estuaries

Ivan Valiela; Jennifer L. Bowen; Kevin D. Kroeger

The performance of several models used to estimate land-derived N loads to shallow receiving estuaries are compared. Models included in the comparison differed in complexity and approach, and predicted either loads or concentrations in estuary water. In all cases, model predictions were compared to measured loads or concentrations, as appropriate. Measured N loads to 9 estuaries on Cape Cod, MA, were obtained as the product of mean concentrations in groundwater about to seep into estuaries multiplied by the annual recharge of groundwater. Measured annual mean N concentrations in estuaries were obtained by extensive sampling surveys. The validity of this procedure to measure loads was verified by comparison against seepage meter data. Responsiveness of model predictions was generally good: predictions increased significantly as measured values increased in 8 of the 10 models evaluated. Precision of predictions was significant for all models. Three models provided highly accurate predictions; correction terms were calculated that could be applied to predictions from the other models to improve accuracy. Four of the models provided reasonable predictive ability. Simulations were run with somewhat different versions of two of the models; in both cases, the modified versions yielded improved predictions. The more complex models tended to be more responsive and precise, but not necessarily more accurate or predictive. Simpler models are attractive because they demand less information for use, but models with more comprehensive formulations, and emphasis on processes tended to perform better. Different models predicted widely different partitioning of land-derived N loads from wastewater, fertilizers, and atmospheric deposition. This is of concern, because mitigation options would be based on such partitioning of predictions. Choice of model to be used in management decisions or for research purposes therefore is not a trivial decision.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2016

Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming

Joanna C. Carey; Jianwu Tang; Pamela H. Templer; Kevin D. Kroeger; Thomas W. Crowther; Andrew J. Burton; Jeffrey S. Dukes; Bridget A. Emmett; Serita D. Frey; Mary A. Heskel; Lifen Jiang; Megan B. Machmuller; Jacqueline E. Mohan; Anne Marie Panetta; Peter B. Reich; Sabine Reinsch; Xin Wang; Steven D. Allison; Chris Bamminger; Scott D. Bridgham; Scott L. Collins; Giovanbattista de Dato; William C. Eddy; Brian J. Enquist; Marc Estiarte; John Harte; Amanda N. Henderson; Bart R. Johnson; Klaus Steenberg Larsen; Yiqi Luo

Significance One of the greatest challenges in projecting future shifts in the global climate is understanding how soil respiration rates will change with warming. Multiple experimental warming studies have explored this response, but no consensus has been reached. Based on a global synthesis of 27 experimental warming studies spanning nine biomes, we find that although warming increases soil respiration rates, there is limited evidence for a shifting respiration response with experimental warming. We also note a universal decline in the temperature sensitivity of respiration at soil temperatures >25 °C. Together, our data indicate that future respiration rates are likely to follow the current temperature response function, but higher latitudes will be more responsive to warmer temperatures. The respiratory release of carbon dioxide (CO2) from soil is a major yet poorly understood flux in the global carbon cycle. Climatic warming is hypothesized to increase rates of soil respiration, potentially fueling further increases in global temperatures. However, despite considerable scientific attention in recent decades, the overall response of soil respiration to anticipated climatic warming remains unclear. We synthesize the largest global dataset to date of soil respiration, moisture, and temperature measurements, totaling >3,800 observations representing 27 temperature manipulation studies, spanning nine biomes and over 2 decades of warming. Our analysis reveals no significant differences in the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration between control and warmed plots in all biomes, with the exception of deserts and boreal forests. Thus, our data provide limited evidence of acclimation of soil respiration to experimental warming in several major biome types, contrary to the results from multiple single-site studies. Moreover, across all nondesert biomes, respiration rates with and without experimental warming follow a Gaussian response, increasing with soil temperature up to a threshold of ∼25 °C, above which respiration rates decrease with further increases in temperature. This consistent decrease in temperature sensitivity at higher temperatures demonstrates that rising global temperatures may result in regionally variable responses in soil respiration, with colder climates being considerably more responsive to increased ambient temperatures compared with warmer regions. Our analysis adds a unique cross-biome perspective on the temperature response of soil respiration, information critical to improving our mechanistic understanding of how soil carbon dynamics change with climatic warming.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2015

Net ecosystem production and organic carbon balance of U.S. East Coast estuaries: A synthesis approach

Maria Herrmann; Raymond G. Najjar; W. Michael Kemp; Richard B. Alexander; Elizabeth W. Boyer; Wei-Jun Cai; Peter Griffith; Kevin D. Kroeger; S. Leigh McCallister; Richard A. Smith

Net ecosystem production (NEP) and the overall organic carbon budget for the estuaries along the East Coast of the United States are estimated. We focus on the open estuarine waters, excluding the fringing wetlands. We developed empirical models relating NEP to loading ratios of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to total organic carbon, and carbon burial in the sediment to estuarine water residence time and total nitrogen input across the landward boundary. Output from a data-constrained water quality model was used to estimate inputs of total nitrogen and organic carbon to the estuaries across the landward boundary, including fluvial and tidal-wetland sources. Organic carbon export from the estuaries to the continental shelf was computed by difference, assuming steady state. Uncertainties in the budget were estimated by allowing uncertainties in the supporting model relations. Collectively, U.S. East Coast estuaries are net heterotrophic, with the area-integrated NEP of −1.5 (−2.8, −1.0) Tg C yr−1 (best estimate and 95% confidence interval) and area-normalized NEP of −3.2 (−6.1, −2.3) mol C m−2 yr−1. East Coast estuaries serve as a source of organic carbon to the shelf, exporting 3.4 (2.0, 4.3) Tg C yr−1 or 7.6 (4.4, 9.5) mol C m−2 yr−1. Organic carbon inputs from fluvial and tidal-wetland sources for the region are estimated at 5.4 (4.6, 6.5) Tg C yr−1 or 12 (10, 14) mol C m−2 yr−1 and carbon burial in the open estuarine waters at 0.50 (0.33, 0.78) Tg C yr−1 or 1.1 (0.73, 1.7) mol C m−2 yr−1. Our results highlight the importance of estuarine systems in the overall coastal budget of organic carbon, suggesting that in the aggregate, U.S. East Coast estuaries assimilate (via respiration and burial) ~40% of organic carbon inputs from fluvial and tidal-wetland sources and allow ~60% to be exported to the shelf.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2015

Sediment transport-based metrics of wetland stability

Neil K. Ganju; Matthew L. Kirwan; Patrick J. Dickhudt; Glenn R. Guntenspergen; Donald R. Cahoon; Kevin D. Kroeger

Despite the importance of sediment availability on wetland stability, vulnerability assessments seldom consider spatiotemporal variability of sediment transport. Models predict that the maximum rate of sea level rise a marsh can survive is proportional to suspended sediment concentration (SSC) and accretion. In contrast, we find that SSC and accretion are higher in an unstable marsh than in an adjacent stable marsh, suggesting that these metrics cannot describe wetland vulnerability. Therefore, we propose the flood/ebb SSC differential and organic-inorganic suspended sediment ratio as better vulnerability metrics. The unstable marsh favors sediment export (18 mg L−1 higher on ebb tides), while the stable marsh imports sediment (12 mg L−1 higher on flood tides). The organic-inorganic SSC ratio is 84% higher in the unstable marsh, and stable isotopes indicate a source consistent with marsh-derived material. These simple metrics scale with sediment fluxes, integrate spatiotemporal variability, and indicate sediment sources.

Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2004

ELM, An Estuarine Nitrogen Loading Model: Formulation and Verification of Predicted Concentrations of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen

Ivan Valiela; Stefano Mazzilli; Jennifer L. Bowen; Kevin D. Kroeger; Marci L. Cole; Gabrielle Tomasky; Tatsu Isaji

ELM is an Estuarine Loading Model that calculates mean annual concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) available to producers in shallow estuaries by considering how different processes modify pools of nitrogen provided by inputs (streams, groundwater flow, atmospheric deposition, N2 fixation, and regeneration), and losses (burial and denitrification), within components of the estuarine system (bare sediments, seagrass meadows, salt marshes, water column). ELM also considers the effect of flushing rate within an estuary. Its formulation was constrained to minimize demands of data needed to run the model. In spite of simplifications such as the use of loss coefficients instead of functional formulations of processes, and uncertainties in all the terms included in ELM, predictions of mean annual DIN in water were not significantly different than field measurements done in estuaries in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, subject to different rates of nitrogen (N) loading. This verification suggests that, in spite of its simple formulation, ELM captures the functioning of nutrient dynamics within estuaries. ELM may therefore be a reasonable tool for use in basic studies in nutrient dynamics and land/estuary coupling. Because of its simplicity and comprehensiveness in inclusion of components and processes, ELM may also be useful in efforts to manage N loads to estuaries and related management issues.

The Biological Bulletin | 1998

Dependence of Herbivory on Autotrophic Nitrogen Content and on Net Primary Production Across Ecosystems

M. P. A. Griffin; Marci L. Cole; Kevin D. Kroeger; Just Cebrián

S. patens sites had lower sedimentation rates. Because of their higher elevations, the sites dominated by S. patens were subject to less frequent and shorter periods of flooding, and therefore had less opportunity to receive suspended material. Both the percentage of organic matter deposited and the sediment content of organic matter to a depth of 50 cm increased with elevation. Not only is sediment less available to these higher sites, but inorganic constituents are heavier and fall out of suspension before flooding reaches the elevation of the high marsh (8). The high marsh sites have a higher percentage of organic matter below the surface because they are accumulating peat (8), and the sediment deposited on the surface is mostly organic. The sedimentation patterns we have observed give a brief picture of a two-month period. Factors not within the scope of our study, such as marsh microtopography, seasonal storm events, and mussel densities may also influence marsh sedimentation. Our estimates of sedimentation rates for this period indicate that elevation (or flooding frequency) is the most significant factor in determining the rate of sedimentation in salt marshes of the Rowley River. At first, these results seem to suggest that marshes will always be able to keep up with a rising sea level because they will become lower in elevation and will thus be flooded more frequently. However, determining whether there will be a sufficient supply of sediment for salt marshes to rise at the same pace as the sea requires further investigation. This work was funded by the Woods Hole Marine Sciences Consortium, the Plum Island Sound LTER NSF #OCE9726921, and the Sweetwater Trust. Special thanks to Sarah Turner and Simon Punal for their assistance.

Scientific Reports | 2017

Restoring tides to reduce methane emissions in impounded wetlands: A new and potent Blue Carbon climate change intervention

Kevin D. Kroeger; Stephen Crooks; Serena Moseman-Valtierra; Jianwu Tang

Coastal wetlands are sites of rapid carbon (C) sequestration and contain large soil C stocks. Thus, there is increasing interest in those ecosystems as sites for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission offset projects (sometimes referred to as “Blue Carbon”), through preservation of existing C stocks or creation of new wetlands to increase future sequestration. Here we show that in the globally-widespread occurrence of diked, impounded, drained and tidally-restricted salt marshes, substantial methane (CH4) and CO2 emission reductions can be achieved through restoration of disconnected saline tidal flows. Modeled climatic forcing indicates that tidal restoration to reduce emissions has a much greater impact per unit area than wetland creation or conservation to enhance sequestration. Given that GHG emissions in tidally-restricted, degraded wetlands are caused by human activity, they are anthropogenic emissions, and reducing them will have an effect on climate that is equivalent to reduced emission of an equal quantity of fossil fuel GHG. Thus, as a landuse-based climate change intervention, reducing CH4 emissions is an entirely distinct concept from biological C sequestration projects to enhance C storage in forest or wetland biomass or soil, and will not suffer from the non-permanence risk that stored C will be returned to the atmosphere.

Industrial Crops and Products | 1996

Determination of latex content in guayule

Kevin D. Kroeger; David K. Stumpf; Lisa M.H. LaGrandeur; Joseph J. Hoffmann

Abstract An analytical method for evaluating the latex content of guayule ( Parthenium argentatum Gray) is presented. This aqueous based extraction process requires only five grams of stem material and can be performed without harvesting the entire plant. To evaluate this extraction method, latex yield and quality is compared to that from Soxhlet extractions with pentane: acetone (82: 18 v/v). Gel permeation chromatography indicates that the latex extracted using this method is devoid of lower molecular weight rubber coproducts.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2016

Significance of groundwater discharge along the coast of Poland as a source of dissolved metals to the southern Baltic Sea

Beata Szymczycha; Kevin D. Kroeger; Janusz Pempkowiak

Fluxes of dissolved trace metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) via groundwater discharge along the southern Baltic Sea have been assessed for the first time. Dissolved metal concentrations in groundwater samples were less variable than in seawater and were generally one or two orders of magnitude higher: Cd (2.1-2.8nmolL(-1)), Co (8.70-8.76nmolL(-1)), Cr (18.1-18.5nmolL(-1)), Mn (2.4-2.8μmolL(-1)), Pb (1.2-1.5nmolL(-1)), Zn (33.1-34.0nmolL(-1)). Concentrations of Cu (0.5-0.8nmolL(-1)) and Ni (4.9-5.8nmolL(-1)) were, respectively, 32 and 4 times lower, than in seawater. Groundwater-derived trace metal fluxes constitute 93% for Cd, 80% for Co, 91% for Cr, 6% for Cu, 66% for Mn, 4% for Ni, 70% for Pb and 93% for Zn of the total freshwater trace metal flux to the Bay of Puck. Groundwater-seawater mixing, redox conditions and Mn-cycling are the main processes responsible for trace metal distribution in groundwater discharge sites.

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