
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 2005

Metamorphic inhibition of Xenopus laevis by sodium perchlorate: effects on development and thyroid histology.

Joseph E. Tietge; Gary W. Holcombe; Kevin Flynn; Patricia A. Kosian; Joseph J. Korte; Leroy E. Anderson; Douglas C. Wolf; Sigmund J. Degitz

The perchlorate anion inhibits thyroid hormone (TH) synthesis via inhibition of the sodium-iodide symporter. It is, therefore, a good model chemical to aid in the development of a bioassay to screen chemicals for affects on thyroid function. Xenopus laevis larvae were exposed to sodium perchlorate during metamorphosis, a period of TH-dependent development, in two experiments. In the first experiment, stage 51 and 54 larvae were exposed for 14 d to 16, 63, 250, 1,000, and 4,000 microg perchlorate/ L. In the second experiment, stage 51 larvae were exposed throughout metamorphosis to 8, 16, 32, 63, and 125 microg perchlorate/L. Metamorphic development and thyroid histology were the primary endpoints examined. Metamorphosis was retarded significantly in the first study at concentrations of 250 microg/L and higher, but histological effects were observed at 16 microg/L. In the second study, metamorphosis was delayed by 125 microg/L and thyroid size was increased significantly at 63 microg/L. These studies demonstrate that inhibition of metamorphosis readily can be detected using an abbreviated protocol. However, thyroid gland effects occur at concentrations below those required to elicit developmental delay, demonstrating the sensitivity of this endpoint and suggesting that thyroidal compensation is sufficient to promote normal development until perchlorate reaches critical concentrations.

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 2013

Cross-species sensitivity to a novel androgen receptor agonist of potential environmental concern, spironolactone

Carlie A. LaLone; Daniel L. Villeneuve; Jenna E. Cavallin; Michael D. Kahl; Elizabeth J. Durhan; Elizabeth A. Makynen; Kathleen M. Jensen; Kyle Stevens; Megan N. Severson; Chad Blanksma; Kevin Flynn; Philip C. Hartig; Jonne S. Woodard; Jason P. Berninger; Teresa J. Norberg-King; Rodney D. Johnson; Gerald T. Ankley

Spironolactone is a pharmaceutical that in humans is used to treat conditions like hirsutism, various dermatologic afflictions, and female-pattern hair loss through antagonism of the androgen receptor. Although not routinely monitored in the environment, spironolactone has been detected downstream of a pharmaceutical manufacturer, indicating a potential for exposure of aquatic species. Furthermore, spironolactone has been reported to cause masculinization of female western mosquitofish, a response indicative of androgen receptor activation. Predictive methods to identify homologous proteins to the human and western mosquitofish androgen receptor suggest that vertebrates would be more susceptible to adverse effects mediated by chemicals like spironolactone that target the androgen receptor compared with invertebrate species that lack a relevant homolog. In addition, an adverse outcome pathway previously developed for activation of the androgen receptor suggests that androgen mimics can lead to reproductive toxicity in fish. To assess this, 21-d reproduction studies were conducted with 2 fish species, fathead minnow and Japanese medaka, and the invertebrate Daphnia magna. Spironolactone significantly reduced the fecundity of medaka and fathead minnows at 50 μg/L, whereas daphnia reproduction was not affected by concentrations as large as 500 μg/L. Phenotypic masculinization of females of both fish species was observed at 5 μg/L as evidenced by formation of tubercles in fathead minnows and papillary processes in Japanese medaka. Effects in fish occurred at concentrations below those reported in the environment. These results demonstrate how a priori knowledge of an adverse outcome pathway and the conservation of a key molecular target across vertebrates can be utilized to identify potential chemicals of concern in terms of monitoring and highlight potentially sensitive species and endpoints for testing.

Current protocols in immunology | 2009

Use of Medaka in Toxicity Testing

Stephanie Padilla; John Cowden; David E. Hinton; Bonny Yuen; Sheran Law; Seth W. Kullman; Rodney D. Johnson; Ronald C. Hardman; Kevin Flynn; Doris Wai-Ting Au

Small aquarium fishes are increasingly used as animal models, and one of these, the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes), is frequently utilized for toxicity testing. While these vertebrates have many similarities with their terrestrial counterparts, there are differences that must be considered if these organisms are to be used to their highest potential. Commonly, testing may employ either the developing embryo or adults; both are easy to use and work with. To illustrate the utility and breadth of toxicity testing possible using medaka fish, we present protocols for assessing neurotoxicity in developing embryos, evaluating toxicant effects on sexual phenotype after treatment with endocrine‐disrupting chemicals by sexual genotyping, and measuring hepatotoxicity in adult fish after treatment with a model hepatotoxicant. The methods run the gamut from immunohistology through PCR to basic histological techniques. Curr. Protoc. Toxicol. 39:1.10.1‐1.10.36.

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 2013

Use of gene expression data to determine effects on gonad phenotype in Japanese medaka after exposure to trenbolone or estradiol.

Kevin Flynn; Joe Swintek; Rodney D. Johnson

Various aquatic bioassays using one of several fish species have been developed or are in the process of being developed by organizations like the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Office of Economic Cooperation and Development for testing potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Often, these involve assessment of the gonad phenotype of individuals as a key endpoint that is inputted into a risk or hazard assessment. Typically, gonad phenotype is determined histologically, which involves specialized and time-consuming techniques. The methods detailed here utilize an entirely different methodology, reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction, to determine the relative expression levels of 4 genes after exposure to either 17β-estradiol or 17β-trenbolone and, by extension, the effects of EDCs on the phenotypic status of the gonad. The 4 genes quantified, Sox9b, protamine, Fig1α, and ZPC1, are all involved in gonad development and maintenance in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes); these data were then inputted into a permutational multivariate analysis of variance to determine whether significant differences exist between treatment groups. This information in conjunction with the sexual genotype, which can be determined in medaka, can be used to determine adverse effects of exposure to EDCs in a similar fashion to the histologically determined gonad phenotype.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2010

Real-time PCR-based prediction of gonad phenotype in medaka.

Kevin Flynn; Mary Haasch; Doug S. Shadwick; Rodney D. Johnson

An important endpoint in aquatic bioassays for potential endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is the gonadal phenotype of exposed fish, with special interest in intersex and sex-reversed individuals. Traditionally, the assessment of gonad phenotype is done via histology, which involves specialized and time-consuming techniques. The method detailed here increases the efficiency of the analysis by first determining the relative expression of four genes involved in gonad development/maintenance in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), and then by using principal component analysis, assigning a phenotype to each gonad based upon the gene expression data. The gonad phenotype and the sexual genotype, which can be determined in medaka, can then be compared to assess potential adverse effects of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2017

The influence of control group reproduction on the statistical power of the Environmental Protection Agency's Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT)

Kevin Flynn; Joe Swintek; Rodney D. Johnson

Because of various Congressional mandates to protect the environment from endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) initiated the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program. In the context of this framework, the Office of Research and Development within the USEPA developed the Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT) to characterize the endocrine action of a suspected EDC. One important endpoint of the MEOGRT is fecundity of medaka breeding pairs. Power analyses were conducted to determine the number of replicates needed in proposed test designs and to determine the effects that varying reproductive parameters (e.g. mean fecundity, variance, and days with no egg production) would have on the statistical power of the test. The MEOGRT Reproduction Power Analysis Tool (MRPAT) is a software tool developed to expedite these power analyses by both calculating estimates of the needed reproductive parameters (e.g. population mean and variance) and performing the power analysis under user specified scenarios. Example scenarios are detailed that highlight the importance of the reproductive parameters on statistical power. When control fecundity is increased from 21 to 38 eggs per pair per day and the variance decreased from 49 to 20, the gain in power is equivalent to increasing replication by 2.5 times. On the other hand, if 10% of the breeding pairs, including controls, do not spawn, the power to detect a 40% decrease in fecundity drops to 0.54 from nearly 0.98 when all pairs have some level of egg production. Perhaps most importantly, MRPAT was used to inform the decision making process that lead to the final recommendation of the MEOGRT to have 24 control breeding pairs and 12 breeding pairs in each exposure group.

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry | 2017

Medaka extended one‐generation reproduction test evaluating 4‐nonylphenol

Haruna Watanabe; Yoshifumi Horie; Hitomi Takanobu; Masaaki Koshio; Kevin Flynn; Taisen Iguchi; Norihisa Tatarazako

The medaka extended one-generation test (MEOGRT) was developed as a multigenerational toxicity test for chemicals, particularly endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Briefly, 3 generations of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) are exposed to a chemical over a 20-wk period: 3 wk in the parental generation (F0), 15 wk in the first generation (F1), and 2 wk in the second generation (F2). The present study reports the first MEOGRT results concerning branched isomer mixtures of 4-nonylphenol (NP). Adult F0 medaka exposed to NP at 5 actual concentrations (1.27, 2.95, 9.81, 27.8, 89.4 µg/L) were unaffected in terms of reproduction, although vitellogenin in the male liver was increased dose-dependently at concentration of 2.95 µg/L and higher. In F1, in contrast, total egg (fecundity), fertile egg, and fertility decreased as NP increased; lowest-observed-effect concentrations (LOECs) for total egg, fertile egg, and fertility were 1.27, 1.27, 27.8 µg/L, respectively. In F1, but not in F0, secondary sex characteristics (i.e., anal fin papillae in males) were suppressed at 27.8 µg/L NP. Vitellogenin induction in adult male fish was slightly weaker in F1 than it was in F0, however. Gonadal sex abnormality and sex reversal occurred at 27.8 and 89.4 µg/L NP in F1 subadults. At 89.4 µg/L NP, all genotypic F1 males in breeding pairs had female phenotype, and some even demonstrated spawning. Concentrations of NP lower than 89.4 µg/L did not affect F2 survival or hatching. The highest detected NP level in environmental freshwater in Japan was approximately a half of the LOEC (1.27 µg/L for F1 fecundity); in other countries, however, environmental concentrations above the LOEC are reported, suggesting that NP may be affecting fish populations. Environ Toxicol Chem 2017;36:3254-3266.

Biomedical optics | 2004

Use of multiphoton laser scanning microscopy to image benzo[a]pyrene and metabolites in fish eggs

Michael W. Hornung; Kevin Flynn; Rodney D. Johnson; Philip M. Cook; John W. Nichols

Multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (MPLSM) is a promising tool to study the tissue distribution of environmental chemical contaminants during fish early life stages. One such chemical for which this is possible is benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon that absorbs strongly at UV wavelengths and fluoresces following multiphoton excitation. BaP is enzymatically converted to hydroxylated metabolites, which are further modified to more polar conjugates. To determine whether fluorsecent signal from parent compound and metabolites could be differentiated by MPLSM, multiphoton excitation spectra were determined from 730-880 nm using a tunable Ti:Sapphire laser. BaP-3-hydroxy (BaP-3-OH) was the most fluorescent and the two conjugated metabolites, BaP-3-sulfate and BaP-3-glucuronide, exhibited fluorescence intensity intermediate between BaP and BaP-3-OH. For example, at 760 nm the fluorescence of conjugated metabolites was four-fold greater, while BaP-3-OH exhibited 16-fold greater fluorescent intensity than BaP. At wavelengths longer than 830 nm there was no excitation of BaP above background. Spectral differences at the longer wavelengths were used to detect the presence of the primary metabolite BaP-3-OH in the presence of parent or conjugated metabolites in fish egg homogenates. Thus, multiphoton excitation spectral characteristics can provide a means to follow the tissue distribution of parent and metabolite in developing fish.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2018

The effects of continuous diazinon exposure on growth and reproduction in Japanese medaka using a modified Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT)

Kevin Flynn; Doug Lothenbach; Frank Whiteman; Dean Hammermeister; Joe Swintek; Matthew A. Etterson; Rodney D. Johnson

The Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT) is a Tier 2 test within U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys (USEPA) Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program (EDSP), designed to characterize the potential adverse effects to fish of exposure to chemical that can cause disruption of the endocrine system. The MEOGRT focuses primarily on adverse effects to reproduction while collecting information regarding effects on growth, survival, and endocrine-related endpoints. However, the risk assessment process for fish, as mandated by legislation such as the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) or the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), could benefit from a more detailed assessment of effects on growth. Typically, fish growth data in support of risk assessment are obtained from full life-cycle tests or early life stage tests using the fathead minnow. As an alternative to these tests, a modified MEOGRT was conducted to assess the effects of diazinon on the various parameters measured in the MEOGRT. Diazinon is an organophosphate insecticide that is detected in the environment, and whose efficacy is a result of inhibition of the acetylcholine esterase enzyme at neuromuscular junctions and synapses of the nervous system. Diazinon (2.9, 5.2, 10.3, 19.8, and 40.2 μg/L) was tested with the MEOGRT protocol, and the lowest observable effect concentrations of 2.9 μg/L for fecundity and 5.2 μg/L for growth were determined. Additional growth measurements were added to the MEOGRT protocol to more robustly define growth rates and to determine the impact size has on reproductive performance. Fish size starting at the first measurement day (i.e. 21 days post-fertilization), and continuing through the duration of the test was reduced with exposure to 5.2 μg/L and higher, and asymptotic size predicted from growth modeling was reduced at 10.3 μg/L and higher. By simply adding non-destructive growth measurements at two additional time points, the MEOGRT provided enough data for the parameterization of growth models, which could be used to characterize the reproductive implications of growth impairment.

Toxicological Sciences | 2005

Progress towards development of an amphibian-based thyroid screening assay using Xenopus laevis. Organismal and thyroidal responses to the model compounds 6-propylthiouracil, methimazole, and thyroxine

Sigmund J. Degitz; Gary W. Holcombe; Kevin Flynn; Patricia A. Kosian; Joseph J. Korte; Joseph E. Tietge

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