Kevin O'Keeffe
University of Oxford
Applied Optics | 2007
B. Dromey; Matthew Zepf; Matt Landreman; Kevin O'Keeffe; Tom Robinson; Simon M. Hooker
A linear array of n calcite crystals is shown to allow the generation of a high contrast (>10:1) train of 2(n) high energy (>100 microJ) pulses from a single ultrafast laser pulse. Advantage is taken of the pulse-splitting properties of a single birefringent crystal, where an incident laser pulse can be split into two pulses with orthogonal polarizations and equal intensity, separated temporally in proportion to the thickness of the crystal traversed and the difference in refractive indices of the two optic axes. In the work presented here an array of seven calcite crystals of sequentially doubled thickness is used to produce a train of 128 pulses, each of femtosecond duration. Readily versatile properties such as the number of pulses in the train and variable mark-space ratio are realized from such a setup.
Optics Letters | 2006
Aart J. Verhoef; Alma Fernandez; Matthias Lezius; Kevin O'Keeffe; Matthias Uiberacker; Ferenc Krausz
The spatial distribution of electrons emitted from atoms by few-cycle optical fields is known to be dependent on the carrier envelope phase, i.e., the phase of the field with respect to the pulse envelope. With respect to Paulus et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett.91, 253004 (2003)] we propose a greatly simplified device to measure and control the carrier envelope phase of few-cycle pulses with an accuracy of better than pi/10 based on this principle. We compared different schemes to control the carrier envelope phase of our pulses.
Journal of The Optical Society of America B-optical Physics | 2010
Tom Robinson; Kevin O'Keeffe; M. Zepf; B. Dromey; Simon M. Hooker
Two techniques are demonstrated to produce ultrashort pulse trains capable of quasi-phase-matching high-harmonic generation. The first technique makes use of an array of birefringent crystals and is shown to generate high-contrast pulse trains with constant pulse spacing. The second technique employs a grating-pair stretcher, a multiple-order wave plate, and a linear polarizer. Trains of up to 100 pulses are demonstrated with this technique, with almost constant inter-pulse separation. It is shown that arbitrary pulse separation can be achieved by introducing the appropriate dispersion. This principle is demonstrated by using an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter to introduce third- and fourth-order dispersions leading to a linear and quadratic variation of the separation of pulses through the train. Chirped-pulse trains of this type may be used to quasi-phase-match high-harmonic generation in situations where the coherence length varies through the medium.
Physical Review A | 2012
Lewis Z. Liu; Kevin O'Keeffe; Simon M. Hooker
A scheme for quasi-phase-matching high-harmonic generation is proposed in which polarization beating within a hollow core birefringent waveguide modulates the generation of harmonics. The evolution of the polarization of a laser pulse propagating in a birefringent waveguide is calculated and is shown to periodically modulate the harmonic generation process. The optimum conditions for achieving quasi-phase-matching using this scheme are explored and the growth of the harmonic intensity as a function of experimental parameters is investigated.
Physical Review A | 2013
Lewis Z. Liu; Kevin O'Keeffe; Simon M. Hooker
The generalization of quasi-phase-matching using polarization beating and of multimode quasi-phase-matching (MMQPM) for the generation of high-order harmonics is explored, and a method for achieving polarization beating is proposed. If two (and in principle more) modes of a waveguide are excited, modulation of the intensity, phase, and/or polarization of the guided radiation will be achieved. By appropriately matching the period of this modulation to the coherence length, quasi-phase-matching of high-order-harmonic radiation generated by the guided wave can occur. We show that it is possible to achieve efficiencies with multimode quasi-phase-matching greater than the ideal square wave modulation. We present a Fourier treatment of QPM and use this to show that phase modulation, rather than amplitude modulation, plays the dominant role in the case of MMQPM. The experimental parameters and optimal conditions for this scheme are explored.
Journal of The Optical Society of America B-optical Physics | 2007
Matt Landreman; Kevin O'Keeffe; Tom Robinson; M. Zepf; B. Dromey; Simon M. Hooker
The use of counterpropagating laser pulses to suppress high harmonic generation (HHG) is investigated experimentally for pulses polarized parallel or perpendicular to the driving laser pulse. It is shown for the first time that perpendicularly polarized pulses can suppress HHG. The intensity of the counterpropagating pulse required for harmonic suppression is found to be much larger for perpendicular polarization than for parallel polarization, in good agreement with simple models of the harmonic suppression. These results have applications to quasi-phase-matching of HHG with trains of counterpropagating pulses.
Optics Letters | 2007
Tom Robinson; Kevin O'Keeffe; Matt Landreman; Simon M. Hooker; Matthew Zepf; B. Dromey
A simple method for generating trains of high-contrast femtosecond pulses is proposed and demonstrated: a linearly polarized, frequency-chirped laser pulse is passed through a multiple-order wave plate and a linear polarizer. It is shown theoretically that this arrangement forms a train of laser pulses, and in experiments the production of a train of approximately 100 pulses, each of 200 fs duration, is demonstrated. In combination with an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter this technique could be used to generate and control pulse trains with chirped spacing. Pulse trains of this type have widespread applications in ultrafast optics.
european quantum electronics conference | 2017
Daniel J. Treacher; David T. Lloyd; Kevin O'Keeffe; Patrick N. Anderson; Simon M. Hooker
The resolution obtained with coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) is limited by a number of factors, one of which is the transverse coherence of the illuminating beam. For a successful reconstruction, it is accepted that the illuminating beam should have a lateral coherence length of at least twice the largest linear dimension of the sample [1].
Proceedings of SPIE | 2017
David T. Lloyd; Kevin O'Keeffe; Adam S. Wyatt; Patrick N. Anderson; Daniel J. Treacher; Simon M. Hooker
We report the operation of an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) capable of producing gigawatt peak-power laser pulses with tunable wavelength in either the visible or near-infrared spectrum. The OPA has two distinct operation modes (i) generation of > 350 μJ, sub 100 fs pulses, tunable between 1250 - 1550 nm; (ii) generation of > 170 μJ, sub 150 fs pulses tunable between 490 - 530 nm. We have recorded high-order harmonic spectra over a wide range of driving wavelengths. This flexible source of femtosecond pulses presents a useful tool for exploring the wavelength-dependence of strong-field phenomena, in both the multi-photon and tunnel ionization regimes.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2017
Patrick N. Anderson; Florian Wiegandt; Daniel J. Treacher; Matthias M. Mang; Ilaria Gianani; Andrea Schiavi; David T. Lloyd; Kevin O'Keeffe; Simon M. Hooker; Ian A. Walmsley
A blind variant of digital holographic microscopy is presented that removes the requirement for a well-characterized, highly divergent reference beam. This is achieved by adopting an off-axis recording geometry where a sequence of holograms is recorded as the reference is tilted, and an iterative algorithm that estimates the amplitudes and phases of both beams while simultaneously enhancing the numerical aperture. Numerical simulations have demonstrated the accuracy and robustness of this approach when applied to the coherent imaging problem.