Kevin Xu
California Institute of Technology
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2014
P. Santini; Roberto Maiolino; B. Magnelli; D. Lutz; A. Lamastra; G. Li Causi; S. Eales; P. Andreani; S. Berta; V. Buat; A. Cooray; G. Cresci; E. Daddi; D. Farrah; A. Fontana; A. Franceschini; R. Genzel; Gian Luigi Granato; A. Grazian; G. Magdis; M. Magliocchetti; F. Mannucci; N. Menci; R. Nordon; Seb Oliver; P. Popesso; F. Pozzi; L. Riguccini; G. Rodighiero; D. Rosario
We use deep Herschel observations taken with both PACS and SPIRE imaging cameras to estimate the dust mass of a sample of galaxies extracted from the GOODS-S, GOODS-N and the COSMOS fields. We divide the redshift–stellar mass (Mstar)–star formation rate (SFR) parameter space into small bins and investigate average properties over this grid. In the first part of the work we investigate the scaling relations between dust mass, stellar mass and SFR out to zxa0=xa02.5. No clear evolution of the dust mass with redshift is observed at a given SFR and stellar mass. We find a tight correlation between the SFR and the dust mass, which, under reasonableassumptions, is likely a consequence of the Schmidt-Kennicutt (S-K) relation. The previously observed correlation between the stellar content and the dust content flattens or sometimes disappears when considering galaxies with the same SFR. Our finding suggests that most of the correlation between dust mass and stellar mass obtained by previous studies is likely a consequence of the correlation between the dust mass and the SFR combined with the main sequence, i.e., the tight relation observed between the stellar mass and the SFR and followed by the majority of star-forming galaxies. We then investigate the gas content as inferred from dust mass measurements. We convert the dust mass into gas mass by assuming that the dust-to-gas ratio scales linearly with the gas metallicity (as supported by many observations). For normal star-forming galaxies (on the main sequence) the inferred relation between the SFR and the gas mass (integrated S-K relation) broadly agrees with the results of previous studies based on CO measurements, despite the completely different approaches. We observe that all galaxies in the sample follow, within uncertainties, the same S-K relation. However, when investigated in redshift intervals, the S-K relation shows a moderate, but significant redshift evolution. The bulk of the galaxy population at zxa0~xa02 converts gas into stars with an efficiency (star formation efficiency, SFE = SFR/Mgas, equal to the inverse of the depletion time) about 5 times higher than at zxa0~xa00. However, it is not clear what fraction of such variation of the SFE is due to an intrinsic redshift evolution and what fraction is simply a consequence of high-z galaxies having, on average, higher SFR, combined with the super-linear slope of the S-K relation (while other studies find a linear slope). We confirm that the gas fraction (fgasxa0=xa0Mgas/(Mgasxa0+xa0Mstar)) decreases with stellar mass and increases with the SFR. We observe no evolution with redshift once Mstarand SFR are fixed. We explain these trends by introducing a universal relation between gas fraction, stellar mass and SFR that does not evolve with redshift, at least out to zxa0~xa02.5. Galaxies move across this relation as their gas content evolves across the cosmic epochs. We use the 3D fundamental fgas–Mstar–SFR relation, along with the evolution of the main sequence with redshift, to estimate the evolution of the gas fraction in the average population of galaxies as a function of redshift and as a function of stellar mass: we find that Mstarxa0xa0≳xa01011xa0xa0M⊙ galaxies show the strongest evolution at zxa0≳xa01.3 and a flatter trend at lower redshift, while fgas decreases more regularly over the entire redshift range probed in Mstar ≲xa01011xa0xa0M⊙ galaxies, in agreement with a downsizing scenario.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Justin Howell; Lee Armus; Joseph M. Mazzarella; A. S. Evans; Jason A. Surace; David B. Sanders; Andreea Oana Petric; Philip N. Appleton; Greg Bothun; C. Bridge; Ben H. P. Chan; V. Charmandaris; David T. Frayer; S. Haan; Hanae Inami; D.-C. Kim; Steven D. Lord; Barry F. Madore; J. Melbourne; Bernhard Schulz; Vivian U; Tatjana Vavilkin; Sylvain Veilleux; Kevin Xu
The Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS) consists of a complete sample of 202 luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) selected from the IRAS Revised Bright Galaxy Sample (RBGS). The galaxies span the full range of interaction stages, from isolated galaxies to interacting pairs to late stage mergers. We present a comparison of the UV and infrared properties of 135 galaxies in GOALS observed by GALEX and Spitzer. For interacting galaxies with separations greater than the resolution of GALEX and Spitzer (~2-6), we assess the UV and IR properties of each galaxy individually. The contribution of the FUV to the measured star formation rate (SFR) ranges from 0.2% to 17.9%, with a median of 2.8% and a mean of 4.0% ± 0.4%. The specific star formation rate (SSFR) of the GOALS sample is extremely high, with a median value (3.9 × 10^(–10) yr^(–1)) that is comparable to the highest SSFRs seen in the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey sample. We examine the position of each galaxy on the IR excess-UV slope (IRX-β) diagram as a function of galaxy properties, including IR luminosity and interaction stage. The LIRGs on average have greater IR excesses than would be expected based on their UV colors if they obeyed the same relations as starbursts with L_(IR) 0). Among resolved interacting systems, 32% contain one galaxy which dominates the IR emission while the companion dominates the UV emission. Only 21% of the resolved systems contain a single galaxy which dominates both wavelengths.
The Astronomical Journal | 2005
Michael Rowan-Robinson; T. Babbedge; Jason A. Surace; Dave Shupe; F. Fang; Carol J. Lonsdale; Gene Smith; Maria del Carmen Polletta; Brian D. Siana; E. Gonzalez-Solares; Kevin Xu; Frazer N. Owen; Payam Davoodi; Herve Dole; Donovan Louis Domingue; A. Efstathiou; D. Farrah; M. Fox; A. Franceschini; D. T. Frayer; Evanthia Hatziminaoglou; Frank J. Masci; G. Morrison; K. Nandra; Seb Oliver; Natalie Onyett; Deborah Lynne Padgett; I. Perez-Fournon; Steve Serjeant; Gordon J. Stacey
We discuss optical associations, spectral energy distributions and photometric redshifts for SWIRE sources in the ELAIS-N1 area and the Lockman Validation Field. The band-merged IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 mu) and MIPS (24, 70, 160 mu) data have been associated with optical UgriZ data from the INT Wide Field Survey in ELAIS-N1, and with our own optical Ugri data in Lockman-VF. The spectral energy distributions of selected ELAIS sources in N1 detected by SWIRE, most with spectroscopic redshifts, are modelled in terms of a simple set of galaxy and quasar templates in the optical and near infrared, and with a set of dust emission templates (cirrus, M82 starburst, Arp 220 starburst, and AGN dust torus) in the mid infrared. The optical data, together with the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 mu data, have been used to determine photometric redshifts. For galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts there is a notable improvement in the photometric redshift when the IRAC data are used, with a reduction in the rms scatter from 10% in (1+z) to 7%. The photometric redshifts are used to derive the 3.6 and 24 mu redshift distribution and to compare this with the predictions of models. For those sources with a clear mid infrared excess, relative to the galaxy starlight model used for the optical and near infrared, the mid and far infrared data are modelled in terms of the same dust emission templates. The proportions found of each template type are: cirrus 31%, M82 29%, Arp 220 10%, AGN dust tori 29%. The distribution of the different infrared sed types in the L_{ir}/L_{opt} versus L_{ir} plane, where L_{ir} and L_{opt} are the infrared and optical bolometric luminosities, is discussed.We discuss optical associations, spectral energy distributions and photometric redshifts for SWIRE sources in the ELAIS-N1 area and the Lockman Validation Field. The band-merged IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 mu) and MIPS (24, 70, 160 mu) data have been associated with optical UgriZ data from the INT Wide Field Survey in ELAIS-N1, and with our own optical Ugri data in Lockman-VF. The spectral energy distributions of selected ELAIS sources in N1 detected by SWIRE, most with spectroscopic redshifts, are modelled in terms of a simple set of galaxy and quasar templates in the optical and near infrared, and with a set of dust emission templates (cirrus, M82 starburst, Arp 220 starburst, and AGN dust torus) in the mid infrared. The optical data, together with the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 mu data, have been used to determine photometric redshifts. For galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts there is a notable improvement in the photometric redshift when the IRAC data are used, with a reduction in the rms scatter from 10% in (1+z) to 7%. The photometric redshifts are used to derive the 3.6 and 24 mu redshift distribution and to compare this with the predictions of models. For those sources with a clear mid infrared excess, relative to the galaxy starlight model used for the optical and near infrared, the mid and far infrared data are modelled in terms of the same dust emission templates. The proportions found of each template type are: cirrus 31%, M82 29%, Arp 220 10%, AGN dust tori 29%. The distribution of the different infrared sed types in the L_{ir}/L_{opt} versus L_{ir} plane, where L_{ir} and L_{opt} are the infrared and optical bolometric luminosities, is discussed.We discuss optical associations, spectral energy distributions (SEDs), and photometric redshifts for Spitzer Wide-Area Infrared Extragalactic (SWIRE) Survey sources in the European Large-Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) N1 area and the Lockman Validation Field (VF). The band-merged Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 μm) and Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (24, 70, and 160 μm) data have been associated with optical UgriZ data from the Isaac Newton Telescope Wide Field Survey in ELAIS N1 and with our own optical Ugri data in Lockman-VF. Criteria for eliminating spurious infrared sources and for carrying out star-quasar-galaxy separation are discussed, and statistics of the identification rate are given. Thirty-two percent of sources in the ELAIS N1 field are found to be optically blank (to r = 23.5) and 16% in Lockman-VF (to r = 25). The SEDs of selected ELAIS sources in N1 detected by SWIRE, most with spectroscopic redshifts, are modeled in terms of a simple set of galaxy and quasar templates in the optical and near-infrared (NIR), and with a set of dust emission templates (cirrus, M82 starburst, Arp 220 starburst, and active galactic nucleus [AGN] dust torus) in the mid-infrared. The optical data, together with the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 μm data, have been used to determine photometric redshifts. For galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts, there is a notable improvement in the photometric redshift when the IRAC data are used, with a reduction in the rms scatter from 10% in (1 + z) to 7%. Although further spectroscopic data are needed to confirm this result, the prospect of determining good photometric redshifts for much of the SWIRE survey, expected to yield over 2 million extragalactic objects, is excellent. Some modifications to the optical templates were required in the previously uninvestigated wavelength region 2–5 μm. The photometric redshifts are used to derive the 3.6 and 24 μm redshift distribution and to compare this with the predictions of models. For those sources with a clear mid-infrared excess, relative to the galaxy starlight model used for the optical and NIR, the mid- and far-infrared data are modeled in terms of the same dust emission templates (cirrus, M82, Arp 220, and AGN dust torus). The proportions found of each template type are cirrus, 31%; M82, 29%; Arp 220, 10%; and AGN dust tori, 29%. The distribution of the different infrared SED types in the LIR/Lopt versus LIR plane, where LIR and Lopt are the infrared and optical bolometric luminosities, respectively, is discussed. There is an interesting population of luminous cool cirrus galaxies with LIR > Lopt, implying a substantial dust optical depth. Galaxies with Arp 220–like SEDs, of which there are a surprising preponderance compared with preexisting source count models, tend to have high ratios of infrared to optical bolometric luminosity, consistent with having very high extinction. There is also a high proportion of galaxies whose mid-infrared SEDs are fitted by an AGN dust torus template (29%). Of these only 8% of these are type 1 AGNs according to the optical-NIR template fitting, whereas 25% are fitted with galaxy templates in the optical-NIR and have LIR > Lopt and so have to be type 2 AGN. The remainder have LIR < Lopt and so can be Seyfert galaxies, in which the optical AGN fails to be detected against the light of the host galaxy. The implied dust covering factor, ≥75%, is much higher than that inferred for bright optically selected quasars.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2010
T. Fulton; J.-P. Baluteau; G. J. Bendo; Dominique Benielli; Rene Gastaud; Matthew Joseph Griffin; S. Guest; P. Imhof; Tanya L. Lim; Nanyao Lu; David A. Naylor; P. Panuzzo; E. T. Polehampton; A. Schwartz; Christian Surace; B. M. Swinyard; Kevin Xu
We present an update to the data processing pipelines that generate calibrated spectral data products from the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE), one of three scientific instruments onboard the European Space Agencys Herschel Space Observatory launched on 14 May 2009. The pipelines process telemetry from SPIREs imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) taken in point source, jiggle- and raster-map observing modes, producing calibrated spectra in low-, medium-, high-, and mixed low- and high-spectral resolution. While the order and algorithms of the data processing modules in the spectrometer pipelines remain for the most part unchanged compared to their pre-launch status, some improvements and optimizations have been realized through the analysis of data from the performance verification and science demonstration phases of the mission. The data processing pipelines for the SPIRE FTS as of the beginning of the routine phase of the Herschel mission are presented in their entirety, with more detailed descriptions reserved for those elements that have changed since launch, in particular the first- and second-level correction steps for glitches, the step that corrects for clipped samples, and the process by which Level-1 spectral data are converted to Level-2 products. In addition, we discuss some of the challenging aspects still faced by the automated processing pipelines, such as the removal of the contributions from the Herschel telescope and SPIRE instrument, and the relative spectral response correction and flux conversion steps.
The Astronomical Journal | 2006
T. H. Jarrett; Maria del Carmen Polletta; I P Fournon; Gordon J. Stacey; Kevin Xu; Brian D. Siana; D. Farrah; S. Berta; Evanthia Hatziminaoglou; G. Rodighiero; Jason A. Surace; Donovan Louis Domingue; D. L. Shupe; F. Fang; Carol J. Lonsdale; Seb Oliver; M. Rowan-Robinson; Gene Smith; T. Babbedge; E. Gonzalez-Solares; Frank J. Masci; A. Franceschini; Deborah Lynne Padgett
We present ground-based optical and Spitzer Space Telescope infrared imaging observations of the interacting galaxy UGC 10214, the Tadpole galaxy (z = 0.0310), focusing on the star formation activity in the nuclear, disk, spiral arms, and tidal tail regions. The ground-based optical data set spans a wavelength range between 0.3 and 0.8 μm, the near-IR data set spans 1–2.2 μm, and the Spitzer IR data set spans 3–70 μm. The major findings of this study are that the Tadpole is actively forming stars in the main disk outside of the nucleus and in the tidal plume, with an estimated mean star formation rate of ~2–4 M⊙ yr-1. The most prominent sites of mid-IR emission define a ring morphology that, combined with the overall morphology of the system, suggests the interaction may belong to the rare class of off-center collisional ring systems that form both shock-induced rings of star formation and tidal plumes. In stark contrast to the disk star formation, the nuclear emission is solely powered by older stars, with little evidence for ongoing star formation at the center of the Tadpole. Extranuclear star formation accounts for >50% of the total star formation in the disk and spiral arms, featuring infrared-bright hot spots that exhibit strong polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission, the band strength of which is comparable to that of late-type star-forming disk galaxies. The tidal tail, which extends 2 (~75 kpc) into the intergalactic medium, is populated by supermassive star clusters, M ~ 106 M⊙, likely triggered by the galaxy-galaxy interaction that has distorted UGC 10214 into its current tadpole shape. The Tadpole is therefore an example of an off-nuclear or tidal-tail starburst, with several large sites of massive star formation in the disk and in the plume, including the most prominent Hubble Space Telescope–revealed cluster, J160616.85+552640.6. The clusters exhibit remarkable IR properties, including exceptionally strong 24 μm emission relative to the underlying starlight, hot dust continuum, and PAH emission, with an estimated current star formation rate of ~0.1–0.4 M⊙ yr-1, representing >10% of the total star formation in the system. We estimate the mass of the largest cluster to be ~ × 106 M⊙ based on the g-band (0.5 μm) and near-IR (2.2 μm) integrated fluxes in combination with an assumed mass-to-light ratio appropriate to young clusters, or large enough to be classified as a nascent dwarf galaxy or globular cluster.
Experimental Astronomy | 2014
Chris Pearson; Tanya Lim; Christopher E. North; G. J. Bendo; L. Conversi; Darren Dowell; Matthew Joseph Griffin; Terry Jin; Nicolas Laporte; Andreas Papageorgiou; Bernhard Schulz; Dave Shupe; A. J. Smith; Kevin Xu
The different algorithms appropriate for point source photometry on data from the SPIRE instrument on-board the Herschel Space Observatory, within the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment (HIPE) are compared. Point source photometry of a large ensemble of standard calibration stars and dark sky observations is carried out using the 4 major methods within HIPE: SUSSEXtractor, DAOphot, the SPIRE Timeline Fitter and simple Aperture Photometry. Colour corrections and effective beam areas as a function of the assumed source spectral index are also included to produce a large number of photometric measurements per individual target, in each of the 3 SPIRE bands (250, 350, 500μm), to examine both the accuracy and repeatability of each of the 4 algorithms. It is concluded that for flux densities down to the level of 30mJy that the SPIRE Timeline Fitter is the method of choice. However, at least in the 250 and 350μm bands, all 4 methods provide photometric repeatability better than a few percent down to at approximately 100mJy. The DAOphot method appears in many cases to have a systematic offset of ∼8 % in all SPIRE bands which may be indicative of a sub-optimal aperture correction. In general, aperture photometry is the least reliable method, i.e. largest scatter between observations, especially in the longest wavelength band. At the faintest fluxes, <30mJy, SUSSEXtractor or DAOphot provide a better alternative to the Timeline Fitter.
The Astronomical Journal | 2007
Justin Howell; Joseph M. Mazzarella; Ben H. P. Chan; Steven D. Lord; Jason A. Surace; David T. Frayer; P. N. Appleton; Lee Armus; Aaron S. Evans; Greg Bothun; Catherine Mie Ishida; D.-C. Kim; Joseph B. Jensen; Barry F. Madore; David B. Sanders; Bernhard Schulz; Tatjana Vavilkin; Sylvain Veilleux; Kevin Xu
We present a study of the nearby Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 using mid- and far-infrared data acquired with the IRAC, IRS, and MIPS instruments aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. The images show extensive 8 and 24 μm emission coinciding with star formation in the inner spiral approximately 15 (1 kpc) from the nucleus and a bright complex of star formation ~47 (3 kpc) southwest of the nucleus. The brightest 8 μm polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission regions coincide remarkably well with knots observed in an Hα image. Strong PAH features at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 μm are detected in IRS spectra measured at numerous locations inside, within, and outside the inner spiral. The IRAC colors and IRS spectra of these regions rule out dust heated by the active galactic nucleus (AGN) as the primary emission source; the spectral energy distributions are dominated by starlight and PAH emission. The equivalent widths and flux ratios of the PAH features in the inner spiral are generally consistent with conditions in a typical spiral galaxy interstellar medium (ISM). Interior to the inner spiral, the influence of the AGN on the ISM is evident via PAH flux ratios indicative of a higher ionization parameter and a significantly smaller mean equivalent width than observed in the inner spiral. The brightest 8 and 24 μm emission peaks in the disk of the galaxy, even at distances beyond the inner spiral, are located within the ionization cones traced by [O III]/Hβ, and they are also remarkably well aligned with the axis of the radio jets. Although it is possible that radiation from the AGN may directly enhance PAH excitation or trigger the formation of OB stars that subsequently excite PAH emission at these locations in the inner spiral, the orientation of collimated radiation from the AGN and star formation knots in the inner spiral could be coincidental. The brightest PAH- and 24 μm-emitting regions are also located precisely where two spiral arms of molecular gas emerge from the ends of the inner stellar bar; this is consistent with kinematic models that predict maxima in the accumulation and compression of the ISM, where gas gets trapped within the inner Lindblad resonance of a large stellar bar that contains a smaller, weaker bar.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2008
Matthew Joseph Griffin; C. Darren Dowell; Tanya Lim; G. J. Bendo; J. J. Bock; Christophe Cara; N. Castro-Rodriguez; P. Chanial; D. L. Clements; Rene Gastaud; S. Guest; J. Glenn; V. V. Hristov; K. J. King; G. T. Laurent; Nanyao Lu; Gabrielle Mainetti; Huw Morris; Hien T. Nguyen; P. Panuzzo; Chris Pearson; F. Pinsard; Michael Pohlen; E. T. Polehampton; D. Rizzo; Bernhard Schulz; A. Schwartz; B. Sibthorpe; B. M. Swinyard; Kevin Xu
We describe the on-board electronics chain and the on-ground data processing pipeline that will operate on data from the Herschel-SPIRE photometer to produce calibrated astronomical products. Data from the three photometer arrays will be conditioned and digitised by on-board electronics and sent to the ground with no further on-board data processing. On the ground, the data pipeline will process the data from point source, jiggle-map, and scan-map observations in a fully automatic manner, producing measured flux densities (for point source observations) or maps. It includes calculation of the bolometer voltages from the raw telemetry, glitch removal, and corrections for various effects including time constants associated with the detectors and electronics, electrical and optical crosstalk, detector temperature drifts, flatfielding, and non-linear response of the bolometers to strong sources. Flux density calibration will be with respect to standard astronomical sources with the planets Uranus and Neptune being adopted as the baseline primary standards. The pipeline will compute estimated values of in-beam flux density for a standard flat νS(ν) source spectrum.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2005
Yi Zhang; Adam M. Schwartzberg; Kevin Xu; Claire Gu; Jin Z. Zhang
Electrical and thermal conductivities of metal nanoparticles and their aggregates are important for many device applications involving nanomaterials. In this work, the electrical conductivity of gold nanoparticle aggregates has been measured and found to be a useful probe of the surface chemistry of the nanoparticles. It has been observed that the conductivity of the gold nanoparticle aggregates in solution increases with light illumination or thermal heating and recovers completely to the initial value upon removal of the light or heat. The amount of change in conductivity depends on the amount of heat or light. The conductivity change is tentatively attributed to ion dissociation from the nanoparticle surface due to heating or light illumination. Meanwhile, the thermal conductivity of dried silver nanoparticles (30-60 nm) has been measured and found to be around 2 W/m×K. This is consistent with previous prediction of significantly reduced thermal conductivity of Ag nanoparticles/aggregates. In addition, external DC electrical field enhanced surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) was also observed with the excitation laser light focused in between the electrodes instead of on the electrodes. Various potential were applied and an enhancement factor of 5 has been achieved. Possible explanations for this enhancement are provided.
arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics | 2017
Bernhard Schulz; Gábor Márton; I. Valtchanov; Ana Pérez García; Sándor Pintér; Phil Appleton; Csaba Kiss; Tanya Lim; Nanyao Lu; Andreas Papageorgiou; Chris Pearson; John Rector; Miguel Sánchez Portal; D. L. Shupe; Viktor L. Tóth; Schuyler D. Van Dyk; Erika Varga-Verebélyi; Kevin Xu