
Featured researches published by Kim Stevens.

Nature | 2001

Massive gene decay in the leprosy bacillus.

Stewart T. Cole; Karin Eiglmeier; Julian Parkhill; K. D. James; Nicholas R. Thomson; Paul R. Wheeler; Nadine Honoré; Thierry Garnier; Carol Churcher; David Harris; Karen Mungall; D. Basham; D. Brown; Tracey Chillingworth; R. Connor; Robert Davies; K. Devlin; S. Duthoy; Theresa Feltwell; A. Fraser; N. Hamlin; S. Holroyd; T. Hornsby; Kay Jagels; Céline Lacroix; J. Maclean; Sharon Moule; Lee Murphy; Karen Oliver; Michael A. Quail

Leprosy, a chronic human neurological disease, results from infection with the obligate intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium leprae, a close relative of the tubercle bacillus. Mycobacterium leprae has the longest doubling time of all known bacteria and has thwarted every effort at culture in the laboratory. Comparing the 3.27-megabase (Mb) genome sequence of an armadillo-derived Indian isolate of the leprosy bacillus with that of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (4.41 Mb) provides clear explanations for these properties and reveals an extreme case of reductive evolution. Less than half of the genome contains functional genes but pseudogenes, with intact counterparts in M. tuberculosis, abound. Genome downsizing and the current mosaic arrangement appear to have resulted from extensive recombination events between dispersed repetitive sequences. Gene deletion and decay have eliminated many important metabolic activities including siderophore production, part of the oxidative and most of the microaerophilic and anaerobic respiratory chains, and numerous catabolic systems and their regulatory circuits.

Nature | 2001

Genome sequence of Yersinia pestis , the causative agent of plague

Julian Parkhill; Brendan W. Wren; Nicholas R. Thomson; Richard W. Titball; Matthew T. G. Holden; Michael B. Prentice; Mohammed Sebaihia; K. D. James; Carol Churcher; Karen Mungall; Stephen Baker; D. Basham; Stephen D. Bentley; Karen Brooks; Ana Cerdeño-Tárraga; Tracey Chillingworth; A. Cronin; Robert Davies; Paul Davis; Gordon Dougan; Theresa Feltwell; N. Hamlin; S. Holroyd; Kay Jagels; Andrey V. Karlyshev; S. Leather; Sharon Moule; Petra C. F. Oyston; Michael A. Quail; Kim Rutherford

The Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of the systemic invasive infectious disease classically referred to as plague, and has been responsible for three human pandemics: the Justinian plague (sixth to eighth centuries), the Black Death (fourteenth to nineteenth centuries) and modern plague (nineteenth century to the present day). The recent identification of strains resistant to multiple drugs and the potential use of Y. pestis as an agent of biological warfare mean that plague still poses a threat to human health. Here we report the complete genome sequence of Y. pestis strain CO92, consisting of a 4.65-megabase (Mb) chromosome and three plasmids of 96.2 kilobases (kb), 70.3 kb and 9.6 kb. The genome is unusually rich in insertion sequences and displays anomalies in GC base-composition bias, indicating frequent intragenomic recombination. Many genes seem to have been acquired from other bacteria and viruses (including adhesins, secretion systems and insecticidal toxins). The genome contains around 150 pseudogenes, many of which are remnants of a redundant enteropathogenic lifestyle. The evidence of ongoing genome fluidity, expansion and decay suggests Y. pestis is a pathogen that has undergone large-scale genetic flux and provides a unique insight into the ways in which new and highly virulent pathogens evolve.

Nature | 2001

Complete genome sequence of a multiple drug resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi CT18.

Julian Parkhill; Gordon Dougan; K. D. James; Nicholas R. Thomson; Derek Pickard; John Wain; Carol Churcher; Karen Mungall; Stephen D. Bentley; Matthew T. G. Holden; Mohammed Sebaihia; Stephen Baker; D. Basham; Karen Brooks; Tracey Chillingworth; Phillippa L. Connerton; A. Cronin; Paul Davis; Robert Davies; L. Dowd; Nicholas J. White; Jeremy Farrar; Theresa Feltwell; N. Hamlin; Ashraful Haque; Tran Tinh Hien; S. Holroyd; Kay Jagels; Anders Krogh; Tom Larsen

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. typhi) is the aetiological agent of typhoid fever, a serious invasive bacterial disease of humans with an annual global burden of approximately 16 million cases, leading to 600,000 fatalities. Many S. enterica serovars actively invade the mucosal surface of the intestine but are normally contained in healthy individuals by the local immune defence mechanisms. However, S. typhi has evolved the ability to spread to the deeper tissues of humans, including liver, spleen and bone marrow. Here we have sequenced the 4,809,037-base pair (bp) genome of a S. typhi (CT18) that is resistant to multiple drugs, revealing the presence of hundreds of insertions and deletions compared with the Escherichia coli genome, ranging in size from single genes to large islands. Notably, the genome sequence identifies over two hundred pseudogenes, several corresponding to genes that are known to contribute to virulence in Salmonella typhimurium. This genetic degradation may contribute to the human-restricted host range for S. typhi. CT18 harbours a 218,150-bp multiple-drug-resistance incH1 plasmid (pHCM1), and a 106,516-bp cryptic plasmid (pHCM2), which shows recent common ancestry with a virulence plasmid of Yersinia pestis.

Nature Genetics | 2003

Comparative analysis of the genome sequences of Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica

Julian Parkhill; Mohammed Sebaihia; Andrew Preston; Lee Murphy; Nicholas R. Thomson; David Harris; Matthew T. G. Holden; Carol Churcher; Stephen D. Bentley; Karen Mungall; Ana Cerdeño-Tárraga; Louise M. Temple; Keith James; Barbara Harris; Michael A. Quail; Mark Achtman; Rebecca Atkin; Steven Baker; David Basham; Nathalie Bason; Inna Cherevach; Tracey Chillingworth; Matthew Collins; Anne Cronin; Paul Davis; Jonathan Doggett; Theresa Feltwell; Arlette Goble; N. Hamlin; Heidi Hauser

Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Bordetella bronchiseptica are closely related Gram-negative β-proteobacteria that colonize the respiratory tracts of mammals. B. pertussis is a strict human pathogen of recent evolutionary origin and is the primary etiologic agent of whooping cough. B. parapertussis can also cause whooping cough, and B. bronchiseptica causes chronic respiratory infections in a wide range of animals. We sequenced the genomes of B. bronchiseptica RB50 (5,338,400 bp; 5,007 predicted genes), B. parapertussis 12822 (4,773,551 bp; 4,404 genes) and B. pertussis Tohama I (4,086,186 bp; 3,816 genes). Our analysis indicates that B. parapertussis and B. pertussis are independent derivatives of B. bronchiseptica-like ancestors. During the evolution of these two host-restricted species there was large-scale gene loss and inactivation; host adaptation seems to be a consequence of loss, not gain, of function, and differences in virulence may be related to loss of regulatory or control functions.

Nature Genetics | 2006

The multidrug-resistant human pathogen Clostridium difficile has a highly mobile, mosaic genome.

Mohammed Sebaihia; Brendan W. Wren; Peter Mullany; Neil Fairweather; Nigel P. Minton; Richard A. Stabler; Nicholas R. Thomson; Adam P. Roberts; Ana Cerdeño-Tárraga; Hongmei Wang; Matthew T. G. Holden; Anne Wright; Carol Churcher; Michael A. Quail; Stephen Baker; Nathalie Bason; Karen Brooks; Tracey Chillingworth; Ann Cronin; Paul Davis; Linda Dowd; Audrey Fraser; Theresa Feltwell; Zahra Hance; S. Holroyd; Kay Jagels; Sharon Moule; Karen Mungall; Claire Price; Ester Rabbinowitsch

We determined the complete genome sequence of Clostridium difficile strain 630, a virulent and multidrug-resistant strain. Our analysis indicates that a large proportion (11%) of the genome consists of mobile genetic elements, mainly in the form of conjugative transposons. These mobile elements are putatively responsible for the acquisition by C. difficile of an extensive array of genes involved in antimicrobial resistance, virulence, host interaction and the production of surface structures. The metabolic capabilities encoded in the genome show multiple adaptations for survival and growth within the gut environment. The extreme genome variability was confirmed by whole-genome microarray analysis; it may reflect the organisms niche in the gut and should provide information on the evolution of virulence in this organism.

Nature | 2002

Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum chromosomes 1, 3–9 and 13

Neil Hall; Arnab Pain; Matthew Berriman; Carol Churcher; Barbara Harris; David Harris; Karen Mungall; Sharen Bowman; Rebecca Atkin; Stephen Baker; Andy Barron; Karen Brooks; Caroline O. Buckee; C. Burrows; Inna Cherevach; Tracey Chillingworth; Z. Christodoulou; Louise Clark; Richard Clark; Craig Corton; Ann Cronin; Robert Davies; Paul Davis; P. Dear; F. Dearden; Jonathon Doggett; Theresa Feltwell; Arlette Goble; Ian Goodhead; R. Gwilliam

Since the sequencing of the first two chromosomes of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, there has been a concerted effort to sequence and assemble the entire genome of this organism. Here we report the sequence of chromosomes 1, 3–9 and 13 of P. falciparum clone 3D7—these chromosomes account for approximately 55% of the total genome. We describe the methods used to map, sequence and annotate these chromosomes. By comparing our assemblies with the optical map, we indicate the completeness of the resulting sequence. During annotation, we assign Gene Ontology terms to the predicted gene products, and observe clustering of some malaria-specific terms to specific chromosomes. We identify a highly conserved sequence element found in the intergenic region of internal var genes that is not associated with their telomeric counterparts.

Molecular Microbiology | 2004

Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni capsular loci reveals multiple mechanisms for the generation of structural diversity and the ability to form complex heptoses

Andrey V. Karlyshev; Olivia G. Champion; Carol Churcher; Jean-Robert Brisson; Harold G. Jarrell; Michael Gilbert; Denis Brochu; Frank St. Michael; Jianjun Li; Warren W. Wakarchuk; Ian Goodhead; Mandy Sanders; Kim Stevens; Brian R. White; Julian Parkhill; Brendan W. Wren; Christine M. Szymanski

We recently demonstrated that Campylobacter jejuni produces a capsular polysaccharide (CPS) that is the major antigenic component of the classical Penner serotyping system distinguishing Campylobacter into >60 groups. Although the wide variety of C. jejuni serotypes are suggestive of structural differences in CPS, the genetic mechanisms of such differences are unknown. In this study we sequenced biosynthetic cps regions, ranging in size from 15 to 34 kb, from selected C. jejuni strains of HS:1, HS:19, HS:23, HS:36, HS:23/36 and HS:41 serotypes. Comparison of the determined cps sequences of the HS:1, HS:19 and HS:41 strains with the sequenced strain, NCTC11168 (HS:2), provides evidence for multiple mechanisms of structural variation including exchange of capsular genes and entire clusters by horizontal transfer, gene duplication, deletion, fusion and contingency gene variation. In contrast, the HS:23, HS:36 and HS:23/36 cps sequences were highly conserved. We report the first detailed structural analysis of 81‐176 (HS:23/36) and G1 (HS:1) and refine the previous structural interpretations of the HS:19, HS:23, HS:36 and HS:41 serostrains. For the first time, we demonstrate the commonality and function of a second heptose biosynthetic pathway for Campylobacter CPS independent of the pathway for lipooligosaccharide (LOS) biosynthesis and identify a novel heptosyltransferase utilized by this alternate pathway. Furthermore, we show the retention of two functional heptose isomerases in Campylobacter and the sharing of a phosphatase for both LOS and CPS heptose biosynthesis.

Infection and Immunity | 2001

Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Possesses a Unique Repertoire of Fimbrial Gene Sequences

Stacy M. Townsend; Naomi Kramer; Robert Edwards; Stephen Baker; N. Hamlin; Mark Simmonds; Kim Stevens; Stanley R. Maloy; Julian Parkhill; Gordon Dougan; Andreas J. Bäumler

ABSTRACT Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi differs from nontyphoidal Salmonella serotypes by its strict host adaptation to humans and higher primates. Since fimbriae have been implicated in host adaptation, we investigated whether the serotype Typhi genome contains fimbrial operons which are unique to this pathogen or restricted to typhoidal Salmonella serotypes. This study established for the first time the total number of fimbrial operons present in an individual Salmonella serotype. The serotype Typhi CT18 genome, which has been sequenced by the Typhi Sequencing Group at the Sanger Centre, contained a type IV fimbrial operon, an orthologue of the agf operon, and 12 putative fimbrial operons of the chaperone-usher assembly class. In addition tosef, fim, saf, and tcf, which had been described previously in serotype Typhi, we identified eight new putative chaperone-usher-dependent fimbrial operons, which were termedbcf, sta, stb, ste, std, stc, stg, and sth. Hybridization analysis performed with 16 strains ofSalmonella reference collection C and 22 strains ofSalmonella reference collection B showed that all eight putative fimbrial operons of serotype Typhi were also present in a number of nontyphoidal Salmonella serotypes. Thus, a simple correlation between host range and the presence of a single fimbrial operon seems at present unlikely. However, the serotype Typhi genome differed from that of all other Salmonella serotypes investigated in that it contained a unique combination of putative fimbrial operons.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2001

Yersinia pestis pFra shows biovar-specific differences and recent common ancestry with a Salmonella enterica serovar typhi plasmid

Michael B. Prentice; Keith D. James; Julian Parkhill; Stephen Baker; Kim Stevens; Mark Simmonds; Karen Mungall; Carol Churcher; Petra C. F. Oyston; Richard W. Titball; Brendan W. Wren; John Wain; Derek Pickard; Tran Tinh Hien; Jeremy Farrar; Gordon Dougan

Population genetic studies suggest that Yersinia pestis, the cause of plague, is a clonal pathogen that has recently emerged from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Plasmid acquisition is likely to have been a key element in this evolutionary leap from an enteric to a flea-transmitted systemic pathogen. However, the origin of Y. pestis-specific plasmids remains obscure. We demonstrate specific plasmid rearrangements in different Y. pestis strains which distinguish Y. pestis bv. Orientalis strains from other biovars. We also present evidence for plasmid-associated DNA exchange between Y. pestis and the exclusively human pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2004

Genomic plasticity of the causative agent of melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei

Matthew T. G. Holden; Richard W. Titball; Sharon J. Peacock; Ana Cerdeño-Tárraga; Timothy P. Atkins; Lisa Crossman; Tyrone Pitt; Carol Churcher; Karen Mungall; Stephen D. Bentley; Mohammed Sebaihia; Nicholas R. Thomson; Nathalie Bason; Ifor R. Beacham; Karen Brooks; Katherine A. Brown; Nat F. Brown; Greg L. Challis; Inna Cherevach; Tracy Chillingworth; Ann Cronin; Ben Crossett; Paul Davis; David DeShazer; Theresa Feltwell; Audrey Fraser; Zahra Hance; Heidi Hauser; S. Holroyd; Kay Jagels

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