Kinga Karlinger
Semmelweis University
European Journal of Radiology | 2000
Kinga Karlinger; Tamás Györke; Ernő K Makó; Ádám Mester; Zsolt Tarján
The etiology of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is still unknown. However, a satisfactory solution cannot be far away. IBD actually encompasses two diseases, i.e. Crohns disease (CD) and ulcerous colitis (UC). These diseases resemble each other so closely that they cannot be distinguished even pathologically, but differ from each other sufficiently to regard them as independent entities. Epidemiological observations may be helpful in identifying the true causative factors of this evasive disease. Geographically, the prevalence of the disease has a slope from North to South and, to a lesser degree, from West to East. The Western-Eastern discrepancy can be attributed to a difference in Western life styles. The incidence of the disease has been increasing world-wide of late, but its spread has been slowing down in highly affected countries. Racial and ethnic relations in different populations and immigration studies offer interesting data which can reflect genetic, inherited, environmental and behavioural factors. The disease seems to have a characteristic racial-ethnic distribution: the Jewish population is highly susceptible everywhere, but its prevalence in that population nears that of the domestic society in which they live. In Hungary, the Roma (Gypsies) have a considerably lower prevalence than the average population. This can be attributed to a genetic or environmental influence. According to age, the onset of the disease occurs more often in the second or the third decade of life, but there also is another peak in the 60s. Regarding sexual distribution, there is a slight preponderance of colitis ulcerosa in men and of Crohns disease in women. It may correspond to the stronger auto-immune affection in the process of Crohns disease. Environmental factors and behavioural influences also are investigated. Diet, the role of the early ages, smoking habits and the influence of hormonal status and drugs are viewed as useful contributing factors in the manifestation of the disease. Genetic studies show that one-fourth of IBD patients have an affected family member. HLAB27 histocombatibility also plays an important, but not determining role in the development of the disease. Genetic factors seem to have a stronger influence in Crohns disease than ulcerative colitis. The existence of multiple sclerosis-IBD families may reflect the common genetic background or the similar microbial effect as well. A great number of bacterial and viral factors has been suspected of being infectious factors in IBD, mostly in CD. Mycobacteria, Yersinia, Campylobacter, Clostridium, Clamidias, etc. as well as bacteria and some viruses such as herpes and rotavirus and the primary measles virus. None of them has been proven as a real and exclusively pathogenic factor. Immunological background has an important function in the manifestation of the disease. If an individual has a genetic susceptibility to infections, the down regulation of an inflammation in the bowel wall does not occur in a proper way. This initiates the auto-immune process which is a self-increasing cycle. Extra-intestinal manifestations of IBD are of high importance because they can not only follow intestinal symptoms, but precede them by years. Hepatic and biliary disturbances (primary sclerosing cholangitis), are the most serious complications. Mucocutaneous manifestations can be the first appearance of the main disease (in the mouth). Auto-immune consequences (erythema nodosum) or complications caused even by the therapy can occur. Ocular and musculoskeletal manifestations supposedly have the same genetic background and often precede the intestinal symptoms. Considering the epidemiological, genetic and immunological data, we can conclude that ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease are heterogeneous disorders of mutifactorial etiology in which hereditary (genetic) and environmental (microbial, behaviour) factors interact to produce the disease.
European Journal of Radiology | 2000
Zsolt Tarján; Géza Tóth; Tamás Györke; Ádám Mester; Kinga Karlinger; Ernő K Makó
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this work is to prospectively evaluate high resolution ultrasonography with graded compression in the ability to detect Crohns disease of the small bowel (CDSB) together with its complications and activity signs, compared with enteroclysis, CT and immunoscintigraphy in the mirror of the final diagnosis. METHODS AND MATERIAL In a series of 73 consecutive patients, who were referred for enteroclysis with suspected Crohns disease of the small bowel computed tomography (CT), ultrasound (US), immunoscintigraphy with 99mTc labeled monoclonal antigranulocyte antibody (AGAb) examinations were performed within 10 days from each other. For the final evaluation the diagnosis of CDSB was based on combination of clinical and enteroclysis findings (73 cases) and in 17 cases additional surgical and pathological data were available. The results of other modalities were blinded to the radiologists performing and reading out the exams. The diagnostic values of each modality was assessed also in those 18 patients, who had early Crohns disease. In the group of 43 patients with proven CDSB who had all the four imaging modalities, the modalities were compared in their ability to demonstrate various pathological conditions related to CD. Increased (>500 ml/min) flow measured by Doppler US in the superior mesenteric artery and increased color signs in the gut wall seen by power Doppler sonography were compared to CDAI. RESULTS Of the 73 patients the combination of enteroclysis and clinical tests demonstrated CDSB in 47. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of ultrasound were 88.4, 93.3 and 90.4%, respectively. Enteroclysis was the most accurate method. CT was more sensitive than US, but less specific. The accuracy of US, CT and scintigraphy were similar. In the group of 18 patients, who had early CDSB, the sensitivity of US decreased to only 67%, CT and scintigraphy had higher values. Intra- and perimural abscesses, and sinus tracts were also more frequently visualized by US, especially if they were small. US was superior than CT in detecting stenoses and skip lesions, but inferior to enteroclysis. US and CT detected more fistulas, than enteroclysis. Compared to CT, US detected more cases with mesenteric lymphadenopathy, equal cases with abscesses and free peritoneal fluids. In detecting mesenteric inflammatory proliferation CT, and in detecting colonic involvement CT and immunoscintigraphy were slightly superior than graded compression US. Patterns of mural stratification detected by ultrasound correlated well with the enteroclysis severity stages. There was only 59% agreement between increased superior mesenteric artery flow detected by Doppler sonography and CDAI, and 60.5% agreement between increased number of Color pixels in the gut wall measured by power Doppler and increased CDAI. CONCLUSION High resolution graded compression sonography is a valuable tool for detecting small intestinal Crohns disease. It has similar diagnostic values as CT. However in early disease the sensitivity substantially decreases. In known Crohns disease for following disease course, evaluating relapses and extramural manifestations US is an excellent tool. Doppler and Power Doppler activity measurements do not correlate well with the more widespread clinical activity index.
European Journal of Radiology | 2000
Ernő K Makó; Ádám Mester; Zs Tarján; Kinga Karlinger; Géza Tóth
Abstract Introduction: During the last few decades introducing many of new radiologic methods, diagnostic conditions and facilities of Crohn’s disease has became markedly improved. Appropriate using of these technics definitely modifies the management of patients with known or suspected Crohn’s disease serving reliable information about extent, severity and possible complications of disease. Enteroclysis and Computed tomography are the two major and basic methods to disclose or confirme diagnosis of Crohn’s disease, obtain appropriate inforination about disease either with mucosal, transmural or extraintestinal manifestation. Methods and patients: We evaluated 281 patients who were referred in our institution under suspition of Crohn’s disease. Enteroclysis and abdominal spiral CT in all cases were carried out usually within 1 week. The 172 patients underwent abdominal spiral CT as the primary examination to evaluate diagnostic value of spiral CT in this entity, while 109 patiens had enteroclysis followed by abdominal CT. In 11 cases we also perforined CT enteroclysis with administration of 0.5% methylcellulose solution thorough nasojejunal tube controlled by electric motor driven contrast pump. Results were compared with final clinical, pathological or surgical data were available. Results: From the 281 patients eventually 74 proved Crohn’s disease; sensitivity and specificity of enteroclysis proved to be 96 and 98%, while spiral CT sensitivity and specificity was 94 and 95%, respectively. Enteroclysis was superior to the spiral CT in demonstration of early lesions and functional disorders, while spiral CT proved to be essential in evaluation of transmural and extraintestinal complications. Conclusions: Regarding enteroclysis and spiral CT as complementary methods, they provide excellent results in diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.
European Journal of Endocrinology | 2009
Márta Sereg; Ágnes Szappanos; Judit Toke; Kinga Karlinger; Karolina Feldman; Éva Kaszper; Ibolya Varga; Edit Gláz; Károly Rácz; Miklós Tóth
OBJECTIVE Despite the increased prevalences of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), hyperlipidemy, and obesity in patients with non-functioning adrenal adenomas (NFAAs), there is a paucity of data on long-term atherosclerotic morbidity as well as the long-term cardiovascular effects of adrenalectomy in these patients. DESIGN, PATIENTS, AND METHODS This retrospective study includes the results of baseline and follow-up investigations of 125 patients (29 males and 96 females; mean age 60.1 years) with NFAAs referred for endocrine evaluation between 1990 and 2001. Of the 125 patients, 47 underwent unilateral adrenalectomy, while 78 patients were followed conservatively. These patients were reinvestigated after a mean follow-up time of 9.1 (5-16) years in 2006, with special emphasis on laboratory and other atherosclerotic risk factors (ARF), vascular events, and interventions. RESULTS The prevalences of hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance or T2DM, hyperlipidemy, and obesity were 82, 43, 58, and 50%, and 89, 58, 82, and 50% at baseline and follow-up, respectively. None of the investigated ARF prevalences were different between patients treated and not treated with adrenalectomy, and between patients with and without subclinical Cushings syndrome. The prevalences of angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, coronary, and peripheral arterial interventions or cerebrovascular stroke did not differ significantly between patients treated and not treated with adrenalectomy. CONCLUSION Our study confirms previous investigations reporting markedly increased prevalences of various ARF in patients with NFAAs. Adrenalectomy performed in these patients failed to decrease the prevalence of ARF and atherosclerotic morbidity.
European Journal of Radiology | 2000
Zsolt Tarján; Tamás Zágoni; Tamás Györke; Ádám Mester; Kinga Karlinger; Ernő K Makó
OBJECTIVE Most of the studies on virtual colonoscopy are dealing with the role of detecting colorectal polyps or neoplasms. We have undertaken this study to evaluate the value of CT colonography in patients with colonic Crohns disease. METHODS AND MATERIAL Five patients (three males, two females, 23-51 years, mean age 42 years) with known (4) or suspected (1) Crohns disease of the colon underwent fiberoptic colonoscopy and CT colonography in the same day or during a 1-week period. The images were evaluated with the so called zoomed axial slice movie technique and in some regions intra- and extraluminal surface shaded and volume rendered images were generated on a separate workstation. The results were compared to those of a colonoscopy. RESULTS The final diagnosis was Crohns disease in four patients and colitis ulcerosa in one. Total examination was possible by colonoscopy in two cases, and with CT colonography in all five cases. The wall of those segments severely affected by the disease were depicted by the axial CT scans to be thickened. The thick walled, segments with narrow lumen seen on CT colonography corresponded to the regions where colonoscopy was failed to pass. Air filled sinus tracts, thickening of the wall of the terminal ileum, loss of haustration pseudopolyps and deep ulcers were seen in CT colonography. Three dimensional (3D) endoluminal views demonstrated pseudopolyps similar to endoscopic images None of the colonoscopically reported shallow ulcerations or aphtoid ulcerations or granular mucosal surface were observed on 2- or 3D CT colonographic images. CONCLUSION CT colonography by depicting colonic wall thickening seems to be a useful tool in the diagnosis of Crohns colitis, which could be a single examination depicting the intraluminal, and transmural extent of the disease.
Journal of Hypertension | 2012
David Laszlo Tarnoki; Maria Antonietta Stazi; Emanuela Medda; Rodolfo Cotichini; Lorenza Nisticò; Corrado Fagnani; Pierleone Lucatelli; Emanuele Boatta; Chiara Zini; Fabrizio Fanelli; Claudio Baracchini; Giorgio Meneghetti; Janos Osztovits; György Jermendy; István Préda; Róbert Gábor Kiss; Júlia Métneki; Tamás Horváth; Kinga Karlinger; Adel Racz; Andrea Molnár; Levente Littvay; Zsolt Garami; Viktor Berczi; Giuseppe Schillaci
Objective: Central blood pressure and aortic stiffness have been consistently reported as strong cardiovascular risk factors. Twin studies by comparing identical with nonidentical twins produce information on the relative contribution of genes and environment. Methods: One hundred and fifty-four monozygotic (MZ) and 42 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (age 43 ± 17 years) from Hungary and the United States underwent brachial and central augmentation index (AIx), brachial and central pressure, and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurements with the invasively validated Arteriograph device. Bivariate Cholesky decomposition models were applied. Results: Age-adjusted, sex-adjusted and country-adjusted heritability was 60.0% for central SBP [95% confidence interval (CI), 44.8–69.6%], 50.1% for aortic PWV (95%CI, 26.0–66.8%), 48.7% for aortic AIx (95%CI, 1.7–74.0%), 46.8% for brachial AIx (95%CI, 1.1–73.8%), 46.7% for central pulse pressure (PP) (95%CI, 12.4–61.4%), and 30.0% for brachial PP (95%CI, 0.0–53.4%). Central SBP and PP had strong bivariate correlations with brachial (r = 0.461 and 0.425) and central AIx (r = 0.457 and 0.419), as well as with aortic PWV (r = 0.341 and 0.292, all P < 0.001). Brachial PP had a weak correlation with brachial AIx (r = −0.118, P < 0.05), central AIx (r = −0.122, P < 0.05), and none with aortic PWV (r = 0.08, P = n.s.). Genetic factors explained a moderate phenotypic correlation between central PP, SBP, brachial SBP and aortic PWV. Conclusions: Central systolic and PPs, brachial PP, AIx, aortic PWV are moderately heritable. A moderate genetic covariance among aortic PWV and central PP, central SBP and brachial SBP was found.
European Journal of Radiology | 2000
Tamás Györke; László Duffek; Katalin Bártfai; Ernő K Makó; Kinga Karlinger; Ádám Mester; Zsolt Tarján
UNLABELLED The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) needs a complex diagnostic work-up. Beside verifying the disease itself, it is fundamental to assess disease extent and activity and to detect associated complications, to find the most effective treatment and for follow up. Scintigraphy with radiolabelled leukocytes is able to provide a complete survey of the whole intestinal tract, both the small and large bowel, and detects septic complications successfully with negligible risk. Radionuclide procedures are useful in establishing or ruling out IBD in patients with intestinal complaints, in assessing disease severity, and in the evaluation of extraintestinal septic complications. Widely available radionuclide procedures are discussed, i.e. scintigraphy by 111Indium oxime or 99mTechnetium HMPAO labelled white blood cells and immunoscintigraphy with 99mTc anti-granulocyte antibodies. Advantages and disadvantages of all three methods are stressed out. PATIENTS AND METHODS The immunoscintigraphies with 99mTc anti-granulocyte antibodies (ANTI-GRANULOCYTE(R) BW 250/183) of 27 patients with suspicion of IBD were retrospectively analysed. Planar anterior and posterior images were obtained 4 and 24 h postinjection, respectively. The bowel was divided into six segments and the activity was visually graded with reference to bone marrow in each segments. The scans were compared with the results of radiological and endoscopical investigations. The diagnosis of IBD was proved or ruled out by means of enteroclysis, large bowel enema or endoscopy. RESULTS In the 27 patients, 74 bowel segments with increased activity were detected. In the case of 30 segments in 16 patients, bowel inflammation was revealed by the other methods (true positives). In the case of 44 bowel segments, no underlying bowel inflammation could be verified, and these activities were regarded as aspecific activity. We could not differentiate between true positive and aspecific activity based on scan pattern or intensity. DISCUSSION These findings of aspecific bowel activity using imuunoscintigraphy are in contrast with the results of former studies, while the existence of non-specific activity decreases the reliability of the method. Based on the literature and our experiences, we conclude that 99mTc HMPAO labelling should be the method of choice for the investigation of IBD patients.
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology | 2013
Pal Bata; Janos Gyebnar; David Laszlo Tarnoki; Dora Kekesi; Attila Szendroi; Bence Fejer; A. Marcell Szász; Péter Nyirády; Kinga Karlinger; Viktor Berczi
PURPOSE Conventional clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) and papillary renal cell carcinoma (pRCC) have different behavioral characteristics and clinical management strategies (nephrectomy vs. nephron-sparing surgery). Our aim was to retrospectively evaluate the contrast enhancement pattern of ccRCC and pRCC and evaluate its possible diagnostic role for preoperative differentiation using a standardized protocol. MATERIALS AND METHODS Quadriphasic multidetector computed tomography (CT) images (unenhanced, corticomedullary, nephrographic, and excretory phases) of 19 patients with 20 ccRCC and 14 patients with 15 pRCC lesions (mean ages, 62.3±14.1 and 61.4±13.7 years, respectively) were reviewed retrospectively. The attenuation characteristics were compared with the attenuation of the normal renal cortex using either multiple 10 mm2 regions of interest or whole tumor attenuation measurements. The degree of contrast enhancement was also compared. RESULTS Univariate analysis revealed that ccRCC lesions showed higher mean attenuation values on the corticomedullary and nephrographic phases compared with pRCC masses (P < 0.05) using both measurement techniques. CONCLUSION The findings underscore the importance of multiphase CT in the differentiation of these two subtypes of RCC using standard assessment techniques. The measurement of the degree of enhancement on contrast-enhanced multidetector CT may be a simple and useful method to radiologically differentiate between the two histological types of RCC.
Liver International | 2012
David Laszlo Tarnoki; Pal Bata; Levente Littvay; Janos Osztovits; György Jermendy; Kinga Karlinger; István Préda; Róbert Gábor Kiss; Andrea Molnár; Zsolt Garami; Gyorgy Baffy; Viktor Berczi
Non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has been linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity. However, genetic factors have an unclear role in this condition.
Atherosclerosis | 2013
David Laszlo Tarnoki; Leonie H. Bogl; Emanuela Medda; Corrado Fagnani; Lorenza Nisticò; Maria Antonietta Stazi; Sonia Brescianini; Pierleone Lucatelli; Emanuele Boatta; Chiara Zini; Fabrizio Fanelli; Claudio Baracchini; Giorgio Meneghetti; Janos Osztovits; György Jermendy; Róbert Gábor Kiss; István Préda; Kinga Karlinger; Andrea Molnár; Levente Littvay; Zsolt Garami; Viktor Berczi; Giacomo Pucci; Gyorgy Baffy; Giuseppe Schillaci; Kirsi H. Pietiläinen
RATIONALE Obesity, blood pressure and arterial stiffness are heritable traits interconnected to each other but their possible common genetic and environmental etiologies are unknown. METHODS We studied 228 monozygotic and 150 dizygotic twin pairs aged 18-82 years from Italy, Hungary and the United States, of which 45 monozygotic and 38 dizygotic pairs were discordant for body mass index (BMI; intrapair difference (Δ) in BMI ≥ 3 kg/m(2)). Blood pressure components and arterial stiffness were measured by TensioMed Arteriograph. RESULTS Hypertension was more prevalent among obese than non-obese individuals (55% vs. 29%, p < 0.001). Age-, sex- and country-adjusted heritability estimates were high for hemodynamic measures (45%-58%) and BMI (78%). According to bivariate Cholesky decomposition, phenotypic correlations between BMI and blood pressure components (r = -0.15 to 0.24, p < 0.05) were largely explained by additive genetic factors (65%-77%) with the remaining explained by the unique environment. When controlling for genetic factors within all monozygotic pairs, ΔBMI was significantly correlated with Δbrachial systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), Δmean arterial pressure, and Δaortic SBP (r = 0.15-0.17, p < 0.05). For the same measures, heavier co-twins of BMI-discordant monozygotic pairs had significantly higher values than their leaner counterparts (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION Blood pressure components are moderately correlated with BMI, largely because of shared genetic factors. However, for the association of BMI with brachial SBP and DBP, aortic SBP and mean arterial pressure, acquired, modifiable factors were also found to be important.