
Featured researches published by Kirsi Rilla.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2001

Epidermal Growth Factor Activates Hyaluronan Synthase 2 in Epidermal Keratinocytes and Increases Pericellular and Intracellular Hyaluronan

Juha-Pekka Pienimäki; Kirsi Rilla; Csaba Fülöp; Reijo Sironen; Susanna Karvinen; Sanna Pasonen; Mikko J. Lammi; Raija Tammi; Vincent C. Hascall; Markku Tammi

Hyaluronan is an abundant and rapidly turned over matrix molecule between the vital cell layers of the epidermis. In this study, epidermal growth factor (EGF) induced a coat of hyaluronan and a 3–5-fold increase in its rate of synthesis in a rat epidermal keratinocyte cell line that has retained its ability for differentiation. EGF also increased hyaluronan in perinuclear vesicles, suggesting concurrent enhancement in its endocytosis. Cell-associated hyaluronan was most abundant in elongated cells that were stimulated to migrate by EGF, as determined in vitroin a wound healing assay. Large fluctuations in the pool size of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, the metabolic precursor of hyaluronan, correlated with medium glucose concentrations but not with EGF. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed no increase in hyaluronan synthases 1 and 3 (Has1 and Has3), whereas Has2 mRNA increased 2–3-fold in less than 2 h following the introduction of EGF, as estimated by quantitative RT-PCR with a truncated Has2 mRNA internal standard. The average level of Has2 mRNA increased from ∼6 copies/cell in cultures before change of fresh medium, up to ∼54 copies/cell after 6 h in EGF-containing medium. A control medium with 10% serum caused a maximum level of ∼21 copies/cell at 6 h. The change in the Has2 mRNA levels and the stimulation of hyaluronan synthesis followed a similar temporal pattern, reaching a maximum level at 6 h and declining toward 24 h, a finding in line with a predominantly Has2-dependent hyaluronan synthesis and its transcriptional regulation.

Experimental Cell Research | 2009

4-Methylumbelliferone inhibits hyaluronan synthesis by depletion of cellular UDP-glucuronic acid and downregulation of hyaluronan synthase 2 and 3.

Anne Kultti; Sanna Pasonen-Seppänen; Marjo Jauhiainen; Kirsi Rilla; Riikka Kärnä; Emma Pyöriä; Raija Tammi; Markku Tammi

Hyaluronan accumulation on cancer cells and their surrounding stroma predicts an unfavourable disease outcome, suggesting that hyaluronan enhances tumor growth and spreading. 4-Methylumbelliferone (4-MU) inhibits hyaluronan synthesis and retards cancer spreading in experimental animals through mechanisms not fully understood. These mechanisms were studied in A2058 melanoma cells, MCF-7 and MDA-MB-361 breast, SKOV-3 ovarian and UT-SCC118 squamous carcinoma cells by analysing hyaluronan synthesis, UDP-glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcUA) content, and hyaluronan synthase (HAS) mRNA levels. The maximal inhibition in hyaluronan synthesis ranged 22-80% in the cell lines tested. Active glucuronidation of 4-MU produced large quantities of 4-MU-glucuronide, depleting the cellular UDP-GlcUA pool. The maximal reduction varied between 38 and 95%. 4-MU also downregulated HAS mRNA levels: HAS3 was 84-60% lower in MDA-MB-361, A2058 and SKOV-3 cells. HAS2 was the major isoenzyme in MCF-7 cells and lowered by 81%, similar to 88% in A2058 cells. These data indicate that both HAS substrate and HAS2 and/or HAS3 mRNA are targeted by 4-MU. Despite different target point sensitivities, the reduction of hyaluronan caused by 4-MU was associated with a significant inhibition of cell migration, proliferation and invasion, supporting the importance of hyaluronan synthesis in cancer, and the therapeutic potential of hyaluronan synthesis inhibition.

FEBS Journal | 2011

Transcriptional and post-translational regulation of hyaluronan synthesis

Raija Tammi; Alberto Passi; Kirsi Rilla; Evgenia Karousou; Davide Vigetti; Katri M. Makkonen; Markku Tammi

Hyaluronan, a ubiquitous high‐molecular‐mass glycinoglycan on cell surfaces and in extracellular matrices, has a number of specific signaling functions in cell–cell communication. Changes in its content, molecular mass and turnover rate are crucial for cell proliferation, migration and apoptosis, processes that control tissue remodeling during embryonic development, inflammation, injury and cancer. To maintain tissue homeostasis, the synthesis of hyaluronan must therefore be tightly controlled. In this review, we highlight some recent data on the transcriptional regulation of hyaluronan synthase (Has1–3) expression and on the post‐transcriptional control of hyaluronan synthase activity, which, in close association with the supply of the UDP‐sugar substrates of hyaluronan synthase, adjust the rate of hyaluronan synthesis.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2006

Hyaluronan synthesis induces microvillus-like cell surface protrusions

Anne Kultti; Kirsi Rilla; Riikka Tiihonen; Andrew P. Spicer; Raija Tammi; Markku Tammi

Hyaluronan synthases (HASs) are plasma membrane enzymes that simultaneously elongate, bind, and extrude the growing hyaluronan chain directly into extracellular space. In cells transfected with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Has3, the dorsal surface was decorated by up to 150 slender, 3–20-μm-long microvillus-type plasma membrane protrusions, which also contained filamentous actin, the hyaluronan receptor CD44, and lipid raft microdomains. Enzymatic activity of HAS was required for the growth of the microvilli, which were not present in cells transfected with other GFP proteins or inactive GFP-Has3 mutants or in cells incubated with exogenous soluble hyaluronan. The microvilli induced by HAS3 were gradually withered by introduction of an inhibitor of hyaluronan synthesis and rapidly retracted by hyaluronidase digestion, whereas they were not affected by competition with hyaluronan oligosaccharides and disruption of the CD44 gene, suggesting independence of hyaluronan receptors. The data bring out the novel concept that the glycocalyx created by dense arrays of hyaluronan chains, tethered to HAS during biosynthesis, can induce and maintain prominent microvilli.

Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | 2009

Crosstalk between Hsp70 molecular chaperone, lysosomes and proteasomes in autophagy‐mediated proteolysis in human retinal pigment epithelial cells

Tuomas Ryhänen; Juha M.T. Hyttinen; Jürgen Kopitz; Kirsi Rilla; Erkki Kuusisto; Eliisa Mannermaa; Johanna Viiri; Carina I. Holmberg; Ilkka Immonen; Seppo Meri; Jussi Parkkinen; Eeva-Liisa Eskelinen; Hannu Uusitalo; Antero Salminen; Kai Kaarniranta

The pathogenesis of age‐related macular degeneration involves chronic oxidative stress, impaired degradation of membranous discs shed from photoreceptor outer segments and accumulation of lysosomal lipofuscin in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. It has been estimated that a major part of cellular proteolysis occurs in proteasomes, but the importance of proteasomes and the other proteolytic pathways including autophagy in RPE cells is poorly understood. Prior to proteolysis, heat shock proteins (Hsps), agents that function as molecular chaperones, attempt to refold misfolded proteins and thus prevent the accumulation of cytoplasmic protein aggregates. In the present study, the roles of the Hsp70 molecular chaperone and proteasomal and lysosomal proteolytic pathways were evaluated in human RPE cells (ARPE‐19). The Hsp70 and ubiquitin protein levels and localization were analysed by Western blotting and immunofluorescense. Confocal and transmission electron microscopy were used to detect cellular organelles and to evaluate the morphological changes. Hsp70 levels were modulated using RNA interference and overexpression techniques. Cell viability was measured by colorimetric assay. The proteasome inhibitor MG‐132 evoked the accumulation of perinuclear aggregates positive for Hsp70, ubiquitin‐protein conjugates and the lysosomal membrane protein LAMP‐2. Interestingly, the hsp70 mRNA depletion significantly increased cell death in conjunction with proteasome inhibition. We found that the accumulation of lysosomes was reversible: a cessation of proteasome inhibition led to clearance of the deposits via a mechanism believed to include autophagy. The molecular chaperone Hsp70, proteasomes and autophagy have an important regulatory role in the protein turnover of human RPE cells and may thus open new avenues for understanding degenerative processes in retinal cells.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Autophagy Activation Clears ELAVL1/HuR-Mediated Accumulation of SQSTM1/p62 during Proteasomal Inhibition in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells

Johanna Viiri; Marialaura Amadio; Nicoletta Marchesi; Juha M.T. Hyttinen; Niko Kivinen; Reijo Sironen; Kirsi Rilla; Saeed Akhtar; Alessandro Provenzani; Vito Giuseppe D'Agostino; Stefano Govoni; Alessia Pascale; Hansjürgen T. Agostini; Goran Petrovski; Antero Salminen; Kai Kaarniranta

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common reason of visual impairment in the elderly in the Western countries. The degeneration of retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) causes secondarily adverse effects on neural retina leading to visual loss. The aging characteristics of the RPE involve lysosomal accumulation of lipofuscin and extracellular protein aggregates called “drusen”. Molecular mechanisms behind protein aggregations are weakly understood. There is intriguing evidence suggesting that protein SQSTM1/p62, together with autophagy, has a role in the pathology of different degenerative diseases. It appears that SQSTM1/p62 is a connecting link between autophagy and proteasome mediated proteolysis, and expressed strongly under the exposure to various oxidative stimuli and proteasomal inhibition. ELAVL1/HuR protein is a post-transcriptional factor, which acts mainly as a positive regulator of gene expression by binding to specific mRNAs whose corresponding proteins are fundamental for key cellular functions. We here show that, under proteasomal inhibitor MG-132, ELAVL1/HuR is up-regulated at both mRNA and protein levels, and that this protein binds and post-transcriptionally regulates SQSTM1/p62 mRNA in ARPE-19 cell line. Furthermore, we observed that proteasomal inhibition caused accumulation of SQSTM1/p62 bound irreversibly to perinuclear protein aggregates. The addition of the AMPK activator AICAR was pro-survival and promoted cleansing by autophagy of the former complex, but not of the ELAVL1/HuR accumulation, indeed suggesting that SQSTM1/p62 is decreased through autophagy-mediated degradation, while ELAVL1/HuR through the proteasomal pathway. Interestingly, when compared to human controls, AMD donor samples show strong SQSTM1/p62 rather than ELAVL1/HuR accumulation in the drusen rich macular area suggesting impaired autophagy in the pathology of AMD.

Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry | 2008

Pericellular Hyaluronan Coat Visualized in Live Cells With a Fluorescent Probe Is Scaffolded by Plasma Membrane Protrusions

Kirsi Rilla; Riikka Tiihonen; Anne Kultti; Markku Tammi; Raija Tammi

Many cell types wear up to 20-μm-wide hyaluronidase-sensitive surface coats, detected by exclusion of sedimenting particles like fixed erythrocytes. The structure of the coat is enigmatic, being apparently too thick to be accounted by random coils or even extended chains of just hyaluronan attached to cell surface. We have shown that hyaluronan synthesis enforced by green fluorescent protein-hyaluronan synthase transfection creates microvillous protrusions. The idea that the plasma membrane protrusions rather than hyaluronan alone is responsible for the exclusion space was studied with a fluorescent probe for hyaluronan and a dye with membrane affinity, applied to live cell cultures. Mesothelial and smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, and chondrocytes, all known for their endogenously active hyaluronan synthesis, showed hyaluronan-coated plasma membrane protrusions, barely visible in phase contrast microscopy. Treatment with hyaluronidase and inhibition of hyaluronan synthesis caused retraction of the protrusions unless they were attached to substratum. Hyaluronan and the exclusion space were reduced, but did not disappear, by purified hyaluronan hexasaccharides that compete with hyaluronan attached to CD44. The results suggest that slender plasma membrane protrusions are an inherent feature of hyaluronan coats, form their scaffold, and largely result from ongoing hyaluronan synthesis in their plasma membrane. This manuscript contains online supplemental material at Please visit this article online to view these materials.

Journal of Cell Science | 2002

Changed lamellipodial extension, adhesion plaques and migration in epidermal keratinocytes containing constitutively expressed sense and antisense hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2) genes.

Kirsi Rilla; Mikko J. Lammi; Reijo Sironen; Kari Törrönen; Merja Luukkonen; Vincent C. Hascall; Ronald J. Midura; Mika M. Hyttinen; Jukka Pelkonen; Markku Tammi; Raija Tammi

Hyaluronan is a major component of the epidermal extracellular matrix, is actively synthesized by keratinocytes and shows fast matrix turnover in the stratified epithelium. We probed the importance of hyaluronan synthesis in keratinocytes by establishing cell lines carrying the exogenous hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2) gene in sense and antisense orientations to increase and decrease their hyaluronan synthesis, respectively. Compared with cell lines transfected with the vector only, most clones containing the Has2 sense gene migrated faster in an in vitro wounding assay, whereas Has2 antisense cells migrated more slowly. Has2 antisense clones showed delayed entry into the S phase of cell cycle following plating, smaller lamellipodia and less spreading on the substratum. The decrease of hyaluronan on the undersurface of Has2 antisense cells was associated with an increased area of adhesion plaques containing vinculin. Exogenous hyaluronan added to the keratinocyte cultures had a minor stimulatory effect on migration after wounding but did not restore the reduced migratory ability of Has2 antisense cells. Hyaluronan decasaccharides that displace receptor bound hyaluronan in keratinocytes, and Streptomyces hyaluronidase sufficient to remove most cell surface hyaluronan had little effect on cell migration. The results suggest that the dynamic synthesis of hyaluronan directed by Has2, rather than the abundance of pericellular hyaluronan, controls keratinocyte migration, a cell function vital for the repair of squamous epithelia following wounding.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2013

Hyaluronan Synthase 1 (HAS1) Requires Higher Cellular UDP-GlcNAc Concentration than HAS2 and HAS3

Kirsi Rilla; Sanna Oikari; Tiina A. Jokela; Juha M.T. Hyttinen; Riikka Kärnä; Raija Tammi; Markku Tammi

Background: HAS isoenzymes differ in enzymatic activity and regulation. Results: HAS1 requires higher UDP-sugar concentration than HAS2 and HAS3. Conclusion: HAS1 activity is highly dependent, and its expression correlates with cellular UDP-sugar supply. Significance: Enhanced UDP-sugar levels are potential mediators of enhanced hyaluronan secretion in cancer and inflammation. Mammals have three homologous genes encoding proteins with hyaluronan synthase activity (Has1–3), all producing an identical polymer from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and UDP-glucuronic acid. To compare the properties of these isoenzymes, COS-1 cells, with minor endogenous hyaluronan synthesis, were transfected with human Has1–3 isoenzymes. HAS1 was almost unable to secrete hyaluronan or form a hyaluronan coat, in contrast to HAS2 and HAS3. This failure of HAS1 to synthesize hyaluronan was compensated by increasing the cellular content of UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine by ∼10-fold with 1 mm glucosamine in the growth medium. Hyaluronan synthesis driven by HAS2 was less affected by glucosamine addition, and HAS3 was not affected at all. Glucose-free medium, leading to depletion of the UDP-sugars, markedly reduced hyaluronan synthesis by all HAS isoenzymes while raising its concentration from 5 to 25 mm had a moderate stimulatory effect. The results indicate that HAS1 is almost inactive in cells with low UDP-sugar supply, HAS2 activity increases with UDP-sugars, and HAS3 produces hyaluronan at high speed even with minimum substrate content. Transfected Has2 and particularly Has3 consumed enough UDP-sugars to reduce their content in COS-1 cells. Comparison of different human cell types revealed ∼50-fold differences in the content of UDP-N-acetylhexosamines and UDP-glucuronic acid, correlating with the expression level of Has1, suggesting cellular coordination between Has1 expression and the content of UDP-sugars.

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment | 2014

Hyaluronan synthases (HAS1–3) in stromal and malignant cells correlate with breast cancer grade and predict patient survival

Päivi Auvinen; Kirsi Rilla; Ritva Tumelius; Markku Tammi; Reijo Sironen; Ylermi Soini; Veli-Matti Kosma; Arto Mannermaa; Jukka Viikari; Raija Tammi

Abstract Accumulation of hyaluronan (HA) in pericellular stroma and carcinoma cells is predictive of unfavorable patient prognosis in many epithelial cancers. However, it is not known whether the HA originates from carcinoma or stromal cells, or whether increased expression of hyaluronan synthase proteins (HAS1–3) contributes to HA accumulation. In this study, localization and expression of HAS1–3 were evaluated immunohistochemically in 278 cases of human breast cancer, and correlated with prognostic factors and patient outcome. Both carcinoma cells and stromal cells were HAS-positive. In carcinoma cells, HAS1 and HA stainings correlated with each other, and HAS1 associated with estrogen receptor negativity, HER2 positivity, high relapse rate, and short overall survival. In stromal cells, the staining levels of all HAS isoforms correlated with the stromal HA staining, stromal cell CD44, high relapse rate, and short overall survival of the patients. In addition, expression levels of stromal HAS1 and HAS2 were related to obesity, large tumor size, lymph node positivity, and estrogen receptor negativity. Thus, stromal HAS1 and HAS3 were independent prognostic factors in the multivariate analysis. The data suggest that increased levels of HAS enzymes contribute to the accumulation of HA in breast cancer, and that HA is synthesized in carcinoma cells and stromal cells. The study also indicates that HAS enzyme levels are related to tumor aggressiveness and poor patient outcome representing potential targets for therapy.

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